
1189 lines
30 KiB

* This file is part of the Propel package.
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
* @license MIT License
require_once 'model/XMLElement.php';
require_once 'exception/EngineException.php';
require_once 'model/PropelTypes.php';
require_once 'model/Inheritance.php';
require_once 'model/Domain.php';
require_once 'model/ColumnDefaultValue.php';
* A Class for holding data about a column used in an Application.
* @author Hans Lellelid <> (Propel)
* @author Leon Messerschmidt <> (Torque)
* @author Jason van Zyl <> (Torque)
* @author Jon S. Stevens <> (Torque)
* @author Daniel Rall <> (Torque)
* @author Byron Foster <> (Torque)
* @author Bernd Goldschmidt <>
* @version $Revision: 1778 $
* @package propel.generator.model
class Column extends XMLElement
const DEFAULT_VISIBILITY = 'public';
public static $valid_visibilities = array('public', 'protected', 'private');
private $name;
private $description;
private $phpName = null;
private $phpNamingMethod;
private $isNotNull = false;
private $size;
private $namePrefix;
private $accessorVisibility;
private $mutatorVisibility;
* The name to use for the Peer constant that identifies this column.
* (Will be converted to all-uppercase in the templates.)
* @var string
private $peerName;
* Native PHP type (scalar or class name)
* @var string "string", "boolean", "int", "double"
private $phpType;
* @var Table
private $parentTable;
private $position;
private $isPrimaryKey = false;
private $isNodeKey = false;
private $nodeKeySep;
private $isNestedSetLeftKey = false;
private $isNestedSetRightKey = false;
private $isTreeScopeKey = false;
private $isUnique = false;
private $isAutoIncrement = false;
private $isLazyLoad = false;
private $defaultValue;
private $referrers;
private $isPrimaryString = false;
// only one type is supported currently, which assumes the
// column either contains the classnames or a key to
// classnames specified in the schema. Others may be
// supported later.
private $inheritanceType;
private $isInheritance;
private $isEnumeratedClasses;
private $inheritanceList;
private $needsTransactionInPostgres; //maybe this can be retrieved from vendorSpecificInfo
/** class name to do input validation on this column */
private $inputValidator = null;
* @var Domain The domain object associated with this Column.
private $domain;
* Creates a new column and set the name
* @param name column name
public function __construct($name = null)
$this->name = $name;
* Return a comma delimited string listing the specified columns.
* @param columns Either a list of <code>Column</code> objects, or
* a list of <code>String</code> objects with column names.
* @deprecated Use the DDLBuilder->getColumnList() method instead; this will be removed in 1.3
public static function makeList($columns, Platform $platform)
$list = array();
foreach ($columns as $col) {
if ($col instanceof Column) {
$col = $col->getName();
$list[] = $platform->quoteIdentifier($col);
return implode(", ", $list);
* Sets up the Column object based on the attributes that were passed to loadFromXML().
* @see parent::loadFromXML()
protected function setupObject()
try {
$dom = $this->getAttribute("domain");
if ($dom) {
} else {
$type = strtoupper($this->getAttribute("type"));
if ($type) {
} else {
$this->name = $this->getAttribute("name");
$this->phpName = $this->getAttribute("phpName");
$this->phpType = $this->getAttribute("phpType");
if ($this->getAttribute("prefix", null) !== null) {
$this->namePrefix = $this->getAttribute("prefix");
} elseif ($this->getTable()->getAttribute('columnPrefix', null) !== null) {
$this->namePrefix = $this->getTable()->getAttribute('columnPrefix');
} else {
$this->namePrefix = '';
// Accessor visibility
if ($this->getAttribute('accessorVisibility', null) !== null) {
} elseif ($this->getTable()->getAttribute('defaultAccessorVisibility', null) !== null) {
} elseif ($this->getTable()->getDatabase()->getAttribute('defaultAccessorVisibility', null) !== null) {
} else {
// Mutator visibility
if ($this->getAttribute('mutatorVisibility', null) !== null) {
} elseif ($this->getTable()->getAttribute('defaultMutatorVisibility', null) !== null) {
} elseif ($this->getTable()->getDatabase()->getAttribute('defaultMutatorVisibility', null) !== null) {
} else {
$this->peerName = $this->getAttribute("peerName");
// retrieves the method for converting from specified name to a PHP name, defaulting to parent tables default method
$this->phpNamingMethod = $this->getAttribute("phpNamingMethod", $this->parentTable->getDatabase()->getDefaultPhpNamingMethod());
$this->isPrimaryString = $this->booleanValue($this->getAttribute("primaryString"));
$this->isPrimaryKey = $this->booleanValue($this->getAttribute("primaryKey"));
$this->isNodeKey = $this->booleanValue($this->getAttribute("nodeKey"));
$this->nodeKeySep = $this->getAttribute("nodeKeySep", ".");
$this->isNestedSetLeftKey = $this->booleanValue($this->getAttribute("nestedSetLeftKey"));
$this->isNestedSetRightKey = $this->booleanValue($this->getAttribute("nestedSetRightKey"));
$this->isTreeScopeKey = $this->booleanValue($this->getAttribute("treeScopeKey"));
$this->isNotNull = ($this->booleanValue($this->getAttribute("required"), false) || $this->isPrimaryKey); // primary keys are required
$this->isAutoIncrement = $this->booleanValue($this->getAttribute("autoIncrement"));
$this->isLazyLoad = $this->booleanValue($this->getAttribute("lazyLoad"));
// Add type, size information to associated Domain object
if (!$this->getAttribute("size") && $this->getDomain()->getType() == 'VARCHAR' && !$this->getAttribute("sqlType")) {
$size = 255;
} else {
$size = $this->getAttribute("size");
$defval = $this->getAttribute("defaultValue", $this->getAttribute("default"));
if ($defval !== null && strtolower($defval) !== 'null') {
$this->getDomain()->setDefaultValue(new ColumnDefaultValue($defval, ColumnDefaultValue::TYPE_VALUE));
} elseif ($this->getAttribute("defaultExpr") !== null) {
$this->getDomain()->setDefaultValue(new ColumnDefaultValue($this->getAttribute("defaultExpr"), ColumnDefaultValue::TYPE_EXPR));
$this->inheritanceType = $this->getAttribute("inheritance");
$this->isInheritance = ($this->inheritanceType !== null
&& $this->inheritanceType !== "false"); // here we are only checking for 'false', so don't
// use boleanValue()
$this->inputValidator = $this->getAttribute("inputValidator");
$this->description = $this->getAttribute("description");
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new EngineException("Error setting up column " . var_export($this->getAttribute("name"), true) . ": " . $e->getMessage());
* Gets domain for this column, creating a new empty domain object if none is set.
* @return Domain
public function getDomain()
if ($this->domain === null) {
$this->domain = new Domain();
return $this->domain;
* Returns table.column
public function getFullyQualifiedName()
return ($this->parentTable->getName() . '.' . strtoupper($this->getName()));
* Get the name of the column
public function getName()
return $this->name;
* Set the name of the column
public function setName($newName)
$this->name = $newName;
* Get the description for the Table
public function getDescription()
return $this->description;
* Set the description for the Table
* @param newDescription description for the Table
public function setDescription($newDescription)
$this->description = $newDescription;
* Get name to use in PHP sources. It will set & return
* a self-generated phpName from it's name if it's
* not already set.
* @return string
public function getPhpName()
if ($this->phpName === null) {
return $this->phpName;
* Set name to use in PHP sources.
* It will generate a phpName from it's name if no
* $phpName is passed.
* @param String $phpName PhpName to be set
public function setPhpName($phpName = null)
if ($phpName == null) {
$this->phpName = self::generatePhpName($this->name, $this->phpNamingMethod, $this->namePrefix);
} else {
$this->phpName = $phpName;
* Get studly version of PHP name.
* The studly name is the PHP name with the first character lowercase.
* @return string
public function getStudlyPhpName()
$phpname = $this->getPhpName();
if (strlen($phpname) > 1) {
return strtolower(substr($phpname, 0, 1)) . substr($phpname, 1);
} else { // 0 or 1 chars (I suppose that's rare)
return strtolower($phpname);
* Get the visibility of the accessors of this column / attribute
* @return string
public function getAccessorVisibility() {
if ($this->accessorVisibility !== null) {
return $this->accessorVisibility;
} else {
* Set the visibility of the accessor methods for this column / attribute
* @param $newVisibility string
public function setAccessorVisibility($newVisibility) {
if (in_array($newVisibility, self::$valid_visibilities)) {
$this->accessorVisibility = $newVisibility;
} else {
$this->accessorVisibility = self::DEFAULT_VISIBILITY;
* Get the visibility of the mutator of this column / attribute
* @return string
public function getMutatorVisibility() {
if ($this->mutatorVisibility !== null) {
return $this->mutatorVisibility;
} else {
* Set the visibility of the mutator methods for this column / attribute
* @param $newVisibility string
public function setMutatorVisibility($newVisibility) {
if (in_array($newVisibility, self::$valid_visibilities)) {
$this->mutatorVisibility = $newVisibility;
} else {
$this->mutatorVisibility = self::DEFAULT_VISIBILITY;
* Get the column constant name (e.g. PeerName::COLUMN_NAME).
* @return string A column constant name for insertion into PHP code
public function getConstantName()
$classname = $this->getTable()->getPhpName() . 'Peer';
$const = $this->getConstantColumnName();
return $classname.'::'.$const;
public function getConstantColumnName()
// was it overridden in schema.xml ?
if ($this->getPeerName()) {
return strtoupper($this->getPeerName());
} else {
return strtoupper($this->getName());
* Get the Peer constant name that will identify this column.
* @return string
public function getPeerName() {
return $this->peerName;
* Set the Peer constant name that will identify this column.
* @param $name string
public function setPeerName($name) {
$this->peerName = $name;
* Get type to use in PHP sources.
* If no type has been specified, then uses results of getPhpNative().
* @return string The type name.
* @see getPhpNative()
public function getPhpType()
if ($this->phpType !== null) {
return $this->phpType;
return $this->getPhpNative();
* Get the location of this column within the table (one-based).
* @return int value of position.
public function getPosition()
return $this->position;
* Get the location of this column within the table (one-based).
* @param int $v Value to assign to position.
public function setPosition($v)
$this->position = $v;
* Set the parent Table of the column
public function setTable(Table $parent)
$this->parentTable = $parent;
* Get the parent Table of the column
public function getTable()
return $this->parentTable;
* Returns the Name of the table the column is in
public function getTableName()
return $this->parentTable->getName();
* Adds a new inheritance definition to the inheritance list and set the
* parent column of the inheritance to the current column
* @param mixed $inhdata Inheritance or XML data.
public function addInheritance($inhdata)
if ($inhdata instanceof Inheritance) {
$inh = $inhdata;
if ($this->inheritanceList === null) {
$this->inheritanceList = array();
$this->isEnumeratedClasses = true;
$this->inheritanceList[] = $inh;
return $inh;
} else {
$inh = new Inheritance();
return $this->addInheritance($inh);
* Get the inheritance definitions.
public function getChildren()
return $this->inheritanceList;
* Determine if this column is a normal property or specifies a
* the classes that are represented in the table containing this column.
public function isInheritance()
return $this->isInheritance;
* Determine if possible classes have been enumerated in the xml file.
public function isEnumeratedClasses()
return $this->isEnumeratedClasses;
* Return the isNotNull property of the column
public function isNotNull()
return $this->isNotNull;
* Set the isNotNull property of the column
public function setNotNull($status)
$this->isNotNull = (boolean) $status;
* Return NOT NULL String for this column
* @return "NOT NULL" if null values are not allowed or an empty string.
public function getNotNullString()
return $this->getTable()->getDatabase()->getPlatform()->getNullString($this->isNotNull());
* Set whether the column is the primary string,
* i.e. whether its value is the default string representation of the table
* @param boolean $v
public function setPrimaryString($v)
$this->isPrimaryString = (boolean) $v;
* Return true if the column is the primary string,
* i.e. if its value is the default string representation of the table
public function isPrimaryString()
return $this->isPrimaryString;
* Set whether the column is a primary key or not.
* @param boolean $v
public function setPrimaryKey($v)
$this->isPrimaryKey = (boolean) $v;
* Return true if the column is a primary key
public function isPrimaryKey()
return $this->isPrimaryKey;
* Set if the column is the node key of a tree
public function setNodeKey($nk)
$this->isNodeKey = (boolean) $nk;
* Return true if the column is a node key of a tree
public function isNodeKey()
return $this->isNodeKey;
* Set if the column is the node key of a tree
public function setNodeKeySep($sep)
$this->nodeKeySep = (string) $sep;
* Return true if the column is a node key of a tree
public function getNodeKeySep()
return $this->nodeKeySep;
* Set if the column is the nested set left key of a tree
public function setNestedSetLeftKey($nslk)
$this->isNestedSetLeftKey = (boolean) $nslk;
* Return true if the column is a nested set key of a tree
public function isNestedSetLeftKey()
return $this->isNestedSetLeftKey;
* Set if the column is the nested set right key of a tree
public function setNestedSetRightKey($nsrk)
$this->isNestedSetRightKey = (boolean) $nsrk;
* Return true if the column is a nested set right key of a tree
public function isNestedSetRightKey()
return $this->isNestedSetRightKey;
* Set if the column is the scope key of a tree
public function setTreeScopeKey($tsk)
$this->isTreeScopeKey = (boolean) $tsk;
* Return true if the column is a scope key of a tree
* @return boolean
public function isTreeScopeKey()
return $this->isTreeScopeKey;
* Set true if the column is UNIQUE
* @param boolean $u
public function setUnique($u)
$this->isUnique = $u;
* Get the UNIQUE property.
* @return boolean
public function isUnique()
return $this->isUnique;
* Return true if the column requires a transaction in Postgres
* @return boolean
public function requiresTransactionInPostgres()
return $this->needsTransactionInPostgres;
* Utility method to determine if this column is a foreign key.
* @return boolean
public function isForeignKey()
return (count($this->getForeignKeys()) > 0);
* Whether this column is a part of more than one foreign key.
* @return boolean
public function hasMultipleFK()
return (count($this->getForeignKeys()) > 1);
* Get the foreign key objects for this column (if it is a foreign key or part of a foreign key)
* @return array
public function getForeignKeys()
return $this->parentTable->getColumnForeignKeys($this->name);
* Adds the foreign key from another table that refers to this column.
public function addReferrer(ForeignKey $fk)
if ($this->referrers === null) {
$this->referrers = array();
$this->referrers[] = $fk;
* Get list of references to this column.
public function getReferrers()
if ($this->referrers === null) {
$this->referrers = array();
return $this->referrers;
* Sets the domain up for specified Propel type.
* Calling this method will implicitly overwrite any previously set type,
* size, scale (or other domain attributes).
* @param string $propelType
public function setDomainForType($propelType)
* Sets the propel colunm type.
* @param string $propelType
* @see Domain::setType()
public function setType($propelType)
if ($propelType == PropelTypes::VARBINARY|| $propelType == PropelTypes::LONGVARBINARY || $propelType == PropelTypes::BLOB) {
$this->needsTransactionInPostgres = true;
* Returns the Propel column type as a string.
* @return string The constant representing Propel type: e.g. "VARCHAR".
* @see Domain::getType()
public function getType()
return $this->getDomain()->getType();
* Returns the column PDO type integer for this column's Propel type.
* @return int The integer value representing PDO type param: e.g. PDO::PARAM_INT
public function getPDOType()
return PropelTypes::getPDOType($this->getType());
* Returns the column type as given in the schema as an object
public function getPropelType()
return $this->getType();
* Utility method to know whether column needs Blob/Lob handling.
* @return boolean
public function isLobType()
return PropelTypes::isLobType($this->getType());
* Utility method to see if the column is text type.
public function isTextType()
return PropelTypes::isTextType($this->getType());
* Utility method to see if the column is numeric type.
* @return boolean
public function isNumericType()
return PropelTypes::isNumericType($this->getType());
* Utility method to see if the column is boolean type.
* @return boolean
public function isBooleanType()
return PropelTypes::isBooleanType($this->getType());
* Utility method to know whether column is a temporal column.
* @return boolean
public function isTemporalType()
return PropelTypes::isTemporalType($this->getType());
* @see XMLElement::appendXml(DOMNode)
public function appendXml(DOMNode $node)
$doc = ($node instanceof DOMDocument) ? $node : $node->ownerDocument;
$colNode = $node->appendChild($doc->createElement('column'));
$colNode->setAttribute('name', $this->name);
if ($this->phpName !== null) {
$colNode->setAttribute('phpName', $this->getPhpName());
$colNode->setAttribute('type', $this->getType());
$domain = $this->getDomain();
if ($domain->getSize() !== null) {
$colNode->setAttribute('size', $domain->getSize());
if ($domain->getScale() !== null) {
$colNode->setAttribute('scale', $domain->getScale());
if ($this->isPrimaryKey) {
$colNode->setAttribute('primaryKey', var_export($this->isPrimaryKey, true));
if ($this->isAutoIncrement) {
$colNode->setAttribute('autoIncrement', var_export($this->isAutoIncrement, true));
if ($this->isNotNull) {
$colNode->setAttribute('required', 'true');
} else {
$colNode->setAttribute('required', 'false');
if ($domain->getDefaultValue() !== null) {
$def = $domain->getDefaultValue();
if ($def->isExpression()) {
$colNode->setAttribute('defaultExpr', $def->getValue());
} else {
$colNode->setAttribute('defaultValue', $def->getValue());
if ($this->isInheritance()) {
$colNode->setAttribute('inheritance', $this->inheritanceType);
foreach ($this->inheritanceList as $inheritance) {
if ($this->isNodeKey()) {
$colNode->setAttribute('nodeKey', 'true');
if ($this->getNodeKeySep() !== null) {
$colNode->setAttribute('nodeKeySep', $this->nodeKeySep);
foreach ($this->vendorInfos as $vi) {
* Returns the size of the column
* @return string
public function getSize()
return $this->domain->getSize();
* Set the size of the column
* @param string $newSize
public function setSize($newSize)
* Returns the scale of the column
* @return string
public function getScale()
return $this->domain->getScale();
* Set the scale of the column
* @param string $newScale
public function setScale($newScale)
* Return the size in brackets for use in an sql
* schema if the type is String. Otherwise return an empty string
public function printSize()
return $this->domain->printSize();
* Return a string that will give this column a default value.
* @return string
public function getDefaultSetting()
$dflt = "";
$defaultValue = $this->getDefaultValue();
if ($defaultValue !== null) {
$dflt .= "default ";
if ($this->getDefaultValue()->isExpression()) {
$dflt .= $this->getDefaultValue()->getValue();
} else {
if ($this->isTextType()) {
$dflt .= $this->getPlatform()->quote($defaultValue->getValue());
} elseif ($this->getType() == PropelTypes::BOOLEAN) {
$dflt .= $this->getPlatform()->getBooleanString($defaultValue->getValue());
} else {
$dflt .= $defaultValue->getValue();
return $dflt;
* Return a string that will give this column a default value in PHP
* @return string
public function getDefaultValueString()
$defaultValue = $this->getDefaultValue();
if ($defaultValue !== null) {
if ($this->isNumericType()) {
$dflt = (float) $defaultValue->getValue();
} elseif ($this->isTextType() || $this->getDefaultValue()->isExpression()) {
$dflt = "'" . str_replace("'", "\'", $defaultValue->getValue()) . "'";
} elseif ($this->getType() == PropelTypes::BOOLEAN) {
$dflt = $this->booleanValue($defaultValue->getValue()) ? 'true' : 'false';
} else {
$dflt = "'" . $defaultValue->getValue() . "'";
} else {
$dflt = "null";
return $dflt;
* Set a string that will give this column a default value.
public function setDefaultValue($def)
* Get the default value object for this column.
* @return ColumnDefaultValue
* @see Domain::getDefaultValue()
public function getDefaultValue()
return $this->domain->getDefaultValue();
* Get the default value suitable for use in PHP.
* @return mixed
* @see Domain::getPhpDefaultValue()
public function getPhpDefaultValue()
return $this->domain->getPhpDefaultValue();
* Returns the class name to do input validation
public function getInputValidator()
return $this->inputValidator;
* Return auto increment/sequence string for the target database. We need to
* pass in the props for the target database!
public function isAutoIncrement()
return $this->isAutoIncrement;
* Return auto increment/sequence string for the target database. We need to
* pass in the props for the target database!
public function isLazyLoad()
return $this->isLazyLoad;
* Gets the auto-increment string.
* @return string
public function getAutoIncrementString()
if ($this->isAutoIncrement()&& IDMethod::NATIVE === $this->getTable()->getIdMethod()) {
return $this->getPlatform()->getAutoIncrement();
} elseif ($this->isAutoIncrement()) {
throw new EngineException("You have specified autoIncrement for column '" . $this->name . "' but you have not specified idMethod=\"native\" for table '" . $this->getTable()->getName() . "'.");
return "";
* Set the auto increment value.
* Use isAutoIncrement() to find out if it is set or not.
public function setAutoIncrement($value)
$this->isAutoIncrement = (boolean) $value;
* Set the column type from a string property
* (normally a string from an sql input file)
* @deprecated Do not use; this will be removed in next release.
public function setTypeFromString($typeName, $size)
$tn = strtoupper($typeName);
if ($size !== null) {
$this->size = $size;
if (strpos($tn, "CHAR") !== false) {
} elseif (strpos($tn, "INT") !== false) {
} elseif (strpos($tn, "FLOAT") !== false) {
} elseif (strpos($tn, "DATE") !== false) {
} elseif (strpos($tn, "TIME") !== false) {
} else if (strpos($tn, "BINARY") !== false) {
} else {
* Return a string representation of the native PHP type which corresponds
* to the propel type of this column. Use in the generation of Base objects.
* @return string PHP datatype used by propel.
public function getPhpNative()
return PropelTypes::getPhpNative($this->getType());
* Returns true if the column's PHP native type is an boolean, int, long, float, double, string.
* @return boolean
* @see PropelTypes::isPhpPrimitiveType()
public function isPhpPrimitiveType()
return PropelTypes::isPhpPrimitiveType($this->getPhpType());
* Return true if column's PHP native type is an boolean, int, long, float, double.
* @return boolean
* @see PropelTypes::isPhpPrimitiveNumericType()
public function isPhpPrimitiveNumericType()
return PropelTypes::isPhpPrimitiveNumericType($this->getPhpType());
* Returns true if the column's PHP native type is a class name.
* @return boolean
* @see PropelTypes::isPhpObjectType()
public function isPhpObjectType()
return PropelTypes::isPhpObjectType($this->getPhpType());
* Get the platform/adapter impl.
* @return Platform
public function getPlatform()
return $this->getTable()->getDatabase()->getPlatform();
* @return string
* @deprecated Use DDLBuilder->getColumnDDL() instead; this will be removed in 1.3
public function getSqlString()
$sb = "";
$sb .= $this->getPlatform()->quoteIdentifier($this->getName()) . " ";
$sb .= $this->getDomain()->getSqlType();
if ($this->getPlatform()->hasSize($this->getDomain()->getSqlType())) {
$sb .= $this->getDomain()->printSize();
$sb .= " ";
$sb .= $this->getDefaultSetting() . " ";
$sb .= $this->getNotNullString() . " ";
$sb .= $this->getAutoIncrementString();
return trim($sb);
public static function generatePhpName($name, $phpNamingMethod = PhpNameGenerator::CONV_METHOD_CLEAN, $namePrefix = null) {
return NameFactory::generateName(NameFactory::PHP_GENERATOR, array($name, $phpNamingMethod, $namePrefix));