
698 lines
18 KiB

* AMQP protocol serialization/deserialization to/from wire format.
* Vadim Zaliva <>
* To understand all signed/unsinged and 32/64 bit madness in this
* code, please read first the following article:
* AMQP protocol decimal value.
* Values are represented as (n,e) pairs. The actual value
* is n * 10^(-e).
* From 0.8 spec: Decimal values are
* not intended to support floating point values, but rather
* business values such as currency rates and amounts. The
* 'decimals' octet is not signed.
class AMQPDecimal
public function __construct($n, $e)
if($e < 0)
throw new Exception("Decimal exponent value must be unsigned!");
$this->n = $n;
$this->e = $e;
public function asBCvalue()
return bcdiv($this->n, bcpow(10,$this->e));
class AMQPWriter
public function __construct()
$this->out = "";
$this->bits = array();
$this->bitcount = 0;
private static function chrbytesplit($x, $bytes)
return array_map('chr', AMQPWriter::bytesplit($x,$bytes));
* Splits number (could be either int or string) into array of byte
* values (represented as integers) in big-endian byte order.
private static function bytesplit($x, $bytes)
$x = sprintf("%u", $x);
$res = array();
$b = bcmod($x,'256');
$x=bcdiv($x,'256', 0);
throw new Exception("Value too big!");
return $res;
private function flushbits()
$this->out .= implode("", array_map('chr',$this->bits));
$this->bits = array();
$this->bitcount = 0;
* Get what's been encoded so far.
public function getvalue()
return $this->out;
* Write a plain Python string, with no special encoding.
public function write($s)
$this->out .= $s;
* Write a boolean value.
public function write_bit($b)
$b = 1;
$b = 0;
$shift = $this->bitcount % 8;
if($shift == 0)
$last = 0;
$last = array_pop($this->bits);
$last |= ($b << $shift);
array_push($this->bits, $last);
$this->bitcount += 1;
* Write an integer as an unsigned 8-bit value.
public function write_octet($n)
if($n < 0 || $n > 255)
throw new Exception('Octet out of range 0..255');
$this->out .= chr($n);
* Write an integer as an unsigned 16-bit value.
public function write_short($n)
if($n < 0 || $n > 65535)
throw new Exception('Octet out of range 0..65535');
$this->out .= pack('n', $n);
* Write an integer as an unsigned 32-bit value.
public function write_long($n)
$this->out .= implode("", AMQPWriter::chrbytesplit($n,4));
private function write_signed_long($n)
// although format spec for 'N' mentions unsigned
// it will deal with sinned integers as well. tested.
$this->out .= pack('N', $n);
* Write an integer as an unsigned 64-bit value.
public function write_longlong($n)
$this->out .= implode("", AMQPWriter::chrbytesplit($n,8));
* Write a string up to 255 bytes long after encoding.
* Assume UTF-8 encoding.
public function write_shortstr($s)
if(strlen($s) > 255)
throw new Exception('String too long');
$this->out .= $s;
* Write a string up to 2**32 bytes long. Assume UTF-8 encoding.
public function write_longstr($s)
$this->out .= $s;
* Write unix time_t value as 64 bit timestamp.
public function write_timestamp($v)
* Write PHP array, as table. Input array format: keys are strings,
* values are (type,value) tuples.
public function write_table($d)
$table_data = new AMQPWriter();
foreach($d as $k=>$va)
list($ftype,$v) = $va;
} else if($ftype=='I')
} else if($ftype=='D')
// 'D' type values are passed AMQPDecimal instances.
} else if($ftype=='T')
} else if($ftype=='F')
$table_data = $table_data->getvalue();
class AMQPReader
public function __construct($str, $sock=NULL)
$this->str = $str;
if ($sock !== NULL)
$this->sock = new BufferedInput($sock);
} else
$this->sock = NULL;
$this->offset = 0;
$this->bitcount = $this->bits = 0;
$this->is64bits = true;
$this->is64bits = false;
throw new Exception("'bc math' module required");
$this->buffer_read_timeout = 5; // in seconds
public function close()
public function read($n)
$this->bitcount = $this->bits = 0;
return $this->rawread($n);
private function rawread($n)
$res = '';
$read = 0;
$start = time();
while($read < $n && !feof($this->sock->real_sock()) &&
(false !== ($buf = fread($this->sock->real_sock(), $n - $read))))
if ($buf == '')
$start = time();
$read += strlen($buf);
$res .= $buf;
throw new Exception ("Error reading data. Recevived " .
strlen($res) . " instead of expected $n bytes");
$this->offset += $n;
} else
if(strlen($this->str) < $n)
throw new Exception ("Error reading data. Requested $n bytes while string buffer has only " .
$res = substr($this->str,0,$n);
$this->str = substr($this->str,$n);
$this->offset += $n;
return $res;
public function read_bit()
$this->bits = ord($this->rawread(1));
$this->bitcount = 8;
$result = ($this->bits & 1) == 1;
$this->bits >>= 1;
$this->bitcount -= 1;
return $result;
public function read_octet()
$this->bitcount = $this->bits = 0;
list(,$res) = unpack('C', $this->rawread(1));
return $res;
public function read_short()
$this->bitcount = $this->bits = 0;
list(,$res) = unpack('n', $this->rawread(2));
return $res;
* Reads 32 bit integer in big-endian byte order.
* On 64 bit systems it will return always usngined int
* value in 0..2^32 range.
* On 32 bit systems it will return signed int value in
* -2^31...+2^31 range.
* Use with caution!
public function read_php_int()
list(,$res) = unpack('N', $this->rawread(4));
$sres = sprintf ( "%u", $res );
return (int)$sres;
} else {
return $res;
// PHP does not have unsigned 32 bit int,
// so we return it as a string
public function read_long()
$this->bitcount = $this->bits = 0;
list(,$res) = unpack('N', $this->rawread(4));
$sres = sprintf ( "%u", $res );
return $sres;
private function read_signed_long()
$this->bitcount = $this->bits = 0;
// In PHP unpack('N') always return signed value,
// on both 32 and 64 bit systems!
list(,$res) = unpack('N', $this->rawread(4));
return $res;
// Even on 64 bit systems PHP integers are singed.
// Since we need an unsigned value here we return it
// as a string.
public function read_longlong()
$this->bitcount = $this->bits = 0;
$hi = unpack('N', $this->rawread(4));
$lo = unpack('N', $this->rawread(4));
// workaround signed/unsigned braindamage in php
$hi = sprintf ( "%u", $hi[1] );
$lo = sprintf ( "%u", $lo[1] );
return bcadd(bcmul($hi, "4294967296" ), $lo);
* Read a utf-8 encoded string that's stored in up to
* 255 bytes. Return it decoded as a Python unicode object.
public function read_shortstr()
$this->bitcount = $this->bits = 0;
list(,$slen) = unpack('C', $this->rawread(1));
return $this->rawread($slen);
* Read a string that's up to 2**32 bytes, the encoding
* isn't specified in the AMQP spec, so just return it as
* a plain PHP string.
public function read_longstr()
$this->bitcount = $this->bits = 0;
$slen = $this->read_php_int();
throw new Exception("Strings longer than supported on this platform");
return $this->rawread($slen);
* Read and AMQP timestamp, which is a 64-bit integer representing
* seconds since the Unix epoch in 1-second resolution.
function read_timestamp()
return $this->read_longlong();
* Read an AMQP table, and return as a PHP array. keys are strings,
* values are (type,value) tuples.
public function read_table()
$this->bitcount = $this->bits = 0;
$tlen = $this->read_php_int();
throw new Exception("Table is longer than supported");
$table_data = new AMQPReader($this->rawread($tlen));
$result = array();
while($table_data->tell() < $tlen)
$name = $table_data->read_shortstr();
$ftype = $table_data->rawread(1);
if($ftype == 'S') {
$val = $table_data->read_longstr();
} else if($ftype == 'I') {
$val = $table_data->read_signed_long();
} else if($ftype == 'D')
$e = $table_data->read_octet();
$n = $table_data->read_signed_long();
$val = new AMQPDecimal($n, $e);
} else if($ftype == 'T')
$val = $table_data->read_timestamp();
} else if($ftype == 'F')
$val = $table_data->read_table(); // recursion
} else {
error_log("Usupported table field type $ftype");
$val = NULL;
$result[$name] = array($ftype,$val);
return $result;
protected function tell()
return $this->offset;
* Abstract base class for AMQP content. Subclasses should override
* the PROPERTIES attribute.
class GenericContent
protected static $PROPERTIES = array(
"dummy" => "shortstr"
public function __construct($props, $prop_types=NULL)
$this->prop_types = $prop_types;
$this->prop_types = GenericContent::$PROPERTIES;
$d = array();
if ($props)
$d = array_intersect_key($props, $this->prop_types);
$d = array();
$this->properties = $d;
* Look for additional properties in the 'properties' dictionary,
* and if present - the 'delivery_info' dictionary.
public function get($name)
return $this->properties[$name];
return $this->delivery_info[$name];
throw new Exception("No such property");
* Given the raw bytes containing the property-flags and
* property-list from a content-frame-header, parse and insert
* into a dictionary stored in this object as an attribute named
* 'properties'.
public function load_properties($raw_bytes)
$r = new AMQPReader($raw_bytes);
// Read 16-bit shorts until we get one with a low bit set to zero
$flags = array();
$flag_bits = $r->read_short();
array_push($flags, $flag_bits);
if(($flag_bits & 1) == 0)
$shift = 0;
$d = array();
foreach ($this->prop_types as $key => $proptype)
if($shift == 0) {
if(!$flags) {
$flag_bits = array_shift($flags);
$shift = 15;
if($flag_bits & (1 << $shift))
$d[$key] = call_user_func(array($r,"read_".$proptype));
$shift -= 1;
$this->properties = $d;
* serialize the 'properties' attribute (a dictionary) into the
* raw bytes making up a set of property flags and a property
* list, suitable for putting into a content frame header.
public function serialize_properties()
$shift = 15;
$flag_bits = 0;
$flags = array();
$raw_bytes = new AMQPWriter();
foreach ($this->prop_types as $key => $proptype)
$val = $this->properties[$key];
$val = NULL;
if($val != NULL)
if($shift == 0)
array_push($flags, $flag_bits);
$flag_bits = 0;
$shift = 15;
$flag_bits |= (1 << $shift);
if($proptype != "bit")
call_user_func(array($raw_bytes, "write_" . $proptype),
$shift -= 1;
array_push($flags, $flag_bits);
$result = new AMQPWriter();
foreach($flags as $flag_bits)
return $result->getvalue();
class BufferedInput
public function __construct($sock)
$this->block_size = 8192;
$this->sock = $sock;
public function real_sock()
return $this->sock;
public function read($n)
if ($this->offset >= strlen($this->buffer))
if (!($rv = $this->populate_buffer()))
return $rv;
return $this->read_buffer($n);
public function close()
private function read_buffer($n)
$n = min($n, strlen($this->buffer) - $this->offset);
if ($n === 0)
// substr("", 0, 0) => FALSE, which screws up read loops that are
// expecting non-blocking reads to return "". This avoids that edge
// case when the buffer is empty/used up.
return "";
$block = substr($this->buffer, $this->offset, $n);
$this->offset += $n;
return $block;
private function reset($block)
$this->buffer = $block;
$this->offset = 0;
private function populate_buffer()
return FALSE;
$block = fread($this->sock, $this->block_size);
if ($block !== FALSE)
return TRUE;
} else
return $block;