337 lines
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337 lines
14 KiB
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $this->css?>" type="text/css">
<script src="<?php echo $this->mrp_js?>" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="<?php echo $this->jquery?>" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// We are creating a custom player object that acts as a wrapper
// around the player object we get from Muses. We are doing this
// for a couple reasons:
// 1. It will be easier to swap out Muses for a different player engine
// in the future - if we ever decide to do that.
// 2. We had to add in some custom behaviour depending on the player
// customizations and whether or not the player is in Flash or HTML5
// mode.
var MusesPlayer = function() {
this.mobileDetect = this.mobileDetect();
this.playerMode = "<?php echo $this->playerMode ?>";
this.flashDetect = FlashDetect.versionAtLeast(10, 1) ? true : false;
this.settings = {
'volume': 100,
'jsevents': true,
'autoplay': false,
'buffering': 0,
'title': 'test',
'bgcolor': '#FFFFFF',
'skin': 'mcclean',
'width': 180,
'height': 60
if (this.playerMode == "manual") {
this.settings.url = <?php echo $this->streamURL ?>;
this.settings.codec = "<?php echo $this->codec ?>";
} else if (this.playerMode == "auto") {
this.availableMobileStreamQueue = <?php echo $this->availableMobileStreams?>;
this.availableDesktopStreamQueue = <?php echo $this->availableDesktopStreams?>;
var stream = this.getNextAvailableStream();
this.settings.url = stream["url"];
this.settings.codec = stream["codec"];
// Create the Muses player object
// Configure player title
var player_title = <?php echo $this->player_title?>;
if (player_title === null) {
$(".airtime_player").css('height', '150px');
} else {
// detects events in HTML5 mode
if (!this.flashDetect) {
MRP.html.audio.addEventListener('error', function failed(e) {
switch (e.target.error.code) {
case e.target.error.MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK:
// If there is a network error keep retrying to connect
// to a stream.
var stream;
if (musesPlayer.playerMode == "auto") {
var nextAvailableStream = musesPlayer.getNextAvailableStream();
stream = nextAvailableStream["url"];
} else {
stream = musesPlayer.settings.url;
var audio = $(MRP.html.audio);
audio[0].src = stream;
case e.target.error.MEDIA_ERR_DECODE:
// If there was a corruption error or a problem with the browser
// display an error and stop playback.
$("p.now_playing").html("Error - Try again later");
case e.target.error.MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED:
// If in auto mode and the current stream format is not supported
// or the max number of listeners has been reached
// retry connection with the next available stream.
if (musesPlayer.playerMode == "auto") {
var nextAvailableStream = musesPlayer.getNextAvailableStream();
var audio = $(MRP.html.audio);
audio[0].src = nextAvailableStream["url"];;
} else {
// If in manual mode and the current stream format is not supported
// or the max number of listeners has been reached
// display an error and stop play back.
$("p.now_playing").html("Error - Try again later");
$("p.now_playing").html("Error - Try again later");
}, true);
MusesPlayer.prototype.mobileDetect = function() {
return (screen.width <= MAX_MOBILE_SCREEN_WIDTH);
// This function is called if an error occurs while a client is
// attempting to connect to a stream (An error would occur if
// the streams listener count has been maxed out or if the stream is down).
// It checks if the client is a mobile device or not and returns the next
// best available stream.
MusesPlayer.prototype.getNextAvailableStream = function() {
if (this.mobileDetect && this.availableMobileStreamQueue.length > 0) {
return this.getNextAvailableMobileStream();
if (!this.mobileDetect && this.availableDesktopStreamQueue.length > 0) {
return this.getNextAvailableDesktopStream();
// If we get to this point there are no available streams for the
// type of device the client has connected with so just return
// the next available stream - first we'll try the desktop streams
var desktopStream = this.getNextAvailableDesktopStream();
if (desktopStream) {
return desktopStream;
} else {
return this.getNextAvailableMobileStream();
// Gets and returns the next available mobile stream from the queue,
// but adds it back to the end of the queue to be recycled.
MusesPlayer.prototype.getNextAvailableMobileStream = function() {
var stream = this.availableMobileStreamQueue.shift();
//add to end of queue
return stream;
// Gets and returns the next available desktop stream from the queue,
// but adds it back to the end of the queue to be recycled.
MusesPlayer.prototype.getNextAvailableDesktopStream = function() {
var stream = this.availableDesktopStreamQueue.shift();
//add to end of queue
return stream;
MusesPlayer.prototype.play = function() {
this.flashDetect ? MRP.play() : musesHTMLPlayClick();;
MusesPlayer.prototype.stop = function() {
this.flashDetect ? MRP.stop() : musesHTMLStopClick();
MusesPlayer.prototype.setURL = function(url) {
// detects errors in FLASH mode
function musesCallback(event,value) {
switch (event) {
case "ioError":
// problem connecting to stream
var stream;
if (musesPlayer.playerMode == "auto") {
stream = musesPlayer.getNextAvailableStream();
} else {
stream = musesPlayer.settings.url;
case "securityError":
// max listeners reached
if (musesPlayer.playerMode == "auto") {
var stream = musesPlayer.getNextAvailableStream();
} else {
// If in manual mode and there is a problem connecting to
// the stream display an error and stop play back.
if ($("#play_button").hasClass("hide_button")) {
$("p.now_playing").html("Error - Try again later");
// Triggers the play function on the Muses player object in HTML5 mode
function musesHTMLPlayClick() {
/*if (MRP.html === undefined) {
console.log("inserting player");
MRP.html.audio.src = MRP.html.src;
// Triggers the stop function on the Muses player object in HTML5 mode
// NOTE: The HTML5 audio element doesn't have stop functionality. It
// can only be paused.
function musesHTMLStopClick() {
//delete MRP.html;
function togglePlayStopButton() {
// variables for updating the player's metadata
var time_to_next_track_starts = 0;
var metadataTimer;
// Fetches the streams metadata from the Airtime live-info API
// and attaches it to the player UI.
// The metadata is fetched when the current track is about to end.
function attachStreamMetadataToPlayer(){
$.ajax({url: "<?php echo $this->metadata_api_url?>",
data: {type:"interval",limit:"5"},
dataType: "jsonp",
success: function(data) {
if (data.current === null) {
time_to_next_track_starts = 20000;
} else {
var artist = data.current.name.split(" - ")[0];
var track = data.current.name.split(" - ")[1];
$("p.now_playing").html(artist + "<span>" + track + "</span>");
var current_track_end_time = new Date(data.current.ends);
var current_time = new Date();
//convert current_time to UTC to match the timezone of time_to_next_track_starts
current_time = new Date(current_time.getTime() + current_time.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000);
time_to_next_track_starts = current_track_end_time - current_time;
if (data.next === null) {
$("ul.schedule_list").find("li").html("Nothing scheduled");
} else {
//Preventative code if the local and remote clocks are out of sync.
if (time_to_next_track_starts < 0) {
time_to_next_track_starts = 0;
// Add 3 seconds to the timeout so Airtime has time to update the metadata before we fetch it
metadataTimer = setTimeout(attachStreamMetadataToPlayer, time_to_next_track_starts+3000);
<style type="text/css">
We have to have the default Muses skin displayed on the page or else
the player will not work. Setting the display to none and hidden does
not work. It has to be "visible" on the page. As a hacky work around we
set the height and width to 1px so users will not see it.
#muses_skin{width:1px; height:1px; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: hidden;}
<div class="airtime_player">
<div class="airtime_header">
<p class="station_name">fff</p>
<div class="airtime_box">
<div class="airtime_button">
<span id="play_button" class="play_button" onclick="musesPlayer.play()"></span>
<span id="stop_button" class="stop_button hide_button" onclick="musesPlayer.stop()"></span>
<p class="now_playing"></p>
<div style="clear:both"></div>
<div class="airtime_schedule">
<p class="airtime_next">Next</p>
<ul class="schedule_list">
<a class="airtime_pro" target="_blank" href="https://www.airtime.pro/">Powered by <span class="airtime-pro-orange">Airtime Pro</span></a>
<div id="muses_skin">
<script type="text/javascript">
var musesPlayer = new MusesPlayer();