
1376 lines
70 KiB

/// getID3() by James Heinrich <> //
// available at ///
// //
// getid3.changelog.txt - part of getID3() //
// See getid3.readme.txt for more details //
// //
» denotes a major feature addition/change
Ø denotes a change in the returned structure
* Bugfix: denote a fixed bug
Version History
1.6.0: [Jan-30-2003]
» Added support for OggFLAC (FLAC data stored in an Ogg container)
(thanks for the idea)
» Added support for Speex (the data stored in an Ogg container)
» Comments are now available in the root 2-dimensional array
['comments'] - each entry in this array will contain one or more
strings. For example, if there are two artists then
['comments']['artist'][0] will contain the first one and
['comments']['artist'][0] the other. All keys are forced
lowercase. Comments will be stored in the ['comments'] array in
this order of precedence:
1) Native format tags (ASF, VQF, NSV, RIFF, Quicktime, Vorbis)
2) APE tags
3) ID3v2
4) Lyrics3
5) ID3v1
Lower-priority tags will not overwrite or append existing values
of higher-priority tags (for example, 'artist' in ID3v1 will be
ignored if already specified in APE), but missing values will be
filled in (for example, if 'album' is specified in ID3v2 but not
in APE, it will be included in the ['comments'] array).
Note: Root keys (['title'], ['artist'], etc) are NOT available
in this or future versions of getID3().
» MD5 hashes are now available for all formats for both the entire
file (['md5_file']) and the portion of the file containing only
the audio/video data, stripped of all prepended/appended tags
like ID3v2, ID3v1, APE, etc - ['md5_data']
(thanks for alternate md5_file() function that
runs on UNIX system running PHP < 4.2.0)
NOTE: Ogg files require the use of vorbiscomment to obtain the
md5_data value. vorbiscomment must be downloaded from and placed in the getID3()
directory. All Ogg formats (Vorbis, OggFLAC, Speex) are affected
by this problem, but only OggVorbis files can be processed with
vorbiscomment. OggFLAC and Speex files will be processed by
getID3(), but this may result in an incorrect value for md5_data
in the event that VorbisComments are larger than 1 page (4-8kB).
NOTE: md5_data for Ogg will not work if PHP is running in Safe
» There is now a wrapper class available, written by Allan Hansen,
which should simplify extracting most common basic information
(such as format, bitrate, comments).
New file: audioinfo.class.php
» OggWrite() in getid3.ogginfo.php has been replaced with a new
version that uses vorbiscomment to write the comments, because
of a reported bug that can corrupt OggVorbis files such they
cannot be played.
NOTE: Ogg comment writing now requires the use of vorbiscomment
which must be downloaded from
and placed in the getID3() directory.
NOTE: Ogg comment writing will not work if PHP is running in
Safe Mode
Ø New root key ['tags'] is now always returned for all formats.
It is an array that may contain any of:
* Native format tags: 'vqf', 'riff', 'vorbiscomment', 'asf',
'nsv', 'real', 'midi', 'zip', 'quicktime'
* Appended data tags: 'ape', 'lyrics3', 'id3v2', 'id3v1'
Ø New root key ['audio'] is an array containing any or all of:
codec, channels, channelmode, bitrate, bits_per_sample,
dataformat, bitrate_mode, sample_rate, encoder
Note: This replaces several root keys, including:
bitrate_audio, bits_per_sample, frequency, channels
Ø New root key ['video'] is an array containing any or all of:
bitrate_mode, bitrate, codec, resolution_x, resolution_y,
resolution_y, frame_rate, encoder
Note: This replaces several root keys, including:
bitrate_video, resolution_x, resolution_y, frame_rate
Ø ['id3']['id3v1'] has moved to ['id3v1']
Ø ['id3']['id3v2'] has moved to ['id3v2']
Ø ['audiodataoffset'] and ['audiodataend'] have been renamed to
['avdataoffset'] and ['avdataend'] respectively
Ø GetAllMP3info() has been changed to GetAllFileInfo() with a
different parameter list ($allowedFormats is no longer a
parameter). Check your code where you're calling
GetAllMP3Info() - you will need to change both the function
name and the parameter list if you pass more than 2 parameters
Ø All formats now return ['audio']['dataformat'] and/or
['video']['dataformat'] where appropriate - this goes along with
['fileformat'] - ['fileformat'] will return the actual structure
of the file, whereas ['dataformat'] will return the format of
the data inside that structure. For example, an Ogg file can
contain Vobis data (normal), or it can contain FLAC data in the
Ogg container format. In that case, ['fileformat'] would be
'ogg', but ['dataformat'] would be 'flac'.
Note: this means that WAV and AVI files now return a
['fileformat'] of 'riff' rather than 'wav' or 'avi'.
Ø ['filesize'] is no longer returned for files larger than 2GB
because PHP does not support large file access. Attempting to
parse a file larger than 2GB will result in a message stored in
['error'] and ['filesize'] not set.
Ø APEtag, ID3v1, and ID3v2 are now supported on ALL multimedia
files - even if illegal by format. Ogg will return warning if
ID3/APE tags are present. (thanks
Ø All files: non-critical errors are now returned in the root key
['warning'] rather than ['error'] (only critical errors that
prevent getID3() from correctly parsing the file are returned in
['error'] (thanks
Ø Renamed all references to $MP3fileInfo to $ThisFileInfo
Ø Joliet now supported for ISO-9660.
['iso']['supplementary_volume_descriptor'] is now returned, if
available, and ['iso']['files'] will contain ASCII equivalents
of the Unicode directory structure & filenames stored.
Ø Moved Monkey's Audio code from getid3.ape.php to seperate file.
New file: getid3.monkey.php
Ø Added new keys for ISO-9660: ['name_ascii'] for directories,
['file_identifier_ascii'] for files
Ø Added root key ['track'] for CD-audio files
Ø Ogg/Vorbis-comment files now have comments returned inside
['ogg']['comments_common'] as an array of strings, rather than
simple strings in ['ogg']
Ø Quicktime files now have comments returned inside
['quicktime']['comments'] as an array of strings, rather than
simple strings in ['quicktime']
Ø ['mime_type'] is a new root key returned for all supported
formats (thanks
Ø ['fileformat'] now returns 'mp1' instead of 'mp3' for MPEG-1
layer-I audio files (thanks
Ø ['mpeg']['audio']['bitratemode'] now returns lowercase
Ø MPEG-4 audio files which consist of MP3 data wrapped in a
Quicktime fileformat will now return the usual data in
Ø Type-1 DV AVIs are now supported
Ø DV AVIs will return 1 or 2 in ['RIFF']['video'][x]['dv_type']
Ø Changed ['fileformat'] from 'mpg' to 'mpeg' for MPEG video files
Ø ASF comments are now stored in ['asf']['comments'] instead of
Ø RealMedia chunk data is now returned inside ['real']['chunks']
instead of ['real']
Ø ['replay_gain'] now properly populated from APE tags
Ø Added support for ASF_Old_ASF_Index_Object in ASF files
Ø AAC-ADTS files now return ['aac']['bitrate_distribution']
Ø ParseVorbisComments() has been replaced with
ParseVorbisCommentsFilepointer() (with different parameters)
Ø All references to any key ['frequency'] are now ['sample_rate']
Ø Moved ID3v2 comments from ['id3v2'] into common root
['comments'] structure, and now returns more values than before
* Bugfix: ['iso']['files'] and ['zip']['files'] could potentially
contain duplicate entries (in a numeric-indexed array) for files
if the directory structure specifies files multiple times.
Entries are now guaranteed unique, with the last entry for the
file overwriting any former ones.
* Bugfix: RIFF parsing had numerous issues, including:
- large AVIs would take a very very long time to parse
- chunks with odd (not even) sizes would cause the parser fail
- video and/or audio codecs not always identified
The ParseRIFF() function has been completely rewritten and fixes
all known issues with RIFF parsing. Users are, however,
encouraged to double-check output of any parsed (AVI/WAV/CDDA)
* Bugfix: Modified getid3.riff.php to return correct total
bitrates for AVIs with multiple audio streams
* Bugfix: GetFileFormat() was not creating array structure
correctly (thanks
* Bugfix: LAME tag for MP3s can only specify up to 255kbps, so any
files with actual CBR bitrate of >=256 were reported incorrectly
* Bugfix: Lyrics3 synched lyrics were not being correctly returned
* Bugfix: CreateDeepArray() was broken for non-nested cases, which
meant ZIP and ISO ['files'] structures were broken
* Bugfix: Incorrect pattern matching for ZIP files meant no zip
files were being detected as such
* Bugfix: AAC-ADIF was returning an incorrect number of channels
(too few) in some cases (thanks
* Bugfix: Vorbis comments were returning an incorrect value for
['dataoffset'] in some cases
* Bugfix: MPEG video ['marker_bit'] and ['vbv_buffer_size'] were
* Bugfix: ['playtime_string'] could potentially have a value of
x minutes and 60 seconds (ie 3:60 instead of 4:00)
Added support for FLAC cuesheets (FLAC 1.1.0+)
Improved parsing speed in MP3, MP2 and AAC (thanks
Extra error-checking added to try and identify corrupt files for
most audio formats (thanks
More accurate playtime calculation for RealMedia
Changed all relevant files to use ['audiodataoffset'] and
['audiodataend'] rather than ['filesize'] where appropriate
Added text encoding type 255 as a duplicate of UTF-16BE but with
Big-Endian rather than Little-Endian byte order
Added many RIFF-AVI audio types and fourcc video types to the
lookup functions in getid3.riff.php
Added numerous new known GUIDs to getid3.asf.php
Added PoweredBygetID3() function to easily get a "powered by"
string with the current getID3() version.
Added "Morgan Multimedia Motion JPEG2000" (MJ2C), "DivX v5" (DX50)
and "XviD" (XVID) codecs to list of known codecs in
Changed GETID3_INCLUDEPATH path seperators to forced /
(from \ for Windows)
Modified getid3.check.php to only change \ directory seperators to
/ on Windows operating systems
Modified getid3.check.php to handle larger-than-2GB files (which
now do not return a filesize)
Modified getid3.check.php to handle ['dataformat_audio'] and
Modified getid3.check.php to show a list of present tags in one
column rather than one column for each of ID3v1, ID3v2, etc
Modified getid3.check.php to show MD5 values. Initially disabled
but can be enabled for a directory with a click. md5_file is
always calculated when displaying detailed info about a single
file; md5_data is calculated if the file is < 50MB
Modified getid3.check.php to show errors and warnings. Details are
visible with a mouseover or a click.
Changed getid3.check.php to use SafeStripSlashes instead of a
manual conditional directory name replacement for special
Added sample recursive scanning sample code to getid3.readme.txt
(thanks for the idea)
1.5.7: [Jan-10-2003]
» Added support for ISO 9660 (CD-ROM image) format. Most-useful
data is directory structure returned under ['iso']['files']
Note: Only ISO-9660 supported, not (yet) Joliet extension
(thanks for the idea)
New file: getid3.iso.php
Ø ZIP files are now parsed by getID3() itself without relying on
built-in PHP functions and/or ZZipLib support.
(thanks Vince for the idea)
Ø ZIP files now return a simple directory listing with filename
and filesize info only under ['zip']['files'].
Note: empty subdirectories will note appear in here, only files
and non-empty subdirectories. Information for all entries,
including empty subdirectories, is available under
['zip']['central_directory'] (or under ['zip']['entries'] if the
Central Directory cannot be located (usually due to a trucated
Ø RIFF-WAV files with MP3 data (or MP3s with RIFF headers, if you
want to think of it that way) now have the MPEG audio portion
scanned and the usual data returned in ['mpeg']['audio'] if the
RIFF audio codec has wFormatTag of "85" (identified by getID3()
as "Microsoft ACM: LAME MP3 encoder (ACM)")
(thanks for the idea)
Ø EXIF data (if present) is returned for JPEG files under
['jpg']['exif'] (thanks
Ø ['filepath'] now returned for all files with the directory part
of the full filename.
Ø ['filenamepath'] is now returned for all files (equivalent to
* Bugfix: ['id3']['id3v2'][<framename>]['dataoffset'] was wrong
* Bugfix: MP3s tagged with iTunes have an invalid comment field
frame name ('COM ' - should be 'COMM') but the data is valid
otherwise; the frame is now renamed to 'COMM' and parsed
normally (with the error noted in ['error'])
(thanks for the sample file)
* Bugfix: Some ASF/WMA audio files were not being identified as
any format (thanks
* Bugfix: Warning now generated and ASCII format assumed for
invalid text encoding values in ID3v2
* Bugfix: Changed ZIP detection pattern from 'PK' to 'PK\x04\x03'
* Bugfix: Ogg/FLAC files with large Vorbis comments were dying in
an infinite loop with lots of error messages due to missing $fd
parameter on ParseVorbisComments() (thanks
* Bugfix: ['data'] and ['image_mime'] were being returned for all
Ogg comments even if they were not images for versions of PHP
that have image_type_to_mime_type() built in (ie PHP 4.3.0+)
1.5.6: [Dec-31-2002]
» Added support for NSV (Nullsoft Streaming Video)
(thanks for the idea)
New file: getid3.nsv.php
» Added support for CD-audio track files (track01.cda etc)
Ø Added standard ['frame_rate'] root value when known (AVI, NSV,
Ø ASF files now report ['fileformat'] of:
'wmv' when Windows Media Video codec v7/v8/v9 is used;
'wma' when any 'Windows Media Audio' named audio codec is used
and no video stream is present;
'asf' in all other cases (audio-only, video-only, or both)
Ø Removed support for ZIP functions (will be rewritten to not
require ZZIPlib support in future versions)
Ø Added function SafeStripSlashes() as a drop-in replacement for
stripslashes(), but that only strips slashes if magic_quotes_gpc
is set
Ø Removed support for remote file scanning (HTTP / FTP)
Ø Added ['aac']['frames'] (number of AAC frames in file)
Ø Added ['mpeg']['audio']['frame_count'] when a bitrate histogram
is created
Ø Average bitrate for VBR MP3/MP2 is calculated from actual counts
of frames of various bitrates (rather than relying on the header
values or filesize) when a bitrate histogram is created
Ø RecursiveFrameScanning() split out into seperate function
Ø Removed old function getMP3header() from getid3.mp3.php
Ø Changed default MPEG_VALID_CHECK_FRAMES (number of mp3 frames
scanned to ensure a valid audio sequence has been located) from
10 to 25. This means scanning will be slightly slower, but more
* Bugfix: ID3v2.2 - valid frame names not correctly detected
(thanks for the sample file)
* Bugfix: ID3v2.2 - valid padding not correctly detected
(thanks for the sample file)
* Bugfix: MIDI files with flat key signatures were not being
correctly reported (thanks for sample file)
* Bugfix: now returns message in ['error'] if file does not exist
* Bugfix: ['RIFF']['video'][x]['codec'] wasn't always being
correctly populated
* Bugfix: ['bitrate'] was incorrect for multi-stream RealMedia
* Bugfix: ['playtime_seconds'] was sometimes null or incorrect
for multi-stream RealMedia
* Bugfix: ChannelTypeID was incorrect in RVA2 ID3v2.4 frames
* Bugfix: Fixed potential divide-by-zero error for corrupt FLAC
files (thanks
* Bugfix: AAC-ADTS was not returning ['bitrate_mode'] unless
$ReturnExtendedInfo was TRUE (thanks
* Bugfix: LAME-encoded CBR MP3s now properly identified as CBR
with correct bitrate (thanks
* Bugfix: VBR MP2 (or headerless MP3) is now identified as VBR
rather than CBR. Note: to obtain VBR bitrate for headerless
files, the entire file is scanned and a histogram distribution
of bitrates is created, and the average bitrate calculated from
that. (thanks for sample file)
Added support for DSIZ chunks in VQF, and checks to make sure size
of audio data matches DSIZ value, if present
(thanks for sample file)
Rewrote GetAllMP3info() - removed some unneccesary code, changed
format-detection routine from ParseAsThisFormat() to
GetFileFormat() to allow for more flexible format parsing
(needed for ISO CD-ROM images, helpful for Quicktime and others)
Changed references in all files from string-cast indexes: ["$i"]
to non-cast indexes: [$i] where appropriate
Put a sans-serif 9pt style on all text in getid3.check.php
getAACADTSheaderFilepointer() now return TRUE if synch is lost
after the first frame has been successfully parsed (previously
it would return FALSE if synch was lost at any time, meaning the
file is most likely MP3, which was incorrect)
(thanks for sample file)
Speed improvement code changes to getid3.mp3.php (up to 24% faster
in some cases) (thanks for the code)
Changed all include_once() to require_once()
1.5.5: [Nov-25-2002]
» Added support for La (Lossless Audio -
(thanks for the idea)
New file:
Ø Moved lookup functions from getid3.lookup.php to the files where
they are used.
New file: getid3.id3.php
New file: getid3.rgad.php
Removed file: getid3.lookup.php
Ø getID3v1Filepointer() returns FALSE if ID3v1 tag not found
Ø Added new paramter "ReturnExtendedInfo" to the function
getAACADTSheaderFilepointer() in getid3.aac.php which now
defaults to FALSE - if TRUE then the data for every frame is
returned (containing aac_frame_length, adts_buffer_fullness and
num_raw_data_blocks, which aren't usually very useful). Speed
improvement with FALSE is about 35%.
Ø Now returns fopen() errors in ['error'], for example if a remote
file is not accessible.
Ø Changed default number of MP3 audio frames to scan to determine
if a valid stream has been found from 5 to 10, now also defined
as a constant at the top of getid3.mp3.php This will result in
slightly slower MP3 parsing, but greater reliability in
detecting false/invalid/corrupted VBR headers.
Ø fopen() errors now displayed in getid3.putid3.php
Ø Added 4th parameter to decodeMPEGaudioHeader() $ScanAsCBR which
will force an MP3 audio frame sequence to be force-scanned in
CBR mode. You should never need to call this directly, it's only
used internally to scan for MP3 files that have an illegal VBR
header with CBR data. (thanks
* Bugfix: ASF_Marker_Object in getid3.asf.php was always returning
an error in non-existant "reserved_1" and failing
* Bugfix: VBR bitrate calculations in getid3.mp3.php only occur if
['mpeg']['audio']['VBR_frames'] is defined.
* Bugfix: getid3.putid3.php no longer deletes original MP3 if
ID3v2 tag writing fails (thanks
* Bugfix: incorrect order of if-statement error messages in
getid3.putid3.php (thanks
getid3.asf.php now notes the error and continues parsing rather
than failing when it encounters an error parsing a chunk
Now actually scan 1000 frames for AAC ADTS as reported in the
v1.5.4 changelog, rather than 100. (thanks
Improved scanning speed in getAACADTSheaderFilepointer() by ~30%
(thanks for the fix)
Added FileSizeNiceDisplay() function to getid3.functions.php for
formatting filesize output in kB, MB, GB, etc.
1.5.4: [Oct-07-2002]
» Added support for Quicktime.
New file: getid3.quicktime.php
» Added support for AAC files, both ADTS and ADIF header formats.
ADIF format is a pain because it's very similar to standard MP3
header format, and it's hard to distinguish between the two. I
have tried to make the detection accurate, but I have a limited
number of AAC test files to play with so if you have an AAC file
that gets detected as MP3/MP2 (or vice-versa), please send me
the details via email at
ADTS format is very slow to parse because to get the bitrate of
VBR files the whole file has to be stepped through frame by
frame (getID3() scans up to the first 1000 frames and assumes
that to be close enough).
Note: I would suggest commenting out support for AAC (see top of
GetAllMP3info() function in getid3.php) unless you need it.
(thanks for the idea and sample Delphi source code)
New file: getid3.aac.php
» Added bitrate distribution analysis option for MP3 VBR files. A
new boolean parameter for getOnlyMPEGaudioInfo() enabled this
feature which steps through the MP3 file frame by frame and
counts how many frames of each bitrate exist. This information
is returned in ['mpeg']['audio']['bitrate_distribution']
Caution: this feature is very inefficient for large files and
takes a very long time and does lots of disk I/O. Use with care.
Ø Changed layout of allowedFormats in GetAllMP3info() function in
getid3.php to allow easy removal of support for any of the
supported format. As stated above, I recommend commenting out
AAC unless needed.
Ø Added ['flac']['compressed_audio_bytes'],
['flac']['uncompressed_audio_bytes'], and
Ø Replaced FXPT2DOT30toFloat() function with FixedPoint2_30()
* Bugfix: getid3.mpc.php was slightly miscalculating the number of
samples, therefore also bitrate and playtime
(thanks for the fix)
* Bugfix: MonkeyCompressionLevelNameLookup() didn't know about
'insane' compression (thanks for the fix)
* Bugfix: MonkeySamplesPerFrame() was incorrect for MAC v3.95+
(thanks for the fix)
* Bugfix: getid3.check.php wasn't processing the assumeFormat
directive when (register_globals == off)
* Bugfix: detecting of synch pattern for MP3 files with invalid
data at the beginning wasn't always correct, also meant possible
incorrect bitrate/duration/etc info for such corrupt files.
getid3.functions.php now includes a replacement utf8_decode()
function for those PHP installations that are not configured
with the --with-xml option. (thanks
1.5.3: [Sep-30-2002]
» Added support for VQF. (thanks for the idea)
New file: getid3.vqf.php
» Added support for FLAC. Comments, if present, are returned under
['ogg'] because they follow the Ogg Vorbis structure standard.
New file: getid3.flac.php
Ø OS/2-format bitmaps are now correctly interpreted. The format of
the bitmap is now returned in ['bmp']['type_os'] and
['bmp']['type_version']. OS/2 bitmaps can be v1 or v2, Windows
can be v1, v4 or v5
1.5.2: [Sep-25-2002]
» Support for RealMedia (audio & video) added
Note: only tested on G2 and v5 audio and video files - if anyone
has older and/or newer sample files, please test it and/or send
me the sample files.
(thanks for idea)
New file: getid3.real.php
» Support for BMP added. Palette and pixel data can optionally be
extracted as well - this is slow and generally unneccesary, but
the option is there if you need it. Also includes PlotBMP()
which will take the extracted pixel data and output it as a true
color PNG. This function requires GD v2.0+
Note: Untested on 16-bit and 32-bit BMPs because I couldn't find
any sample files - if you know of a program that can create such
files, please email
Note: Support for RGB (uncompressed), RLE8 and RLE4 is included
and tested. BITFIELDS support is also included for 16- & 32-bit
formats, but it's untested, so if anybody has any test files
please send them to
Note: Support currently only for Windows-format BMPs, and trying
to parse an OS/2-format bitmap leads to unpredictable/invalid
New file: getid3.bmp.php
» PNG now fully parsed, including all information chunks
New file: getid3.png.php
Ø Support for GIF/JPG/PNG moved to seperate files and expanded,
including standard ['resolution_x'] and ['resolution_y'] as well
as more thorough parsing of header information
New file: getid3.gif.php
New file: getid3.jpg.php
table_var_dump() simplified and now outputs &#123;-style character
entities for characters outside the normal alphanumeric range
CleanOggCommentName() changed to a regular expression
(thanks for rewriting the function)
1.5.1: [Sep-20-2002]
» Added support for MPEGplus/Musepack SV7. ['fileformat'] is 'SV7'
for version 7 files (versions 4, 5 ,6 and 8 are not supported
yet, but will be of ['fileformat'] SV4, SV5, SV6 and SV8) when
they are supported (thanks Christian Fritz for the idea)
New file: getid3.mpc.php
Ø ['bitrate_audio'], ['bitrate_video'], ['bitrate_mode'],
['channels'], ['resolution_x'], and ['resolution_y'] keys added
for all appropriate formats
Ø Ogg files with a COVERART comment now save and display the
attached image the same way as is done with ID3v2 APICs
Ø ['ogg']['comments'][n]['data'] and
['ogg']['comments'][n]['dataoffset'] is now returned for all
comments. ['ogg']['comments'][n]['data'] is only useful if
the field is supposed to contain binary data. It is a
base64_decode()'d version of ['value'].
['ogg']['comments'][n]['dataoffset'] is the byte offset in the
file at which the 'COMMENTNAME=value string' starts, not the
start of just 'value'
Ø ['ogg']['comments'][n]['image_mime'] is now returned if
['ogg']['comments'][n]['data'] contains valid image data.
Ø More than 3 Ogg pages may now be read in, if the comment data
is longer than 1 page (usually about 4kB)
Ø ['fileformat'] is now 'mp2' rather than 'mp3' if it's MPEG-1,
Layer-II audio
Ø ASF bitrates now calculated even if stream_bitrate_properties
object not present
Ø ['asf']['stream_properties_object'] is now a numeric-key array
with one entry for each stream - the key being the stream number
Ø ['replay_gain'] is returned for all audio formats that support
it (MP3-LAME, ID3v2, Ogg) (thanks Christian Fritz for the idea)
Ø ['mpeg']['audio']['LAME']['RGAD']['radio_replay_gain'] is now
['mpeg']['audio']['LAME']['RGAD']['radio'] (same for audiophile)
Ø ASF/WMA files now use WM/Track to get track number from if
WM/TrackNumber is not available (thanks
Ø ASF/WMV files now returns ['year'] and ['asf']['year']
Ø ASV/WMV files now use ['content_description']['description'] for
the ['comment'] field (thanks
Ø ['track'] is now always returned as an integer
* Bugfix: Ogg comments that are larger than one data page (usually
about 4kB) are now correctly parsed (thanks Christian Fritz)
* Bugfix: Ogg comment data is now UTF8-decoded
* Bugfix: Ogg comment writing now UTF8-encodes the data
* Bugfix: playtime for ASF files was off by <preroll> (usually
between 3 and 12 seconds)
* Bugfix: ['asf']['stream_properties_objects']['flags'] data was
possibly incorrect
* Bugfix: ASF Padding Object was overwriting
Stream Bitrate Properties Object data (now returned correctly in
* Bugfix: ASF Marker Object Reserved_2 field was incorrect
* Bugfix: ASF Bitrate Mutual Exclusion Object had incorrect stream
Warning displayed if incorrectly-formatted Ogg comment is present
(known to be an issue with CDex v1.40, but fixed by v1.50b7)
(thanks Christian Fritz)
Ogg comment writing now checks for valid comment names
Added bitrate column in getid3.check.php, and added some formatting
(font, colour)
Performance tweaks using bitwise math instead of binary string
1.5.0: [Sep-18-2002]
» Ogg comment writing support added. getid3.write.php has been
updated to allow for writing comment tags to both MP3 and Ogg.
Big thanks to Chris Bolt <> for writing the
OggWrite() function and offering it for inclusion in getID3()
New file: getid3.ogginfo.php
» Support for Monkey's Audio and APE tag added.
(thanks Christian Fritz for the idea)
New file: getid3.ape.php
['fileformat'] now returns 'mac' for Monkey's Audio files, or
'ape' for files with an APE tag (Monkey's Audio or other format)
» getid3.thumbnail.php has been removed from the distribution and
the table_var_dump() function now outputs APICs as seperate
files in the same directory as the analyzed file. This should
make the image-displaying more reliable as well as reduce
complexity. The naming convention for the images is
filename.ext.[byte offset of APIC data].[jpg|gif|png]
If anybody still has any problems with corrupted images please
let me know at
» Support for extended Xing/LAME tag
Data is returned in ['mpeg']['audio']['LAME']
Ø ['ogg']['tracknumber'] has been renamed to ['ogg']['track'] and
['track'] is now returned in the root of the array
Ø ['ogg']['pageheader'][n]['flag'] has been renamed to
['ogg']['pageheader'][n]['flags'] and the unprocessed flag byte
is available in ['ogg']['pageheader'][n]['flags_raw']
Ø ['frequency'] is now returned for WAVE files in the root of the
array (thanks
Ø ASF files now return codec, bitrate, resolution, etc information
under ['asf']['video_media'] or ['asf']['audio_media']
* Bugfix: RVA2 and EQU2 writing in getid3.putid3.php were
incorrectly writing Volume Adjustment field
* Bugfix: EQU2 in getid3.frames.php was reading Volume Adjustment
as unsigned integer instead of signed integer
* Bugfix: handling of remote files over HTTP & FTP was broken
(thanks Vince)
* Bugfix: incorrect handling of some ASF packets
ASF/Windows Media format now more fully parsed, including Index
Added several new fourCC video codecs
1.4.3: [Sep-15-2002]
» Now parses ASF / WMV / WMA files
Ø New file: getid3.asf.php
* Bugfix: RoughTranslateUnicodeToASCII() would return nothing
if didn't find a terminator it was expecting
Added FILETIMEtoUNIXtime() function (for converting 64-bit
Microsoft FILETIME timestamps, used in ASF files and elsewhere,
to UNIX Epoch timestamps)
Added GUIDtoBytestring() and BytestringToGUID() functions
1.4.2: [Sep-12-2002]
» getID3() now requires PHP v4.1.0 or higher because it now is
designed to work with register_globals = off and the new auto-
globals ($_GET, $_SERVER, etc).
* Bugfix: VBR MP3 files with Fraunhofer-style VBR header were not
being correctly detected in most cases
(thanks and for sample files)
* Bugfix: IsValidTextEncoding() was broken
* Bugfix: Add stripslashes($EditorFilename) to getid3.write.php
(writing was broken for files with ' or " in the filename)
(thanks and kthejoker)
* Bugfix: If there is garbage data between a valid VBR header
frame and a sequence of valid MPEG-audio frames the VBR data is
no longer discarded. (thanks to for sample
Fraunhofer-style VBR file produced with MusicMatch v7.2)
Ø Changed variable system to work with (register_globals = off)
Ø Moved relevant code into seperate PlaytimeString() function
Ø Added nl2br() to table_var_dump() for cleaner output
Ø Now returns the following keys from Fraunhofer-VBR files:
['VBR_seek_offsets'], ['VBR_seek_offsets_stride'],
['VBR_offsets_relative'] and ['VBR_offsets_absolute']
Ø Added ID3v1matchesID3v2() function and implemented in
getid3.check.php (thanks to "Guest" in the forums for the idea)
Changed amount of data read in getid3.getimagesize.php from 10kB
to entire file. (thanks
Wrapped function_exists() checks around function definitions in
Fixed a lot of E_WARNING and E_NOTICE situations, especially in
ID3-writing code (getid3.putid3.php, etc)
Added checks to make sure all needed data is available for writing
ID3v2 tags
1.4.1b5: [May-30-2002]
* Bugfix: Unsynchronise() was broken, now fixed
* Bugfix: GenerateID3v2Tag() now correctly uses non-synchsafe
integers for frame size descriptors in ID3v2.3 and ID3v2.2
Ø Added ['artist'], ['title'], etc keys to root of returned
array to provide a common place to access any returned info
from any file type. Currently gets info from ID3v1, ID3v2,
Ogg, and RIFF/WAVE. Possible returned keys are:
title, artist, album, year, genre, comment, track
Ø Modified LookupGenre() function to search for either genre based
on numeric ID, or now reverse lookup as well
Ø Added ['artist'], ['title'], etc keys to ['RIFF'] information
if info tags are present
Added functionality to attach a picture to the ID3v2 tag in
Sorted genres into alphabetical order (special 3 at end of list)
in getid3.write.php
Changed the comment-edit field in getid3.write.php to a multi-line
<textarea> from a single-line <input>
getid3.write.php now only writes ID3v2 frames that have data
Added default TXXX field to getid3.write.php to put a tagger info
field when writing ID3v2 tags. Description is "ID3v2-tagged by"
and data is "getID3() v[version] ("
Changed getid3.check.php to use the new common info keys
Improved file-format detection in getid3.check.php - if the auto-
detect based on the first few bytes of the file doesn't find a
known format (for example if the header is corrupt), a more
thorough scan is done based on the file extension
Added 'Edit ID3' link from getid3.check.php to getid3.write.php for
MP3 files (thanks for the idea)
Added 'Delete file' link from getid3.check.php to getid3.write.php
allowing you to permanently delete a file (be careful with this!!)
(thanks for the idea)
Added some mouse-over titles for links in getid3.check.php
1.4.1b4: [May-15-2002]
* Bugfix: getid3.check.php wasn't parsing MP3s with invalid headers
or padding at the beginning of the file - added 'assumeFormat'
parameter and 'Parse this file as:' options to force parsing in a
particular format (thanks Alcohol for the sample file)
* Bugfix: unset(['fileformat']) and ['error'] added in cases where
file cannot be parsed in the assumed or forced format
1.4.1b3: [May-01-2002]
Ø For Ogg files, now calculates the real average bitrate (returned
in ['ogg']['bitrate_average']) and so the playtime of the file is
calculated on actual average bitrate, not nominal bitrate, so it
should be accurate now (thanks to for
telling me it was wrong)
* Bugfix: ID3v2FrameIsAllowed() wasn't behaving properly if the
writing functions were called for more than one file, because of
the static array not being cleared between uses. This is an
updated fix because the one in 1.4.1b2 didn't work :o)
(thanks and yoyo)
Added rawurlencode() to the filename parameter in table_var_dump()
for images (wouldn't work with path/file names containing special
characters (#, &, ", +) (thanks Christian Fritz)
getid3.check.php no longer attempts to scan all MIDI tracks in
directory-browse mode, since this can take a long time. Detailed
single-file view is still fully scanned (new third parameter for
getMIDIHeaderFilepointer() controls this)
Small improvements to MoreNaturalSort()
1.4.1b2: [April-18-2002]
Ø GetAllMP3Info()'s 2nd parameter has changed from boolean to string
(now specifying the parse-this-file-as-this format, like 'mp3',
but also can be FALSE to mean don't assume any format, auto-detect
only), and a third parameter (array containing allowed formats)
has been added. The assumedFormat parameter allows a file to be
forced to be parsed as a certain format rather than relying on the
auto-detection of getID3() (ex: an MP3 wrapped in a RIFF/WAV
header will be auto-detected as RIFF/WAV, but if forced to parse
as MP3 will extract the original MP3 information)
* Bugfix: ID3v2FrameIsAllowed() wasn't behaving properly if the
writing functions were called for more than one file, because of
the static array not being cleared between uses (thanks yoyo)
* Bugfix: Lyrics3 data wasn't being properly copied from the ['raw']
keys to the easy keys (['title'], etc.) (thanks Christian Fritz)
* Bugfix: some testing code was accidentally left in
getid3.thumbnail.php (thanks Christian Fritz)
* Bugfix: RIFF/WAVE files are now more likely to have all their
chunks parsed.
* Bugfix: RIFF/WAVE bitrate & playtime now better calculated
* Bugfix: MP3 scanning for synch doesn't go beyond 64k now, to stop
intensive scanning through large file that don't have a synch
(thanks for a weird sample file)
Improved performance when scanning for MP3 synch (about 600% faster
if the synch is never found)
ZIP files no longer return the contents of each compressed file, as
that would very easily be more data than PHP could handle.
getid3.check.php now displays entries in a more natural sort order:
case insensitive, ignores most punctuation, treats accented chars
the same as their unaccent equivalent (thanks
Added support for SmartSound-format RIFF files (which are regular
RIFF/WAVE files with the first 4 chars changed from RIFF to SDSS)
All instances of while(list() = each()) replaced with foreach()
Not a major change, but now points to
1.4.1b1: [April-11-2002]
» Parses MIDI files.
NOTE: very slow at parsing, much slower than any other file type
NOTE: playtime is generally mostly accurate, but not always 100%
» Parses ZIP files (if ZZIPlib available, and only in PHP 4.0.7RC1
and later (see
NOTE: currently untested as I'm unable to find php_zip.dll for
PHP/Win32 - if someone has a copy of this file, please email me:
» Parses JPEG files (requires GD installed)
» Parses PNG files (requires GD v1.6+ installed)
» Parses GIF files (requires GD < v1.6 installed)
» For MP3s, once a valid synch is detected, the next 5 frames are
also scanned for valid synch signatures, to prevent false
identification of synch. For corrupt MP3 files this will be a bit
slower, but hopefully produce more reliable results.
(Thanks to for bringing this to my attention,
and for explaining what was happening)
(Thanks also to macik for helping me with MP3 frame lengths:
» The actual image data is now displayed (for JPEG, PNG and GIF
images only) rather than a binary text dump in getid3.check.php
(specifically table_var_dump()) for APIC frames. Made possible
by the inclusion of (a modified version of) GetURLImageSize() by
Filipe Laborde-Basto ( You can right-click, save-as
to extract the image to a file.
NOTE: The actual image data is still returned in ['data']
Ø ['image_mime'], ['image_width'], ['image_height'], ['image_bytes']
are now returned for APICs
Ø split parsing functions out into seperate files: lyrics3, id3v1,
id3v2, mp3, ogg, riff, mpeg, midi, zip
Ø ['ogg']['bitrate_ave'] -> ['ogg']['bitrate_nominal'] (thanks to for pointing out that "nominal" bitrate
may actually differ significantly from the "average" bitrate)
The real average bitrate seems to be only extractable by parsing
the entire file and calculating the average bitrate. This is not
yet an option, but hopefully in a future version of getID3()
Ø ['filename'] now returned for all files
Ø ['ogg']['date'] and ['ogg']['description'] now returned when
available (thanks
Ø ['mpeg']['audio']['crc'] now contains the CRC (if present)
Ø ['bitrate'] is now returned as a double instead of an int
Ø ['dataoffset'] is now returned for all ID3v2 frames
* Bugfix: MP3 CRC presence ['mpeg']['audio']['protection'] was being
reported as opposite of what it actually should be
* Bugfix: MPEG videos weren't being detected (they were being
parsed as MP3), and even if they were, there was a typo in
getMPEGHeaderFilepointer() (thanks Christian Fritz)
* Bugfix: getid3.functions.php wasn't being included in
getid3.write.php (thanks
* Bugfix: Browse:___ directory name in getid3.check.php wasn't
correct with directory names with ' and other strange characters
(thanks Christian Fritz)
ID3v2FrameProcessing() now checks to see if the next frame is valid
after it encounters an invalid FrameID, and if the next frameID
appears valid, it will just skip the current (invalid) frame and
continue processing (it would previously abort at the first sign
of incorrect structure) (thanks
getid3.check.php now scans filetypes based on content, not filename
extension, and shows the filetype in the displayed output. Files
are only scanned as MP3 if ID3v2 or MPEG-audio signatures are at
the immediate beginning of the file (MP3 used to be the default
format), so a corrupt file may not show up as MP3 format in the
browse screen, but in detail it will scan in-depth
getid3.check.php now has columns to show the presence of ID3v1,
ID3v2 and Lyrics3 content
Helium2 ( has been known to write ID3v2.4 tags with
non-synchsafe-integer framesizes, getID3() now checks for this and
will override and parse the tag as ID3v2.3 if the tag would parse
fine as ID3v2.3 when it's really specified as ID3v2.4 (thanks
Christian Fritz for the test files)
1.4.0b9: [April-05-2002]
» Ogg files now return bitrate and playtime (playtime calculated
from nominal bitrate and filesize, so it's only approximately
accurate). (thanks for the idea)
* Bugfix: ID3v1 tags were not properly being parsed - track, genre
and comment fields were incorrect. (thanks Christian Fritz)
* Bugfix: getid3.check.php would not browse directories with single
quotes (') or double quotes (") in the directory name.
(thanks Christian Fritz)
* Bugfix: Improved detection of MPEG-video files (a sample MP3 file
had a false MPEG video signature at the beginning), and the MPEG-
video parsing function now only looks for the MPEG-video header
in the first 100k bytes of the file, to prevent needlessly
scanning very large files. Also will not infinitely loop if it
does not find what it's looking for. (thanks Christian Fritz)
['error'] now returned if MP3 synch doesn't occur at beginning of
file if ID3v2 not used (ie there's some kind of padding there that
should not be)
Reduced use of fread() in getMPEGHeaderFilepointer() (now faster)
Added "file parsed in seconds" to getid3.check.php
Added "browse: <directory>" link to getid3.check.php
Changed default ID3v2 majorversion from 2.4 to 2.3 in
getid3.write.php because Winamp (and probably many other
ID3v2-aware tools) can only read up to ID3v2.3
1.4.0b8: [April-04-2002]
» Lyrics3 support added (thanks Christian Fritz for the idea)
Ø check.php renamed to getid3.check.php
Ø write.php renamed to getid3.write.php
Ø ['id3']['id3v2']['error'] (if present) now reported in ['error']
Ø ['mpeg']['audio']['error'] (if present) now reported in ['error']
* Bugfix: RoughTranslateUnicodeToASCII() was completely mangling
UTF-16/UTF-16BE encoded text
* Bugfix: The warning about MP3ext wasn't always showing up
getID3v1Filepointer() cleaned up & shortened
Moved the include_once() statements around so that a minimum of code
is included
1.4.0b7: [April-03-2002]
» RIFFs (specifically AVIs) are now more completely parsed,
almost everything in the returned ['RIFF'] array has been moved
around and/or restructured. A lot of new data is in there too -
codecs, frame size, etc.
Ø Better recursive parsing of RIFFs (sub-arrays are now in the right
* Bugfix: the isset() idea introduced in beta 5 was incorrectly
implemented, such that ['asciidata'] and ['asciidescription'] were
never returned - this had the side effect that ID3v2 comments were
not copied to ['id3']['id3v2']['comment'] (thanks
* Bugfix: MPEG audio synch wasn't being detected, and therefore MPEG
audio data not parsed, if no ID3v2 header present in an MP3
ID3v1 track number only returned if greater than zero
Removed !== FALSE (introduced in 1.4.0b6) from while(fread()) loops,
some users were reporting problems with that syntax.
Changed substr($string, 0, 1) to $string{0} syntax in most files
Reformatted getid3.changelog.txt to 72-column width
1.4.0b6: [April-01-2002]
* Bugfix: 1.4.0b5 introduced a bug where any RIFF file other than
PCM WAVE (this includes any compressed WAV, as well as all AVIs)
would crash getID3()
Reduced use of fread() in getOggHeaderFilepointer() for increased
Added constant FREAD_BUFFER_SIZE for many fread() operations
Added !== FALSE check to while(fread()) loops
Added more entries to RIFFwFormatTagLookup()
(still looking for a good complete list)
Converted use of hexdec() in getid3.lookup.php to 0x1234 notation
1.4.0b5: [March-28-2002]
Ø Renamed decodeheader() to decodeMPEGaudioHeader()
* Bugfix: Fixed infinite loop problem for RIFF/WAV files with
unknown chunks
* Bugfix: WXXX frames were incorrectly writing from ['URL'] instead
of ['url']
* Bugfix: RoughTranslateUnicodeToASCII() wasn't properly decoding
Changed all quoted strings from " to ' to hopefully improve speed
(although benchmarks have not yet shown any significant
improvement in speed) (thanks
Improved code in check.php for dealing with symbolic links
Changed '<?' tags to '<?php' (thanks
Added processing time indicator in check.php
(ie 'directory scanned in 2.45 seconds')
Replaced all instances of feof() to prevent infinite loop conditions
Moved lookup portions of decodeMPEGaudioHeader() to
Replaced $arrayname[$index] with $arrayname["$index"] to avoid PHP
E_NOTICEs (thanks
Wrapped isset() around many if statements, to avoid PHP E_NOTICEs,
hence improve speed (up to 30x speed improvement reported in some
cases :)
1.4.0b4: [March-26-2002]
Ø RIFF/WAV file format now parsed, returned under ['riff']
Ø Support for Relative Gain Adjustment in RIFF/WAV files
Ø ['channels'] (1 or 2) now returned for MP3 and WAV files
Ø ['bitrate'] now returned (in bits-per-second) at root level for
MP3 and WAV files
Added support for RGAD (Relative Gain ADjustment) ID3v2 frames, both
reading & writing
(see for details
on RGAD) (thanks Christian Fritz for the idea)
Removed some test data-dumping from the ID3v2 writing functions
Language code 'XXX' now returns descriptive string 'unknown' instead
Seperated out comments from top of getid3.php into getid3.readme.txt
and getid3.changelog.txt
Split out non-lookup functions from getid3.lookup.php to
1.4.0b3: [March-25-2002]
Ø ['asciidata'] for WXXX frames now returns correct information, but
under ['asciidescription'] (thanks Christian Fritz)
Ø Added ['framenamelong'] to all returned frame data arrays with
text description of that frame (ie 'RVA2' would return 'Relative
volume adjustment (2)') (thanks Christian Fritz)
Ø ['datalength'] is now ['indexeddatalength'] in ASPI frames (was
confliciting with the all-frames ['datalength'] as introduced in
Ø ['datalength'] now returned as integer (rather than double) where
1.4.0b2: [March-21-2002]
Ø ['mpeg']['audio']['bitrate'] now returned as int rather than
double for VBR files
* Bugfix: MPEG audio information wasn't being parsed on files that
had neither ID3v1 or ID3v2
* Bugfix: COMM/WXXX frames weren't returning 'asciidata' in
ID3v2.2, which also meant the ['id3']['id3v2']['comment'] field
wasn't being returned (thanks
* Bugfix: file might not be found if filename actually contains
escaped chars or %xx-formatted characters
Added support for running with Register Globals turned off
Added urlencode() where needed in check.php
Fixed IE buffering/display problem in progress counter in check.php
1.4.0b1: [March-11-2002]
» ID3v2 writing support via WriteID3v2() in putid3.php
RemoveID3v2() and RemoveID3v1() functions now available in
putid3.php All ID3v1 and ID3v2 writing functions have been moved
to putid3.php and example file write.php has been added to the
Ø MPEG audio frame information (bitrate, frequency, etc) now
returned inside ['mpeg']['audio'] instead of just ['mpeg']
Ø MPEG video information now parsed, returned in ['mpeg']['video']
Note: audio portion of video system files is not yet being parsed
Ø All flag bits are now returned as boolean rather than int or
Ø RVA2 data now returned as an array (multiple RVA2 tags are
Ø RVA2/EQU2 description returned under ['description'] rather than
Ø RVAD/EQUA adjustments now returned as signed integers, rather than
absolute values which required you to check flag bytes
Ø RVRB/REV data no longer returns under ['reverb'] array
Ø WXXX/W???/LINK frames now return ['url'] instead of ['URL']
Ø USER now properly returns both ['language'] and ['languagename']
Ø OWNE now returns ['purchasedateunix'] as a UNIX timestamp
(only if ['purchasedate'] is a valid date)
Ø ['id3']['id3v2']['padding'] now returned with information on padding
Ø ['headerlength'] now includes the initial 6 or 10 bytes of the
ID3v2 header
Ø ['artist'], ['title'], ['album'], ['tracknumber'], ['genre'] now
returned for easier access for Ogg files
Ø added ['datalength'] to all ID3v2 frames: length of frame data,
not including frame header
Ø ['fileformat'] now returns 'id3' if there are ID3v1 or ID3v2 tags
but no audio data
Ø ['fileformat'] now returns 'mpg' if it's an MPEG system (video +
audio) file
* Bugfix: RVAD was being parsed incorrectly
* Bugfix: ['currency'] and ['purchasedate'] now correctly returned
* Bugfix: Frequncies in 'EQU2' frames were incorrectly double
* Bugfix: ['bytedeviation'] and ['msdeviation'] now properly
returned as integer rather than binary string for 'MLLT' frames
* Bugfix: ['filename'] now properly returned for 'GEOB' frames
* Bugfix: ['imagetype'] now properly returned for 'PIC' frames in
* Bugfix: Genre not being written if not set in WriteID3v1()
* Bugfix: Changed write mode to 'r+b' from 'a+' because ID3v1 tags
were being appended instead of overwritten if they already existed
* Bugfix: open would fail on filenames containing quotes
* Bugfix: various values were incorrectly returned (unneeded ord())
in these frames: COMR, USER, ENCR, GRID, PRIV, SIGN
* Bugfix: ASPI ['bitsperpoint'] was not correctly returned
* Bugfix: RoughTranslateUnicodeToASCII() was not returning the last
char for UTF-16
* Bugfix: ['audiobytes'] now correctly 0 if no synch found
* Bugfix: GenreLookup was incorrectly returning 'Remix' instead of
'Blues' for GenreID 0
Added sample directory browser to check.php
Seperated out MPEGaudio-parsing functionality into
getOnlyMPEGaudioInfo() which may be called directly if you don't
need any ID3 parsing (thanks for idea)
Reduced use of fread() for increased performance in
Added clearstatcache() before checking filesize - size after writing
tag now correct
Added hack for mp3Rage ( that puts
ID3v2.3-formatted MIME type instead of 3-char ID3v2.2-format image
type (thanks for test file)
1.3.2: [February-15-2002]
POPM/POP, AENC/CRA, ENCR and GRID frame data now returned under
numeric array index rather than by ownerID
Ø RVA2 frame data is now returned keyed by $channeltypeid instead of
Ø WXXX/WXX frame description now returned under ['description']
instead of ['data']
Trailing null bytes now trimmed from frame (W??? & T???) text data
(it shouldn't be there to begin with, but a sample file encoded by
[unknown program] had data padded to 50 chars with null bytes,
which caused ParseID3v2GenreString() to freeze).
1.3.1: [February-13-2002]
* Bugfix: ['playtime_seconds'] and ['playtime_string'] were not
being returned
* Bugfix: ['fileformat'] was incorrectly being returned as a
2-element array
* Bugfix: USLT wasn't being correctly parsed
Improved RoughTranslateUnicodeToASCII()
(thanks for Unicode test file)
1.3.0: [February-13-2002]
» ID3v1 writing support via WriteID3v1()
Ø MPEG audio frame information (bitrate, frequency, etc) now
returned inside ['mpeg']
Ø ['mpeg']['raw'] returns the integer values of the bits for MPEG
audio information as returned in ['mpeg'] by decodeheader()
Ø 'protection', 'padding', 'private', 'copyright' and 'original' now
return as boolean
Ø 'bitrate' and 'frequency' now return as int (except in special
case of 'free')
Language name as well as code retured where appropriate
(ie 'English' and 'eng')
Text frames with invalid TextEncoding value are now passed through
ID3v1 data (title, artist, album, year, comment) is now trimmed
(no more nulls)
RoughTranslateUnicodeToASCII() now uses utf8_decode() for UTF-8
1.2.5: [January-30-2002]
* Bugfix: Playtime calculations for VBR files were off slightly
(rounding error)
* Bugfix: Extended header length was incorrectly calculated
* Bugfix: Genre strings such as '03' weren't being handled correctly
More complete support for ID3v2.3 FrameIDs
Split out getid3.frames.php (FrameID-specific parsing function)
Split out getid3.lookup.php (assorted lookup-table functions)
Searches for what directory getid3.*.php support files are in (must
be same as getid3.php, but doesn't have to be same as main file -
for example your main file could be /index.php, but including
Simplified, tweaked, changed and/or eliminated several functions.
1.2.4: [January-26-2002]
» Basic support for reading Ogg-Vorbis comment tags
1.2.3: [January-24-2002]
» ID3v2.2.x 3-char FrameIDs are now fully parsed
Note: While I've included support for 22 FrameIDs as defined in
the specs, I don't have test files for all of them. If anyone
knows of programs that generate any of the untested tags, please
email ! Here's what's tested and not:
Tested: T??, COM
Untested: UFI, TXX, W??, WXX, IPL, MCI, ETC, MLL, STC, ULT, SLT,
table_var_dump() now displays boolean variables as TRUE or FALSE
table_var_dump() now uses htmlspecialchars() to avoid broken-table
1.2.2: [January-18-2002]
Ø Parses ID3v2 genres into ['id3']['id3v2']['genreid'] and
['id3']['id3v2']['genrelist'] where appropriate
(thanks for the idea)
Added ID3v2 genre abbreviations 'RX' (remix) and 'CR' (cover)
1.2.1: [January-17-2002]
* Bugfix: 'mp3' was being returned in ['format'], but 'zip' was
being returned in ['fileformat'], both are now returned in
Ø Splits ['id3']['id3v2']['track'] in the format '5/12' into
['track'] = '5' and ['totaltracks'] = '12'
Ø Enabled ['id3']['id3v2']['title'] etc for ID3v2.2.x
(3-char frame names) (thanks
Ø Changed v1.?? version number format to v1.?.?
Scans through the file until it finds the MPEG synch (start of audio
frame) - some files encoded by LAME 3.91 had undocumented padding
after the ID3v2 header; getMP3headerFilepointer() now scans until
it finds synch (or EOF) (thanks
Improved Unicode conversion in RoughTranslateUnicodeToASCII()
1.20: [January-15-2002]
» Support for variable-bitrate (VBR) files, both Xing and Fraunhofer
» All 4-character FrameIDs are now fully parsed according to the
specs at
Ø This means that most no longer return ['flags'] and ['data']
Note: While I've included support for 30 FrameIDs as defined in
the specs, I don't have test files for all of them. If anyone
knows of programs that generate any of the untested tags, please
email ! Here's what's tested and not:
Ø Added 'title', 'artist', etc names to ID3v2 data (easier to access
than the 4-character FrameIDs of the ID3v2 standard)
* Bugfix: added fclose() at end of GetAllMP3Info()
* Bugfix: ID3v1 wasn't being parsed if ID3v2 wasn't present
* Bugfix: several flags were being parsed incorrectly (the structure
had changed from ID3v2.3 to ID3v2.4) - v2.3 flags were being
incorrectly parsed
Much more compact implementation of decodeheader()
(thanks for the idea)
ID3v1 genres 126 through 147 (thanks
New table_var_dump() function in check.php
(based partially on idea by
Seperated ID3v1 retrieval into seperate function
1.11: [December-23-2001]
All functions merged into file getid3.php
Updated documentation to reflect new returned information
1.10: [December-20-2001]
* Bugfix: ID3v1 Track# was incorrectly being parsed whether it
existed or not
Changed calling procedure to recommend using
GetAllMP3info($filename) from getmp3header.php
Now includes check.php - example file
Ø Checks to see if file is in ZIP or MP3 format
(returned in ['format'])
[Ed. Note: ['fileformat'] as of v1.2.1]
1.06: [November-05-2001]
* Bugfix: ID3v2.2.x frames weren't being parsed since they use
6-byte rather than 10-byte headers as v2.3+ does
(thanks for pointing that out)
1.05: [September-06-2001]
* Bugfix: ID3v2 was being parsed even if it didn't exist
1.04: [July-16-2001]
* Bugfix: typo in Extended Header section (strpad() should be
str_pad()) (thanks
1.03: [May-07-2001]
* Bugfix: Added missing ['id3']['id3v1']['genreid'] and
1.02: [May-05-2001]
Ø Added ['getID3version']
1.01: [May-04-2001]
» Added support for frame-level de-unsynchronisation (as per
ID3v2.4.0 specs) in addition to ID3v2.3.x tag-level
1.00: [May-04-2001]
» Initial public release
Future Plans
* Make getLyrics3Filepointer independant and identical in format to all the
other functions
* Support AIFF (thanks
* APE v1 & v2 writing support
* Lyrics3 v1 & v2 writing support
* Support for RIFF-BWF (Broadcast Wave File) (thanks Ryan)
(Nick Humfrey <>)
* -> official site
* -> helpful info
* Support for RIFF-CART (Cart Chunk Format) (thanks Ryan)
* -> official site
* Support for RIFF-INFO chunks
(thanks Nick Humfrey <>)
(thanks Kibi)
* Support for lossless-compression formats
* Support for LPAC (
* Support for OptimFrog (
* Support for WavPack (
* Support for Shorten (
* Support for AudioZip
* Support for Pegasus SPS (
* Support for RKAU (
* Support for Sonarc (
* Support for SZip (?)
* Support for WavArc (
* Support for WaveZip/MUSICompress (
* LAME tag rev1 (
* Support for MOD (mod/stm/s3m/it/xm/mtm/ult/669) (thanks
* Support for JPEG-2000 (
* Support for AC-3
* SV8 (
also SV4, SV5, SV6 (thanks Christian Fritz for the idea)
* Support for TTF (thanks
* Speed optimizations:
* ID3v2 parsing: work with offset system rather than substr() truncating data
* ID3v2 non-parsing skip-over option
* eliminate functions inside tight loops
* Parse XML data returned in Ogg comments
* ID3v2.2 tag writing support
* ID3v2 genre string creator function
* Detect mp3PRO
* RealVideo resolution, framerate, codec, etc
* RealMedia - parsing of MDPR type_specific_data
* More complete parsing of JPG
* Support for SWF, PSD, TIFF, JPC, JP2, JPX, JB2, SWC, IFF
* Support for all old-style ASF packets
* Support for gzip
* support for MPEG-1 & 2 system audio (audio portion of video files)
* ASF/WMA/WMV tag writing
* Parse declared T??? text information frames, where appropriate
(thanks Christian Fritz for the idea)
* Append/overwrite ID3v2 writing function
(thanks Christian Fritz for the idea)
* Recognize encoder:
* Support for other OS/2 bitmap structures: Bitmap Array('BA'),
Color Icon('CI'), Color Pointer('CP'), Icon('IC'), Pointer ('PT')
* Support Compressed MOOV Quicktime atoms
* ASF/WMA/WMV data packet parsing
* ID3v2FrameFlagsLookupTagAlter()
* ID3v2FrameFlagsLookupFileAlter()
* obey tag alter/preserve/discard rules
* document all returned frame structures
* document everything else :)
* Improve performance
* ID3v2: frame-level decompression
* proper checking for LINK/LNK frame validity in ID3v2 writing
* proper checking for ASPI-TLEN frame validity in ID3v2 writing
* proper checking for COMR frame validity in ID3v2 writing
* scan for appended ID3v2 tag at end of file per ID3v2.4 specs
(Section 5.0)
* decode GEOB structure as encoded by RealJukebox et al
(probably won't happen - the format is proprietary)
Known Bugs/Issues in getID3() that will be fixed eventually
* APICs added with getID3() do not show up correctly in Windows
Media Player (
* Quicktime movies with compressed MOOV atoms cannot extract
useful info like playtime and bitrate
* MIDI parsing is slow
* MIDI playtime is sometime inaccurate
* AAC-RAW mode files cannot be identified
* mp4 files report lots of "Unknown QuickTime atom type"
* Encrypted ASF/WMA/WMV files warn about "unhandled GUID
* Bitrate split between audio and video cannot be calculated for
NSV, only the total bitrate.
* All Ogg formats (Vorbis, OggFLAC, Speex) are affected by the
problem of large VorbisComments spanning multiple Ogg pages, but
but only OggVorbis files can be processed with vorbiscomment.
* Vorbis comments writing by getID3() v1.5.x has an as-yet unfixed
bug that can potentially corrupt the Ogg file such that it is no
longer playable. getID3() v1.6.0+ writes OggVorbis comments with
vorbiscomment ( and corruption
is not an issue.
Known Bugs/Issues in getID3() that cannot be fixed
* Files larger than 2GB (of any format) cannot be parsed by
getID3() due to limitations in the PHP filesystem functions
Known Bugs/Issues in other programs
* Winamp (up to v2.80 at least) does not support ID3v2.4 tags,
only ID3v2.3
* Some versions of Helium2 ( do not write
ID3v2.4-compliant Frame Sizes, even though the tag is marked
as ID3v2.4) (detected by getID3())
* MP3ext V3.3.17(unicode) places a non-compliant padding string at
the end of the ID3v2 header. This is supposedly fixed in
v3.4b21 but only if you manually add a registry key. This fix
is not yet confirmed. (detected by getID3())
* CDex v1.40 (fixed by v1.50b7) writes non-compliant Ogg comment
strings, supposed to be in the format "NAME=value" but actually
written just "value" (detected by getID3())
* Oggenc 0.9-rc3 flags the encoded file as ABR whether it's
actually ABR or VBR.
* iTunes (versions "X v2.0.3", "v3.0.1" are known-guilty, probably
other versions are too) writes ID3v2.3 comment tags using a
frame name 'COM ' which is not valid for ID3v2.3+ (it's an
ID3v2.2-style frame name) (detected by getID3())
* MP2enc does not encode mono CBR MP2 files properly (half speed
sound and double playtime)
* MP2enc does not encode mono VBR MP2 files properly (actually
encoded as stereo)
* tooLAME does not encode mono VBR MP2 files properly (actually
encoded as stereo)
* AACenc encodes files in VBR mode (actually ABR) even if CBR is
* AAC/ADIF - #channels = 1 for stereo files
* AAC/ADIF - bitrate_mode = cbr for vbr files
* LAME 3.91, 3.92 (maybe others) prepends one frame of null data
(space for the VBR header, but it never gets written) when
encoding in CBR mode with the DLL
* Ahead Nero encodes TwinVQF with a DSIZ value (which is supposed
to be the filesize in bytes) of "0" for TwinVQF v1.0 and "1" for
TwinVQF v2.0 (detected by getID3())
* Ahead Nero encodes TwinVQF files 1 second shorter than they
should be
* AAC-ADTS files are always actually encoded VBR, even if CBR mode
is specified (the CBR-mode switches on the encoder enable ABR
mode, not CBR as such, but it's not possible to tell the
difference between such ABR files and true VBR)
* STREAMINFO.audio_signature in OggFLAC is always null. "The reason
it's like that is because there is no seeking support in libOggFLAC
yet, so it has no way to go back and write the computed sum after
encoding. Seeking support in Ogg FLAC is the #1 item for the next
release." - Josh Coalson (FLAC developer)