
614 lines
22 KiB

define("NO_REPEAT", -1);
define("REPEAT_WEEKLY", 0);
define("REPEAT_BI_WEEKLY", 1);
class Application_Service_ShowInstanceService
private $service_show;
private $service_showDays;
private $service_user;
public function __construct()
$this->service_show = new Application_Service_ShowService();
$this->service_user = new Application_Service_UserService();
* Receives a cc_show id and determines whether to create a
* single show instance or repeating show instances
public function delegateShowInstanceCreation($showId, $isRebroadcast, $isUpdate)
$populateUntil = $this->service_show->getPopulateShowUntilDateTIme();
$this->service_showDays = new Application_Service_ShowDaysService($showId);
$showDays = $this->service_showDays->getShowDays();
foreach ($showDays as $day) {
switch ($day->getDbRepeatType()) {
$this->createNonRepeatingShowInstance($day, $populateUntil, $isRebroadcast, $isUpdate);
$this->createWeeklyRepeatingShowInstances($day, $populateUntil, "P7D", $isRebroadcast, $isUpdate);
$this->createWeeklyRepeatingShowInstances($day, $populateUntil, "P14D", $isRebroadcast);
$this->createMonthlyRepeatingShowInstances($day, $populateUntil, "P1M", $isRebroadcast);
// do something here
* Sets a single cc_show_instance table row
* @param $showDay
* @param $populateUntil
private function createNonRepeatingShowInstance($showDay, $populateUntil, $isRebroadcast, $isUpdate)
$start = $showDay->getDbFirstShow()." ".$showDay->getDbStartTime();
list($utcStartDateTime, $utcEndDateTime) = $this->service_show->createUTCStartEndDateTime(
$start, $showDay->getDbDuration(), $showDay->getDbTimezone());
if ($utcStartDateTime->getTimestamp() < $populateUntil->getTimestamp()) {
$ccShowInstance = new CcShowInstances();
if ($isUpdate) {
$ccShowInstance = $this->getInstance($utcStartDateTime, $showDay->getDbShowId());
if ($isRebroadcast) {
$this->createRebroadcastShowInstances($showDay, $start, $ccShowInstance->getDbId());
* Sets multiple cc_show_instances table rows
* @param unknown_type $showDay
* @param unknown_type $populateUntil
* @param unknown_type $repeatInterval
* @param unknown_type $isRebroadcast
private function createWeeklyRepeatingShowInstances($showDay, $populateUntil,
$repeatInterval, $isRebroadcast, $isUpdate)
$show_id = $showDay->getDbShowId();
$first_show = $showDay->getDbFirstShow(); //non-UTC
$last_show = $showDay->getDbLastShow(); //non-UTC
$duration = $showDay->getDbDuration();
$day = $showDay->getDbDay();
$record = $showDay->getDbRecord();
$timezone = $showDay->getDbTimezone();
$start = $this->service_showDays->getNextStartDateTime($showDay);
$datePeriod = $this->getDatePeriod($start, $timezone, $last_show,
$repeatInterval, $populateUntil);
$utcLastShowDateTime = $last_show ?
Application_Common_DateHelper::ConvertToUtcDateTime($last_show, $timezone) : null;
$utcEndDateTime = null;
foreach ($datePeriod as $date) {
list($utcStartDateTime, $utcEndDateTime) = $this->service_show->createUTCStartEndDateTime(
$date->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $duration, $timezone);
* Make sure start date is less than populate until date AND
* last show date is null OR start date is less than last show date
if ($utcStartDateTime->getTimestamp() <= $populateUntil->getTimestamp() &&
( is_null($utcLastShowDateTime) ||
$utcStartDateTime->getTimestamp() < $utcLastShowDateTime->getTimestamp()) ) {
/* There may not always be an instance when editing a show
* This will be the case when we are adding a new show day to
* a repeating show
if ($isUpdate && $this->hasInstance($utcStartDateTime, $show_id)) {
$ccShowInstance = $this->getInstance($utcStartDateTime, $show_id);
$newInstance = false;
} else {
$newInstance = true;
$ccShowInstance = new CcShowInstances();
/* When editing the start/end time of a repeating show, we don't want to
* change shows that started in the past. So check the start time.
if ($newInstance || $ccShowInstance->getDbStarts() > gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s")) {
if ($isRebroadcast) {
$this->createRebroadcastInstances($showDay, $date->format("Y-m-d"), $ccShowInstance->getDbId());
$nextDate = $utcEndDateTime->add(new DateInterval($repeatInterval));
$this->service_show->setNextRepeatingShowDate($nextDate->format("Y-m-d"), $show_id, $day);
* Enter description here ...
* @param $showDay
private function createRebroadcastInstances($showDay, $showStartDate, $instanceId)
$currentUtcTimestamp = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$showId = $showDay->getDbShowId();
$sql = "SELECT * FROM cc_show_rebroadcast WHERE show_id=:show_id";
$rebroadcasts = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql,
array( ':show_id' => $showId ), 'all');
foreach ($rebroadcasts as $rebroadcast) {
$days = explode(" ", $rebroadcast["day_offset"]);
$time = explode(":", $rebroadcast["start_time"]);
$offset = array("days"=>$days[0], "hours"=>$time[0], "mins"=>$time[1]);
list($utcStartDateTime, $utcEndDateTime) = $this->service_show->createUTCStartEndDateTime(
$showStartDate, $showDay->getDbDuration(), $showDay->getDbTimezone(), $offset);
if ($utcStartDateTime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s") > $currentUtcTimestamp) {
$ccShowInstance = new CcShowInstances();
public function updateScheduleStatus($showId)
$con = Propel::getConnection(CcSchedulePeer::DATABASE_NAME);
$instances = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()
->filterByDbEnds(gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"), Criteria::GREATER_THAN)
foreach ($instances as $instance) {
public function deleteRebroadcastInstances($showId)
$sql = <<<SQL
DELETE FROM cc_show_instances
WHERE starts > :timestamp::TIMESTAMP
AND show_id = :showId
AND rebroadcast = 1;
Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute( $sql, array(
':showId' => $showId,
':timestamp' => gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s")), 'execute');
* Create a DatePeriod object in the user's local time
* It will get converted to UTC before the show instance gets created
private function getDatePeriod($start, $timezone, $lastShow, $repeatInterval, $populateUntil)
if (isset($lastShow)) {
$endDatePeriod = new DateTime($lastShow, new DateTimeZone($timezone));
} else {
$endDatePeriod = $populateUntil;
return new DatePeriod(new DateTime($start, new DateTimeZone($timezone)),
new DateInterval($repeatInterval), $endDatePeriod);
* Returns 2 DateTime objects, in the user's local time,
* of the next future repeat show instance start and end time
public function getNextFutureRepeatShowTime($showId)
$sql = <<<SQL
SELECT starts, ends FROM cc_show_instances
WHERE ends > now() at time zone 'UTC'
AND show_id = :showId
ORDER BY starts
$result = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute( $sql,
array( 'showId' => $showId ), 'all' );
foreach ($result as $r) {
$show["starts"] = new DateTime($r["starts"], new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$show["ends"] = new DateTime($r["ends"], new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$userTimezone = Application_Model_Preference::GetUserTimezone(
$show["starts"]->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($userTimezone));
$show["ends"]->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($userTimezone));
return $show;
* Returns all the show instances of the show currently
* being edited.
* @param $showId
public function getCurrentInstances($showId)
return CcShowInstancesQuery::create()
* Attempts to retrieve the cc_show_instance belonging to a cc_show
* that starts at $starts. We have to pass in the start
* time in case the show is repeating
* Returns the instance if one was found (one that is not a recording
* and modified instance is false (has not been deleted))
public function getInstance($starts, $showId)
$ccShowInstance = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()
->filterByDbStarts($starts->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"), Criteria::EQUAL)
->filterByDbShowId($showId, Criteria::EQUAL)
->filterByDbModifiedInstance(false, Criteria::EQUAL)
->filterByDbRebroadcast(0, Criteria::EQUAL)
if ($ccShowInstance->isEmpty()) {
return false;
} else {
return $ccShowInstance[0];
public function hasInstance($starts, $showId)
return $this->getInstance($starts, $showId) ? true : false;
public function getAllFutureInstanceIds($showId)
$sql = <<<SQL
FROM cc_show_instances
WHERE show_id = :showId
AND starts > :timestamp::TIMESTAMP
AND modified_instance != TRUE
$rows = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql,
array( ':showId' => $showId,
':timestamp' => gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s")), "all");
$ids = array();
foreach ($ids as $id) {
$ids[] = $id['id'];
return $ids;
* Returns the difference in seconds between a show's new and
* old start time
* @param $newStartDateTime DateTime object
* @param $oldStartDateTime DateTime object
public function calculateShowStartDiff($newStartDateTime, $oldStartDateTime)
return $newStartDateTime->getTimestamp() - $oldStartDateTime->getTimestamp();
* TODO: This function is messy. Needs refactoring
* When editing a show we may need to perform some actions to reflect the new specs:
* - Delete some show instances
* - Update duration
* - Update start and end time
* @param $showData edit show form values in raw form
* @param $isRecorded value computed from the edit show form
* @param $repeatType value computed from the edit show form
public function deleteInvalidInstances($showData, $isRecorded, $repeatType)
$showId = $showData["add_show_id"];
$this->service_showDays = new Application_Service_ShowDaysService($showId);
//ccShowDays object of the show being edited
$currentShowDay = $this->service_showDays->getCurrentShowDay();
//new end date in users' local time
$endDateTime = $this->service_showDays->calculateEndDate($showData);
if (!is_null($endDateTime)) {
$endDate = $endDateTime->format("Y-m-d");
} else {
$endDate = $endDateTime;
//repeat option was toggled
if ($showData['add_show_repeats'] != $currentShowDay->isRepeating()) {
$this->deleteAllRepeatInstances($currentShowDay, $showId);
if ($showData['add_show_repeats']) {
$localShowStart = $currentShowDay->getLocalStartDateAndTime();
//if the start date changes, these are the repeat types
//that require show instance deletion
if (in_array($repeatType, $deleteRepeatTypes) &&
$showData["add_show_start_date"] != $localShowStart->format("Y-m-d")) {
//Start date has changed when repeat type is bi-weekly or monthly.
//This screws up the repeating positions of show instances, so
//we need to delete them (CC-2351)
$currentRepeatType = $currentShowDay->getDbRepeatType();
//only delete instances if the show being edited was already repeating
//and the repeat type changed
if ($currentRepeatType != -1 && $repeatType != $currentRepeatType) {
//repeat type changed
} else {
//repeat type is the same, check if the days of the week are the same
$repeatingDaysChanged = false;
$ccShowDays = $this->service_showDays->getShowDays();
$showDays = array();
foreach ($ccShowDays as $day) {
$showDays[] = $day->getDbDay();
if (count($showData['add_show_day_check']) == count($showDays)) {
//same number of days checked, lets see if they are the same numbers
$intersect = array_intersect($showData['add_show_day_check'], $showDays);
if (count($intersect) != count($showData['add_show_day_check'])) {
$repeatingDaysChanged = true;
} else {
$repeatingDaysChanged = true;
if ($repeatingDaysChanged) {
$daysRemoved = array_diff($showDays, $showData['add_show_day_check']);
if (count($daysRemoved) > 0) {
//delete repeating show instances for the repeating
//days that were removed
$ccShowDays, $showId);
if ($showData['add_show_start_date'] != $localShowStart->format("Y-m-d")
|| $showData['add_show_start_time'] != $localShowStart->format("H:i")) {
//start date has been pushed forward so we need to delete
//any instances of this show scheduled before the new start date
if ($showData['add_show_start_date'] > $localShowStart->format("Y-m-d")) {
$this->deleteInstancesBeforeDate($showData['add_show_start_date'], $showId);
$currentShowEndDate = $this->service_showDays->getRepeatingEndDate();
//check if "no end" option has changed
if ($currentShowEndDate != $showData['add_show_no_end']) {
//show "No End" option was toggled
if (!$showData['add_show_no_end']) {
//"No End" option was unchecked so we need to delete the
//repeat instances that are scheduled after the new end date
$this->deleteInstancesFromDate($endDate, $showId);
if ($currentShowEndDate != $showData['add_show_end_date']) {
//end date was changed
$newEndDate = strtotime($showData['add_show_end_date']);
$oldEndDate = strtotime($currentShowEndDate);
if ($newEndDate < $oldEndDate) {
//end date was pushed back so we have to delete any
//instances of this show scheduled after the new end date
$this->deleteInstancesFromDate($endDate, $showId);
}//if repeats
public function applyShowStartEndDifference($showData, $showId)
$currentShowDay = $this->service_showDays->getCurrentShowDay();
$newStartDateTime = new DateTime($showData["add_show_start_date"]." ".
new DateTimeZone(Application_Model_Preference::GetTimezone()));
$diff = $this->calculateShowStartDiff($newStartDateTime,
$this->updateInstanceStartEndTime($showId, $diff);
$instanceIds = $this->getAllFutureInstanceIds($showId);
Application_Service_ScheduleService::updateScheduleStartTime($instanceIds, $diff);
* Updates the start and end time for cc_show_instances
* @param $showData edit show form data
public function updateInstanceStartEndTime($showId, $diff)
$sql = <<<SQL
UPDATE cc_show_instances
SET starts = starts + :diff1::INTERVAL,
ends = ends + :diff2::INTERVAL
WHERE show_id = :showId
AND starts > :timestamp::TIMESTAMP
array(':diff1' => $diff, ':diff2' => $diff,
':showId' => $showId, ':timestamp' => gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s")),
public function deleteAllRepeatInstances($currentShowDay, $showId)
$firstShow = $currentShowDay->getUTCStartDateAndTime();
$sql = <<<SQL
FROM cc_show_instances
WHERE starts > :timestamp::TIMESTAMP
AND show_id = :showId
AND starts != :firstShow
Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute( $sql,
array( ':timestamp' => gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
':showId' => $showId,
':firstShow' => $firstShow->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")), 'execute');
public function deleteAllInstances($showId)
$sql = <<<SQL
FROM cc_show_instances
WHERE starts > :timestamp::TIMESTAMP
AND show_id = :showId
Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute( $sql,
array( ':timestamp' => gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
':showId' => $showId), 'execute');
* Enter description here ...
* @param $daysRemoved array of days (days of the week) removed
* (days of the week are represented numerically
* 0=>sunday, 1=>monday, 2=>tuesday, etc.)
* @param $showDays array of ccShowDays objects
* @param $showId
public function deleteRemovedShowDayInstances($daysRemoved, $showDays, $showId)
$daysRemovedUTC = array();
//convert the start day of the week to UTC
foreach ($showDays as $showDay) {
if (in_array($showDay->getDbDay(), $daysRemoved)) {
$startDay = $showDay->getUTCStartDateAndTime();
$daysRemovedUTC[] = $startDay->format('w');
$uncheckedDays = pg_escape_string(implode(",", $daysRemovedUTC));
$sql = <<<SQL
FROM cc_show_instances
WHERE EXTRACT(DOW FROM starts) IN ($uncheckedDays)
AND starts > :timestamp::TIMESTAMP
AND show_id = :showId
Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute( $sql, array(
":timestamp" => gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"), ":showId" => $showId),
public function deleteInstancesBeforeDate($newStartDate, $showId)
$sql = <<<SQL
FROM cc_show_instances
WHERE date(starts) < :newStartDate::DATE
AND starts > :timestamp::TIMESTAMP
AND show_id = :showId
Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, array(
":newStartDate" => $newStartDate, ":timestamp" => gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
":showId" => $showId), "execute");
public function deleteInstancesFromDate($endDate, $showId)
$sql = <<<SQL
DELETE FROM cc_show_instances
WHERE date(starts) >= :endDate::DATE
AND starts > :timestamp::TIMESTAMP
AND show_id = :showId
Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute($sql, array(
':endDate' => $endDate, ':timestamp' => gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
':showId' => $showId), 'execute');
/* public function updateInstanceDuration($showData)
$sql = <<<SQL
UPDATE cc_show_instances
SET ends = starts + :add_show_duration::INTERVAL
WHERE show_id = :show_id
AND ends > :timestamp::TIMESTAMP
Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute( $sql, array(
':add_show_duration' => $showData['add_show_duration'],
':show_id' => $showData['add_show_id'],
':timestamp' => gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s")), "execute");