540 lines
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540 lines
20 KiB
* Created by asantoni on 11/09/15.
var AIRTIME = (function(AIRTIME) {
//Module initialization
if (AIRTIME.widgets === undefined) {
AIRTIME.widgets = {};
//Table widget constructor
* @param wrapperDOMNode
* @param {boolean} bItemSelection
* @param {Object} toolbarButtons
* @param {Object} dataTablesOptions
* @param {Object} [emptyPlaceholder]
* @param {string} emptyPlaceholder.html
* @param {string} emptyPlaceholder.iconClass
* @returns {Table}
* @constructor
var Table = function(wrapperDOMNode, bItemSelection, toolbarButtons, dataTablesOptions, emptyPlaceholder) {
var self = this;
self.HUGE_INT = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1;
//Constants and enumerations
//Member variables
self._datatable = null;
self._selectedRows = []; //An array containing the underlying objects for each selected row. (Easy to use!)
//self._selectedRowVisualIdxMap = []; //A map of the visual index of a selected rows onto the actual row data.
self._selectedRowVisualIdxMin = self.HUGE_INT;
self._selectedRowVisualIdxMax = -1;
self._$wrapperDOMNode = null;
self._toolbarButtons = null;
//Save some of the constructor parameters
self._$wrapperDOMNode = $(wrapperDOMNode);
self._toolbarButtons = toolbarButtons;
self._emptyPlaceholder = emptyPlaceholder;
// Exclude the leftmost column if we're implementing item selection
self._colVisExcludeColumns = bItemSelection ? [0] : [];
//Finish initialization of the datatable since everything is declared by now.
// If selection is enabled, add in the checkbox column.
if (bItemSelection) {
/* Checkbox */ { "sTitle" : "", "mData" : self._datatablesCheckboxDataDelegate.bind(this), "bSortable" : false , "bSearchable" : false , "sWidth" : "24px" , "sClass" : "airtime_table_checkbox" }
var options = {
"aoColumns": [
/* Title */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Make sure to override me") , "mDataProp" : "track_title" , "sClass" : "library_title" , "sWidth" : "170px" },
"bProcessing": true,
"bServerSide": true,
"sAjaxSource": baseUrl+"rest/media", //Override me
"sAjaxDataProp": "aaData",
"bScrollCollapse": false,
"deferLoading" : 1, //0 tells it there's zero elements loaded and disables the automatic AJAX. We don't want to load until after we bind all our event handlers, to prevent a race condition with the "init" event callback.
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"bJQueryUI": true,
"bAutoWidth": false,
"aaSorting": [],
"iDisplayLength": 25,
"aLengthMenu": [25, 50, 100],
"oLanguage" : getDatatablesStrings({
"sEmptyTable": $.i18n._(""),
"sZeroRecords": $.i18n._("No matching results found.")
"oColVis": {
"sAlign": "right",
"aiExclude": self._colVisExcludeColumns,
"buttonText": $.i18n._("Columns"),
"iOverlayFade": 0
// z = ColResize, R = ColReorder, C = ColVis
"sDom": 'Rf<"dt-process-rel"r><"H"<"table_toolbar"C>><"dataTables_scrolling"t<".empty_placeholder"<".empty_placeholder_image"><".empty_placeholder_text">>><"F"lip>>',
"fnPreDrawCallback": function () {
"fnServerData": self._fetchData.bind(self),
//"fnInitComplete" : function() { self._setupEventHandlers(bItemSelection) }
"fnDrawCallback": function () {
//Override any options with those passed in as arguments to this constructor.
for (var key in dataTablesOptions)
options[key] = dataTablesOptions[key];
if (options.fnCreatedRow) {
options.fnCreatedRow = options.fnCreatedRow.bind(self);
if (options.fnDrawCallback) {
options.fnDrawCallback = options.fnDrawCallback.bind(self);
self._datatable = self._$wrapperDOMNode.dataTable(options);
// self._datatable.fnDraw(); //Load the AJAX data now that our event handlers have been bound.
//return self._datatable;
return self;
Table.prototype.assignDblClickHandler = function(fn) {
$(this._datatable, 'tbody tr').on('dblclick', this._SELECTORS.SELECTION_TABLE_ROW, fn);
/* Set up global event handlers for the datatable.
* @param bItemSelection Whether or not row selection behaviour should be enabled for this widget.
* */
Table.prototype._setupEventHandlers = function(bItemSelection) {
var self = this;
/** This table row event handler is created once and catches events for any row. (It's less resource intensive
* than having a per-row callback...)
if (bItemSelection) {
$(self._datatable, 'tbody tr').on('click contextmenu', self._SELECTORS.SELECTION_TABLE_ROW, function (e) {
var aData = self._datatable.fnGetData(this);
var iDisplayIndex = $(this).index(); // The index of the row in the current page in the table.
var nRow = this;
var selectionMode = self.SELECTION_MODE.SINGLE;
if (e.shiftKey) {
selectionMode = self.SELECTION_MODE.MULTI_SHIFT;
} else if (e.ctrlKey) {
selectionMode = self.SELECTION_MODE.MULTI_CTRL;
if (e.button == 2) {
selectionMode = self.SELECTION_MODE.SINGLE;
self.selectRow(nRow, aData, selectionMode, iDisplayIndex);
$(self._datatable, 'tbody tr').on('click', self._SELECTORS.SELECTION_CHECKBOX, function(e) {
$this = $(this);
var iVisualRowIdx = $this.parent().index();
var aData = self._datatable.fnGetData(iVisualRowIdx);
var selectionMode = self.SELECTION_MODE.MULTI_CTRL; //Behaviour for checkboxes.
if (e.shiftKey) {
selectionMode = self.SELECTION_MODE.MULTI_SHIFT;
self.selectRow($this.parent(), aData, selectionMode, iVisualRowIdx); //Always multiselect for checkboxes
return true;
// Clear selection when switching pages
$(self._datatable).on('page', function () {
// On filter, display the number of total and filtered results in the search bar
$(self._datatable).on('filter', function() {
var dt = self._datatable, f = dt.closest(".dataTables_wrapper").find(".filter-message"),
totalRecords = dt.fnSettings().fnRecordsTotal(),
totalDisplayRecords = dt.fnSettings().fnRecordsDisplay();
if (f.length === 0) {
var el = document.createElement("span");
el.setAttribute("class", "filter-message");
f = dt.closest(".dataTables_wrapper").find(".dataTables_filter").append(el).find(".filter-message");
f.text(totalRecords > totalDisplayRecords ?
$.i18n._("Filtering out ") + (totalRecords - totalDisplayRecords)
+ $.i18n._(" of ") + totalRecords
+ $.i18n._(" records") : ""
dt.closest(".dataTables_wrapper").find('.dataTables_filter input[type="text"]')
.css('padding-right', f.outerWidth());
//Since this function is already called when the datatables initialization is complete, we know the DOM
//structure for the datatable exists and can just proceed to setup the toolbar DOM elements now.
* Member functions
/** Populate the toolbar with buttons.
* @param buttons A list of objects which contain button definitions. See self.TOOLBAR_BUTTON_ROLES for an example, or use getStandardToolbarButtons() to get a list of them.
* @private
Table.prototype._setupToolbarButtons = function(buttons) {
var self = this;
var $menu = self._$wrapperDOMNode.parent().parent().find("div.table_toolbar");
//Create the toolbar buttons.
$.each(buttons, function(idx, btn) {
var buttonElement = self._createToolbarButton(btn.title, btn.iconClass, btn.extraBtnClass, btn.elementId);
btn.element = buttonElement; //Save this guy in case you need it later.
//Bind event handlers to each button
$.each(btn.eventHandlers, function(eventName, eventCallback) {
$(buttonElement).on(eventName, function () {
if ($(buttonElement).find("button").is(':disabled')) { return; }
* Check each of the toolbar buttons for the table and disable them if their constraints are invalid.
* Passes current Table object context to function calls.
Table.prototype._checkToolbarButtons = function () {
var self = this;
$.each(self._toolbarButtons, function (idx, btn) {
var btnNode = $(btn.element).find("button").get(0);
btnNode.disabled = btn.disabled = !btn.validateConstraints.call(self);
/** Create the DOM element for a toolbar button and return it. */
Table.prototype._createToolbarButton = function(title, iconClass, extraBtnClass, elementId) {
if (!iconClass) {
iconClass = 'icon-plus';
// var title = $.i18n._('Delete');
var outerDiv = document.createElement("div");
outerDiv.className = 'btn-group';
outerDiv.title = title;
var innerButton = document.createElement("button");
//innerButton.className = 'btn btn-small ' + extraBtnClass;
innerButton.className = 'btn ' + extraBtnClass;
innerButton.id = elementId;
var innerIcon = document.createElement("i");
innerIcon.className = 'icon-white ' + iconClass;
var innerTextSpan = document.createElement('span');
var innerText = document.createTextNode(title);
/* Here's an example of what the button HTML should look like:
"<div class='btn-group' title=" + $.i18n._('Delete') + ">" +
"<button class='btn btn-small btn-danger' id='sb-trash'>" +
"<i class='icon-white icon-trash'></i>" +
"<span>" + $.i18n._('Delete') + "</span>" +
"</button>" +
return outerDiv;
Table.prototype.clearSelection = function() {
this._selectedRows = [];
//self._selectedRowVisualIdxMap = [];
this._selectedRowVisualIdxMin = self.HUGE_INT;
this._selectedRowVisualIdxMax = -1;
this._$wrapperDOMNode.find(this._SELECTORS.SELECTION_CHECKBOX).find('input').attr('checked', false);
/** @param nRow is a tr DOM node (non-jQuery)
* @param aData is an array containing the raw data for the row. Can be null if you don't have it.
* @param selectionMode is an SELECT_MODE enum. Specify what selection mode you want to use for this action.
* @param iVisualRowIdx is an integer which corresponds to the index of the clicked row, as it appears to the user.
* eg. The 5th row in the table will have an iVisualRowIdx of 4 (0-based).
Table.prototype.selectRow = function(nRow, aData, selectionMode, iVisualRowIdx) {
var self = this;
//Default to single item selection.
if (selectionMode == undefined) {
selectionMode = self.SELECTION_MODE.SINGLE;
var $nRow = $(nRow);
//Regular single left-click mode
if (selectionMode == self.SELECTION_MODE.SINGLE) {
self._selectedRowVisualIdxMin = iVisualRowIdx;
self._selectedRowVisualIdxMax = iVisualRowIdx;
//self._selectedRowVisualIdxMap[iVisualRowIdx] = aData;
$nRow.find(self._SELECTORS.SELECTION_CHECKBOX).find('input').attr('checked', true);
//Ctrl-click multi row selection mode
else if (selectionMode == self.SELECTION_MODE.MULTI_CTRL) {
var foundAtIdx = $.inArray(aData, self._selectedRows);
//console.log('checkbox mouse', iVisualRowIdx, foundAtIdx);
//If the clicked row is already selected, deselect it.
if (foundAtIdx >= 0 && self._selectedRows.length >= 1) {
self._selectedRows.splice(foundAtIdx, 1);
$nRow.find(self._SELECTORS.SELECTION_CHECKBOX).find('input').attr('checked', false);
else {
self._selectedRowVisualIdxMin = iVisualRowIdx;
self._selectedRowVisualIdxMax = iVisualRowIdx;
$nRow.find(self._SELECTORS.SELECTION_CHECKBOX).find('input').attr('checked', true);
//Shift-click multi row selection mode
else if (selectionMode == self.SELECTION_MODE.MULTI_SHIFT) {
//If there's no rows selected, just behave like single selection.
if (self._selectedRows.length == 0) {
return self.selectRow(nRow, aData, self.SELECTION_MODE.SINGLE, iVisualRowIdx);
if (iVisualRowIdx > self._selectedRowVisualIdxMax) {
self._selectedRowVisualIdxMax = iVisualRowIdx;
if (iVisualRowIdx < self._selectedRowVisualIdxMin) {
self._selectedRowVisualIdxMin = iVisualRowIdx;
var selectionStartRowIdx = Math.min(iVisualRowIdx, self._selectedRowVisualIdxMin);
var selectionEndRowIdx = Math.min(iVisualRowIdx, self._selectedRowVisualIdxMax);
//We can assume there's at least 1 row already selected now.
var allRows = self._datatable.fnGetData();
self._selectedRows = [];
for (var i = self._selectedRowVisualIdxMin; i <= self._selectedRowVisualIdxMax; i++)
$row = $($nRow.parent().children()[i]);
$row.find(self._SELECTORS.SELECTION_CHECKBOX).find('input').attr('checked', true);
else {
console.log("Unimplemented selection mode");
Table.prototype.getSelectedRows = function() {
return this._selectedRows;
Table.prototype.getEmptyPlaceholder = function () {
return this._emptyPlaceholder;
Table.prototype._handleAjaxError = function(r) {
// If the request was denied due to permissioning
if (r.status === 403) {
$('.empty_placeholder_text').text($.i18n._("You don't have permission to view this resource."));
/** Grab data from a REST API and format so that DataTables can display it.
* This is the DataTables REST adapter function, basically.
* */
Table.prototype._fetchData = function ( sSource, aoData, fnCallback, oSettings )
var self = this;
var echo = aoData[0].value; //Datatables state tracking. Must be included.
var sortColName = "";
var sortDir = "";
var search = self._$wrapperDOMNode.closest(".dataTables_wrapper").find(".dataTables_filter").find("input").val();
if (oSettings.aaSorting.length > 0) {
var sortColIdx = oSettings.aaSorting[0][0];
sortColName = oSettings.aoColumns[sortColIdx].mDataProp;
sortDir = oSettings.aaSorting[0][1].toUpperCase();
// FIXME: We should probably just be sending aoData back here..?
"dataType": 'json',
"type": "GET",
"url": sSource,
"data": {
"limit": oSettings._iDisplayLength,
"offset": oSettings._iDisplayStart,
"sort": sortColName,
"sort_dir": sortDir,
"search": search
"success": function (json, textStatus, jqXHR) {
var rawResponseJSON = json;
json = [];
json.aaData = rawResponseJSON;
json.iTotalRecords = jqXHR.getResponseHeader('X-TOTAL-COUNT');
json.iTotalDisplayRecords = json.iTotalRecords;
json.sEcho = echo;
//Pass it along to datatables.
"error": self._handleAjaxError
Table.prototype._datatablesCheckboxDataDelegate = function(rowData, callType, dataToSave) {
if (callType == undefined) {
//Supposed to return the raw data for the type here.
return null;
} else if (callType == 'display') {
return "<input type='checkbox'>";
} else if (callType == 'sort') {
return null;
} else if (callType == 'type') {
return "input";
} else if (callType == 'set') {
//The data to set is in dataToSave.
} else if (callType == 'filter') {
return null;
//For all other calls, just return the data as this:
return "check";
//Accessors / Mutators
Table.prototype.getDatatable = function() {
return this._datatable;
//Static initializers / Class variables
Table.prototype._SELECTORS = Object.freeze({
SELECTION_CHECKBOX: ".airtime_table_checkbox",
NEW : 0,
EDIT : 1,
//Set of standard buttons. Use getStandardToolbarButtons() to grab these and pass them to the init() function.
title : $.i18n._('New'),
iconClass : "icon-plus",
extraBtnClass : "btn-small btn-new",
elementId : '',
eventHandlers : {},
validateConstraints: function () { return true; }
title : $.i18n._('Edit'),
iconClass : "icon-pencil",
extraBtnClass : "btn-small",
elementId : '',
eventHandlers : {},
validateConstraints: function () { return true; }
title : $.i18n._('Delete'),
iconClass : "icon-trash",
extraBtnClass : "btn-small btn-danger",
elementId : '',
eventHandlers : {},
validateConstraints: function () { return true; }
//Static method
Table.getStandardToolbarButtons = function() {
//Return a deep copy
return jQuery.extend(true, {}, Table._STANDARD_TOOLBAR_BUTTONS);
//Add Table to the widgets namespace
AIRTIME.widgets.Table = Table;
return AIRTIME;
}(AIRTIME || {}));