Lucas Bickel ae4c9203e6 Refactor override preference
Properly defaults the preference to be true and always return a boolean value since that is what celery will be expecting.
2017-03-17 02:10:04 +01:00
airtime-celery Refactor override preference 2017-03-17 02:10:04 +01:00
install Remove saas-specific configurations 2015-06-12 12:50:35 -04:00 Update installer to work with saas branch 2015-06-23 19:02:55 -04:00
README.rst Rewrite config from /etc/airtime-saas to plain /etc/airtime 2017-03-03 15:57:41 +01:00 Vagrant Debian support (and experimental CentOS) 2017-03-12 13:42:22 +01:00



airtime-celery is a Celery_ daemon for handling backend tasks asynchronously.
Communication and the Celery results backend are both handled with amqp (RabbitMQ).


    $ sudo python install

Each instance of airtime-celery has its own worker, and multiple instances can be run in parallel.
`Celery is thread-safe`_, so this parallelization won't cause conflicts.

.. _Celery:
.. _Celery is thread-safe:


This program must be run with sudo:

    $ sudo service airtime-celery {start | stop | restart | graceful | kill | dryrun | create-paths}


To debug, you can run celery directly from the command line:

    $ cd /my/airtime/root/python_apps/airtime-celery
    $ RMQ_CONFIG_FILE=${LIBRETIME_CONF_DIR}/airtime.conf celery -A airtime-celery.tasks worker --loglevel=info

This worker can be run alongside the service without issue.

You may want to use the setuptools develop target to install:

    $ cd /my/airtime/root/python_apps/airtime-celery
    $ sudo python develop

You will need to allow the "airtime" RabbitMQ user to access all exchanges and queues within the /airtime vhost:

    $ sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p /airtime airtime .\* .\* .\*


By default, logs are saved to:



If you run into issues getting Celery to accept tasks from Airtime:

    1) Make sure Celery is running ($ sudo service airtime-celery status).

    2) Check the log file (/var/log/airtime/airtime-celery[-DEV_ENV].log) to make sure Celery started correctly.

    3) Check your $LIBRETIME_CONF_DIR/airtime.conf rabbitmq settings. Make sure the settings here align with

    4) Check RabbitMQ to make sure the celeryresults and task queues were created in the correct vhost.

    5) Make sure the RabbitMQ user (the default is airtime) has permissions on all vhosts being used.