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* This file is part of the Propel package.
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
* @license MIT License
require_once 'phing/tasks/ext/pdo/PDOTask.php';
require_once 'config/GeneratorConfig.php';
require_once 'model/PropelTypes.php';
* This class generates an XML schema of an existing database from
* the database metadata.
* @author Hans Lellelid <>
* @version $Revision: 1716 $
* @package propel.generator.task
class PropelSchemaReverseTask extends PDOTask
* Zero bit for no validators
* Bit for maxLength validator
* Bit for maxValue validator
* Bit for type validator
* Bit for required validator
* Bit for unique validator
* Bit for all validators
const VALIDATORS_ALL = 255;
* File to contain XML database schema.
* @var PhingFIle
protected $xmlSchema;
* DB encoding to use
* @var string
protected $dbEncoding = 'iso-8859-1';
* DB schema to use.
* @var string
protected $dbSchema;
* The datasource name (used for <database name=""> in schema.xml)
* @var string
protected $databaseName;
* DOM document produced.
* @var DOMDocument
protected $doc;
* The document root element.
* @var DOMElement
protected $databaseNode;
* Hashtable of columns that have primary keys.
* @var array
protected $primaryKeys;
* Whether to use same name for phpName or not.
* @var boolean
protected $samePhpName;
* whether to add vendor info or not
* @var boolean
protected $addVendorInfo;
* Bitfield to switch on/off which validators will be created.
* @var int
protected $validatorBits = PropelSchemaReverseTask::VALIDATORS_NONE;
* Collect validatorInfos to create validators.
* @var int
protected $validatorInfos;
* An initialized GeneratorConfig object containing the converted Phing props.
* @var GeneratorConfig
private $generatorConfig;
* Maps validator type tokens to bits
* The tokens are used in the propel.addValidators property to define
* which validators are to be added
* @var array
static protected $validatorBitMap = array (
'none' => PropelSchemaReverseTask::VALIDATORS_NONE,
'maxlength' => PropelSchemaReverseTask::VALIDATORS_MAXLENGTH,
'maxvalue' => PropelSchemaReverseTask::VALIDATORS_MAXVALUE,
'type' => PropelSchemaReverseTask::VALIDATORS_TYPE,
'required' => PropelSchemaReverseTask::VALIDATORS_REQUIRED,
'unique' => PropelSchemaReverseTask::VALIDATORS_UNIQUE,
'all' => PropelSchemaReverseTask::VALIDATORS_ALL,
* Defines messages that are added to validators
* @var array
static protected $validatorMessages = array (
'maxlength' => array (
'msg' => 'The field %s must be not longer than %s characters.',
'var' => array('colName', 'value')
'maxvalue' => array (
'msg' => 'The field %s must be not greater than %s.',
'var' => array('colName', 'value')
'type' => array (
'msg' => 'The column %s must be an %s value.',
'var' => array('colName', 'value')
'required' => array (
'msg' => 'The field %s is required.',
'var' => array('colName')
'unique' => array (
'msg' => 'This %s already exists in table %s.',
'var' => array('colName', 'tableName')
* Gets the (optional) schema name to use.
* @return string
public function getDbSchema()
return $this->dbSchema;
* Sets the name of a database schema to use (optional).
* @param string $dbSchema
public function setDbSchema($dbSchema)
$this->dbSchema = $dbSchema;
* Gets the database encoding.
* @return string
public function getDbEncoding($v)
return $this->dbEncoding;
* Sets the database encoding.
* @param string $v
public function setDbEncoding($v)
$this->dbEncoding = $v;
* Gets the datasource name.
* @return string
public function getDatabaseName()
return $this->databaseName;
* Sets the datasource name.
* This will be used as the <database name=""> value in the generated schema.xml
* @param string $v
public function setDatabaseName($v)
$this->databaseName = $v;
* Sets the output name for the XML file.
* @param PhingFile $v
public function setOutputFile(PhingFile $v)
$this->xmlSchema = $v;
* Set whether to use the column name as phpName without any translation.
* @param boolean $v
public function setSamePhpName($v)
$this->samePhpName = $v;
* Set whether to add vendor info to the schema.
* @param boolean $v
public function setAddVendorInfo($v)
$this->addVendorInfo = (boolean) $v;
* Sets set validator bitfield from a comma-separated list of "validator bit" names.
* @param string $v The comma-separated list of which validators to add.
* @return void
public function setAddValidators($v)
$validKeys = array_keys(self::$validatorBitMap);
// lowercase input
$v = strtolower($v);
$bits = self::VALIDATORS_NONE;
$exprs = explode(',', $v);
foreach ($exprs as $expr) {
$expr = trim($expr);
if(!empty($expr)) {
if (!isset(self::$validatorBitMap[$expr])) {
throw new BuildException("Unable to interpret validator in expression ('$v'): " . $expr);
$bits |= self::$validatorBitMap[$expr];
$this->validatorBits = $bits;
* Checks whether to add validators of specified type or not
* @param int $type The validator type constant.
* @return boolean
protected function isValidatorRequired($type)
return (($this->validatorBits & $type) === $type);
* Whether to use the column name as phpName without any translation.
* @return boolean
public function isSamePhpName()
return $this->samePhpName;
* @throws BuildException
public function main()
if (!$this->getDatabaseName()) {
throw new BuildException("databaseName attribute is required for schema reverse engineering", $this->getLocation());
//(not yet supported) $this->log("schema : " . $this->dbSchema);
//DocumentTypeImpl docType = new DocumentTypeImpl(null, "database", null,
// "");
$this->doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
$this->doc->formatOutput = true; // pretty printing
$this->doc->appendChild($this->doc->createComment("Autogenerated by ".get_class($this)." class."));
try {
$database = $this->buildModel();
if ($this->validatorBits !== self::VALIDATORS_NONE) {
$this->log("Writing XML to file: " . $this->xmlSchema->getPath());
$out = new FileWriter($this->xmlSchema);
$xmlstr = $this->doc->saveXML();
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->log("There was an error building XML from metadata: " . $e->getMessage(), Project::MSG_ERR);
$this->log("Schema reverse engineering finished");
* Gets the GeneratorConfig object for this task or creates it on-demand.
* @return GeneratorConfig
protected function getGeneratorConfig()
if ($this->generatorConfig === null) {
$this->generatorConfig = new GeneratorConfig();
return $this->generatorConfig;
* Builds the model classes from the database schema.
* @return Database The built-out Database (with all tables, etc.)
protected function buildModel()
$config = $this->getGeneratorConfig();
$con = $this->getConnection();
$database = new Database($this->getDatabaseName());
// Some defaults ...
$parser = $config->getConfiguredSchemaParser($con);
$nbTables = $parser->parse($database, $this);
$this->log("Successfully Reverse Engineered " . $nbTables . " tables");
return $database;
* Adds any requested validators to the data model.
* We will add the following type specific validators:
* for notNull columns: required validator
* for unique indexes: unique validator
* for varchar types: maxLength validators (CHAR, VARCHAR, LONGVARCHAR)
* for numeric types: maxValue validators (BIGINT, SMALLINT, TINYINT, INTEGER, FLOAT, DOUBLE, NUMERIC, DECIMAL, REAL)
* for integer and timestamp types: notMatch validator with [^\d]+ (BIGINT, SMALLINT, TINYINT, INTEGER, TIMESTAMP)
* for float types: notMatch validator with [^\d\.]+ (FLOAT, DOUBLE, NUMERIC, DECIMAL, REAL)
* @param Database $database The Database model.
* @return void
* @todo find out how to evaluate the appropriate size and adjust maxValue rule values appropriate
* @todo find out if float type column values must always notMatch('[^\d\.]+'), i.e. digits and point for any db vendor, language etc.
protected function addValidators(Database $database)
$platform = $this->getGeneratorConfig()->getConfiguredPlatform();
foreach ($database->getTables() as $table) {
$set = new PropelSchemaReverse_ValidatorSet();
foreach ($table->getColumns() as $col) {
if ($col->isNotNull() && $this->isValidatorRequired(self::VALIDATORS_REQUIRED)) {
$validator = $set->getValidator($col);
$validator->addRule($this->getValidatorRule($col, 'required'));
if (in_array($col->getType(), array(PropelTypes::CHAR, PropelTypes::VARCHAR, PropelTypes::LONGVARCHAR))
&& $col->getSize() && $this->isValidatorRequired(self::VALIDATORS_MAXLENGTH)) {
$validator = $set->getValidator($col);
$validator->addRule($this->getValidatorRule($col, 'maxLength', $col->getSize()));
if ($col->isNumericType() && $this->isValidatorRequired(self::VALIDATORS_MAXVALUE)) {
$this->log("WARNING: maxValue validator added for column ".$col->getName().". You will have to adjust the size value manually.", Project::MSG_WARN);
$validator = $set->getValidator($col);
$validator->addRule($this->getValidatorRule($col, 'maxValue', 'REPLACEME'));
if ($col->isPhpPrimitiveType() && $this->isValidatorRequired(self::VALIDATORS_TYPE)) {
$validator = $set->getValidator($col);
$validator->addRule($this->getValidatorRule($col, 'type', $col->getPhpType()));
foreach ($table->getUnices() as $unique) {
$colnames = $unique->getColumns();
if (count($colnames) == 1) { // currently 'unique' validator only works w/ single columns.
$col = $table->getColumn($colnames[0]);
$validator = $set->getValidator($col);
$validator->addRule($this->getValidatorRule($col, 'unique'));
foreach ($set->getValidators() as $validator) {
} // foreach table
* Gets validator rule for specified type (string).
* @param Column $column The column that is being validated.
* @param string $type The type (string) for validator (e.g. 'required').
* @param mixed $value The value for the validator (if applicable)
protected function getValidatorRule(Column $column, $type, $value = null)
$rule = new Rule();
if ($value !== null) {
$rule->setMessage($this->getRuleMessage($column, $type, $value));
return $rule;
* Gets the message for a specified rule.
* @param Column $column
* @param string $type
* @param mixed $value
protected function getRuleMessage(Column $column, $type, $value)
// create message
$colName = $column->getName();
$tableName = $column->getTable()->getName();
$msg = self::$validatorMessages[strtolower($type)];
$tmp = compact($msg['var']);
array_unshift($tmp, $msg['msg']);
$msg = call_user_func_array('sprintf', $tmp);
return $msg;
* A helper class to store validator sets indexed by column.
* @package propel.generator.task
class PropelSchemaReverse_ValidatorSet
* Map of column names to validators.
* @var array Validator[]
private $validators = array();
* Gets a single validator for specified column name.
* @param Column $column
* @return Validator
public function getValidator(Column $column)
$key = $column->getName();
if (!isset($this->validators[$key])) {
$this->validators[$key] = new Validator();
return $this->validators[$key];
* Gets all validators.
* @return array Validator[]
public function getValidators()
return $this->validators;