314 lines
12 KiB
314 lines
12 KiB
import os
import sys
import time
import logging
import logging.config
import shutil
import pickle
import random
import string
import json
from api_clients import api_client
from util import CueFile
from configobj import ConfigObj
# loading config file
config = ConfigObj('config.cfg')
POLL_INTERVAL = float(config['poll_interval'])
#PUSH_INTERVAL = float(config['push_interval'])
LS_HOST = config['ls_host']
LS_PORT = config['ls_port']
except Exception, e:
print 'Error loading config file: ', e
class PypoFetch:
def __init__(self):
self.api_client = api_client.api_client_factory(config)
self.cue_file = CueFile()
def set_export_source(self, export_source):
self.export_source = export_source
self.cache_dir = config["cache_dir"] + self.export_source + '/'
self.schedule_file = self.cache_dir + 'schedule.pickle'
self.schedule_tracker_file = self.cache_dir + "schedule_tracker.pickle"
Fetching part of pypo
- Reads the scheduled entries of a given range (actual time +/- "prepare_ahead" / "cache_for")
- Saves a serialized file of the schedule
- playlists are prepared. (brought to liquidsoap format) and, if not mounted via nsf, files are copied
to the cache dir (Folder-structure: cache/YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss)
- runs the cleanup routine, to get rid of unused cashed files
def fetch(self, export_source):
wrapper script for fetching the whole schedule (in json)
logger = logging.getLogger()
try: os.mkdir(self.cache_dir)
except Exception, e: pass
# get schedule
while self.get_schedule() != 1:
logger.warning("failed to read from export url")
except Exception, e: logger.error("%s", e)
# prepare the playlists
if config["cue_style"] == 'pre':
try: self.prepare_playlists_cue()
except Exception, e: logger.error("%s", e)
elif config["cue_style"] == 'otf':
try: self.prepare_playlists(self.export_source)
except Exception, e: logger.error("%s", e)
# cleanup
try: self.cleanup(self.export_source)
except Exception, e: logger.error("%s", e)
def get_schedule(self):
logger = logging.getLogger()
status, response = self.api_client.get_schedule()
if status == 1:
logger.info("dump serialized schedule to %s", self.schedule_file)
schedule = response['playlists']
schedule_file = open(self.schedule_file, "w")
pickle.dump(schedule, schedule_file)
except Exception, e:
logger.critical("Exception %s", e)
status = 0
return status
#TODO this is a duplicate function!!!
def load_schedule(self):
logger = logging.getLogger()
schedule = None
# create the file if it doesnt exist
if (not os.path.exists(self.schedule_file)):
logger.debug('creating file ' + self.schedule_file)
open(self.schedule_file, 'w').close()
# load the schedule from cache
#logger.debug('loading schedule file '+self.schedule_file)
schedule_file = open(self.schedule_file, "r")
schedule = pickle.load(schedule_file)
except Exception, e:
logger.error('%s', e)
return schedule
Alternative version of playout preparation. Every playlist entry is
pre-cued if neccessary (cue_in/cue_out != 0) and stored in the
playlist folder.
file is eg 2010-06-23-15-00-00/17_cue_10.132-123.321.mp3
def prepare_playlists_cue(self):
logger = logging.getLogger()
# Load schedule from disk
schedule = self.load_schedule()
# Dont do anything if schedule is empty
if (not schedule):
logger.debug("Schedule is empty.")
scheduleKeys = sorted(schedule.iterkeys())
for pkey in scheduleKeys:
logger.info("found playlist at %s", pkey)
playlist = schedule[pkey]
# create playlist directory
os.mkdir(self.cache_dir + str(pkey))
except Exception, e:
logger.debug('pkey: ' + str(pkey))
logger.debug('cached at : ' + self.cache_dir + str(pkey))
logger.debug('subtype: ' + str(playlist['subtype']))
logger.debug('played: ' + str(playlist['played']))
logger.debug('schedule id: ' + str(playlist['schedule_id']))
logger.debug('duration: ' + str(playlist['duration']))
logger.debug('source id: ' + str(playlist['x_ident']))
if int(playlist['played']) == 1:
logger.info("playlist %s already played / sent to liquidsoap, so will ignore it", pkey)
elif int(playlist['subtype']) > 0 and int(playlist['subtype']) < 5:
ls_playlist = self.handle_media_file(playlist, pkey)
# write playlist file
plfile = open(self.cache_dir + str(pkey) + '/list.lsp', "w")
logger.info('ls playlist file written to %s', self.cache_dir + str(pkey) + '/list.lsp')
except Exception, e:
logger.info("%s", e)
def handle_media_file(self, playlist, pkey):
This handles both remote and local files.
Returns an updated ls_playlist string.
ls_playlist = []
logger = logging.getLogger()
for media in playlist['medias']:
logger.debug("Processing track %s", media['uri'])
fileExt = os.path.splitext(media['uri'])[1]
if str(media['cue_in']) == '0' and str(media['cue_out']) == '0':
logger.debug('No cue in/out detected for this file')
dst = "%s%s/%s%s" % (self.cache_dir, str(pkey), str(media['id']), str(fileExt))
do_cue = False
logger.debug('Cue in/out detected')
dst = "%s%s/%s_cue_%s-%s%s" % \
(self.cache_dir, str(pkey), str(media['id']), str(float(media['cue_in']) / 1000), str(float(media['cue_out']) / 1000), str(fileExt))
do_cue = True
# check if it is a remote file, if yes download
if media['uri'][0:4] == 'http':
self.handle_remote_file(media, dst, do_cue)
logger.debug("invalid media uri: %s", media['uri'])
if True == os.access(dst, os.R_OK):
# check filesize (avoid zero-byte files)
try: fsize = os.path.getsize(dst)
except Exception, e:
logger.error("%s", e)
fsize = 0
if fsize > 0:
pl_entry = \
% (str(media['export_source']), media['id'], 0, str(float(media['fade_in']) / 1000), \
str(float(media['fade_out']) / 1000), media['row_id'],dst)
Tracks are only added to the playlist if they are accessible
on the file system and larger than 0 bytes.
So this can lead to playlists shorter than expectet.
(there is a hardware silence detector for this cases...)
entry = dict()
entry['type'] = 'file'
entry['annotate'] = pl_entry
logger.debug("everything ok, adding %s to playlist", pl_entry)
print 'zero-file: ' + dst + ' from ' + media['uri']
logger.warning("zero-size file - skipping %s. will not add it to playlist", dst)
logger.warning("something went wrong. file %s not available. will not add it to playlist", dst)
except Exception, e: logger.info("%s", e)
return ls_playlist
def handle_remote_file(self, media, dst, do_cue):
logger = logging.getLogger()
if do_cue == False:
if os.path.isfile(dst):
logger.debug("file already in cache: %s", dst)
logger.debug("try to download %s", media['uri'])
self.api_client.get_media(media['uri'], dst)
if os.path.isfile(dst):
logger.debug("file already in cache: %s", dst)
logger.debug("try to download and cue %s", media['uri'])
fileExt = os.path.splitext(media['uri'])[1]
dst_tmp = config["tmp_dir"] + "".join([random.choice(string.letters) for i in xrange(10)]) + fileExt
self.api_client.get_media(media['uri'], dst_tmp)
# cue
logger.debug("STARTING CUE")
debugDst = self.cue_file.cue(dst_tmp, dst, float(media['cue_in']) / 1000, float(media['cue_out']) / 1000)
logger.debug("END CUE")
if True == os.access(dst, os.R_OK):
try: fsize = os.path.getsize(dst)
except Exception, e:
logger.error("%s", e)
fsize = 0
if fsize > 0:
logger.debug('try to remove temporary file: %s' + dst_tmp)
try: os.remove(dst_tmp)
except Exception, e:
logger.error("%s", e)
logger.warning('something went wrong cueing: %s - using uncued file' + dst)
try: os.rename(dst_tmp, dst)
except Exception, e:
logger.error("%s", e)
def cleanup(self, export_source):
Cleans up folders in cache_dir. Look for modification date older than "now - CACHE_FOR"
and deletes them.
logger = logging.getLogger()
offset = 3600 * int(config["cache_for"])
now = time.time()
for r, d, f in os.walk(self.cache_dir):
for dir in d:
timestamp = time.mktime(time.strptime(dir, "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S"))
if (now - timestamp) > offset:
logger.debug('trying to remove %s - timestamp: %s', os.path.join(r, dir), timestamp)
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(r, dir))
except Exception, e:
logger.error("%s", e)
logger.info('sucessfully removed %s', os.path.join(r, dir))
except Exception, e:
print e
logger.error("%s", e)