305 lines
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305 lines
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var AIRTIME = (function (AIRTIME) {
var mod;
if (AIRTIME.podcast === undefined) {
AIRTIME.podcast = {};
mod = AIRTIME.podcast;
var endpoint = 'rest/podcast/', PodcastTable;
//AngularJS app
var podcastApp = angular.module('podcast', [])
.controller('RestController', function($scope, $http, podcast, tab) {
// We need to pass in the tab object and the episodes table object so we can reference them
//We take a podcast object in as a parameter rather fetching the podcast by ID here because
//when you're creating a new podcast, we already have the object from the result of the POST. We're saving
//a roundtrip by not fetching it again here.
$scope.podcast = podcast;
$scope.csrf = jQuery("#csrf").val();
tab.contents.find("table").attr("id", "podcast_episodes_" + podcast.id);
var episodeTable = AIRTIME.podcast.initPodcastEpisodeDatatable(podcast, tab);
* Override the switchTo function to reload the table when the tab is focused.
* Should help to reduce the number of cases where the frontend doesn't match the state
* of the backend (due to automatic ingestion).
* Note that these cases should already be very few and far between.
* TODO: make sure this doesn't noticeably slow performance
* XXX: it's entirely possible that this (in the angular app) is not where we want this function...
tab.switchTo = function() {
* Internal function.
* Make a PUT request to the server to update the podcast object
* @private
function _updatePodcast() {
$http.put(endpoint + $scope.podcast.id, { csrf_token: $scope.csrf, podcast: $scope.podcast })
.success(function() {
* For imported podcasts.
* Save each of the selected episodes and update the podcast object.
$scope.savePodcast = function() {
var episodes = episodeTable.getSelectedRows();
// TODO: Should we implement a batch endpoint for this instead?
jQuery.each(episodes, function() {
$http.post(endpoint + $scope.podcast.id + '/episodes', { csrf_token: $scope.csrf, episode: this });
* For the station podcast.
* Update the station podcast object.
$scope.saveStationPodcast = function() {
// TODO: We still need a way to delete episodes from the station podcast
* Close the tab and discard any changes made to the podcast data.
$scope.discard = function() {
$scope.podcast = {};
* Implement bulk editing of podcasts in order to accommodate the existing selection
* mechanisms on the frontend.
* Bulk methods use a POST request because we need to send data in the request body.
* @param method HTTP request method type
* @param callback function to run upon success
* @private
function _bulkAction(method, callback) {
var ids = [], selectedData = AIRTIME.library.podcastTableWidget.getSelectedRows();
selectedData.forEach(function(el) {
var uid = AIRTIME.library.MediaTypeStringEnum.PODCAST+"_"+el.id,
t = AIRTIME.tabs.get(uid);
if (t && method == HTTPMethods.DELETE) {
if (!(t && method == HTTPMethods.GET)) {
} else if (t != AIRTIME.tabs.getActiveTab()) {
if (ids.length > 0) {
$.post(endpoint + "bulk", {csrf_token: $("#csrf").val(), method: method, ids: ids}, callback);
* Bootstrap and initialize the Angular app for the podcast being opened
* @param podcast podcast JSON object to pass to the angular app
* @param tab Tab object the angular app will be initialized in
* @private
function _bootstrapAngularApp(podcast, tab) {
podcastApp.value('podcast', podcast);
podcastApp.value('tab', tab);
var wrapper = tab.contents.find(".editor_pane_wrapper");
wrapper.attr("ng-controller", "RestController");
angular.bootstrap(wrapper.get(0), ["podcast"]);
* Initialization function for a podcast tab.
* Called when editing one or more podcasts.
* @param data JSON data returned from the server.
* Contains stringified podcast object JSON and tab
* content HTML and has the following form:
* {
* podcast: '{
* ...
* }'
* html: '<...>'
* }
* @private
function _initAppFromResponse(data) {
var podcast = JSON.parse(data.podcast),
uid = AIRTIME.library.MediaTypeStringEnum.PODCAST+"_"+podcast.id,
tab = AIRTIME.tabs.openTab(data.html, uid, null);
_bootstrapAngularApp(podcast, tab);
* Initialize the PodcastTable subclass object (from Table).
* Do this in its own function to avoid unnecessary reinitialization of the object.
* @private
function _initPodcastTable() {
PodcastTable = function(wrapperDOMNode, bItemSelection, toolbarButtons, dataTablesOptions) {
// Just call the superconstructor. For clarity/extensibility
return AIRTIME.widgets.Table.call(this, wrapperDOMNode, bItemSelection, toolbarButtons, dataTablesOptions);
}; // Subclass AIRTIME.widgets.Table
PodcastTable.prototype = Object.create(AIRTIME.widgets.Table.prototype);
PodcastTable.prototype.constructor = PodcastTable;
PodcastTable.prototype._SELECTORS = Object.freeze({
SELECTION_CHECKBOX: ".airtime_table_checkbox:has(input)",
SELECTION_TABLE_ROW: "tr:has(td.airtime_table_checkbox > input)"
PodcastTable.prototype._datatablesCheckboxDataDelegate = function(rowData, callType, dataToSave) {
if (rowData.ingested) return null; // Don't create checkboxes for ingested items
return AIRTIME.widgets.Table.prototype._datatablesCheckboxDataDelegate.call(this, rowData, callType, dataToSave);
// Since we're using a static source, define a separate function to fetch and 'reload' the table data
// We use this when we save the Podcast because we need to flag rows the user is ingesting
PodcastTable.prototype.reload = function(id) {
var dt = this._datatable;
$.get(endpoint + id, function(json) {
* Create and show the URL dialog for podcast creation.
mod.createUrlDialog = function() {
$.get('/render/podcast-url-dialog', function(json) {
title: $.i18n._("Add New Podcast"),
resizable: false,
modal: true,
width: 'auto',
height: 'auto'
* Find the URL in the podcast creation dialog and POST it to the server
* to store the feed as a Podcast object.
* FIXME: we should probably be passing the serialized form into this function instead
mod.addPodcast = function() {
$.post(endpoint, $("#podcast_url_dialog").find("form").serialize(), function(json) {
* Create a bulk request to edit all currently selected podcasts.
mod.editSelectedPodcasts = function() {
_bulkAction(HTTPMethods.GET, function(json) {
json.forEach(function(data) {
* Create a bulk request to delete all currently selected podcasts.
mod.deleteSelectedPodcasts = function() {
if (confirm($.i18n._("Are you sure you want to delete the selected podcasts from your library?"))) {
_bulkAction(HTTPMethods.DELETE, function () {
* Initialize the internal datatable for the podcast editor view to hold episode data passed back from the server.
* The episode data is taken from the RSS feed XML and contains all episodes in the feed, including but not
* limited to episodes already ingested (downloaded) into Airtime.
* Selection for the internal table represents episodes marked for ingest and is disabled for ingested episodes.
* @param podcast the podcast data JSON object. Includes episode data
* @param tab Tab object the podcast will be opened in
* @returns {*} the created Table object
mod.initPodcastEpisodeDatatable = function(podcast, tab) {
var aoColumns = [
/* GUID */ { "sTitle" : "" , "mDataProp" : "guid" , "sClass" : "podcast_episodes_guid" , "bVisible" : false },
/* Title */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Title") , "mDataProp" : "title" , "sClass" : "podcast_episodes_title" , "sWidth" : "170px" },
/* Author */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Author") , "mDataProp" : "author" , "sClass" : "podcast_episodes_author" , "sWidth" : "170px" },
/* Description */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Description") , "mDataProp" : "description" , "sClass" : "podcast_episodes_description" , "sWidth" : "300px" },
/* Link */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Link") , "mDataProp" : "link" , "sClass" : "podcast_episodes_link" , "sWidth" : "170px" },
/* Publication Date */ { "sTitle" : $.i18n._("Publication Date") , "mDataProp" : "pub_date" , "sClass" : "podcast_episodes_pub_date" , "sWidth" : "170px" }
if (typeof PodcastTable === 'undefined') {
var podcastToolbarButtons = AIRTIME.widgets.Table.getStandardToolbarButtons();
podcastToolbarButtons[AIRTIME.widgets.Table.TOOLBAR_BUTTON_ROLES.DELETE].eventHandlers.click = function(e) {
// TODO: add {this} reference to event handlers and implement deletion for station podcasts
// Set up the div with id "podcast_table" as a datatable.
var podcastEpisodesTableWidget = new PodcastTable(
tab.contents.find('.podcast_episodes'), // DOM node to create the table inside.
true, // Enable item selection
podcastToolbarButtons, // Toolbar buttons
{ // Datatables overrides.
'aoColumns' : aoColumns,
'bServerSide' : false,
// We want to make as few round trips as possible, so we get
// the episode data alongside the Podcast data and pass it in
// as json. Doing this caches all the episode data on the front-end,
// which means we also don't need to go back to the server for pagination
'sAjaxSource' : null,
'aaData' : podcast.episodes,
"oColVis": {
"sAlign": "right",
"aiExclude": [0, 1],
"buttonText": $.i18n._("Columns"),
"iOverlayFade": 0,
'oColReorder': {
'iFixedColumns': 1 // Checkbox
return podcastEpisodesTableWidget;
return AIRTIME;
}(AIRTIME || {}));