
199 lines
7.7 KiB

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/setup/config-check.css">
$phpDependencies = checkPhpDependencies();
$externalServices = checkExternalServices();
$postgres = $phpDependencies["postgres"];
$database = $externalServices["database"];
$rabbitmq = $externalServices["rabbitmq"];
$pypo = $externalServices["pypo"];
$liquidsoap = $externalServices["liquidsoap"];
$analyzer = $externalServices["analyzer"];
$celery = $externalServices['celery'];
$api = $externalServices['api'];
$r1 = array_reduce($phpDependencies, "booleanReduce", true);
$r2 = array_reduce($externalServices, "booleanReduce", true);
$result = $r1 && $r2;
<table width="60%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="statustable">
<td class="strong"><?php echo sprintf(_("%s Version"), PRODUCT_NAME) ?></td>
<td colspan=2><?php echo $this->version; ?></td>
<tr class="ui-state-default strong">
<td><?php echo _("Service") ?></td>
<td><?php echo _("Description") ?></td>
<td><?php echo _("Status") ?></td>
<td class="component">
<td class="description">
<?php echo _("PDO and PostgreSQL libraries") ?>
<td class="solution <?php if ($postgres) {echo 'check';?>">
} else {
Try running <code>sudo apt-get install php7-pgsql</code>
<td class="component">
<td class="description">
<?php echo _("Database configuration for LibreTime") ?>
<td class="solution <?php if ($database) {echo 'check';?>">
} else {
Make sure you aren't missing any of the Postgres dependencies in the table above.
If your dependencies check out, make sure your database configuration settings in
<code>/etc/libretime/config.yml</code> are correct and the LibreTime database was installed correctly.
<td class="component">
<td class="description">
<?php echo _("RabbitMQ configuration for LibreTime") ?>
<td class="solution <?php if ($rabbitmq) {echo 'check';?>">
} else {
Make sure RabbitMQ is installed correctly, and that your settings in /etc/libretime/config.yml
are correct. Try using <code>sudo rabbitmqctl list_users</code> and <code>sudo rabbitmqctl list_vhosts</code>
to see if the airtime user (or your custom RabbitMQ user) exists, then checking that
<code>sudo rabbitmqctl list_exchanges</code> contains entries for airtime-analyzer, airtime-pypo,
and airtime-uploads.
<td class="component">
Media Analyzer
<td class="description">
<?php echo _("LibreTime media analyzer service") ?>
<td class="solution <?php if ($analyzer) {echo 'check';?>">
} else {
<?php echo _("Check that the libretime-analyzer service is installed correctly in ") ?><code>/etc/systemd/system/</code>,
<?php echo _(" and ensure that it's running with ") ?>
<br/><code>systemctl status libretime-analyzer</code><br/>
<?php echo _("If not, try ") ?><br/><code>sudo systemctl restart libretime-analyzer</code>
<td class="component">
<td class="description">
<?php echo _("LibreTime playout service") ?>
<td class="solution <?php if ($pypo) {echo 'check';?>">
} else {
<?php echo _("Check that the libretime-playout service is installed correctly in ") ?><code>/etc/systemd/system/</code>,
<?php echo _(" and ensure that it's running with ") ?>
<br/><code>systemctl status libretime-playout</code><br/>
<?php echo _("If not, try ") ?><br/><code>sudo systemctl restart libretime-playout</code>
<td class="component">
<td class="description">
<?php echo _("LibreTime liquidsoap service") ?>
<td class="solution <?php if ($liquidsoap) {echo 'check';?>" >
} else {
<?php echo _("Check that the libretime-liquidsoap service is installed correctly in ") ?><code>/etc/systemd/system/</code>,
<?php echo _(" and ensure that it's running with ") ?>
<br/><code>systemctl status libretime-liquidsoap</code><br/>
<?php echo _("If not, try ") ?><br/><code>sudo systemctl restart libretime-liquidsoap</code>
<td class="component">
<td class="description">
<?php echo _("LibreTime Celery Task service") ?>
<td class="solution <?php if ($celery) {echo 'check';?>" >
} else {
<?php echo _("Check that the libretime-celery service is installed correctly in ") ?><code>/etc/systemd/system/</code>,
<?php echo _(" and ensure that it's running with ") ?>
<br/><code>systemctl status libretime-celery</code><br/>
<?php echo _("If not, try ") ?><br/><code>sudo systemctl restart libretime-celery</code>
<td class="component">
<td class="description">
<?php echo _("LibreTime API service") ?>
<td class="solution <?php if ($api) {echo 'check';?>" >
} else {
<?php echo _("Check that the libretime-api service is installed correctly in ") ?><code>/etc/systemd/system/</code>,
<?php echo _(" and ensure that it's running with ") ?>
<br/><code>systemctl status libretime-api</code><br/>
<?php echo _("If not, try ") ?><br/><code>sudo systemctl restart libretime-api</code>
<tr id="partitions" class="even">
<th colspan="5"><?php echo _("Disk Space") ?></th>