
260 lines
8.9 KiB

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $this->css?>" type="text/css">
<script src="<?php echo $this->mrp_js?>" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="<?php echo $this->jquery?>" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var MusesPlayer = function() {
this.mobileDetect = this.mobileDetect();
this.availableMobileStreamQueue = <?php echo $this->availableMobileStreams?>;
this.availableDesktopStreamQueue = <?php echo $this->availableDesktopStreams?>;
this.playerMode = "<?php echo $this->playerMode ?>";
if (this.playerMode == "manual") {
'url': "<?php echo $this->streamURL ?>",
'codec': "<?php echo $this->codec ?>",
'volume': 100,
'jsevents': true,
'autoplay': false,
'buffering': 5,
'title': 'test',
'bgcolor': '#FFFFFF',
'skin': 'mcclean',
'width': 180,
'height': 60
} else if (this.playerMode == "auto") {
var stream = this.getNextAvailableStream();
'url': stream["url"],
'codec': stream["codec"],
'volume': 100,
'jsevents': true,
'autoplay': false,
'buffering': 5,
'title': 'test',
'bgcolor': '#FFFFFF',
'skin': 'mcclean',
'width': 180,
'height': 60
$("p.station_name").html("<?php echo $this->station_name?>");
this.flashDetect = FlashDetect.versionAtLeast(10, 1) ? true : false;
MusesPlayer.prototype.mobileDetect = function() {
if ( screen.width <= 760) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
MusesPlayer.prototype.getNextAvailableStream = function() {
if (this.mobileDetect && this.availableMobileStreamQueue.length > 0) {
return this.getNextAvailableMobileStream();
if (!this.mobileDetect && this.availableDesktopStreamQueue.length > 0) {
return this.getNextAvailableDesktopStream();
//if we get to this point there are no available streams for the
//type of device the client has connected with so just return
//the next available stream - first we'll try the desktop streams
var desktopStream = this.getNextAvailableDesktopStream();
if (desktopStream) {
return desktopStream;
} else {
return this.getNextAvailableMobileStream();
MusesPlayer.prototype.getNextAvailableMobileStream = function() {
var stream = this.availableMobileStreamQueue.shift();
//add to end of queue
return stream;
MusesPlayer.prototype.getNextAvailableDesktopStream = function() {
var stream = this.availableDesktopStreamQueue.shift();
//add to end of queue
return stream;
} = function() {
this.flashDetect ? : musesHTMLPlayClick();
MusesPlayer.prototype.stop = function() {
this.flashDetect ? MRP.stop() : musesHTMLStopClick();
MusesPlayer.prototype.setVolume = function(value) {
//this.flashDetect ? MRP.setVolume(value) : null;
MusesPlayer.prototype.setURL = function() {
function musesCallback(event,value){
switch (event) {
case "loadComplete":
// no source URL is set
if (value === "0") {
console.log("loadComplete failed");
case "ioError":
// connection limit reached or problem connecting to stream
if (value === "0") {
* This is a hack to trigger the play button in HTML5 mode
function musesHTMLPlayClick() {
//child nodes
var cn = document.getElementById("MusesRadioPlayer-HTML5-player-1").childNodes;
var playDiv = cn[4];
* This is a hack to trigger the stop button in HTML5 mode
function musesHTMLStopClick() {
//child nodes
var cn = document.getElementById("MusesRadioPlayer-HTML5-player-1").childNodes;
var stopDiv = cn[5];
function togglePlayStopButton() {
// default how often to fetch metadata to 20 seconds
var time_to_next_track_starts = 20000;
function getMetadata(){
$.ajax({url: "<?php echo $this->metadata_api_url?>",
data: {type:"interval",limit:"5"},
dataType: "jsonp",
success: function(data) {
if (data.current === null) {
} else {
var artist =" - ")[0];
var track =" - ")[1];
$("p.now_playing").html(artist + "<span>" + track + "</span>");
var current_track_end_time = new Date(data.current.ends);
var current_time = new Date();
//convert current_time to UTC to match the timezone of time_to_next_track_starts
current_time = new Date(current_time.getTime() + current_time.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000);
//TODO stop the first settimeout from executing!!
time_to_next_track_starts = current_track_end_time - current_time;
// maybe we should set time_to_next_track_starts to
// (10 || 20 || etc.) minutes if its greater than that
// in case of on-the-fly schedule changes
if ( === null) {
$("ul.schedule_list").find("li").html("Nothing scheduled");
} else {
setTimeout(getMetadata, time_to_next_track_starts);
<style type="text/css">
#muses_skin{width:1px; height:1px; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: hidden;}
<div class="airtime_player">
<div class="airtime_header">
<p class="station_name">fff</p>
<a class="airtime_pro" href="#"><span></span><img src="http://localhost/css/embed-player-images/airtime_logo.png"></a>
<div class="airtime_box">
<div class="airtime_button">
<span id="play_button" class="play_button" onclick=""></span>
<span id="stop_button" class="stop_button hide_button" onclick="musesPlayer.stop()"></span>
<p class="now_playing"></p>
<div class="airtime_volume">
<div class="volume_control">
<span class="mute"></span>
<div class="airtime_volume_bar">
<div class="airtime_volume_bar_value" style="width: 80%;"></div>
<div class="airtime_schedule">
<p class="airtime_next">Next</p>
<ul class="schedule_list">
<div id="muses_skin">
<script type="text/javascript">
var musesPlayer = new MusesPlayer();
<div id="custom_muses_play" onclick="">
<a href="#">play</a>
<div id="custom_muses_stop" onclick="musesPlayer.stop()">
<a href="#">stop</a>