184 lines
7.2 KiB
184 lines
7.2 KiB
class Airtime192Upgrade{
public static function InstallAirtimePhpServerCode($phpDir)
$AIRTIME_SRC = realpath(__DIR__.'/../../../airtime_mvc');
echo "* Installing PHP code to ".$phpDir.PHP_EOL;
exec("mkdir -p ".$phpDir);
exec("cp -R ".$AIRTIME_SRC."/* ".$phpDir);
class AirtimeIni192{
const CONF_FILE_AIRTIME = "/etc/airtime/airtime.conf";
const CONF_FILE_PYPO = "/etc/airtime/pypo.cfg";
const CONF_FILE_RECORDER = "/etc/airtime/recorder.cfg";
const CONF_FILE_LIQUIDSOAP = "/etc/airtime/liquidsoap.cfg";
const CONF_FILE_MEDIAMONITOR = "/etc/airtime/media-monitor.cfg";
const CONF_FILE_API_CLIENT = "/etc/airtime/api_client.cfg";
const CONF_FILE_MONIT = "/etc/monit/conf.d/airtime-monit.cfg";
* This function updates an INI style config file.
* A property and the value the property should be changed to are
* supplied. If the property is not found, then no changes are made.
* @param string $p_filename
* The path the to the file.
* @param string $p_property
* The property to look for in order to change its value.
* @param string $p_value
* The value the property should be changed to.
public static function UpdateIniValue($p_filename, $p_property, $p_value)
$lines = file($p_filename);
foreach ($lines as &$line) {
if ($line[0] != "#"){
$key_value = explode("=", $line);
$key = trim($key_value[0]);
if ($key == $p_property){
$line = "$p_property = $p_value".PHP_EOL;
$fp=fopen($p_filename, 'w');
for($i=0; $i<$n; $i++){
fwrite($fp, $lines[$i]);
public static function ReadPythonConfig($p_filename)
$values = array();
$lines = file($p_filename);
for ($i=0; $i<$n; $i++) {
if (strlen($lines[$i]) && !in_array(substr($lines[$i], 0, 1), array('#', PHP_EOL))){
$info = explode("=", $lines[$i]);
$values[trim($info[0])] = trim($info[1]);
return $values;
public static function MergeConfigFiles($configFiles, $suffix) {
foreach ($configFiles as $conf) {
if (file_exists("$conf$suffix.bak")) {
if($conf === AirtimeIni192::CONF_FILE_AIRTIME) {
// Parse with sections
$newSettings = parse_ini_file($conf, true);
$oldSettings = parse_ini_file("$conf$suffix.bak", true);
else {
$newSettings = AirtimeIni192::ReadPythonConfig($conf);
$oldSettings = AirtimeIni192::ReadPythonConfig("$conf$suffix.bak");
$settings = array_keys($newSettings);
foreach($settings as $section) {
// skip airtim_dir as we want to use new value
if(isset($oldSettings[$section])) {
if(is_array($oldSettings[$section])) {
$sectionKeys = array_keys($newSettings[$section]);
foreach($sectionKeys as $sectionKey) {
if($sectionKey != "airtime_dir"){
if(isset($oldSettings[$section][$sectionKey])) {
AirtimeIni192::UpdateIniValue($conf, $sectionKey, $oldSettings[$section][$sectionKey]);
else {
AirtimeIni192::UpdateIniValue($conf, $section, $oldSettings[$section]);
public static function upgradeConfigFiles(){
$configFiles = array(AirtimeIni192::CONF_FILE_AIRTIME,
// Backup the config files
$suffix = date("Ymdhis")."-1.9.0";
foreach ($configFiles as $conf) {
if (file_exists($conf)) {
echo "Backing up $conf to $conf$suffix.bak".PHP_EOL;
copy($conf, $conf.$suffix.".bak");
$default_suffix = "192";
AirtimeIni192::MergeConfigFiles($configFiles, $suffix);
* This function creates the /etc/airtime configuration folder
* and copies the default config files to it.
public static function CreateIniFiles($suffix)
if (!file_exists("/etc/airtime/")){
if (!mkdir("/etc/airtime/", 0755, true)){
echo "Could not create /etc/airtime/ directory. Exiting.";
if (!copy(__DIR__."/airtime.conf.$suffix", AirtimeIni192::CONF_FILE_AIRTIME)){
echo "Could not copy airtime.conf to /etc/airtime/. Exiting.";
if (!copy(__DIR__."/pypo.cfg.$suffix", AirtimeIni192::CONF_FILE_PYPO)){
echo "Could not copy pypo.cfg to /etc/airtime/. Exiting.";
if (!copy(__DIR__."/recorder.cfg.$suffix", AirtimeIni192::CONF_FILE_RECORDER)){
echo "Could not copy recorder.cfg to /etc/airtime/. Exiting.";
if (!copy(__DIR__."/liquidsoap.cfg.$suffix", AirtimeIni192::CONF_FILE_LIQUIDSOAP)){
echo "Could not copy liquidsoap.cfg to /etc/airtime/. Exiting.";
// change site-available/airtime and restart apache
echo "* Reconfiguring Apache\n";
exec("find /etc/apache2/sites-available/ -name '*' -type f -exec sed -i 's/\/var\/www\/airtime\/public/\/usr\/share\/airtime\/public/g' '{}' \;");
exec("service apache2 restart");
echo "* Updating configFiles\n";
// delete files in /var/www/airtime
echo "* Deleting old PHP codes\n";
exec("rm -rf /var/www/airtime");
$values = parse_ini_file(AirtimeIni192::CONF_FILE_AIRTIME, true);
$phpDir = $values['general']['airtime_dir'];