529 lines
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529 lines
17 KiB
Copyright (c) 2004 Media Development Loan Fund
This file is part of the LiveSupport project.
To report bugs, send an e-mail to bugs@campware.org
LiveSupport is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
LiveSupport is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with LiveSupport; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Author : $Author: tomas $
Version : $Revision: 1.6 $
Location : $Source: /home/paul/cvs2svn-livesupport/newcvsrepo/livesupport/modules/alib/var/alib.php,v $
require_once 'subj.php';
define('ALIBERR_NOTLOGGED', 30);
define('ALIBERR_NOTEXISTS', 31);
* Alib class
* authentication/authorization class
* @author $Author: tomas $
* @version $Revision: 1.6 $
* @see Subjects
* @see GreenBox
class Alib extends Subjects{
var $permTable;
var $sessTable;
var $login=NULL;
var $userid=NULL;
var $sessid=NULL;
* Constructor
* @param dbc object, DB
* @param config array
* @return this
function Alib(&$dbc, $config)
parent::Subjects(&$dbc, $config);
$this->permTable = $config['tblNamePrefix'].'perms';
$this->sessTable = $config['tblNamePrefix'].'sess';
/* ======================================================= public methods */
/* ----------------------------------------------- session/authentication */
* Authenticate and create session
* @param login string
* @param pass string
* @return boolean/sessionId/err
function login($login, $pass)
if(FALSE === $this->authenticate($login, $pass)) return FALSE;
$sessid = $this->_createSessid();
if(PEAR::isError($sessid)) return $sessid;
$userid = $this->getSubjId($login);
$r = $this->dbc->query("INSERT INTO {$this->sessTable}
(sessid, userid, login, ts)
('$sessid', '$userid', '$login', now())");
if(PEAR::isError($r)) return $r;
$this->login = $login;
$this->userid = $userid;
$this->sessid = $sessid;
return $sessid;
* Logout and destroy session
* @param sessid string
* @return true/err
function logout($sessid)
$ct = $this->checkToken($sessid);
if($ct === FALSE)
return PEAR::raiseError('Alib::logout: not logged ($ct)',
return $ct;
$r = $this->dbc->query("DELETE FROM {$this->sessTable}
WHERE sessid='$sessid'");
if(PEAR::isError($r)) return $r;
$this->login = NULL;
$this->userid = NULL;
$this->sessid = NULL;
return TRUE;
* Return true if the token is valid
* @param sessid string
* @return boolean/err
function checkToken($sessid)
$c = $this->dbc->getOne("SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM {$this->sessTable}
WHERE sessid='$sessid'");
return ($c == 1 ? TRUE : (PEAR::isError($c) ? $c : FALSE ));
* Set valid token in alib object
* @param sessid string
* @return boolean/err
function setToken($sessid)
$r = checkToken($sessid);
if(PEAR::isError($r)) return $r;
return PEAR::raiseError("ALib::setToken: invalid token ($sessid)");
$this->sessid = $sessid;
return TRUE;
/* -------------------------------------------------------- authorization */
* Insert permission record
* @param sid int
* @param action string
* @param oid int
* @param type char
* @return int/err
function addPerm($sid, $action, $oid, $type='A')
$permid = $this->dbc->nextId("{$this->permTable}_id_seq");
$r = $this->dbc->query($q = "
INSERT INTO {$this->permTable} (permid, subj, action, obj, type)
VALUES ($permid, $sid, '$action', $oid, '$type')
if(PEAR::isError($r)) return($r);
return $permid;
* Remove permission record
* @param permid int OPT
* @param subj int OPT
* @param obj int OPT
* @return null/error
function removePerm($permid=NULL, $subj=NULL, $obj=NULL)
return $this->dbc->query("DELETE FROM {$this->permTable} WHERE 1=1".
($permid ? " AND permid=$permid" : '').
($subj ? " AND subj=$subj" : '').
($obj ? " AND obj=$obj" : '')
* Check if specified subject have permission to specified action
* on specified object - huh ;)<br>
* One of the most important method in this class hierarchy ...
* @param sid int
* @param action string
* @param oid int OPT
* @return boolean/err
function checkPerm($sid, $action, $oid=NULL)
if(!is_numeric($sid)) return FALSE;
if(is_null($oid)) $oid = $this->getObjId($this->RootNode);
if(PEAR::isError($oid)) return $oid;
if(!is_numeric($oid)) return FALSE;
// query elements
$q_flds = "m.level as S_lvl, p.subj, s.login, action, p.type, p.obj";
$q_from = "{$this->subjTable} s, {$this->permTable} p";
$q_join = "LEFT JOIN {$this->smembTable} m ON p.subj=m.gid ";
$q_cond = "p.action in('_all', '$action') AND
(m.uid=$sid OR p.subj=$sid) AND s.id=p.subj";
// action DESC order is hack for lower priority of '_all':
$q_ordb = "ORDER BY S_lvl, action DESC, p.type DESC";
$qc0 = $q_cond;
// test if object is class:
$iscls = $this->isClass($oid);
if(PEAR::isError($iscls)) return $iscls;
$q_from .= ", {$this->classTable} c";
$q_cond .= " AND c.id=p.obj AND c.id=$oid";
// obj is normal node => path search => retrieve L/R values for it:
$r1 = $this->dbc->getRow("SELECT lft, rgt, level
FROM {$this->treeTable} WHERE id=$oid");
return PEAR::raiseError('Alib::checkPerm: object not exists',
if(PEAR::isError($r1)) return($r1);
// fetch all path to oid + join with perms
$q_flds .= ", t.name, ({$r1['level']}-t.level)as T_lvl";
$q_from = "{$this->treeTable} t, ".$q_from;
$q_cond .= " AND t.id=p.obj AND t.lft<={$r1['lft']} AND
// action DESC order is hack for lower priority of '_all':
$q_ordb = "ORDER BY T_lvl, S_lvl, action DESC, p.type DESC";
$query="SELECT $q_flds FROM $q_from $q_join WHERE $q_cond $q_ordb";
$r2 = $this->dbc->getAll($query);
if(PEAR::isError($r2)) return($r2);
if(!$iscls && !(is_array($r2) && count($r2)>0)){
// no perm found, search in classes:
$q_from = "{$this->cmembTable} cm, ".$q_from;
$q_cond = $qc0.
" AND t.lft<={$r1['lft']} AND t.rgt>={$r1['rgt']}".
" AND cm.cid=p.obj AND cm.objid=t.id";
$query="SELECT $q_flds FROM $q_from $q_join WHERE $q_cond $q_ordb";
$r2 = $this->dbc->getAll($query);
if(PEAR::isError($r2)) return($r2);
// if there is row with type='A' on the top => permit
return (is_array($r2) && count($r2)>0 && $r2[0]['type']=='A');
/* ---------------------------------------------------------- object tree */
* Remove all permissions on object and then remove object itself
* @param id int
* @return void/error
function removeObj($id)
$r = $this->removePerm(NULL, NULL, $id);
if(PEAR::isError($r)) return $r;
return parent::removeObj($id);
/* --------------------------------------------------------- users/groups */
* Remove all permissions of subject and then remove subject itself
* @param login string
* @return void/error
function removeSubj($login)
$uid = $this->getSubjId($login); if(PEAR::isError($uid)) return $uid;
$r = $this->removePerm(NULL, $uid); if(PEAR::isError($r)) return $r;
return parent::removeSubj($login, $uid);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------- sessions */
* Get login from session id (token)
* @param sessid string
* @return string/error
function getSessLogin($sessid)
return $this->dbc->getOne("
SELECT login FROM {$this->sessTable} WHERE sessid='$sessid'");
* Get user id from session id
* @param sessid string
* @return int/error
function getSessUserId($sessid)
return $this->dbc->getOne("
SELECT userid FROM {$this->sessTable} WHERE sessid='$sessid'");
/* --------------------------------------------------------- info methods */
* Get all permissions on object
* @param id int
* @return array/null/err
function getObjPerms($id)
return $this->dbc->getAll("
SELECT s.login, p.* FROM {$this->permTable} p, {$this->subjTable} s
WHERE s.id=p.subj AND p.obj=$id");
* Get all permissions of subject
* @param sid int
* @return array
function getSubjPerms($sid)
$a1 = $this->dbc->getAll("
SELECT t.name, t.type as otype , p.*
FROM {$this->permTable} p, {$this->treeTable} t
WHERE t.id=p.obj AND p.subj=$sid");
if(PEAR::isError($a1)) return $a1;
$a2 = $this->dbc->getAll("
SELECT c.cname as name, 'C'as otype, p.*
FROM {$this->permTable} p, {$this->classTable} c
WHERE c.id=p.obj AND p.subj=$sid");
if(PEAR::isError($a2)) return $a2;
return array_merge($a1, $a2);
/* ------------------------ info methods related to application structure */
/* (this part should be added/rewritten to allow defining/modifying/using
* application structure)
* (only very simple structure definition - in $config - supported now)
* Get all actions
* @return array
function getAllActions()
return $this->config['allActions'];
* Get all allowed actions on specified object type
* @param type string
* @return array
function getAllowedActions($type)
return $this->config['allowedActions'][$type];
/* ====================================================== private methods */
* Create new session id
* @return string sessid
function _createSessid()
for($c=1; $c>0;){
$sessid = md5(uniqid(rand()));
$c = $this->dbc->getOne("SELECT count(*) FROM {$this->sessTable}
WHERE sessid='$sessid'");
if(PEAR::isError($c)) return $c;
return $sessid;
/* =============================================== test and debug methods */
* Dump all permissions for debug
* @param indstr string // indentation string
* @param ind string // aktual indentation
* @return string
function dumpPerms($indstr=' ', $ind='')
$r = $ind.join(', ', array_map(
create_function('$v', 'return "{$v[\'action\']}/{$v[\'type\']}";'),
$this->dbc->getAll("SELECT action, type FROM {$this->permTable}")
return $r;
* deleteData
* @return void
function deleteData()
$this->dbc->query("DELETE FROM {$this->permTable}");
$this->dbc->query("DELETE FROM {$this->sessTable}");
* Insert test permissions
* @return array
function testData()
$t =& $this->tdata['tree'];
$c =& $this->tdata['classes'];
$s =& $this->tdata['subjects'];
$o[] = $this->addPerm($s[0], '_all', $t[0], 'A');
$o[] = $this->addPerm($s[1], '_all', $t[4], 'A');
$o[] = $this->addPerm($s[1], '_all', $t[7], 'D');
# $o[] = $this->addPerm($s[2], 'addChilds', $t[6], 'A');
$o[] = $this->addPerm($s[2], 'read', $t[5], 'A');
$o[] = $this->addPerm($s[2], 'edit', $t[6], 'A');
$o[] = $this->addPerm($s[3], 'read', $c[0], 'A');
$o[] = $this->addPerm($s[4], 'editPerms', $c[1], 'A');
$o[] = $this->addPerm($s[4], 'editPerms', $t[7], 'D');
$o[] = $this->addPerm($s[1], 'addChilds', $t[3], 'A');
$o[] = $this->addPerm($s[1], 'addChilds', $t[1], 'A');
$o[] = $this->addPerm($s[5], 'addChilds', $t[3], 'A');
$o[] = $this->addPerm($s[5], 'addChilds', $t[1], 'A');
$o[] = $this->addPerm($s[6], 'addChilds', $t[3], 'A');
$o[] = $this->addPerm($s[6], 'addChilds', $t[1], 'A');
$o[] = $this->addPerm($s[7], 'addChilds', $t[3], 'A');
$o[] = $this->addPerm($s[7], 'addChilds', $t[1], 'A');
$this->tdata['perms'] = $o;
* Make basic test
* @return boolean/error
function test()
if(PEAR::isError($p = parent::test())) return $p;
$this->test_correct = "_all/A, _all/A, _all/D, read/A, edit/A, read/A,".
" editPerms/A, editPerms/D, addChilds/A, addChilds/A, addChilds/A,".
" addChilds/A, addChilds/A, addChilds/A, addChilds/A, addChilds/A".
"\nno, yes\n";
$this->test_dump = $this->dumpPerms().
$this->tdata['subjects'][1], 'edit', $this->tdata['tree'][7]
)? 'yes':'no').", ".
$this->tdata['subjects'][2], 'read', $this->tdata['tree'][5]
)? 'yes':'no')."\n"
$this->test_correct .= "_all/A, _all/D, edit/A, read/A, editPerms/A,".
" editPerms/D, addChilds/A, addChilds/A, addChilds/A, addChilds/A,".
" addChilds/A, addChilds/A, addChilds/A, addChilds/A\n";
$this->test_dump .= $this->dumpPerms();
{ $this->test_log.="alib: OK\n"; return TRUE;
}else return PEAR::raiseError('Alib::test', 1, PEAR_ERROR_DIE, '%s'.
* Create tables + initialize
* @return void
function install()
$this->dbc->query("CREATE TABLE {$this->permTable} (
permid int not null PRIMARY KEY,
subj int REFERENCES {$this->subjTable} ON DELETE CASCADE,
action varchar(20),
obj int,
type char(1)
$this->dbc->query("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX {$this->permTable}_permid_idx
ON {$this->permTable} (permid)");
$this->dbc->query("CREATE INDEX {$this->permTable}_subj_obj_idx
ON {$this->permTable} (subj, obj)");
$this->dbc->query("CREATE TABLE {$this->sessTable} (
sessid char(32) not null PRIMARY KEY,
userid int REFERENCES {$this->subjTable} ON DELETE CASCADE,
login varchar(255),
ts timestamp
$this->dbc->query("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX {$this->sessTable}_sessid_idx
ON {$this->sessTable} (sessid)");
$this->dbc->query("CREATE INDEX {$this->sessTable}_userid_idx
ON {$this->sessTable} (userid)");
$this->dbc->query("CREATE INDEX {$this->sessTable}_login_idx
ON {$this->sessTable} (login)");
* Drop tables etc.
* @return void
function uninstall()
$this->dbc->query("DROP TABLE {$this->permTable}");
$this->dbc->query("DROP TABLE {$this->sessTable}");