62 lines
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62 lines
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import os
from pydispatch import dispatcher
from media.monitor.events import NewFile, DeleteFile, ModifyFile
from media.monitor.log import Loggable
import media.monitor.pure as mmp
class Bootstrapper(Loggable):
Bootstrapper reads all the info in the filesystem flushes organize events
and watch events
def __init__(self,db,watch_signal):
db - AirtimeDB object; small layer over api client
last_ran - last time the program was ran.
watch_signal - the signals should send events for every file on.
self.db = db
self.watch_signal = watch_signal
def flush_all(self, last_ran):
bootstrap every single watched directory. only useful at startup note
that because of the way list_directories works we also flush the import
directory as well I think
for d in self.db.list_storable_paths(): self.flush_watch(d, last_ran)
def flush_watch(self, directory, last_ran):
flush a single watch/imported directory. useful when wanting to to
rescan, or add a watched/imported directory
songs = set([])
added = modded = deleted = 0
for f in mmp.walk_supported(directory, clean_empties=False):
# We decide whether to update a file's metadata by checking its
# system modification date. If it's above the value self.last_ran
# which is passed to us that means media monitor wasn't aware when
# this changes occured in the filesystem hence it will send the
# correct events to sync the database with the filesystem
if os.path.getmtime(f) > last_ran:
modded += 1
dispatcher.send(signal=self.watch_signal, sender=self,
db_songs = set(( song for song in self.db.directory_get_files(directory)
if mmp.sub_path(directory,song) ))
# Get all the files that are in the database but in the file
# system. These are the files marked for deletions
for to_delete in db_songs.difference(songs):
dispatcher.send(signal=self.watch_signal, sender=self,
deleted += 1
for to_add in songs.difference(db_songs):
dispatcher.send(signal=self.watch_signal, sender=self,
added += 1
self.logger.info( "Flushed watch directory (%s). \
(added, modified, deleted) = (%d, %d, %d)"
% (directory, added, modded, deleted) )