
359 lines
11 KiB

var previewWidth = 482,
previewHeight = 110;
$(document).ready(function() {
/* Removed as this is now (hopefully) unnecessary */
// topPadding: 1,
// afterDetachCSSClass: "floated-panel",
// savePanelSpace: true
//this statement tells the browser to fade out any success message after 5 seconds
setTimeout(function(){$(".success").fadeOut("slow")}, 5000);
* i18n_months and i18n_days_short are used in jquery datepickers
* which we use in multiple places
var i18n_months = [
var i18n_months_short = [
var i18n_days_short = [
var HTTPMethods = Object.freeze({
var dateStartId = "#sb_date_start",
timeStartId = "#sb_time_start",
dateEndId = "#sb_date_end",
timeEndId = "#sb_time_end";
function getDatatablesStrings(overrideDict) {
var dict = {
"sEmptyTable": $.i18n._("No data available in table"),
"sInfo": $.i18n._("Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries"),
"sInfoEmpty": $.i18n._("Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries"),
"sInfoFiltered": "", // $.i18n._("(filtered from _MAX_ total entries)"),
"sInfoPostFix": $.i18n._(""),
"sInfoThousands": $.i18n._(","),
"sLengthMenu": $.i18n._("Show _MENU_"),
"sLoadingRecords": $.i18n._("Loading..."),
//"sProcessing": $.i18n._("Processing..."),
"sProcessing": $.i18n._(""),
"sSearch": $.i18n._(""),
"sZeroRecords": $.i18n._("No matching records found"),
"oPaginate": {
"sFirst": "«",
"sLast": "»",
"sNext": "›",
"sPrevious": "‹"
//"oPaginate": {
// "sFirst": $.i18n._("First"),
// "sLast": $.i18n._("Last"),
// "sNext": $.i18n._("Next"),
// "sPrevious": $.i18n._("Previous")
"oAria": {
"sSortAscending": $.i18n._(": activate to sort column ascending"),
"sSortDescending": $.i18n._(": activate to sort column descending")
return $.extend({}, dict, overrideDict);
function adjustDateToServerDate(date, serverTimezoneOffset){
//date object stores time in the browser's localtime. We need to artificially shift
//it to
var timezoneOffset = date.getTimezoneOffset()*60*1000;
date.setTime(date.getTime() + timezoneOffset + serverTimezoneOffset*1000);
/* date object has been shifted to artificial UTC time. Now let's
* shift it to the server's timezone */
return date;
*handle to the jplayer window
var _preview_window = null;
*Gets the info from the view when menu action play choosen and opens the jplayer window.
function openAudioPreview(p_event) {
var audioFileID = $(this).attr('audioFile');
var objId = $('.obj_id:first').attr('value');
var objType = $('.obj_type:first').attr('value');
var playIndex = $(this).parent().parent().attr('id');
playIndex = playIndex.substring(4); //remove the spl_
if (objType == "playlist") {
open_playlist_preview(objId, playIndex);
} else if (objType == "block") {
open_block_preview(objId, playIndex);
function open_audio_preview(type, id) {
// The reason that we need to encode artist and title string is that
// sometime they contain '/' or '\' and apache reject %2f or %5f
// so the work around is to encode it twice.
openPreviewWindow(baseUrl+'audiopreview/audio-preview/audioFileID/'+id+'/type/'+type, previewWidth, previewHeight);
*Opens a jPlayer window for the specified info, for either an audio file or playlist.
*If audioFile, audioFileTitle, audioFileArtist is supplied the jplayer opens for one file
*Otherwise the playlistID and playlistIndex was supplied and a playlist is played starting with the
*given index.
function open_playlist_preview(p_playlistID, p_playlistIndex) {
if (p_playlistIndex == undefined) //Use a resonable default.
p_playlistIndex = 0;
if (_preview_window != null && !_preview_window.closed)
_preview_window.playAllPlaylist(p_playlistID, p_playlistIndex);
openPreviewWindow(baseUrl+'audiopreview/playlist-preview/playlistIndex/'+p_playlistIndex+'/playlistID/'+p_playlistID, previewWidth, previewHeight);
function open_block_preview(p_blockId, p_blockIndex) {
if (p_blockIndex == undefined) //Use a resonable default.
p_blockIndex = 0;
if (_preview_window != null && !_preview_window.closed)
_preview_window.playBlock(p_blockId, p_blockIndex);
openPreviewWindow(baseUrl+'audiopreview/block-preview/blockIndex/'+p_blockIndex+'/blockId/'+p_blockId, previewWidth, previewHeight);
*Opens a jPlayer window for the specified info, for either an audio file or playlist.
*If audioFile, audioFileTitle, audioFileArtist is supplied the jplayer opens for one file
*Otherwise the playlistID and playlistIndex was supplied and a playlist is played starting with the
*given index.
function open_show_preview(p_showID, p_showIndex) {
if (_preview_window != null && !_preview_window.closed)
_preview_window.playAllShow(p_showID, p_showIndex);
openPreviewWindow(baseUrl+'audiopreview/show-preview/showID/'+p_showID+'/showIndex/'+p_showIndex, previewWidth, previewHeight);
function openPreviewWindow(url, w, h) {
var dim = (w && h) ? 'width=' + w + ',height=' + h + ',' : '';
// Hardcoding this here is kinda gross, but the alternatives aren't much better...
_preview_window =, $.i18n._('Audio Player'), dim + 'scrollbars=yes');
return false;
function validateTimeRange() {
var oRange,
inputs = $('.sb-timerange > input'),
start, end;
oRange = AIRTIME.utilities.fnGetScheduleRange(dateStartId, timeStartId, dateEndId, timeEndId);
start = oRange.start;
end = oRange.end;
if (end >= start) {
} else {
if (!inputs.hasClass('error')) {
return {
start: start,
end: end,
isValid: end >= start
// validate uploaded images
function validateImage(img, el) {
// remove any existing error messages
if ($("#img-err")) { $("#img-err").remove(); }
if (img.size > 2048000) { // 2MB - pull this from somewhere instead?
// hack way of inserting an error message
var err = $.i18n._("Selected file is too large");
"<ul id='img-err' class='errors'>" +
"<li>" + err + "</li>" +
return false;
} else if (validateMimeType(img.type) < 0) {
var err = $.i18n._("File format is not supported");
"<ul id='img-err' class='errors'>" +
"<li>" + err + "</li>" +
return false;
return true;
// validate image mime type
function validateMimeType(mime) {
var extensions = [
// BMP?
return $.inArray(mime, extensions);
function pad(number, length) {
return sprintf("%'0"+length+"d", number);
function removeSuccessMsg() {
var $status = $('.success');
$status.fadeOut("slow", function(){$status.empty()});
function hideHint(h) {
function showHint(h) {"slow").removeClass("hidden");
function getUsabilityHint() {
var pathname = window.location.pathname;
$.getJSON(baseUrl + "api/get-usability-hint", {"format": "json", "userPath": pathname}, function(json) {
var $hint_div = $('.usability_hint');
var current_hint = $hint_div.html();
if (json === "") {
// there are no more hints to display to the user
} else if (current_hint !== json) {
// we only change the message if it is new
if ($":visible")) {
} else {
// hint is the same before we hid it so we just need to show it
if ($":hidden")) {
// TODO: build this out so we can use it as a fallback in fail cases
function buildErrorDialog(message) {
var el = $("<div id='error_dialog'></div>");
title: $.i18n._("Something went wrong!"),
resizable: false,
modal: true,
width: "auto",
height: "auto"
* Add title attributes (whose values are their inner text) to all elements in the calling parent matching selector
* @param selector jQuery selector to search descendants
* @returns {jQuery}
jQuery.fn.addTitles = function(selector) {
this.each(function() {
// Put this in a mouseenter event handler so it's dynamic
// (newly created elements will have the title applied on hover)
$(this).on("mouseenter", selector, function () {
$(this).attr("title", $(this).text());
return this; // jQuery chaining
// XXX: Old code to pan selector text; keeping this around in case we want to use it later - Duncan
jQuery.fn.scrollText = function(selector) {
this.each(function () {
$(this).on("mouseenter", selector, function () {
var sw = $(this)[0].scrollWidth - parseFloat($(this).css("textIndent")), iw = $(this).innerWidth();
if (sw > iw) {
textIndent: "-" + (sw + 1 - iw) + "px"
}, sw * 8);
$(this).on("mouseleave", selector, function () {
textIndent: "0"
}, 500);
return this;