334 lines
9.8 KiB
334 lines
9.8 KiB
var estimatedSchedulePosixTime = -1;
var localRemoteTimeOffset;
var previousSongs = new Array();
var currentSong = new Array();
var nextSongs = new Array();
var currentElem;
var serverUpdateInterval = 5000;
var uiUpdateInterval = 200;
var songEndFunc;
var showStartPosixTime = 0;
var showEndPosixTime = 0;
var showLengthMs = 1;
/* boolean flag to let us know if we should prepare to execute a function
* that flips the playlist to the next song. This flags purpose is to
* make sure the function is only executed once*/
var nextSongPrepare = true;
/* Another script can register its function here
* when it wishes to know when a song ends. */
function registerSongEndListener(func){
songEndFunc = func;
function notifySongEndListener(){
if (typeof songEndFunc == "function")
/* Takes an input parameter of milliseconds and converts these into
* the format HH:MM:SS */
function convertToHHMMSS(timeInMS){
var time = parseInt(timeInMS);
var hours = parseInt(time / 3600000);
time -= 3600000*hours;
var minutes = parseInt(time / 60000);
time -= 60000*minutes;
var seconds = parseInt(time / 1000);
hours = hours.toString();
minutes = minutes.toString();
seconds = seconds.toString();
if (hours.length == 1)
hours = "0" + hours;
if (minutes.length == 1)
minutes = "0" + minutes;
if (seconds.length == 1)
seconds = "0" + seconds;
if (hours == "00")
return minutes + ":" + seconds;
return "" + hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds;
function convertToHHMMSSmm(timeInMS){
var time = parseInt(timeInMS);
var hours = parseInt(time / 3600000);
time -= 3600000*hours;
var minutes = parseInt(time / 60000);
time -= 60000*minutes;
var seconds = parseInt(time / 1000);
time -= 1000*seconds;
var ms = parseInt(time);
hours = hours.toString();
minutes = minutes.toString();
seconds = seconds.toString();
ms = ms.toString();
if (hours.length == 1)
hours = "0" + hours;
if (minutes.length == 1)
minutes = "0" + minutes;
if (seconds.length == 1)
seconds = "0" + seconds;
if (ms.length == 3)
ms = ms.substring(0, 2);
else if (ms.length == 2)
ms = "0" + ms.substring(0,1);
else if (ms.length == 1)
ms = "00";
if (hours == "00")
return minutes + ":" + seconds + "." + ms;
return "" + hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds+ "." + ms;
function convertDateToHHMMSS(epochTime){
var d = new Date(epochTime);
var hours = d.getUTCHours().toString();
var minutes = d.getUTCMinutes().toString();
var seconds = d.getUTCSeconds().toString();
if (hours.length == 1)
hours = "0" + hours;
if (minutes.length == 1)
minutes = "0" + minutes;
if (seconds.length == 1)
seconds = "0" + seconds;
return "" + hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds;
function convertDateToPosixTime(s){
var year = s.substring(0, 4);
var month = s.substring(5, 7);
var day = s.substring(8, 10);
var hour = s.substring(11, 13);
var minute = s.substring(14, 16);
var sec = s.substring(17, 19);
var msec = 0;
if (s.length >= 20){
msec = s.substring(20);
return Date.UTC(year, month, day, hour, minute, sec, msec);
function getTrackInfo(song){
var str = "";
if (song.track_title != null)
str += song.track_title;
if (song.artist_name != null)
str += " - " + song.artist_name;
//if (song.album_title != null)
//str += " - " + song.album_title;
str += ","
return str;
function secondsTimer(){
var date = new Date();
estimatedSchedulePosixTime = date.getTime() - localRemoteTimeOffset;
function updateGlobalValues(obj){
showStartPosixTime = obj.showStartPosixTime;
showEndPosixTime = obj.showEndPosixTime;
showLengthMs = showEndPosixTime - showStartPosixTime;
function newSongStart(){
nextSongPrepare = true;
currentSong[0] = nextSongs.shift();
/* Called every "uiUpdateInterval" mseconds. */
function updateProgressBarValue(){
if (estimatedSchedulePosixTime != -1){
if (showStartPosixTime != 0){
var showPercentDone = (estimatedSchedulePosixTime - showStartPosixTime)/showLengthMs*100;
if (showPercentDone < 0 || showPercentDone > 100){
showPercentDone = 0;
$('#on-air-info').attr("class", "on-air-info off");
} else {
$('#on-air-info').attr("class", "on-air-info on");
$('#progress-show').attr("style", "width:"+showPercentDone+"%");
var songPercentDone = 0;
if (currentSong.length > 0){
songPercentDone = (estimatedSchedulePosixTime - currentSong[0].songStartPosixTime)/currentSong[0].songLengthMs*100;
if (songPercentDone < 0 || songPercentDone > 100){
songPercentDone = 0;
currentSong = new Array();
$('#progress-bar').attr("style", "width:"+songPercentDone+"%");
//calculate how much time left to next song if there is any
if (nextSongs.length > 0 && nextSongPrepare){
if (nextSongs[0].songStartPosixTime - estimatedSchedulePosixTime < serverUpdateInterval){
nextSongPrepare = false;
setTimeout(newSongStart, nextSongs[0].songStartPosixTime - estimatedSchedulePosixTime);
setTimeout(secondsTimer, uiUpdateInterval);
function updatePlaybar(){
/* Column 0 update */
$('#previous').text("Prev Song: N/A");
$('#current').text("Current Song: N/A");
$('#next').text("Next Song: N/A");
if (previousSongs.length > 0){
if (currentSong.length > 0){
if (nextSongs.length > 0){
for (var i=0; i<currentSong.length; i++){
$('#start').text(currentSong[i].starts.substring(currentSong[i].starts.indexOf(" ")+1));
$('#end').text(currentSong[i].ends.substring(currentSong[i].starts.indexOf(" ")+1));
/* Get rid of the millisecond accuracy so that the second counters for both
* show and song change at the same time. */
var songStartRoughly = parseInt(Math.round(currentSong[i].songStartPosixTime/1000))*1000;
var songEndRoughly = parseInt(Math.round(currentSong[i].songEndPosixTime/1000))*1000;
$('#time-elapsed').text(convertToHHMMSS(estimatedSchedulePosixTime - songStartRoughly));
$('#time-remaining').text(convertToHHMMSS(songEndRoughly - estimatedSchedulePosixTime));
/* Column 1 update */
$('#playlist').text("Current Show: N/A");
for (var i=0; i<currentSong.length; i++){
if (estimatedSchedulePosixTime < showEndPosixTime){
$('#show-length').text(convertDateToHHMMSS(showStartPosixTime) + " - " + convertDateToHHMMSS(showEndPosixTime));
/* Column 2 update */
function calcAdditionalData(currentItem, bUpdateGlobalValues){
for (var i=0; i<currentItem.length; i++){
currentItem[i].songStartPosixTime = convertDateToPosixTime(currentItem[i].starts);
currentItem[i].songEndPosixTime = convertDateToPosixTime(currentItem[i].ends);
currentItem[i].songLengthMs = currentItem[i].songEndPosixTime - currentItem[i].songStartPosixTime;
currentItem[i].showStartPosixTime = convertDateToPosixTime(currentItem[i].starts.substring(0, currentItem[i].starts.indexOf(" ")) + " " + currentItem[i].start_time);
currentItem[i].showEndPosixTime = convertDateToPosixTime(currentItem[i].starts.substring(0, currentItem[i].starts.indexOf(" ")) + " " + currentItem[i].end_time);
//check if there is a rollover past midnight
if (currentItem[i].start_time > currentItem[i].end_time){
//start_time is greater than end_time, so we rolled through midnight.
currentItem[i].showEndPosixTime += (1000*3600*24); //add 24 hours
currentItem[i].showLengthMs = currentItem[i].showEndPosixTime - currentItem[i].showStartPosixTime;
if (bUpdateGlobalValues){
function parseItems(obj){
var schedulePosixTime = convertDateToPosixTime(obj.schedulerTime);
previousSongs = obj.previous;
currentSong = obj.current;
nextSongs = obj.next;
calcAdditionalData(previousSongs, false);
calcAdditionalData(currentSong, true);
calcAdditionalData(nextSongs, false);
if (estimatedSchedulePosixTime == -1){
var date = new Date();
localRemoteTimeOffset = date.getTime() - schedulePosixTime;
estimatedSchedulePosixTime = schedulePosixTime;
function getScheduleFromServer(){
$.ajax({ url: "/Schedule/get-current-playlist/format/json", dataType:"json", success:function(data){
setTimeout(getScheduleFromServer, serverUpdateInterval);
function init(elemID) {
//begin producer "thread"
//begin consumer "thread"
function popup(mylink){
if (!window.focus)
return true;
var href;
if (typeof(mylink) == 'string')
window.open(href, "player", 'width=300,height=100,scrollbars=yes');
return false;
$(document).ready(function() {
//initialize the playlist bar in the included playlist.js