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class Application_Service_ShowService
* Enter description here ...
* @param $ccShow
* @param $showData
public function setShow($ccShow, $showData)
$ccShow->setDbLiveStreamUsingAirtimeAuth($showData['cb_airtime_auth'] == 1);
$ccShow->setDbLiveStreamUsingCustomAuth($showData['cb_custom_auth'] == 1);
return $ccShow;
* Enter description here ...
* @param $showData
* @param $showId
* @param $userId
* @param $repeatType
* @param $isRecorded
public function createShowDays($showData, $showId, $userId, $repeatType, $isRecorded)
$startDateTime = new DateTime($showData['add_show_start_date']." ".$showData['add_show_start_time']);
if ($showData['add_show_no_end']) {
$endDate = NULL;
} elseif ($showData['add_show_repeats']) {
$endDateTime = new DateTime($showData['add_show_end_date']);
$endDateTime->add(new DateInterval("P1D"));
$endDate = $endDateTime->format("Y-m-d");
} else {
$endDateTime = new DateTime($showData['add_show_start_date']);
$endDateTime->add(new DateInterval("P1D"));
$endDate = $endDateTime->format("Y-m-d");
/* What we are doing here is checking if the show repeats or if
* any repeating days have been checked. If not, then by default
* the "selected" DOW is the initial day.
* DOW in local time.
$startDow = date("w", $startDateTime->getTimestamp());
if (!$showData['add_show_repeats']) {
$showData['add_show_day_check'] = array($startDow);
} elseif ($showData['add_show_repeats'] && $showData['add_show_day_check'] == "") {
$showData['add_show_day_check'] = array($startDow);
// Don't set day for monthly repeat type, it's invalid
if ($showData['add_show_repeats'] && $showData['add_show_repeat_type'] == 2) {
$showDay = new CcShowDays();
} else {
foreach ($showData['add_show_day_check'] as $day) {
$startDateTimeClone = clone $startDateTime;
if ($startDow !== $day) {
if ($startDow > $day)
$daysAdd = 6 - $startDow + 1 + $day;
$daysAdd = $day - $startDow;
$startDateTimeClone->add(new DateInterval("P".$daysAdd."D"));
if (is_null($endDate) || $startDateTimeClone->getTimestamp() <= $endDateTime->getTimestamp()) {
$showDay = new CcShowDays();
* Enter description here ...
* @param $showData
* @param $showId
* @param $repeatType
* @param $isRecorded
public function createShowRebroadcasts($showData, $showId, $repeatType, $isRecorded)
if (($isRecorded && $showData['add_show_rebroadcast']) && ($repeatType != -1)) {
for ($i=1; $i<=self::MAX_REBROADCAST_DATES; $i++) {
if ($showData['add_show_rebroadcast_date_'.$i]) {
$showRebroad = new CcShowRebroadcast();
} elseif ($isRecorded && $showData['add_show_rebroadcast'] && ($repeatType == -1)) {
for ($i=1; $i<=self::MAX_REBROADCAST_DATES; $i++) {
if ($showData['add_show_rebroadcast_date_absolute_'.$i]) {
$rebroadcastDate = new DateTime($showData["add_show_rebroadcast_date_absolute_$i"]);
$startDate = new DateTime($showData['add_show_start_date']);
$offsetDays = $startDate->diff($rebroadcastDate);
$showRebroad = new CcShowRebroadcast();
$showRebroad->setDbDayOffset($offsetDays->format("%a days"));
* Enter description here ...
* @param $showData
* @param $showId
public function createShowHosts($showData, $showId)
if (is_array($showData['add_show_hosts'])) {
foreach ($showData['add_show_hosts'] as $host) {
$showHost = new CcShowHosts();
* Gets the date and time shows (particularly repeating shows)
* can be populated until.
* @return DateTime object
public function getPopulateShowUntilDateTIme()
$populateUntil = Application_Model_Preference::GetShowsPopulatedUntil();
if (is_null($populateUntil)) {
$populateUntil = new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
return $populateUntil;
* Gets the cc_show_days entries for a specific show
* @return array of ccShowDays objects
public function getShowDays($showId)
$sql = "SELECT * FROM cc_show_days WHERE show_id = :show_id";
return Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute(
$sql, array(":show_id" => $showId), 'all');
* Enter description here ...
* @param $localStart timestring format "Y-m-d H:i:s" (not UTC)
* @param $duration string time interval (h)h:(m)m(:ss)
* @param $timezone string "Europe/Prague"
* @param $offset array (days, hours, mins) used for rebroadcast shows
* @return array of 2 DateTime objects, start/end time of the show in UTC
public function createUTCStartEndDateTime($localStart, $duration, $timezone=null, $offset=null)
$userInfo = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getStorage()->read();
$user = new Application_Model_User($userInfo->id);
$isAdminOrPM = $user->isUserType(array(UTYPE_ADMIN, UTYPE_PROGRAM_MANAGER));
if (!isset($timezone)) {
$timezone = Application_Model_Preference::GetUserTimezone($user->getId());
$startDateTime = new DateTime($localStart, new DateTimeZone($timezone));
if (isset($offset)) {
$startDateTime->add(new DateInterval("P{$offset["days"]}DT{$offset["hours"]}H{$offset["mins"]}M"));
//convert time to UTC
$startDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$endDateTime = clone $startDateTime;
$duration = explode(":", $duration);
list($hours, $mins) = array_slice($duration, 0, 2);
$endDateTime->add(new DateInterval("PT{$hours}H{$mins}M"));
return array($startDateTime, $endDateTime);
} |