229 lines
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229 lines
8.8 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import threading
import time
import copy
import traceback
from media.monitor.handler import ReportHandler
from media.monitor.log import Loggable
from media.monitor.exceptions import BadSongFile
from media.monitor.pure import LazyProperty
from media.monitor.eventcontractor import EventContractor
import api_clients.api_client as ac
class RequestSync(threading.Thread,Loggable):
This class is responsible for making the api call to send a request
to airtime. In the process it packs the requests and retries for
some number of times
def __init__(self, watcher, requests):
self.watcher = watcher
self.requests = requests
self.retries = 1
self.request_wait = 0.3
def apiclient(self):
return ac.AirtimeApiClient.create_right_config()
def run(self):
self.logger.info("Attempting request with %d items." %
# Note that we must attach the appropriate mode to every
# response. Also Not forget to attach the 'is_record' to any
# requests that are related to recorded shows
# TODO : recorded shows aren't flagged right
# Is this retry shit even necessary? Consider getting rid of this.
packed_requests = []
for request_event in self.requests:
for request in request_event.safe_pack():
if isinstance(request, BadSongFile):
self.logger.info("Bad song file: '%s'" % request.path)
else: packed_requests.append(request)
except BadSongFile as e:
self.logger.info("This should never occur anymore!!!")
self.logger.info("Bad song file: '%s'" % e.path)
except Exception as e:
self.logger.info("An evil exception occured")
self.logger.error( traceback.format_exc() )
def make_req():
self.apiclient.send_media_monitor_requests( packed_requests )
for try_index in range(0,self.retries):
try: make_req()
# most likely we did not get json response as we expected
except ValueError:
self.logger.info("ApiController.php probably crashed, we \
diagnose this from the fact that it did not return \
valid json")
self.logger.info("Trying again after %f seconds" %
time.sleep( self.request_wait )
except Exception as e: self.unexpected_exception(e)
self.logger.info("Request worked on the '%d' try" %
(try_index + 1))
else: self.logger.info("Failed to send request after '%d' tries..." %
class TimeoutWatcher(threading.Thread,Loggable):
The job of this thread is to keep an eye on WatchSyncer and force a
request whenever the requests go over time out
def __init__(self, watcher, timeout=5):
self.logger.info("Created timeout thread...")
self.watcher = watcher
self.timeout = timeout
def run(self):
# We try to launch a new thread every self.timeout seconds
# so that the people do not have to wait for the queue to fill up
while True:
# If there is any requests left we launch em. Note that this
# isn't strictly necessary since RequestSync threads already
# chain themselves
if self.watcher.requests_in_queue():
self.logger.info("We got %d requests waiting to be launched" %
# Same for events, this behaviour is mandatory however.
if self.watcher.events_in_queue():
self.logger.info("We got %d events that are unflushed" %
class WatchSyncer(ReportHandler,Loggable):
def __init__(self, signal, chunking_number = 100, timeout=15):
self.timeout = float(timeout)
self.chunking_number = int(chunking_number)
# Even though we are not blocking on the http requests, we are still
# trying to send the http requests in order
self.__requests = []
self.request_running = False
# we don't actually use this "private" instance variable anywhere
self.__current_thread = None
self.contractor = EventContractor()
tc = TimeoutWatcher(self, self.timeout)
tc.daemon = True
super(WatchSyncer, self).__init__(signal=signal)
def handle(self, sender, event):
We implement this abstract method from ReportHandler
if hasattr(event, 'pack'):
# We push this event into queue
self.logger.info("Received event '%s'. Path: '%s'" % \
( event.__class__.__name__,
getattr(event,'path','No path exists') ))
# If there is a strange bug anywhere in the code the next line
# should be a suspect
if self.contractor.register( event ):
self.push_queue( event )
except BadSongFile as e:
self.fatal_exception("Received bas song file '%s'" % e.path, e)
except Exception as e:
self.logger.info("Received event that does not implement packing.\
Printing its representation:")
self.logger.info( repr(event) )
def requests_left_count(self):
returns the number of requests left in the queue. requests are
functions that create RequestSync threads
return len(self.__requests)
def events_left_count(self):
Returns the number of events left in the queue to create a request
return len(self.__queue)
def push_queue(self, elem):
Added 'elem' to the event queue and launch a request if we are
over the the chunking number
self.logger.info("Added event into queue")
if self.events_left_count() >= self.chunking_number:
self.request_do() # Launch the request if nothing is running
def flush_events(self):
Force flush the current events held in the queue
self.logger.info("Force flushing events...")
def events_in_queue(self):
returns true if there are events in the queue that haven't been
processed yet
return len(self.__queue) > 0
def requests_in_queue(self):
Returns true if there are any requests in the queue. False otherwise.
return len(self.__requests) > 0
def flag_done(self):
called by request thread when it finishes operating
self.request_running = False
self.__current_thread = None
# This call might not be necessary but we would like to get the
# ball running with the requests as soon as possible
if self.requests_in_queue() > 0: self.request_do()
def request_do(self):
launches a request thread only if one is not running right now
if not self.request_running:
self.request_running = True
def push_request(self):
Create a request from the current events in the queue and schedule it
self.logger.info("WatchSyncer : Unleashing request")
# want to do request asyncly and empty the queue
requests = copy.copy(self.__queue)
def launch_request():
# Need shallow copy here
t = RequestSync(watcher=self, requests=requests)
self.__current_thread = t
def __reset_queue(self): self.__queue = []
def __del__(self):
# Ideally we would like to do a little more to ensure safe shutdown
if self.events_in_queue():
self.logger.warn("Terminating with events still in the queue...")
if self.requests_in_queue():
self.logger.warn("Terminating with http requests still pending...")