98 lines
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98 lines
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from nose.tools import *
from airtime_analyzer.replaygain_analyzer import ReplayGainAnalyzer
The tests in here were all tagged with the 'rgain' tag so the can be exluded from being run
with nosetest -a '!rgain'. This was needed due to the fact that it is not readily possible
to install replaygain on a containerized travis instance.
We can either give running replaygain test on travis another shot after ubuntu getsan updated
gi instrospection allowing us to install gi and gobject into the virtualenv, or we can switch
to a full machine and stop using 'sudo: false' on travis.
Deactivating these tests is a bad fix for now and I plan on looking into it again after
most everything else is up and running. For those interesed the tests seem to work locally
albeit my results not being up to the given tolerance of 0.30 (which I'm assuming is my rig's
problem and would work on travis if replaygain was available).
def check_default_metadata(metadata):
''' Check that the values extract by Silan/CuePointAnalyzer on our test audio files match what we expect.
:param metadata: a metadata dictionary
:return: Nothing
# We give python-rgain some leeway here by specifying a tolerance. It's not perfectly consistent across codecs...
assert abs(metadata['cuein']) < tolerance_seconds
assert abs(metadata['cueout'] - length_seconds) < tolerance_seconds
tolerance = 0.30
expected_replaygain = 5.0
print metadata['replay_gain']
assert abs(metadata['replay_gain'] - expected_replaygain) < tolerance
def test_missing_replaygain():
old_rg = ReplayGainAnalyzer.REPLAYGAIN_EXECUTABLE
ReplayGainAnalyzer.REPLAYGAIN_EXECUTABLE = 'foosdaf'
metadata = ReplayGainAnalyzer.analyze(u'tests/test_data/44100Hz-16bit-stereo-utf8.mp3', dict())
ReplayGainAnalyzer.REPLAYGAIN_EXECUTABLE = old_rg # Need to put this back
def test_invalid_filepath():
metadata = ReplayGainAnalyzer.analyze(u'non-existent-file', dict())
def test_mp3_utf8():
metadata = ReplayGainAnalyzer.analyze(u'tests/test_data/44100Hz-16bit-stereo-utf8.mp3', dict())
test_mp3_utf8.rgain = True
def test_mp3_dualmono():
metadata = ReplayGainAnalyzer.analyze(u'tests/test_data/44100Hz-16bit-dualmono.mp3', dict())
test_mp3_dualmono.rgain = True
def test_mp3_jointstereo():
metadata = ReplayGainAnalyzer.analyze(u'tests/test_data/44100Hz-16bit-jointstereo.mp3', dict())
test_mp3_jointstereo.rgain = True
def test_mp3_simplestereo():
metadata = ReplayGainAnalyzer.analyze(u'tests/test_data/44100Hz-16bit-simplestereo.mp3', dict())
test_mp3_simplestereo.rgain = True
def test_mp3_stereo():
metadata = ReplayGainAnalyzer.analyze(u'tests/test_data/44100Hz-16bit-stereo.mp3', dict())
test_mp3_stereo.rgain = True
def test_mp3_mono():
metadata = ReplayGainAnalyzer.analyze(u'tests/test_data/44100Hz-16bit-mono.mp3', dict())
test_mp3_mono.rgain = True
def test_ogg_stereo():
metadata = ReplayGainAnalyzer.analyze(u'tests/test_data/44100Hz-16bit-stereo.ogg', dict())
test_ogg_stereo = True
def test_invalid_wma():
metadata = ReplayGainAnalyzer.analyze(u'tests/test_data/44100Hz-16bit-stereo-invalid.wma', dict())
test_invalid_wma.rgain = True
def test_mp3_missing_id3_header():
metadata = ReplayGainAnalyzer.analyze(u'tests/test_data/44100Hz-16bit-mp3-missingid3header.mp3', dict())
test_mp3_missing_id3_header.rgain = True
def test_m4a_stereo():
metadata = ReplayGainAnalyzer.analyze(u'tests/test_data/44100Hz-16bit-stereo.m4a', dict())
test_m4a_stereo.rgain = True
''' WAVE is not supported by python-rgain yet
def test_wav_stereo():
metadata = ReplayGainAnalyzer.analyze(u'tests/test_data/44100Hz-16bit-stereo.wav', dict())
test_wav_stereo.rgain = True