194 lines
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194 lines
6.4 KiB
class Application_Service_ScheduleService
* Form stuff begins here
* Typically I would keep form creation and validation
* in the controller but since shows require 9 forms,
* the controller will become too fat.
* Maybe we should create a special form show service?
* @return array of schedule forms
public function createShowForms()
$formWhat = new Application_Form_AddShowWhat();
$formWho = new Application_Form_AddShowWho();
$formWhen = new Application_Form_AddShowWhen();
$formRepeats = new Application_Form_AddShowRepeats();
$formStyle = new Application_Form_AddShowStyle();
$formLive = new Application_Form_AddShowLiveStream();
$formRecord = new Application_Form_AddShowRR();
$formAbsoluteRebroadcast = new Application_Form_AddShowAbsoluteRebroadcastDates();
$formRebroadcast = new Application_Form_AddShowRebroadcastDates();
$forms = array();
$forms["what"] = $formWhat;
$forms["who"] = $formWho;
$forms["when"] = $formWhen;
$forms["repeats"] = $formRepeats;
$forms["style"] = $formStyle;
$forms["live"] = $formLive;
$forms["record"] = $formRecord;
$forms["abs_rebroadcast"] = $formAbsoluteRebroadcast;
$forms["rebroadcast"] = $formRebroadcast;
return $forms;
* Popluates the what, when, and repeat forms
* with default values
public function populateNewShowForms($formWhat, $formWhen, $formRepeats)
array('add_show_id' => '-1',
'add_show_instance_id' => '-1'));
array('add_show_start_date' => date("Y-m-d"),
'add_show_start_time' => '00:00',
'add_show_end_date_no_repeate' => date("Y-m-d"),
'add_show_end_time' => '01:00',
'add_show_duration' => '01h 00m'));
$formRepeats->populate(array('add_show_end_date' => date("Y-m-d")));
public function populateForm($form, $values)
* Validates show forms
* @return boolean
public function validateShowForms($forms, $formData, $validateStartDate = true)
$what = $forms["what"]->isValid($formData);
$live = $forms["live"]->isValid($formData);
$record = $forms["record"]->isValid($formData);
$who = $forms["who"]->isValid($formData);
$style = $forms["style"]->isValid($formData);
$when = $forms["when"]->isWhenFormValid($formData, $validateStartDate);
$repeats = true;
if ($formData["add_show_repeats"]) {
$repeats = $forms["repeats"]->isValid($formData);
* Make the absolute rebroadcast form valid since
* it does not get used if the show is repeating
$absRebroadcast = true;
$rebroadcast = true;
if ($formData["add_show_rebroadcast"]) {
$formData["add_show_duration"] = $this->formatShowDuration(
$rebroadcast = $forms["rebroadcast"]->isValid($formData);
} else {
* Make the rebroadcast form valid since it does
* not get used if the show is not repeating.
* Instead, we use the absolute rebroadcast form
$rebroadcast = true;
$absRebroadcast = true;
if ($formData["add_show_rebroadcast"]) {
$formData["add_show_duration"] = $this->formatShowDuration(
$absRebroadcast = $forms["abs_rebroadcast"]->isValid($formData);
if ($what && $live && $record && $who && $style && $when &&
$repeats && $absRebroadcast && $rebroadcast) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Form stuff ends
public function formatShowDuration($duration) {
$hPos = strpos($duration, 'h');
$mPos = strpos($duration, 'm');
$hValue = 0;
$mValue = 0;
if ($hPos !== false) {
$hValue = trim(substr($duration, 0, $hPos));
if ($mPos !== false) {
$hPos = $hPos === false ? 0 : $hPos+1;
$mValue = trim(substr($duration, $hPos, -1 ));
return $hValue.":".$mValue;
* Creates a new show if form data is valid
public function createShow($showData)
$userInfo = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getStorage()->read();
$user = new Application_Model_User($userInfo->id);
$isAdminOrPM = $user->isUserType(array(UTYPE_ADMIN, UTYPE_PROGRAM_MANAGER));
$repeatType = ($showData['add_show_repeats']) ? $showData['add_show_repeat_type'] : -1;
$isRecorded = (isset($showData['add_show_record']) && $showData['add_show_record']) ? 1 : 0;
$showData["add_show_duration"] = $this->formatShowDuration(
if ($isAdminOrPM) {
$service_show = new Application_Service_ShowService();
//create ccShow
$ccShow = new CcShow();
$ccShow = $service_show->setShow($ccShow, $showData);
$showId = $ccShow->getDbId();
//create ccShowDay
$showData, $showId, $user->getId(), $repeatType, $isRecorded);
//create ccShowRebroadcast
$service_show->createShowRebroadcast($showData, $showId, $repeatType, $isRecorded);
//create ccShowHosts
$service_show->createShowHosts($showData, $showId);
//populate ccShowInstances
} |