
1580 lines
36 KiB

* This file is part of the Propel package.
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
* @license MIT License
require_once 'model/XMLElement.php';
require_once 'exception/EngineException.php';
require_once 'model/IDMethod.php';
require_once 'model/NameFactory.php';
require_once 'model/Column.php';
require_once 'model/Unique.php';
require_once 'model/ForeignKey.php';
require_once 'model/IdMethodParameter.php';
require_once 'model/Validator.php';
require_once 'model/Behavior.php';
* Data about a table used in an application.
* @author Hans Lellelid <> (Propel)
* @author Leon Messerschmidt <> (Torque)
* @author Jason van Zyl <> (Torque)
* @author Martin Poeschl <> (Torque)
* @author John McNally <> (Torque)
* @author Daniel Rall <> (Torque)
* @author Byron Foster <> (Torque)
* @version $Revision: 1802 $
* @package propel.generator.model
class Table extends XMLElement implements IDMethod
* Enables some debug printing.
const DEBUG = false;
* Columns for this table.
* @var array Column[]
private $columnList = array();
* Validators for this table.
* @var array Validator[]
private $validatorList = array();
* Foreign keys for this table.
* @var array ForeignKey[]
private $foreignKeys = array();
* Indexes for this table.
* @var array Index[]
private $indices = array();
* Unique indexes for this table.
* @var array Unique[]
private $unices = array();
* Any parameters for the ID method (currently supports changing sequence name).
* @var array
private $idMethodParameters = array();
* Table name.
* @var string
private $name;
* Table description.
* @var string
private $description;
* phpName for the table.
* @var string
private $phpName;
* Namespace for the generated OM.
* @var string
protected $namespace;
* ID method for the table (e.g. IDMethod::NATIVE, IDMethod::NONE).
* @var string
private $idMethod;
* Wether an INSERT with set PK is allowed on tables with IDMethod::NATIVE
* @var boolean
private $allowPkInsert;
* Strategry to use for converting column name to phpName.
* @var string
private $phpNamingMethod;
* The Database that this table belongs to.
* @var Database
private $database;
* Foreign Keys that refer to this table.
* @var array ForeignKey[]
private $referrers = array();
* Names of foreign tables.
* @var array string[]
private $foreignTableNames;
* Whether this table contains a foreign primary key.
* @var boolean
private $containsForeignPK;
* The inheritance column for this table (if any).
* @var Column
private $inheritanceColumn;
* Whether to skip generation of SQL for this table.
* @var boolean
private $skipSql;
* Whether this table is "read-only".
* @var boolean
private $readOnly;
* Whether this table should result in abstract OM classes.
* @var boolean
private $abstractValue;
* Whether this table is an alias for another table.
* @var string
private $alias;
* The interface that the generated "object" class should implement.
* @var string
private $enterface;
* The package for the generated OM.
* @var string
private $pkg;
* The base class to extend for the generated "object" class.
* @var string
private $baseClass;
* The base peer class to extend for generated "peer" class.
* @var string
private $basePeer;
* Map of columns by name.
* @var array
private $columnsByName = array();
* Map of columns by phpName.
* @var array
private $columnsByPhpName = array();
* Whether this table needs to use transactions in Postgres.
* @var string
* @deprecated
private $needsTransactionInPostgres;
* Whether to perform additional indexing on this table.
* @var boolean
private $heavyIndexing;
* Whether this table is for reference only.
* @var boolean
private $forReferenceOnly;
* The tree mode (nested set, etc.) implemented by this table.
* @var string
private $treeMode;
* Whether to reload the rows in this table after insert.
* @var boolean
private $reloadOnInsert;
* Whether to reload the rows in this table after update.
* @var boolean
private $reloadOnUpdate;
* List of behaviors registered for this table
* @var array
protected $behaviors = array();
* Whether this table is a cross-reference table for a many-to-many relationship
* @var boolean
protected $isCrossRef = false;
* Constructs a table object with a name
* @param string $name table name
public function __construct($name = null)
$this->name = $name;
* Sets up the Rule object based on the attributes that were passed to loadFromXML().
* @see parent::loadFromXML()
public function setupObject()
$this->name = $this->getDatabase()->getTablePrefix() . $this->getAttribute("name");
// retrieves the method for converting from specified name to a PHP name.
$this->phpNamingMethod = $this->getAttribute("phpNamingMethod", $this->getDatabase()->getDefaultPhpNamingMethod());
$this->phpName = $this->getAttribute("phpName", $this->buildPhpName($this->getAttribute('name')));
$namespace = $this->getAttribute("namespace", '');
$package = $this->getAttribute("package");
if ($namespace && !$package && $this->getDatabase()->getBuildProperty('namespaceAutoPackage')) {
$package = str_replace('\\', '.', $namespace);
$this->namespace = $namespace;
$this->pkg = $package;
$this->namespace = $this->getAttribute("namespace");
$this->idMethod = $this->getAttribute("idMethod", $this->getDatabase()->getDefaultIdMethod());
$this->allowPkInsert = $this->booleanValue($this->getAttribute("allowPkInsert"));
$this->skipSql = $this->booleanValue($this->getAttribute("skipSql"));
$this->readOnly = $this->booleanValue($this->getAttribute("readOnly"));
$this->abstractValue = $this->booleanValue($this->getAttribute("abstract"));
$this->baseClass = $this->getAttribute("baseClass");
$this->basePeer = $this->getAttribute("basePeer");
$this->alias = $this->getAttribute("alias");
$this->heavyIndexing = ( $this->booleanValue($this->getAttribute("heavyIndexing"))
|| ("false" !== $this->getAttribute("heavyIndexing")
&& $this->getDatabase()->isHeavyIndexing() ) );
$this->description = $this->getAttribute("description");
$this->enterface = $this->getAttribute("interface"); // sic ('interface' is reserved word)
$this->treeMode = $this->getAttribute("treeMode");
$this->reloadOnInsert = $this->booleanValue($this->getAttribute("reloadOnInsert"));
$this->reloadOnUpdate = $this->booleanValue($this->getAttribute("reloadOnUpdate"));
$this->isCrossRef = $this->getAttribute("isCrossRef", false);
* <p>A hook for the SAX XML parser to call when this table has
* been fully loaded from the XML, and all nested elements have
* been processed.</p>
* <p>Performs heavy indexing and naming of elements which weren't
* provided with a name.</p>
public function doFinalInitialization()
// Heavy indexing must wait until after all columns composing
// a table's primary key have been parsed.
if ($this->heavyIndexing) {
// Name any indices which are missing a name using the
// appropriate algorithm.
// execute behavior table modifiers
foreach ($this->getBehaviors() as $behavior)
if (!$behavior->isTableModified()) {
// if idMethod is "native" and in fact there are no autoIncrement
// columns in the table, then change it to "none"
$anyAutoInc = false;
foreach ($this->getColumns() as $col) {
if ($col->isAutoIncrement()) {
$anyAutoInc = true;
if ($this->getIdMethod() === IDMethod::NATIVE && !$anyAutoInc) {
// If there is no PK, then throw an error. Propel 1.3 requires primary keys.
$pk = $this->getPrimaryKey();
if (empty($pk)) {
throw new EngineException("Table '".$this->getName()."' does not have a primary key defined. Propel requires all tables to have a primary key.");
* <p>Adds extra indices for multi-part primary key columns.</p>
* <p>For databases like MySQL, values in a where clause much
* match key part order from the left to right. So, in the key
* definition <code>PRIMARY KEY (FOO_ID, BAR_ID)</code>,
* <code>FOO_ID</code> <i>must</i> be the first element used in
* the <code>where</code> clause of the SQL query used against
* this table for the primary key index to be used. This feature
* could cause problems under MySQL with heavily indexed tables,
* as MySQL currently only supports 16 indices per table (i.e. it
* might cause too many indices to be created).</p>
* <p>See <a href="">the
* manual</a> for a better description of why heavy indexing is
* useful for quickly searchable database tables.</p>
private function doHeavyIndexing()
if (self::DEBUG) {
print("doHeavyIndex() called on table " . $this->name."\n");
$pk = $this->getPrimaryKey();
$size = count($pk);
// We start at an offset of 1 because the entire column
// list is generally implicitly indexed by the fact that
// it's a primary key.
for ($i=1; $i < $size; $i++) {
$idx = new Index();
$idx->setColumns(array_slice($pk, $i, $size));
* Names composing objects which haven't yet been named. This
* currently consists of foreign-key and index entities.
public function doNaming() {
// Assure names are unique across all databases.
try {
for ($i=0, $size = count($this->foreignKeys); $i < $size; $i++) {
$fk = $this->foreignKeys[$i];
$name = $fk->getName();
if (empty($name)) {
$name = $this->acquireConstraintName("FK", $i + 1);
for ($i = 0, $size = count($this->indices); $i < $size; $i++) {
$index = $this->indices[$i];
$name = $index->getName();
if (empty($name)) {
$name = $this->acquireConstraintName("I", $i + 1);
for ($i = 0, $size = count($this->unices); $i < $size; $i++) {
$index = $this->unices[$i];
$name = $index->getName();
if (empty($name)) {
$name = $this->acquireConstraintName("U", $i + 1);
// NOTE: Most RDBMSes can apparently name unique column
// constraints/indices themselves (using MySQL and Oracle
// as test cases), so we'll assume that we needn't add an
// entry to the system name list for these.
} catch (EngineException $nameAlreadyInUse) {
print $nameAlreadyInUse->getMessage() . "\n";
print $nameAlreadyInUse->getTraceAsString();
* Macro to a constraint name.
* @param nameType constraint type
* @param nbr unique number for this constraint type
* @return unique name for constraint
* @throws EngineException
private function acquireConstraintName($nameType, $nbr)
$inputs = array();
$inputs[] = $this->getDatabase();
$inputs[] = $this->getName();
$inputs[] = $nameType;
$inputs[] = $nbr;
return NameFactory::generateName(NameFactory::CONSTRAINT_GENERATOR, $inputs);
* Gets the value of base class for classes produced from this table.
* @return The base class for classes produced from this table.
public function getBaseClass()
if ($this->isAlias() && $this->baseClass === null) {
return $this->alias;
} elseif ($this->baseClass === null) {
return $this->getDatabase()->getBaseClass();
} else {
return $this->baseClass;
* Set the value of baseClass.
* @param v Value to assign to baseClass.
public function setBaseClass($v)
$this->baseClass = $v;
* Get the value of basePeer.
* @return value of basePeer.
public function getBasePeer()
if ($this->isAlias() && $this->basePeer === null) {
return $this->alias . "Peer";
} elseif ($this->basePeer === null) {
return $this->getDatabase()->getBasePeer();
} else {
return $this->basePeer;
* Set the value of basePeer.
* @param v Value to assign to basePeer.
public function setBasePeer($v)
$this->basePeer = $v;
* A utility function to create a new column from attrib and add it to this
* table.
* @param $coldata xml attributes or Column class for the column to add
* @return the added column
public function addColumn($data)
if ($data instanceof Column) {
$col = $data;
if ($col->isInheritance()) {
$this->inheritanceColumn = $col;
if (isset($this->columnsByName[$col->getName()])) {
throw new EngineException('Duplicate column declared: ' . $col->getName());
$this->columnList[] = $col;
$this->columnsByName[$col->getName()] = $col;
$this->columnsByPhpName[$col->getPhpName()] = $col;
$this->needsTransactionInPostgres |= $col->requiresTransactionInPostgres();
return $col;
} else {
$col = new Column();
return $this->addColumn($col); // call self w/ different param
* Add a validator to this table.
* Supports two signatures:
* - addValidator(Validator $validator)
* - addValidator(array $attribs)
* @param mixed $data Validator object or XML attribs (array) from <validator /> element.
* @return Validator The added Validator.
* @throws EngineException
public function addValidator($data)
if ($data instanceof Validator) {
$validator = $data;
$col = $this->getColumn($validator->getColumnName());
if ($col == null) {
throw new EngineException("Failed adding validator to table '" . $this->getName() .
"': column '" . $validator->getColumnName() . "' does not exist !");
$this->validatorList[] = $validator;
return $validator;
} else {
$validator = new Validator();
return $this->addValidator($validator);
* A utility function to create a new foreign key
* from attrib and add it to this table.
public function addForeignKey($fkdata)
if ($fkdata instanceof ForeignKey) {
$fk = $fkdata;
$this->foreignKeys[] = $fk;
if ($this->foreignTableNames === null) {
$this->foreignTableNames = array();
if (!in_array($fk->getForeignTableName(), $this->foreignTableNames)) {
$this->foreignTableNames[] = $fk->getForeignTableName();
return $fk;
} else {
$fk = new ForeignKey();
return $this->addForeignKey($fk);
* Gets the column that subclasses of the class representing this
* table can be produced from.
* @return Column
public function getChildrenColumn()
return $this->inheritanceColumn;
* Get the subclasses that can be created from this table.
* @return array string[] Class names
public function getChildrenNames()
if ($this->inheritanceColumn === null
|| !$this->inheritanceColumn->isEnumeratedClasses()) {
return null;
$children = $this->inheritanceColumn->getChildren();
$names = array();
for ($i = 0, $size=count($children); $i < $size; $i++) {
$names[] = get_class($children[$i]);
return $names;
* Adds the foreign key from another table that refers to this table.
public function addReferrer(ForeignKey $fk)
if ($this->referrers === null) {
$this->referrers = array();
$this->referrers[] = $fk;
* Get list of references to this table.
public function getReferrers()
return $this->referrers;
public function getCrossFks()
$crossFks = array();
foreach ($this->getReferrers() as $refFK) {
if ($refFK->getTable()->getIsCrossRef()) {
foreach ($refFK->getOtherFks() as $crossFK) {
$crossFks[]= array($refFK, $crossFK);
return $crossFks;
* Set whether this table contains a foreign PK
public function setContainsForeignPK($b)
$this->containsForeignPK = (boolean) $b;
* Determine if this table contains a foreign PK
public function getContainsForeignPK()
return $this->containsForeignPK;
* A list of tables referenced by foreign keys in this table
public function getForeignTableNames()
if ($this->foreignTableNames === null) {
$this->foreignTableNames = array();
return $this->foreignTableNames;
* Return true if the column requires a transaction in Postgres
public function requiresTransactionInPostgres()
return $this->needsTransactionInPostgres;
* A utility function to create a new id method parameter
* from attrib or object and add it to this table.
public function addIdMethodParameter($impdata)
if ($impdata instanceof IdMethodParameter) {
$imp = $impdata;
if ($this->idMethodParameters === null) {
$this->idMethodParameters = array();
$this->idMethodParameters[] = $imp;
return $imp;
} else {
$imp = new IdMethodParameter();
return $this->addIdMethodParameter($imp); // call self w/ diff param
* Adds a new index to the index list and set the
* parent table of the column to the current table
public function addIndex($idxdata)
if ($idxdata instanceof Index) {
$index = $idxdata;
$index->getName(); // we call this method so that the name is created now if it doesn't already exist.
$this->indices[] = $index;
return $index;
} else {
$index = new Index($this);
return $this->addIndex($index);
* Adds a new Unique to the Unique list and set the
* parent table of the column to the current table
public function addUnique($unqdata)
if ($unqdata instanceof Unique) {
$unique = $unqdata;
$unique->getName(); // we call this method so that the name is created now if it doesn't already exist.
$this->unices[] = $unique;
return $unique;
} else {
$unique = new Unique($this);
return $this->addUnique($unique);
* Retrieves the configuration object, filled by
* @return GeneratorConfig
public function getGeneratorConfig()
return $this->getDatabase()->getAppData()->getPlatform()->getGeneratorConfig();
* Adds a new Behavior to the table
* @return Behavior A behavior instance
public function addBehavior($bdata)
if ($bdata instanceof Behavior) {
$behavior = $bdata;
$this->behaviors[$behavior->getName()] = $behavior;
return $behavior;
} else {
$class = $this->getConfiguredBehavior($bdata['name']);
$behavior = new $class();
return $this->addBehavior($behavior);
* Get the table behaviors
* @return Array of Behavior objects
public function getBehaviors()
return $this->behaviors;
* Get the early table behaviors
* @return Array of Behavior objects
public function getEarlyBehaviors()
$behaviors = array();
foreach ($this->behaviors as $name => $behavior) {
if ($behavior->isEarly()) {
$behaviors[$name] = $behavior;
return $behaviors;
* check if the table has a behavior by name
* @param string $name the behavior name
* @return boolean True if the behavior exists
public function hasBehavior($name)
return array_key_exists($name, $this->behaviors);
* Get one table behavior by name
* @param string $name the behavior name
* @return Behavior a behavior object
public function getBehavior($name)
return $this->behaviors[$name];
* Get the name of the Table
public function getName()
return $this->name;
* Set the name of the Table
public function setName($newName)
$this->name = $newName;
* Get the description for the Table
public function getDescription()
return $this->description;
* Set the description for the Table
* @param newDescription description for the Table
public function setDescription($newDescription)
$this->description = $newDescription;
* Get name to use in PHP sources
* @return string
public function getPhpName()
if ($this->phpName === null) {
$inputs = array();
$inputs[] = $this->name;
$inputs[] = $this->phpNamingMethod;
try {
$this->phpName = NameFactory::generateName(NameFactory::PHP_GENERATOR, $inputs);
} catch (EngineException $e) {
print $e->getMessage() . "\n";
print $e->getTraceAsString();
return $this->phpName;
* Set name to use in PHP sources
* @param string $phpName
public function setPhpName($phpName)
$this->phpName = $phpName;
public function buildPhpName($name)
return NameFactory::generateName(NameFactory::PHP_GENERATOR, array($name, $this->phpNamingMethod));
* Get studly version of PHP name.
* The studly name is the PHP name with the first character lowercase.
* @return string
public function getStudlyPhpName()
$phpname = $this->getPhpName();
if (strlen($phpname) > 1) {
return strtolower(substr($phpname, 0, 1)) . substr($phpname, 1);
} else { // 0 or 1 chars (I suppose that's rare)
return strtolower($phpname);
* Get the value of the namespace.
* @return value of namespace.
public function getNamespace()
if (strpos($this->namespace, '\\') === 0) {
// absolute table namespace
return substr($this->namespace, 1);
} elseif ($this->namespace && $this->getDatabase() && $this->getDatabase()->getNamespace()) {
return $this->getDatabase()->getNamespace() . '\\' . $this->namespace;
} elseif ($this->getDatabase() && $this->getDatabase()->getNamespace()) {
return $this->getDatabase()->getNamespace();
} else {
return $this->namespace;
* Set the value of the namespace.
* @param v Value to assign to namespace.
public function setNamespace($v)
$this->namespace = $v;
* Get the method for generating pk's
* [HL] changing behavior so that Database default method is returned
* if no method has been specified for the table.
* @return string
public function getIdMethod()
if ($this->idMethod === null) {
return IDMethod::NO_ID_METHOD;
} else {
return $this->idMethod;
* Whether we allow to insert primary keys on tables with
* idMethod=native
* @return boolean
public function isAllowPkInsert()
return $this->allowPkInsert;
* Set the method for generating pk's
public function setIdMethod($idMethod)
$this->idMethod = $idMethod;
* Skip generating sql for this table (in the event it should
* not be created from scratch).
* @return boolean Value of skipSql.
public function isSkipSql()
return ($this->skipSql || $this->isAlias() || $this->isForReferenceOnly());
* Is table read-only, in which case only accessors (and relationship setters)
* will be created.
* @return boolan Value of readOnly.
public function isReadOnly()
return $this->readOnly;
* Set whether this table should have its creation sql generated.
* @param boolean $v Value to assign to skipSql.
public function setSkipSql($v)
$this->skipSql = $v;
* Whether to force object to reload on INSERT.
* @return boolean
public function isReloadOnInsert()
return $this->reloadOnInsert;
* Whether to force object to reload on UPDATE.
* @return boolean
public function isReloadOnUpdate()
return $this->reloadOnUpdate;
* PhpName of om object this entry references.
* @return value of external.
public function getAlias()
return $this->alias;
* Is this table specified in the schema or is there just
* a foreign key reference to it.
* @return value of external.
public function isAlias()
return ($this->alias !== null);
* Set whether this table specified in the schema or is there just
* a foreign key reference to it.
* @param v Value to assign to alias.
public function setAlias($v)
$this->alias = $v;
* Interface which objects for this table will implement
* @return value of interface.
public function getInterface()
return $this->enterface;
* Interface which objects for this table will implement
* @param v Value to assign to interface.
public function setInterface($v)
$this->enterface = $v;
* When a table is abstract, it marks the business object class that is
* generated as being abstract. If you have a table called "FOO", then the
* Foo BO will be <code>public abstract class Foo</code>
* This helps support class hierarchies
* @return value of abstractValue.
public function isAbstract()
return $this->abstractValue;
* When a table is abstract, it marks the business object
* class that is generated as being abstract. If you have a
* table called "FOO", then the Foo BO will be
* <code>public abstract class Foo</code>
* This helps support class hierarchies
* @param v Value to assign to abstractValue.
public function setAbstract($v)
$this->abstractValue = (boolean) $v;
* Get the value of package.
* @return value of package.
public function getPackage()
return $this->pkg;
* Set the value of package.
* @param v Value to assign to package.
public function setPackage($v)
$this->pkg = $v;
* Returns an Array containing all the columns in the table
* @return array Column[]
public function getColumns()
return $this->columnList;
* Utility method to get the number of columns in this table
public function getNumColumns()
return count($this->columnList);
* Utility method to get the number of columns in this table
public function getNumLazyLoadColumns()
$count = 0;
foreach ($this->columnList as $col) {
if ($col->isLazyLoad()) {
return $count;
* Returns an Array containing all the validators in the table
* @return array Validator[]
public function getValidators()
return $this->validatorList;
* Returns an Array containing all the FKs in the table.
* @return array ForeignKey[]
public function getForeignKeys()
return $this->foreignKeys;
* Returns a Collection of parameters relevant for the chosen
* id generation method.
public function getIdMethodParameters()
return $this->idMethodParameters;
* Returns an Array containing all the FKs in the table
* @return array Index[]
public function getIndices()
return $this->indices;
* Returns an Array containing all the UKs in the table
* @return array Unique[]
public function getUnices()
return $this->unices;
* Check whether the table has a column.
* @return boolean
public function hasColumn($name)
return array_key_exists($name, $this->columnsByName);
* Returns a specified column.
* @return Column Return a Column object or null if it does not exist.
public function getColumn($name)
return @$this->columnsByName[$name];
* Returns a specified column.
* @return Column Return a Column object or null if it does not exist.
public function getColumnByPhpName($phpName)
return @$this->columnsByPhpName[$phpName];
* Get all the foreign keys from this table to the specified table.
* @return array ForeignKey[]
public function getForeignKeysReferencingTable($tablename)
$matches = array();
$keys = $this->getForeignKeys();
foreach ($keys as $fk) {
if ($fk->getForeignTableName() === $tablename) {
$matches[] = $fk;
return $matches;
* Return the foreign keys that includes col in it's list of local columns.
* Eg. Foreign key (a,b,c) refrences tbl(x,y,z) will be returned of col is either a,b or c.
* @param string $col
* @return array ForeignKey[] or null if there is no FK for specified column.
public function getColumnForeignKeys($colname)
$matches = array();
foreach ($this->foreignKeys as $fk) {
if (in_array($colname, $fk->getLocalColumns())) {
$matches[] = $fk;
return $matches;
* Returns true if the table contains a specified column
* @param mixed $col Column or column name.
public function containsColumn($col)
if ($col instanceof Column) {
return in_array($col, $this->columnList);
} else {
return ($this->getColumn($col) !== null);
* Set the database that contains this table.
* @param Database $db
public function setDatabase(Database $db)
$this->database = $db;
* Get the database that contains this table.
* @return Database
public function getDatabase()
return $this->database;
* Flag to determine if code/sql gets created for this table.
* Table will be skipped, if return true.
* @return boolean
public function isForReferenceOnly()
return $this->forReferenceOnly;
* Flag to determine if code/sql gets created for this table.
* Table will be skipped, if set to true.
* @param boolean $v
public function setForReferenceOnly($v)
$this->forReferenceOnly = (boolean) $v;
* Flag to determine if tree node class should be generated for this table.
* @return valur of treeMode
public function treeMode()
return $this->treeMode;
* Flag to determine if tree node class should be generated for this table.
* @param v Value to assign to treeMode.
public function setTreeMode($v)
$this->treeMode = $v;
* Appends XML nodes to passed-in DOMNode.
* @param DOMNode $node
public function appendXml(DOMNode $node)
$doc = ($node instanceof DOMDocument) ? $node : $node->ownerDocument;
$tableNode = $node->appendChild($doc->createElement('table'));
$tableNode->setAttribute('name', $this->getName());
if ($this->phpName !== null) {
$tableNode->setAttribute('phpName', $this->phpName);
if ($this->idMethod !== null) {
$tableNode->setAttribute('idMethod', $this->idMethod);
if ($this->skipSql !== null) {
$tableNode->setAttribute('idMethod', var_export($this->skipSql, true));
if ($this->readOnly !== null) {
$tableNode->setAttribute('readOnly', var_export($this->readOnly, true));
if ($this->treeMode !== null) {
$tableNode->setAttribute('treeMode', $this->treeMode);
if ($this->reloadOnInsert !== null) {
$tableNode->setAttribute('reloadOnInsert', var_export($this->reloadOnInsert, true));
if ($this->reloadOnUpdate !== null) {
$tableNode->setAttribute('reloadOnUpdate', var_export($this->reloadOnUpdate, true));
if ($this->forReferenceOnly !== null) {
$tableNode->setAttribute('forReferenceOnly', var_export($this->forReferenceOnly, true));
if ($this->abstractValue !== null) {
$tableNode->setAttribute('abstract', var_export($this->abstractValue, true));
if ($this->enterface !== null) {
$tableNode->setAttribute('interface', $this->enterface);
if ($this->description !== null) {
$tableNode->setAttribute('description', $this->description);
if ($this->baseClass !== null) {
$tableNode->setAttribute('baseClass', $this->baseClass);
if ($this->basePeer !== null) {
$tableNode->setAttribute('basePeer', $this->basePeer);
if ($this->getIsCrossRef()) {
$tableNode->setAttribute('isCrossRef', $this->getIsCrossRef());
foreach ($this->columnList as $col) {
foreach ($this->validatorList as $validator) {
foreach ($this->foreignKeys as $fk) {
foreach ($this->idMethodParameters as $param) {
foreach ($this->indices as $index) {
foreach ($this->unices as $unique) {
foreach ($this->vendorInfos as $vi) {
* Returns the collection of Columns which make up the single primary
* key for this table.
* @return array Column[] A list of the primary key parts.
public function getPrimaryKey()
$pk = array();
foreach ($this->columnList as $col) {
if ($col->isPrimaryKey()) {
$pk[] = $col;
return $pk;
* Determine whether this table has a primary key.
* @return boolean Whether this table has any primary key parts.
public function hasPrimaryKey()
return (count($this->getPrimaryKey()) > 0);
* Determine whether this table has a composite primary key.
* @return boolean Whether this table has more than one primary key parts.
public function hasCompositePrimaryKey()
return (count($this->getPrimaryKey()) > 1);
* Determine whether this table has any auto-increment primary key(s).
* @return boolean Whether this table has a non-"none" id method and has a primary key column that is auto-increment.
public function hasAutoIncrementPrimaryKey()
if ($this->getIdMethod() != IDMethod::NO_ID_METHOD) {
$pks =$this->getPrimaryKey();
foreach ($pks as $pk) {
if ($pk->isAutoIncrement()) {
return true;
return false;
* Gets the auto increment PK
* @return Column if any auto increment PK column
public function getAutoIncrementPrimaryKey()
if ($this->getIdMethod() != IDMethod::NO_ID_METHOD) {
$pks =$this->getPrimaryKey();
foreach ($pks as $pk) {
if ($pk->isAutoIncrement()) {
return $pk;
return null;
* Returns all parts of the primary key, separated by commas.
* @return A CSV list of primary key parts.
* @deprecated Use the DDLBuilder->getColumnList() with the #getPrimaryKey() method.
public function printPrimaryKey()
return $this->printList($this->columnList);
* Gets the crossRef status for this foreign key
* @return boolean
public function getIsCrossRef()
return $this->isCrossRef;
* Sets a crossref status for this foreign key.
* @param boolean $isCrossRef
public function setIsCrossRef($isCrossRef)
$this->isCrossRef = (bool) $isCrossRef;
* Returns the elements of the list, separated by commas.
* @param array $list
* @return A CSV list.
* @deprecated Use the DDLBuilder->getColumnList() with the #getPrimaryKey() method.
private function printList($list){
$result = "";
$comma = 0;
for ($i=0,$_i=count($list); $i < $_i; $i++) {
$col = $list[$i];
if ($col->isPrimaryKey()) {
$result .= ($comma++ ? ',' : '') . $this->getDatabase()->getPlatform()->quoteIdentifier($col->getName());
return $result;