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<title>Auth library</title>
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<h1>Auth library - request for comments</h1>
<h2>Authentication &amp; authorization</h2>
<p> <span class="b">Authentication</span> - as user's identity
checking - login call create and return auth token, client sends this token
with all subsequent calls, logout call make this token invalid<br>
<p> <span class="b">Authorization</span> - as checking user's
permission for called action on some object - that's main solved problem.
<h2>Basic model</h2>
<div class="aart center"><span>Subject --- Action ---&gt; Object</span></div>
<div class="ulg">
is one user or user group (or role - in this aproach group and role are the same)<br>
is item from predefined action set
is a object from tree or class of objects
<h2>Subject implementation</h2>
<p> Subjects are divided into two types - users and groups. There is membership relation
(type N:M) from subjects table to itself with "linearization" feature - for
questions about it send me a mail please ;)<br>
This approach allows inserting user to group or group to group with quick
searching of direct and indirect membership.
<h2>Object implementation</h2>
<p> For simple use with existing projects, there would be a object tree
always separated from project's database tables. It would be implemented by
table of objects and information about parent/child (or other) relation
between objects.
There is also class table and N:M membership relation between objects and
<div class="ex">
<pre class="aart">
|-&gt; Publication_A(publication)
| \-&gt; Issue_1(issue) &lt;--\
| |-&gt; Sport(section) | &lt;--\
| \-&gt; Politics(section) | |
\-&gt; Publication_B(publication) | |
|-&gt; Issue_1(issue) &lt;--| |
| |-&gt; Politics(section) | |
| |-&gt; Sport(section) | &lt;--|
| \-&gt; Culture(section) | |
\-&gt; Issue_2(issue) &lt;--| |
|-&gt; Culture(section) | |
\-&gt; Politics(section) | |
| |
Class &quot;Issues&quot; -------------------------------------------/ |
Class &quot;Sport sections&quot; -------------------------------------------/
Object table structure:<br>
<code><span class="b">[</span> id, name, type, parid, lft, rgt, level <span class="b">]</span></code><br>
class table structure:<br>
<code><span class="b">[</span> id, cname <span class="b">]</span></code><br>
and class membership table structure:<br>
<code><span class="b">[</span> objid, cid <span class="b">]</span></code><br>
<h2>Permissions for actions</h2>
<p> There are several ways to handle permissions - I've used this:<br>
<span class="b">allow/deny</span> - all without allow
permission is denied, but more specified setting may overcome less
(e.g. group of users is allowed to do smth., but one specified group-member is
<p> Permissions are stored as triple <code class="bg"><span
class="b">[</span>subject, action, object<span class="b">]</span></code>
and <span class="b">allow/deny</span> flag.<br>
<div class="ulg">
<p>Procedure of permission checking:</p>
<li>Select all permissions on corresponding object + all objects in tree path<br>
for actual user + all groups, where user have direct or indirect membership.
<li>Sort it by:<ol>
<li>diference in tree levels for object
<li>membership level for subject
<li>record with '_all' action have lower priority
<li>'deny' records have higher priority then 'allow'
<li>If no record found then repeat similar query with class table instead of object tree table. (+ similar sorting)</li>
<li>If record on the top of sorted sequence have 'allow' type then return allow else deny</li>
<p>Rem.: Some cache system for authorization decisions would be good ...
<h2>Auth system usage</h2>
<div class="ulg">
<p>There are 3 main types of usage:</p>
<li>authorization of called action</li>
<li>automatic modification of user interface in dependence on user
<li>automatic generation of admin interface for permissions settings</li>
<h2>Important part of API:</h2>
<div class="ulg">
<li>function <code>Alib(&$dbc, $config)</code> returns object<br>
<li>function <code>login($login, $pass)</code> returns token<br>
<li>function <code>logout($sessid)</code> returns boolean<br>
<li>function <code>checkToken($sessid)</code> returns boolean<br>
check validity of the token
<li>function <code>addObj($name, $type, $parid, $aftid, $param)</code> returns int<br>
adds object to tree as child of object with id=$parid after object with id=$aftid
<li>function <code>removeObj($id)</code> returns boolean<br>
<li>function <code>addSubj($login, $pass)</code> returns int<br>
add user (or group - with $pass=null)
<li>function <code>removeSubj($login)</code> returns boolean<br>
<li>function <code>addPerm($sid, $action, $oid, $type)</code> returns int<br>
add permission record - type is A(allow) or D(deny)
<li>function <code>removePerm($permid, $subj, $obj)</code> returns null<br>
remove permission record
<li>function <code>checkPerm($sid, $action, $oid)</code> returns boolean<br>
check permission for action on object with id=$oid for subject with id=$sid
<li>function <code>copyObj($id, $newParid, $after)</code> returns int<br>
<li>function <code>renameObj($id, $newName)</code> returns boolean<br>
<li>function <code>getParent($oid)</code> returns string<br>
<li>function <code>getPath($id, $flds)</code> returns array<br>
<li>function <code>getDir($id, $flds, $order)</code> returns array<br>
<li>function <code>addClass($cname)</code> returns int<br>
<li>function <code>removeClass($cname)</code> returns boolean<br>
<li>function <code>addObj2Class($cid, $oid)</code> returns boolean<br>
<li>function <code>removeObjFromClass($oid, $cid)</code> returns boolean<br>
<li>function <code>addSubj2Gr($login, $gname)</code> returns int<br>
<li>function <code>removeSubjFromGr($login, $gname)</code> returns boolean<br>
<li>function <code>isGroup($gid)</code> returns boolean<br>
<li>function <code>listGroup($gid)</code> returns array<br>
<p>All methods may return PEAR::error object if fails ...</p>
<h2>Connection to existing applications</h2>
<p> PHP applications could include Alib class and call API methods
Other programming platforms should call XMLRPC or HTTP layer above this API.
<hr class="hr2">
<div id="footer">
<div id="signature"> Tomas Hlava<br>
<a href=""></a><br>
<p id="ps">P.S.: sorry for my English ... ;)</p>