556 lines
25 KiB
556 lines
25 KiB
class Application_Form_SmartBlockCriteria extends Zend_Form_SubForm
private $criteriaOptions;
private $stringCriteriaOptions;
private $numericCriteriaOptions;
private $limitOptions;
private $criteriaTypes = array(
0 => "",
"album_title" => "s",
"bit_rate" => "n",
"bpm" => "n",
"composer" => "s",
"conductor" => "s",
"copyright" => "s",
"artist_name" => "s",
"encoded_by" => "s",
"utime" => "n",
"mtime" => "n",
"lptime" => "n",
"genre" => "s",
"isrc_number" => "s",
"label" => "s",
"language" => "s",
"length" => "n",
"mime" => "s",
"mood" => "s",
"owner_id" => "s",
"replay_gain" => "n",
"sample_rate" => "n",
"track_title" => "s",
"track_number" => "n",
"info_url" => "s",
"year" => "n"
private function getCriteriaOptions($option = null)
if (!isset($this->criteriaOptions)) {
$this->criteriaOptions = array(
0 => _("Select criteria"),
"album_title" => _("Album"),
"bit_rate" => _("Bit Rate (Kbps)"),
"bpm" => _("BPM"),
"composer" => _("Composer"),
"conductor" => _("Conductor"),
"copyright" => _("Copyright"),
"artist_name" => _("Creator"),
"encoded_by" => _("Encoded By"),
"genre" => _("Genre"),
"isrc_number" => _("ISRC"),
"label" => _("Label"),
"language" => _("Language"),
"mtime" => _("Last Modified"),
"lptime" => _("Last Played"),
"length" => _("Length"),
"mime" => _("Mime"),
"mood" => _("Mood"),
"owner_id" => _("Owner"),
"replay_gain" => _("Replay Gain"),
"sample_rate" => _("Sample Rate (kHz)"),
"track_title" => _("Title"),
"track_number" => _("Track Number"),
"utime" => _("Uploaded"),
"info_url" => _("Website"),
"year" => _("Year")
if (is_null($option)) return $this->criteriaOptions;
else return $this->criteriaOptions[$option];
private function getStringCriteriaOptions()
if (!isset($this->stringCriteriaOptions)) {
$this->stringCriteriaOptions = array(
"0" => _("Select modifier"),
"contains" => _("contains"),
"does not contain" => _("does not contain"),
"is" => _("is"),
"is not" => _("is not"),
"starts with" => _("starts with"),
"ends with" => _("ends with")
return $this->stringCriteriaOptions;
private function getNumericCriteriaOptions()
if (!isset($this->numericCriteriaOptions)) {
$this->numericCriteriaOptions = array(
"0" => _("Select modifier"),
"is" => _("is"),
"is not" => _("is not"),
"is greater than" => _("is greater than"),
"is less than" => _("is less than"),
"is in the range" => _("is in the range")
return $this->numericCriteriaOptions;
private function getLimitOptions()
if (!isset($this->limitOptions)) {
$this->limitOptions = array(
"hours" => _("hours"),
"minutes" => _("minutes"),
"items" => _("items")
return $this->limitOptions;
public function init()
public function startForm($p_blockId, $p_isValid = false)
// load type
$out = CcBlockQuery::create()->findPk($p_blockId);
if ($out->getDbType() == "static") {
$blockType = 0;
} else {
$blockType = 1;
$spType = new Zend_Form_Element_Radio('sp_type');
$spType->setLabel(_('Set smart block type:'))
'static' => _('Static'),
'dynamic' => _('Dynamic')
$bl = new Application_Model_Block($p_blockId);
$storedCrit = $bl->getCriteria();
/* $modRoadMap stores the number of same criteria
* Ex: 3 Album titles, and 2 Track titles
* We need to know this so we display the form elements properly
$modRowMap = array();
$openSmartBlockOption = false;
if (!empty($storedCrit)) {
$openSmartBlockOption = true;
$criteriaKeys = array();
if (isset($storedCrit["crit"])) {
$criteriaKeys = array_keys($storedCrit["crit"]);
$numElements = count($this->getCriteriaOptions());
for ($i = 0; $i < $numElements; $i++) {
$criteriaType = "";
if (isset($criteriaKeys[$i])) {
$critCount = count($storedCrit["crit"][$criteriaKeys[$i]]);
} else {
$critCount = 1;
$modRowMap[$i] = $critCount;
/* Loop through all criteria with the same field
* Ex: all criteria for 'Album'
for ($j = 0; $j < $critCount; $j++) {
/****************** CRITERIA ***********/
if ($j > 0) {
$invisible = ' sp-invisible';
} else {
$invisible = '';
$criteria = new Zend_Form_Element_Select("sp_criteria_field_".$i."_".$j);
$criteria->setAttrib('class', 'input_select sp_input_select'.$invisible)
->setValue('Select criteria')
if ($i != 0 && !isset($criteriaKeys[$i])) {
$criteria->setAttrib('disabled', 'disabled');
if (isset($criteriaKeys[$i])) {
$criteriaType = $this->criteriaTypes[$storedCrit["crit"][$criteriaKeys[$i]][$j]["criteria"]];
/****************** MODIFIER ***********/
$criteriaModifers = new Zend_Form_Element_Select("sp_criteria_modifier_".$i."_".$j);
$criteriaModifers->setValue('Select modifier')
->setAttrib('class', 'input_select sp_input_select')
if ($i != 0 && !isset($criteriaKeys[$i])) {
$criteriaModifers->setAttrib('disabled', 'disabled');
if (isset($criteriaKeys[$i])) {
if ($criteriaType == "s") {
} else {
} else {
$criteriaModifers->setMultiOptions(array('0' => _('Select modifier')));
/****************** VALUE ***********/
$criteriaValue = new Zend_Form_Element_Text("sp_criteria_value_".$i."_".$j);
$criteriaValue->setAttrib('class', 'input_text sp_input_text')
if ($i != 0 && !isset($criteriaKeys[$i])) {
$criteriaValue->setAttrib('disabled', 'disabled');
if (isset($criteriaKeys[$i])) {
/****************** EXTRA ***********/
$criteriaExtra = new Zend_Form_Element_Text("sp_criteria_extra_".$i."_".$j);
$criteriaExtra->setAttrib('class', 'input_text sp_extra_input_text')
if (isset($criteriaKeys[$i]) && isset($storedCrit["crit"][$criteriaKeys[$i]][$j]["extra"])) {
$criteriaValue->setAttrib('class', 'input_text sp_extra_input_text');
} else {
$criteriaExtra->setAttrib('disabled', 'disabled');
$repeatTracks = new Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox('sp_repeat_tracks');
->setLabel(_('Allow Repeat Tracks:'));
if (isset($storedCrit["repeat_tracks"])) {
$repeatTracks->setChecked($storedCrit["repeat_tracks"]["value"] == 1?true:false);
$limit = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('sp_limit_options');
$limit->setAttrib('class', 'sp_input_select')
if (isset($storedCrit["limit"])) {
$limitValue = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('sp_limit_value');
$limitValue->setAttrib('class', 'sp_input_text_limit')
->setLabel(_('Limit to'))
if (isset($storedCrit["limit"])) {
} else {
// setting default to 1 hour
//getting block content candidate count that meets criteria
$bl = new Application_Model_Block($p_blockId);
if ($p_isValid) {
$files = $bl->getListofFilesMeetCriteria();
$showPoolCount = true;
} else {
$files = null;
$showPoolCount = false;
$generate = new Zend_Form_Element_Button('generate_button');
$generate->setAttrib('class', 'btn btn-small');
$generate->setAttrib('title', _('Generate playlist content and save criteria'));
$shuffle = new Zend_Form_Element_Button('shuffle_button');
$shuffle->setAttrib('class', 'btn btn-small');
$shuffle->setAttrib('title', _('Shuffle playlist content'));
array('ViewScript', array('viewScript' => 'form/smart-block-criteria.phtml', "openOption"=> $openSmartBlockOption,
'criteriasLength' => count($this->getCriteriaOptions()), 'poolCount' => $files['count'], 'modRowMap' => $modRowMap,
'showPoolCount' => $showPoolCount))
public function preValidation($params)
$data = Application_Model_Block::organizeSmartPlyalistCriteria($params['data']);
// add elelments that needs to be added
// set multioption for modifier according to criteria_field
$modRowMap = array();
foreach ($data['criteria'] as $critKey=>$d) {
$count = 1;
foreach ($d as $modKey=>$modInfo) {
if ($modKey == 0) {
$eleCrit = $this->getElement("sp_criteria_field_".$critKey."_".$modKey);
$eleCrit->setAttrib("disabled", null);
$eleMod = $this->getElement("sp_criteria_modifier_".$critKey."_".$modKey);
$criteriaType = $this->criteriaTypes[$modInfo['sp_criteria_field']];
if ($criteriaType == "s") {
} elseif ($criteriaType == "n") {
} else {
$eleMod->setMultiOptions(array('0' => _('Select modifier')));
$eleMod->setAttrib("disabled", null);
$eleValue = $this->getElement("sp_criteria_value_".$critKey."_".$modKey);
$eleValue->setAttrib("disabled", null);
if (isset($modInfo['sp_criteria_extra'])) {
$eleExtra = $this->getElement("sp_criteria_extra_".$critKey."_".$modKey);
$eleValue->setAttrib('class', 'input_text sp_extra_input_text');
$eleExtra->setAttrib("disabled", null);
} else {
$criteria = new Zend_Form_Element_Select("sp_criteria_field_".$critKey."_".$modKey);
$criteria->setAttrib('class', 'input_select sp_input_select sp-invisible')
->setValue('Select criteria')
$criteriaType = $this->criteriaTypes[$modInfo['sp_criteria_field']];
/****************** MODIFIER ***********/
$criteriaModifers = new Zend_Form_Element_Select("sp_criteria_modifier_".$critKey."_".$modKey);
$criteriaModifers->setValue('Select modifier')
->setAttrib('class', 'input_select sp_input_select')
if ($criteriaType == "s") {
} elseif ($criteriaType == "n") {
} else {
$criteriaModifers->setMultiOptions(array('0' => _('Select modifier')));
/****************** VALUE ***********/
$criteriaValue = new Zend_Form_Element_Text("sp_criteria_value_".$critKey."_".$modKey);
$criteriaValue->setAttrib('class', 'input_text sp_input_text')
/****************** EXTRA ***********/
$criteriaExtra = new Zend_Form_Element_Text("sp_criteria_extra_".$critKey."_".$modKey);
$criteriaExtra->setAttrib('class', 'input_text sp_extra_input_text')
if (isset($modInfo['sp_criteria_extra'])) {
$criteriaValue->setAttrib('class', 'input_text sp_extra_input_text');
} else {
$criteriaExtra->setAttrib('disabled', 'disabled');
$modRowMap[$critKey] = $count;
$decorator = $this->getDecorator("ViewScript");
$existingModRow = $decorator->getOption("modRowMap");
foreach ($modRowMap as $key=>$v) {
$existingModRow[$key] = $v;
$decorator->setOption("modRowMap", $existingModRow);
// reconstruct the params['criteria'] so we can populate the form
$formData = array();
foreach ($params['data'] as $ele) {
$formData[$ele['name']] = $ele['value'];
return $data;
public function isValid($params)
$isValid = true;
$data = $this->preValidation($params);
$criteria2PeerMap = array(
0 => "Select criteria",
"album_title" => "DbAlbumTitle",
"artist_name" => "DbArtistName",
"bit_rate" => "DbBitRate",
"bpm" => "DbBpm",
"composer" => "DbComposer",
"conductor" => "DbConductor",
"copyright" => "DbCopyright",
"encoded_by" => "DbEncodedBy",
"utime" => "DbUtime",
"mtime" => "DbMtime",
"lptime" => "DbLPtime",
"genre" => "DbGenre",
"info_url" => "DbInfoUrl",
"isrc_number" => "DbIsrcNumber",
"label" => "DbLabel",
"language" => "DbLanguage",
"length" => "DbLength",
"mime" => "DbMime",
"mood" => "DbMood",
"owner_id" => "DbOwnerId",
"replay_gain" => "DbReplayGain",
"sample_rate" => "DbSampleRate",
"track_title" => "DbTrackTitle",
"track_number" => "DbTrackNumber",
"year" => "DbYear"
// things we need to check
// 1. limit value shouldn't be empty and has upperbound of 24 hrs
// 2. sp_criteria or sp_criteria_modifier shouldn't be 0
// 3. validate formate according to DB column type
$multiplier = 1;
$result = 0;
// validation start
if ($data['etc']['sp_limit_options'] == 'hours') {
$multiplier = 60;
if ($data['etc']['sp_limit_options'] == 'hours' || $data['etc']['sp_limit_options'] == 'mins') {
$element = $this->getElement("sp_limit_value");
if ($data['etc']['sp_limit_value'] == "" || floatval($data['etc']['sp_limit_value']) <= 0) {
$element->addError(_("Limit cannot be empty or smaller than 0"));
$isValid = false;
} else {
$mins = floatval($data['etc']['sp_limit_value']) * $multiplier;
if ($mins > 1440) {
$element->addError(_("Limit cannot be more than 24 hrs"));
$isValid = false;
} else {
$element = $this->getElement("sp_limit_value");
if ($data['etc']['sp_limit_value'] == "" || floatval($data['etc']['sp_limit_value']) <= 0) {
$element->addError(_("Limit cannot be empty or smaller than 0"));
$isValid = false;
} elseif (!ctype_digit($data['etc']['sp_limit_value'])) {
$element->addError(_("The value should be an integer"));
$isValid = false;
} elseif (intval($data['etc']['sp_limit_value']) > 500) {
$element->addError(_("500 is the max item limit value you can set"));
$isValid = false;
if (isset($data['criteria'])) {
foreach ($data['criteria'] as $rowKey=>$row) {
foreach ($row as $key=>$d) {
$element = $this->getElement("sp_criteria_field_".$rowKey."_".$key);
// check for not selected select box
if ($d['sp_criteria_field'] == "0" || $d['sp_criteria_modifier'] == "0") {
$element->addError(_("You must select Criteria and Modifier"));
$isValid = false;
} else {
$column = CcFilesPeer::getTableMap()->getColumnByPhpName($criteria2PeerMap[$d['sp_criteria_field']]);
// validation on type of column
if ($d['sp_criteria_field'] == 'length') {
if (!preg_match("/^(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})/", $d['sp_criteria_value'])) {
$element->addError(_("'Length' should be in '00:00:00' format"));
$isValid = false;
} elseif ($column->getType() == PropelColumnTypes::TIMESTAMP) {
if (!preg_match("/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/", $d['sp_criteria_value'])) {
$element->addError(_("The value should be in timestamp format(eg. 0000-00-00 or 00-00-00 00:00:00)"));
$isValid = false;
} else {
$result = Application_Common_DateHelper::checkDateTimeRangeForSQL($d['sp_criteria_value']);
if (!$result["success"]) {
// check for if it is in valid range( 1753-01-01 ~ 12/31/9999 )
$isValid = false;
if (isset($d['sp_criteria_extra'])) {
if (!preg_match("/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/", $d['sp_criteria_extra'])) {
$element->addError(_("The value should be in timestamp format(eg. 0000-00-00 or 00-00-00 00:00:00)"));
$isValid = false;
} else {
$result = Application_Common_DateHelper::checkDateTimeRangeForSQL($d['sp_criteria_extra']);
if (!$result["success"]) {
// check for if it is in valid range( 1753-01-01 ~ 12/31/9999 )
$isValid = false;
} elseif ($column->getType() == PropelColumnTypes::INTEGER &&
$d['sp_criteria_field'] != 'owner_id') {
if (!is_numeric($d['sp_criteria_value'])) {
$element->addError(_("The value has to be numeric"));
$isValid = false;
// length check
if (intval($d['sp_criteria_value']) >= pow(2,31)) {
$element->addError(_("The value should be less then 2147483648"));
$isValid = false;
} elseif ($column->getType() == PropelColumnTypes::VARCHAR) {
if (strlen($d['sp_criteria_value']) > $column->getSize()) {
$element->addError(sprintf(_("The value should be less than %s characters"), $column->getSize()));
$isValid = false;
if ($d['sp_criteria_value'] == "") {
$element->addError(_("Value cannot be empty"));
$isValid = false;
}//end foreach
}//for loop
return $isValid;