
76 lines
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* @package Airtime
* @subpackage StorageServer
* @copyright 2010 Sourcefabric O.P.S.
* @license
* In the future, most Airtime upgrades will involve just mutating the
* data that is stored on the system. For example, The only data
* we need to preserve between versions is the database, /etc/airtime, and
* /srv/airtime. Everything else is just binary files that can be removed/replaced
* with the new version of Airtime. Of course, the data may need to be in a new
* format, and that's what this upgrade script will be for.
class AirtimeStorWatchedDirsUpgrade{
public static function start(){
/* This class deals with any modifications to config files in /etc/airtime
* as well as backups. All functions other than start() should be marked
* as private. */
class AirtimeConfigFileUpgrade{
public static function start(){
/* This class deals with any modifications to config files in /etc/airtime
* as well as backups. All functions other than start() should be marked
* as private. */
class AirtimeMiscUpgrade{
public static function start(){
public static function modifyPypo(){
echo "* Modifying User Pypo".PHP_EOL;
exec("usermod -s /bin/false pypo");
exec("passwd --delete pypo");
public static function modifyMonitPassword(){
echo "* Generating Monit password".PHP_EOL;
copy(__DIR__."/monit-airtime-generic.cfg", "/etc/monit/conf.d/monit-airtime-generic.cfg");
$pass = self::GenerateRandomString(10);
exec("sed -i 's/\$admin_pass/$pass/g' /etc/monit/conf.d/monit-airtime-generic.cfg");
public static function updateMonitConfFiles(){
echo "* Updating Monit Conf Files".PHP_EOL;
public static function GenerateRandomString($p_len=20, $p_chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789')
$string = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $p_len; $i++)
$pos = mt_rand(0, strlen($p_chars)-1);
$string .= $p_chars{$pos};
return $string;