
120 lines
4.7 KiB

import errno
import os
import shutil
import time
import uuid
from loguru import logger
def organise_file(audio_file_path, import_directory, original_filename, metadata):
"""Move the file at audio_file_path over into the import_directory/import,
renaming it to original_filename.
This analyzer copies a file over from a temporary directory (stor/organize)
into the Airtime library (stor/imported).
If you import three copies of the same file, the behaviour is:
- The filename is of the first file preserved.
- The filename of the second file has the timestamp attached to it.
- The filename of the third file has a UUID placed after the timestamp, but ONLY IF it's imported within 1 second of the second file (ie. if the timestamp is the same).
Keyword arguments:
audio_file_path: Path to the file to be imported.
import_directory: Path to the "import" directory inside the Airtime stor directory.
(eg. /srv/airtime/stor/import)
original_filename: The filename of the file when it was uploaded to Airtime.
metadata: A dictionary where the "full_path" of where the file is moved to will be added.
if not isinstance(audio_file_path, str):
raise TypeError(
"audio_file_path must be string. Was of type "
+ type(audio_file_path).__name__
if not isinstance(import_directory, str):
raise TypeError(
"import_directory must be string. Was of type "
+ type(import_directory).__name__
if not isinstance(original_filename, str):
raise TypeError(
"original_filename must be string. Was of type "
+ type(original_filename).__name__
if not isinstance(metadata, dict):
raise TypeError(
"metadata must be a dict. Was of type " + type(metadata).__name__
if not os.path.exists(audio_file_path):
raise FileNotFoundError(f"audio file not found: {audio_file_path}")
# Import the file over to it's final location.
# TODO: Also, handle the case where the move fails and write some code
# to possibly move the file to problem_files.
max_dir_len = 48
max_file_len = 48
final_file_path = import_directory
orig_file_basename, orig_file_extension = os.path.splitext(original_filename)
if "artist_name" in metadata:
final_file_path += (
"/" + metadata["artist_name"][0:max_dir_len]
) # truncating with array slicing
if "album_title" in metadata:
final_file_path += "/" + metadata["album_title"][0:max_dir_len]
# Note that orig_file_extension includes the "." already
final_file_path += "/" + orig_file_basename[0:max_file_len] + orig_file_extension
# Ensure any redundant slashes are stripped
final_file_path = os.path.normpath(final_file_path)
# If a file with the same name already exists in the "import" directory, then
# we add a unique string to the end of this one. We never overwrite a file on import
# because if we did that, it would mean Airtime's database would have
# the wrong information for the file we just overwrote (eg. the song length would be wrong!)
# If the final file path is the same as the file we've been told to import (which
# you often do when you're debugging), then don't move the file at all.
if os.path.exists(final_file_path):
if os.path.samefile(audio_file_path, final_file_path):
metadata["full_path"] = final_file_path
return metadata
base_file_path, file_extension = os.path.splitext(final_file_path)
final_file_path = "{}_{}{}".format(
time.strftime("%m-%d-%Y-%H-%M-%S", time.localtime()),
# If THAT path exists, append a UUID instead:
while os.path.exists(final_file_path):
base_file_path, file_extension = os.path.splitext(final_file_path)
final_file_path = "{}_{}{}".format(
# Ensure the full path to the file exists
# Move the file into its final destination directory
logger.debug(f"Moving {audio_file_path} to {final_file_path}")
shutil.move(audio_file_path, final_file_path)
metadata["full_path"] = final_file_path
return metadata
def mkdir_p(path):
"""Make all directories in a tree (like mkdir -p)"""
if path == "":
except OSError as exc: # Python >2.5
if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path):