
193 lines
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# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# P R O P E L C O N F I G U R A T I O N F I L E
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# This file contains some example properties. Ideally properties
# should be specified in the project-specific file;
# however, this file can be used to specify non-default properties
# that you would like to use accross all of your Propel projects.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
propel.home = .
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# P R O J E C T
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is the name of your Propel project. The name of your Propel
# project is used (by default) to determine where the generator will
# find needed configuration files and will place resuilting build
# files. E.g. if your project is named 'killerapp', Propel will
# look here for schema.xml and runtime-conf.xml files:
# projects/killerapp/
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# You can set this here, but it's preferrable to set this in a
# project-specific file.
# propel.project = bookstore
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# T A R G E T D A T A B A S E
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is the target database, only considered when generating
# the SQL for your Propel project. Your possible choices are:
# mssql, mysql, oracle, pgsql, sqlite
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# You can set this here, but it's preferrable to set this in a
# project-specific file.
# propel.database = mysql
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# O B J E C T M O D E L I N F O R M A T I O N
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# These settings will allow you to customize the way your
# Peer-based object model is created.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# addGenericAccessors
# If true, Propel adds methods to get database fields by name/position.
# addGenericMutators
# If true, Propel adds methods to set database fields by name/position.
# addSaveMethod
# If true, Propel adds tracking code to determine how to save objects.
# addTimeStamp
# If true, Propel true puts time stamps in phpdoc of generated om files.
# basePrefix
# A string to pre-pend to the file names of base data and peer objects.
# complexObjectModel
# If true, Propel generates data objects with collection support and
# methods to easily retreive foreign key relationships.
# targetPackage
# Sets the PHP "package" the om files will generated to, e.g.
# "".
# targetPlatform
# Sets whether Propel is building classes for php5 (default)
# or php4 (experimental).
# packageObjectModel
# Sets whether Propel is packaging ObjectModel fro several
# [package].schema.xml files. The <database package="packageName">
# attribute has to be set then. (warning: this is experimental!)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# classes will be put in (and included from) this directory
# e.g. if package is "bookstore" then om will expect include('bookstore/Book.php'); to work.
# use dot-path notation -- e.g. my.bookstore -> my/bookstore.
propel.targetPackage = ${propel.project}
propel.addGenericAccessors = false
propel.addGenericMutators = false
propel.addSaveMethod = true
propel.addTimeStamp = true
propel.basePrefix = Base
propel.complexObjectModel = true
propel.targetPlatform = php5
propel.packageObjectModel = false
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# D B C O N N E C T I O N S E T T I N G S
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# PDO connection settings. These connection settings are used by
# build tagets that perform database operations (e.g. 'insert-sql',
# 'reverse').
# You can set them here, but it's preferrable to set these properties
# in a project-specific file.
# If you want to use a custom driver, specify it below, otherwise
# leave it blank or comment it out to use Creole stock driver.
# propel.database.driver = creole.drivers.sqlite.SQLiteConnection
# Note that if you do not wish to specify the database (e.g. if you
# are using multiple databses) you can use the @DB@ token which
# will be replaced with a database at runtime.
# propel.database.url = mysql:host=$host;dbname=$database
# For MySQL or Oracle, you also need to specify username & password
# propel.database.user = [db username]
# propel.database.password = [db password]
# Use the URL below to specify a DSN to used to create the database.
# Note that this URL should not contain the database name, as you will
# get an error if the database does not exist.
# (This does not apply to SQLite since the databse is automatically created
# when the connection is made -- if it does not already exist.)
# propel.database.createUrl = mysql:host=$host;dbname=$database
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# D A T A B A S E TO X M L
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# samePhpName
# If true, the reverse task will set the phpName attribute for the
# tables and columns to be the same as SQL name.
# addVendorInfo
# If true, the reverse task will add vendor specific information
# to the database schema
# addValidators
# Bitfield like option to turn on/off addition of Validator and
# Rule tags to the schema. Uses a boolean syntax like in php.ini.
# Allowed tokens are:
# none add no validators)
# all add all validators)
# maxlength add maxlengths for string type columns)
# maxvalue add maxvalue for numeric columns)
# type add notmatch validators for numeric columns)
# required add required validators for required columns)
# unique add unique validators for unique indexes)
# Allowed operators are:
# & bitwise AND
# | bitwise OR
# ~ bitwise NOT
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# propel.samePhpName = false
# propel.addVendorInfo=true
# propel.addValidators=none
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# D A T A B A S E B U I L D C O N F I G
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Some databases provide some configuration options that can be set
# in this script.
# === MySQL
# propel.mysql.tableType
# Use this property to set the table type of generated tables (e.g. InnoDB, MyISAM).