
1152 lines
37 KiB
Raw Blame History

/// getID3() by James Heinrich <> //
// available at ///
// //
// getid3.functions.php - part of getID3() //
// See getid3.readme.txt for more details //
// //
if (!function_exists('PrintHexBytes')) {
function PrintHexBytes($string) {
$returnstring = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++) {
$returnstring .= str_pad(dechex(ord(substr($string, $i, 1))), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).' ';
return $returnstring;
if (!function_exists('PrintTextBytes')) {
function PrintTextBytes($string) {
$returnstring = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++) {
if (ord(substr($string, $i, 1)) <= 31) {
$returnstring .= ' ';
} else {
$returnstring .= ' '.substr($string, $i, 1).' ';
return $returnstring;
if (!function_exists('FixTextFields')) {
function FixTextFields($text) {
$text = SafeStripSlashes($text);
$text = str_replace('\'', '&#39;', $text);
$text = str_replace('"', '&quot;', $text);
return $text;
if (!function_exists('SafeStripSlashes')) {
function SafeStripSlashes($text) {
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
return stripslashes($text);
return $text;
if (!function_exists('table_var_dump')) {
function table_var_dump($variable) {
$returnstring = '';
switch (gettype($variable)) {
case 'array':
$returnstring .= '<TABLE BORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="2">';
foreach ($variable as $key => $value) {
$returnstring .= '<TR><TD VALIGN="TOP"><B>'.str_replace(chr(0), ' ', $key).'</B></TD>';
$returnstring .= '<TD VALIGN="TOP">'.gettype($value);
if (is_array($value)) {
$returnstring .= '&nbsp;('.count($value).')';
} elseif (is_string($value)) {
$returnstring .= '&nbsp;('.strlen($value).')';
if (($key == 'data') && isset($variable['image_mime']) && isset($variable['dataoffset'])) {
$imagechunkcheck = GetDataImageSize($value);
$DumpedImageSRC = $_REQUEST['filename'].'.'.$variable['dataoffset'].'.'.ImageTypesLookup($imagechunkcheck[2]);
if ($tempimagefile = fopen($DumpedImageSRC, 'wb')) {
fwrite($tempimagefile, $value);
$returnstring .= '</TD><TD><IMG SRC="'.$DumpedImageSRC.'" WIDTH="'.$imagechunkcheck[0].'" HEIGHT="'.$imagechunkcheck[1].'"></TD>';
} else {
$returnstring .= '</TD><TD>'.table_var_dump($value).'</TD>';
$returnstring .= '</TABLE>';
case 'boolean':
$returnstring .= ($variable ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE');
case 'integer':
case 'double':
case 'float':
$returnstring .= $variable;
case 'object':
case 'null':
$returnstring .= string_var_dump($variable);
case 'string':
$variable = str_replace(chr(0), ' ', $variable);
$varlen = strlen($variable);
for ($i = 0; $i < $varlen; $i++) {
if (ereg('['.chr(0x0A).chr(0x0D).' -;A-z]', $variable{$i})) {
$returnstring .= $variable{$i};
} else {
$returnstring .= '&#'.str_pad(ord($variable{$i}), 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).';';
$returnstring = nl2br($returnstring);
$imagechunkcheck = GetDataImageSize(substr($variable, 0, FREAD_BUFFER_SIZE));
if (($imagechunkcheck[2] >= 1) && ($imagechunkcheck[2] <= 3)) {
$returnstring .= '<TABLE BORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="2">';
$returnstring .= '<TR><TD><B>type</B></TD><TD>'.ImageTypesLookup($imagechunkcheck[2]).'</TD></TR>';
$returnstring .= '<TR><TD><B>width</B></TD><TD>'.number_format($imagechunkcheck[0]).' px</TD></TR>';
$returnstring .= '<TR><TD><B>height</B></TD><TD>'.number_format($imagechunkcheck[1]).' px</TD></TR>';
$returnstring .= '<TR><TD><B>size</B></TD><TD>'.number_format(strlen($variable)).' bytes</TD></TR></TABLE>';
} else {
$returnstring .= nl2br(htmlspecialchars(str_replace(chr(0), ' ', $variable)));
return $returnstring;
if (!function_exists('string_var_dump')) {
function string_var_dump($variable) {
$dumpedvariable = ob_get_contents();
return $dumpedvariable;
if (!function_exists('fileextension')) {
function fileextension($filename, $numextensions=1) {
if (strstr($filename, '.')) {
$reversedfilename = strrev($filename);
$offset = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $numextensions; $i++) {
$offset = strpos($reversedfilename, '.', $offset + 1);
if ($offset === false) {
return '';
return strrev(substr($reversedfilename, 0, $offset));
return '';
if (!function_exists('RemoveAccents')) {
function RemoveAccents($string) {
if (!function_exists('MoreNaturalSort')) {
function MoreNaturalSort($ar1, $ar2) {
if ($ar1 === $ar2) {
return 0;
$len1 = strlen($ar1);
$len2 = strlen($ar2);
$shortest = min($len1, $len2);
if (substr($ar1, 0, $shortest) === substr($ar2, 0, $shortest)) {
// the shorter argument is the beginning of the longer one, like "str" and "string"
if ($len1 < $len2) {
return -1;
} elseif ($len1 > $len2) {
return 1;
return 0;
$ar1 = RemoveAccents(strtolower(trim($ar1)));
$ar2 = RemoveAccents(strtolower(trim($ar2)));
$translatearray = array('\''=>'', '"'=>'', '_'=>' ', '('=>'', ')'=>'', '-'=>' ', ' '=>' ', '.'=>'', ','=>'');
foreach ($translatearray as $key => $val) {
$ar1 = str_replace($key, $val, $ar1);
$ar2 = str_replace($key, $val, $ar2);
if ($ar1 < $ar2) {
return -1;
} elseif ($ar1 > $ar2) {
return 1;
return 0;
if (!function_exists('trunc')) {
function trunc($floatnumber) {
// truncates a floating-point number at the decimal point
// returns int (if possible, otherwise double)
if ($floatnumber >= 1) {
$truncatednumber = floor($floatnumber);
} elseif ($floatnumber <= -1) {
$truncatednumber = ceil($floatnumber);
} else {
$truncatednumber = 0;
if ($truncatednumber <= pow(2, 30)) {
$truncatednumber = (int) $truncatednumber;
return $truncatednumber;
if (!function_exists('CastAsInt')) {
function CastAsInt($doublenum) {
// convert a double to type int, only if possible
if (trunc($doublenum) == $doublenum) {
// it's not floating point
if ($doublenum <= pow(2, 30)) {
// it's within int range
$doublenum = (int) $doublenum;
return $doublenum;
if (!function_exists('getmicrotime')) {
function getmicrotime() {
list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
return ((float) $usec + (float) $sec);
if (!function_exists('DecimalBinary2Float')) {
function DecimalBinary2Float($binarynumerator) {
$numerator = Bin2Dec($binarynumerator);
$denominator = Bin2Dec(str_repeat('1', strlen($binarynumerator)));
return ($numerator / $denominator);
if (!function_exists('NormalizeBinaryPoint')) {
function NormalizeBinaryPoint($binarypointnumber, $maxbits=52) {
if (strpos($binarypointnumber, '.') === false) {
$binarypointnumber = '0.'.$binarypointnumber;
} elseif ($binarypointnumber{0} == '.') {
$binarypointnumber = '0'.$binarypointnumber;
$exponent = 0;
while (($binarypointnumber{0} != '1') || (substr($binarypointnumber, 1, 1) != '.')) {
if (substr($binarypointnumber, 1, 1) == '.') {
$binarypointnumber = substr($binarypointnumber, 2, 1).'.'.substr($binarypointnumber, 3);
} else {
$pointpos = strpos($binarypointnumber, '.');
$exponent += ($pointpos - 1);
$binarypointnumber = str_replace('.', '', $binarypointnumber);
$binarypointnumber = $binarypointnumber{0}.'.'.substr($binarypointnumber, 1);
$binarypointnumber = str_pad(substr($binarypointnumber, 0, $maxbits + 2), $maxbits + 2, '0', STR_PAD_RIGHT);
return array('normalized'=>$binarypointnumber, 'exponent'=>(int) $exponent);
if (!function_exists('Float2BinaryDecimal')) {
function Float2BinaryDecimal($floatvalue) {
$maxbits=128; // to how many bits of precision should the calculations be taken?
$intpart = trunc($floatvalue);
$floatpart = abs($floatvalue - $intpart);
$pointbitstring = '';
while (($floatpart != 0) && (strlen($pointbitstring) < $maxbits)) {
$floatpart *= 2;
$pointbitstring .= (string) trunc($floatpart);
$floatpart -= trunc($floatpart);
$binarypointnumber = decbin($intpart).'.'.$pointbitstring;
return $binarypointnumber;
if (!function_exists('Float2String')) {
function Float2String($floatvalue, $bits) {
if (($bits != 32) && ($bits != 64)) {
return false;
} elseif ($bits == 32) {
$exponentbits = 8;
$fractionbits = 23;
} elseif ($bits == 64) {
$exponentbits = 11;
$fractionbits = 52;
if ($floatvalue >= 0) {
$signbit = '0';
} else {
$signbit = '1';
$normalizedbinary = NormalizeBinaryPoint(Float2BinaryDecimal($floatvalue), $fractionbits);
$biasedexponent = pow(2, $exponentbits - 1) - 1 + $normalizedbinary['exponent']; // (127 or 1023) +/- exponent
$exponentbitstring = str_pad(decbin($biasedexponent), $exponentbits, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$fractionbitstring = str_pad(substr($normalizedbinary['normalized'], 2), $fractionbits, '0', STR_PAD_RIGHT);
return BigEndian2String(Bin2Dec($signbit.$exponentbitstring.$fractionbitstring), $bits % 8, false);
if (!function_exists('LittleEndian2Float')) {
function LittleEndian2Float($byteword) {
return BigEndian2Float(strrev($byteword));
if (!function_exists('BigEndian2Float')) {
function BigEndian2Float($byteword) {
// ANSI/IEEE Standard 754-1985, Standard for Binary Floating Point Arithmetic
$bitword = BigEndian2Bin($byteword);
$signbit = $bitword{0};
if (strlen($byteword) == 4) { // 32-bit DWORD
$exponentbits = 8;
$fractionbits = 23;
} elseif (strlen($byteword) == 8) { // 64-bit QWORD
$exponentbits = 11;
$fractionbits = 52;
} else {
return false;
$exponentstring = substr($bitword, 1, $exponentbits);
$fractionstring = substr($bitword, 9, $fractionbits);
$exponent = Bin2Dec($exponentstring);
$fraction = Bin2Dec($fractionstring);
if (($exponent == (pow(2, $exponentbits) - 1)) && ($fraction != 0)) {
// Not a Number
$floatvalue = false;
} elseif (($exponent == (pow(2, $exponentbits) - 1)) && ($fraction == 0)) {
if ($signbit == '1') {
$floatvalue = '-infinity';
} else {
$floatvalue = '+infinity';
} elseif (($exponent == 0) && ($fraction == 0)) {
if ($signbit == '1') {
$floatvalue = -0;
} else {
$floatvalue = 0;
$floatvalue = ($signbit ? 0 : -0);
} elseif (($exponent == 0) && ($fraction != 0)) {
// These are 'unnormalized' values
$floatvalue = pow(2, (-1 * (pow(2, $exponentbits - 1) - 2))) * DecimalBinary2Float($fractionstring);
if ($signbit == '1') {
$floatvalue *= -1;
} elseif ($exponent != 0) {
$floatvalue = pow(2, ($exponent - (pow(2, $exponentbits - 1) - 1))) * (1 + DecimalBinary2Float($fractionstring));
if ($signbit == '1') {
$floatvalue *= -1;
return (float) $floatvalue;
if (!function_exists('BigEndian2Int')) {
function BigEndian2Int($byteword, $synchsafe=false, $signed=false) {
$intvalue = 0;
$bytewordlen = strlen($byteword);
for ($i = 0; $i < $bytewordlen; $i++) {
if ($synchsafe) { // disregard MSB, effectively 7-bit bytes
$intvalue = $intvalue | (ord($byteword{$i}) & 0x7F) << (($bytewordlen - 1 - $i) * 7);
} else {
$intvalue += ord($byteword{$i}) * pow(256, ($bytewordlen - 1 - $i));
if ($signed && !$synchsafe) {
// synchsafe ints are not allowed to be signed
switch ($bytewordlen) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
$signmaskbit = 0x80 << (8 * ($bytewordlen - 1));
if ($intvalue & $signmaskbit) {
$intvalue = 0 - ($intvalue & ($signmaskbit - 1));
die('ERROR: Cannot have signed integers larger than 32-bits in BigEndian2Int()');
return CastAsInt($intvalue);
if (!function_exists('LittleEndian2Int')) {
function LittleEndian2Int($byteword, $signed=false) {
return BigEndian2Int(strrev($byteword), false, $signed);
if (!function_exists('BigEndian2Bin')) {
function BigEndian2Bin($byteword) {
$binvalue = '';
$bytewordlen = strlen($byteword);
for ($i = 0; $i < $bytewordlen; $i++) {
$binvalue .= str_pad(decbin(ord($byteword{$i})), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
return $binvalue;
if (!function_exists('BigEndian2String')) {
function BigEndian2String($number, $minbytes=1, $synchsafe=false, $signed=false) {
if ($number < 0) {
return false;
$maskbyte = (($synchsafe || $signed) ? 0x7F : 0xFF);
$intstring = '';
if ($signed) {
if ($minbytes > 4) {
die('ERROR: Cannot have signed integers larger than 32-bits in BigEndian2String()');
$number = $number & (0x80 << (8 * ($minbytes - 1)));
while ($number != 0) {
$quotient = ($number / ($maskbyte + 1));
$intstring = chr(ceil(($quotient - floor($quotient)) * $maskbyte)).$intstring;
$number = floor($quotient);
return str_pad($intstring, $minbytes, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT);
if (!function_exists('Dec2Bin')) {
function Dec2Bin($number) {
while ($number >= 256) {
$bytes[] = (($number / 256) - (floor($number / 256))) * 256;
$number = floor($number / 256);
$bytes[] = $number;
$binstring = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < count($bytes); $i++) {
$binstring = (($i == count($bytes) - 1) ? decbin($bytes[$i]) : str_pad(decbin($bytes[$i]), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)).$binstring;
return $binstring;
if (!function_exists('Bin2Dec')) {
function Bin2Dec($binstring) {
$decvalue = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($binstring); $i++) {
$decvalue += ((int) substr($binstring, strlen($binstring) - $i - 1, 1)) * pow(2, $i);
return CastAsInt($decvalue);
if (!function_exists('Bin2String')) {
function Bin2String($binstring) {
// return 'hi' for input of '0110100001101001'
$string = '';
$binstringreversed = strrev($binstring);
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($binstringreversed); $i += 8) {
$string = chr(Bin2Dec(strrev(substr($binstringreversed, $i, 8)))).$string;
return $string;
if (!function_exists('LittleEndian2String')) {
function LittleEndian2String($number, $minbytes=1, $synchsafe=false) {
while ($number > 0) {
if ($synchsafe) {
$intstring = $intstring.chr($number & 127);
$number >>= 7;
} else {
$intstring = $intstring.chr($number & 255);
$number >>= 8;
return $intstring;
if (!function_exists('Bool2IntString')) {
function Bool2IntString($intvalue) {
if ($intvalue) {
return '1';
} else {
return '0';
if (!function_exists('IntString2Bool')) {
function IntString2Bool($char) {
if ($char == '1') {
return true;
} elseif ($char == '0') {
return false;
if (!function_exists('DeUnSynchronise')) {
function DeUnSynchronise($data) {
return str_replace(chr(0xFF).chr(0x00), chr(0xFF), $data);
if (!function_exists('Unsynchronise')) {
function Unsynchronise($data) {
// Whenever a false synchronisation is found within the tag, one zeroed
// byte is inserted after the first false synchronisation byte. The
// format of a correct sync that should be altered by ID3 encoders is as
// follows:
// %11111111 111xxxxx
// And should be replaced with:
// %11111111 00000000 111xxxxx
// This has the side effect that all $FF 00 combinations have to be
// altered, so they won't be affected by the decoding process. Therefore
// all the $FF 00 combinations have to be replaced with the $FF 00 00
// combination during the unsynchronisation.
$data = str_replace(chr(0xFF).chr(0x00), chr(0xFF).chr(0x00).chr(0x00), $data);
$unsyncheddata = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($data); $i++) {
$thischar = $data{$i};
$unsyncheddata .= $thischar;
if ($thischar == chr(255)) {
$nextchar = ord(substr($data, $i + 1, 1));
if (($nextchar | 0xE0) == 0xE0) {
// previous byte = 11111111, this byte = 111?????
$unsyncheddata .= chr(0);
return $unsyncheddata;
if (!function_exists('is_hash')) {
function is_hash($var) {
// written by
// taken from
if (is_array($var)) {
$keys = array_keys($var);
$all_num = true;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($keys); $i++) {
if (is_string($keys[$i])) {
return true;
return false;
if (!function_exists('array_join_merge')) {
function array_join_merge($arr1, $arr2) {
// written by
// taken from
if (is_array($arr1) && is_array($arr2)) {
// the same -> merge
$new_array = array();
if (is_hash($arr1) && is_hash($arr2)) {
// hashes -> merge based on keys
$keys = array_merge(array_keys($arr1), array_keys($arr2));
foreach ($keys as $key) {
$new_array[$key] = array_join_merge($arr1[$key], $arr2[$key]);
} else {
// two real arrays -> merge
$new_array = array_reverse(array_unique(array_reverse(array_merge($arr1,$arr2))));
return $new_array;
} else {
// not the same ... take new one if defined, else the old one stays
return $arr2 ? $arr2 : $arr1;
function array_merge_clobber($array1, $array2) {
// written by
// taken from
if (!is_array($array1) || !is_array($array2)) {
return false;
$newarray = $array1;
foreach ($array2 as $key => $val) {
if (is_array($val) && isset($newarray[$key]) && is_array($newarray[$key])) {
$newarray[$key] = array_merge_clobber($newarray[$key], $val);
} else {
$newarray[$key] = $val;
return $newarray;
function array_merge_noclobber($array1, $array2) {
if (!is_array($array1) || !is_array($array2)) {
return false;
$newarray = $array1;
foreach ($array2 as $key => $val) {
if (is_array($val) && isset($newarray[$key]) && is_array($newarray[$key])) {
$newarray[$key] = array_merge_noclobber($newarray[$key], $val);
} elseif (!isset($newarray[$key])) {
$newarray[$key] = $val;
return $newarray;
if (!function_exists('RoughTranslateUnicodeToASCII')) {
function RoughTranslateUnicodeToASCII($rawdata, $frame_textencoding) {
// rough translation of data for application that can't handle Unicode data
$tempstring = '';
switch ($frame_textencoding) {
case 0: // ISO-8859-1. Terminated with $00.
$asciidata = $rawdata;
case 1: // UTF-16 encoded Unicode with BOM. Terminated with $00 00.
$asciidata = $rawdata;
if (substr($asciidata, 0, 2) == chr(0xFF).chr(0xFE)) {
// remove BOM, only if present (it should be, but...)
$asciidata = substr($asciidata, 2);
if (substr($asciidata, strlen($asciidata) - 2, 2) == chr(0).chr(0)) {
$asciidata = substr($asciidata, 0, strlen($asciidata) - 2); // remove terminator, only if present (it should be, but...)
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($asciidata); $i += 2) {
if ((ord($asciidata{$i}) <= 0x7F) || (ord($asciidata{$i}) >= 0xA0)) {
$tempstring .= $asciidata{$i};
} else {
$tempstring .= '?';
$asciidata = $tempstring;
case 2: // UTF-16BE encoded Unicode without BOM. Terminated with $00 00.
$asciidata = $rawdata;
if (substr($asciidata, strlen($asciidata) - 2, 2) == chr(0).chr(0)) {
$asciidata = substr($asciidata, 0, strlen($asciidata) - 2); // remove terminator, only if present (it should be, but...)
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($asciidata); $i += 2) {
if ((ord($asciidata{$i}) <= 0x7F) || (ord($asciidata{$i}) >= 0xA0)) {
$tempstring .= $asciidata{$i};
} else {
$tempstring .= '?';
$asciidata = $tempstring;
case 3: // UTF-8 encoded Unicode. Terminated with $00.
$asciidata = utf8_decode($rawdata);
case 255: // Unicode, Big-Endian. Terminated with $00 00.
$asciidata = $rawdata;
if (substr($asciidata, strlen($asciidata) - 2, 2) == chr(0).chr(0)) {
$asciidata = substr($asciidata, 0, strlen($asciidata) - 2); // remove terminator, only if present (it should be, but...)
for ($i = 0; ($i + 1) < strlen($asciidata); $i += 2) {
if ((ord($asciidata{($i + 1)}) <= 0x7F) || (ord($asciidata{($i + 1)}) >= 0xA0)) {
$tempstring .= $asciidata{($i + 1)};
} else {
$tempstring .= '?';
$asciidata = $tempstring;
// shouldn't happen, but in case $frame_textencoding is not 1 <= $frame_textencoding <= 4
// just pass the data through unchanged.
$asciidata = $rawdata;
if (substr($asciidata, strlen($asciidata) - 1, 1) == chr(0)) {
// remove null terminator, if present
$asciidata = NoNullString($asciidata);
return $asciidata;
// return str_replace(chr(0), '', $asciidata); // just in case any nulls slipped through
if (!function_exists('PlaytimeString')) {
function PlaytimeString($playtimeseconds) {
$contentseconds = round((($playtimeseconds / 60) - floor($playtimeseconds / 60)) * 60);
$contentminutes = floor($playtimeseconds / 60);
if ($contentseconds >= 60) {
$contentseconds -= 60;
return number_format($contentminutes).':'.str_pad($contentseconds, 2, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
if (!function_exists('CloseMatch')) {
function CloseMatch($value1, $value2, $tolerance) {
return (abs($value1 - $value2) <= $tolerance);
if (!function_exists('ID3v1matchesID3v2')) {
function ID3v1matchesID3v2($id3v1, $id3v2) {
$requiredindices = array('title', 'artist', 'album', 'year', 'genre', 'comment');
foreach ($requiredindices as $requiredindex) {
if (!isset($id3v1["$requiredindex"])) {
$id3v1["$requiredindex"] = '';
if (!isset($id3v2["$requiredindex"])) {
$id3v2["$requiredindex"] = '';
if (trim($id3v1['title']) != trim(substr($id3v2['title'], 0, 30))) {
return false;
if (trim($id3v1['artist']) != trim(substr($id3v2['artist'], 0, 30))) {
return false;
if (trim($id3v1['album']) != trim(substr($id3v2['album'], 0, 30))) {
return false;
if (trim($id3v1['year']) != trim(substr($id3v2['year'], 0, 4))) {
return false;
if (trim($id3v1['genre']) != trim($id3v2['genre'])) {
return false;
if (isset($id3v1['track'])) {
if (!isset($id3v1['track']) || (trim($id3v1['track']) != trim($id3v2['track']))) {
return false;
if (trim($id3v1['comment']) != trim(substr($id3v2['comment'], 0, 28))) {
return false;
} else {
if (trim($id3v1['comment']) != trim(substr($id3v2['comment'], 0, 30))) {
return false;
return true;
if (!function_exists('FILETIMEtoUNIXtime')) {
function FILETIMEtoUNIXtime($FILETIME, $round=true) {
// FILETIME is a 64-bit unsigned integer representing
// the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601
// UNIX timestamp is number of seconds since January 1, 1970
// 116444736000000000 = 10000000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 369 + 89 leap days
if ($round) {
return round(($FILETIME - 116444736000000000) / 10000000);
return ($FILETIME - 116444736000000000) / 10000000;
if (!function_exists('GUIDtoBytestring')) {
function GUIDtoBytestring($GUIDstring) {
// Microsoft defines these 16-byte (128-bit) GUIDs in the strangest way:
// first 4 bytes are in little-endian order
// next 2 bytes are appended in little-endian order
// next 2 bytes are appended in little-endian order
// next 2 bytes are appended in big-endian order
// next 6 bytes are appended in big-endian order
// AaBbCcDd-EeFf-GgHh-IiJj-KkLlMmNnOoPp is stored as this 16-byte string:
// $Dd $Cc $Bb $Aa $Ff $Ee $Hh $Gg $Ii $Jj $Kk $Ll $Mm $Nn $Oo $Pp
$hexbytecharstring = chr(hexdec(substr($GUIDstring, 6, 2)));
$hexbytecharstring .= chr(hexdec(substr($GUIDstring, 4, 2)));
$hexbytecharstring .= chr(hexdec(substr($GUIDstring, 2, 2)));
$hexbytecharstring .= chr(hexdec(substr($GUIDstring, 0, 2)));
$hexbytecharstring .= chr(hexdec(substr($GUIDstring, 11, 2)));
$hexbytecharstring .= chr(hexdec(substr($GUIDstring, 9, 2)));
$hexbytecharstring .= chr(hexdec(substr($GUIDstring, 16, 2)));
$hexbytecharstring .= chr(hexdec(substr($GUIDstring, 14, 2)));
$hexbytecharstring .= chr(hexdec(substr($GUIDstring, 19, 2)));
$hexbytecharstring .= chr(hexdec(substr($GUIDstring, 21, 2)));
$hexbytecharstring .= chr(hexdec(substr($GUIDstring, 24, 2)));
$hexbytecharstring .= chr(hexdec(substr($GUIDstring, 26, 2)));
$hexbytecharstring .= chr(hexdec(substr($GUIDstring, 28, 2)));
$hexbytecharstring .= chr(hexdec(substr($GUIDstring, 30, 2)));
$hexbytecharstring .= chr(hexdec(substr($GUIDstring, 32, 2)));
$hexbytecharstring .= chr(hexdec(substr($GUIDstring, 34, 2)));
return $hexbytecharstring;
if (!function_exists('BytestringToGUID')) {
function BytestringToGUID($Bytestring) {
$GUIDstring = str_pad(dechex(ord($Bytestring{3})), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$GUIDstring .= str_pad(dechex(ord($Bytestring{2})), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$GUIDstring .= str_pad(dechex(ord($Bytestring{1})), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$GUIDstring .= str_pad(dechex(ord($Bytestring{0})), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$GUIDstring .= '-';
$GUIDstring .= str_pad(dechex(ord($Bytestring{5})), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$GUIDstring .= str_pad(dechex(ord($Bytestring{4})), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$GUIDstring .= '-';
$GUIDstring .= str_pad(dechex(ord($Bytestring{7})), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$GUIDstring .= str_pad(dechex(ord($Bytestring{6})), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$GUIDstring .= '-';
$GUIDstring .= str_pad(dechex(ord($Bytestring{8})), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$GUIDstring .= str_pad(dechex(ord($Bytestring{9})), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$GUIDstring .= '-';
$GUIDstring .= str_pad(dechex(ord($Bytestring{10})), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$GUIDstring .= str_pad(dechex(ord($Bytestring{11})), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$GUIDstring .= str_pad(dechex(ord($Bytestring{12})), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$GUIDstring .= str_pad(dechex(ord($Bytestring{13})), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$GUIDstring .= str_pad(dechex(ord($Bytestring{14})), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$GUIDstring .= str_pad(dechex(ord($Bytestring{15})), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
return strtoupper($GUIDstring);
if (!function_exists('BitrateColor')) {
function BitrateColor($bitrate) {
$bitrate = max($bitrate, 0);
$bitrate = min($bitrate, 255);
//$bitrate = max($bitrate, 32);
//$bitrate = min($bitrate, 143);
//$bitrate = ($bitrate * 2) - 32;
$Rcomponent = max(255 - ($bitrate * 2), 0);
$Gcomponent = max(($bitrate * 2) - 255, 0);
if ($bitrate > 127) {
$Bcomponent = max((255 - $bitrate) * 2, 0);
} else {
$Bcomponent = max($bitrate * 2, 0);
return str_pad(dechex($Rcomponent), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(dechex($Gcomponent), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(dechex($Bcomponent), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
if (!function_exists('BitrateText')) {
function BitrateText($bitrate) {
return '<SPAN STYLE="color: #'.BitrateColor($bitrate).'">'.round($bitrate).' kbps</SPAN>';
if (!function_exists('image_type_to_mime_type')) {
function image_type_to_mime_type($imagetypeid) {
// only available in PHP v4.3.0+
static $image_type_to_mime_type = array();
if (empty($image_type_to_mime_type)) {
$image_type_to_mime_type[1] = 'image/gif'; // GIF
$image_type_to_mime_type[2] = 'image/jpeg'; // JPEG
$image_type_to_mime_type[3] = 'image/png'; // PNG
$image_type_to_mime_type[4] = 'application/x-shockwave-flash'; // Flash
$image_type_to_mime_type[5] = 'image/psd'; // PSD
$image_type_to_mime_type[6] = 'image/bmp'; // BMP
$image_type_to_mime_type[7] = 'image/tiff'; // TIFF: little-endian (Intel)
$image_type_to_mime_type[8] = 'image/tiff'; // TIFF: big-endian (Motorola)
//$image_type_to_mime_type[9] = 'image/jpc'; // JPC
//$image_type_to_mime_type[10] = 'image/jp2'; // JPC
//$image_type_to_mime_type[11] = 'image/jpx'; // JPC
//$image_type_to_mime_type[12] = 'image/jb2'; // JPC
$image_type_to_mime_type[13] = 'application/x-shockwave-flash'; // Shockwave
$image_type_to_mime_type[14] = 'image/iff'; // IFF
return (isset($image_type_to_mime_type[$imagetypeid]) ? $image_type_to_mime_type[$imagetypeid] : 'application/octet-stream');
if (!function_exists('utf8_decode')) {
// PHP has this function built-in if it's configured with the --with-xml option
// This version of the function is only provided in case XML isn't installed
function utf8_decode($utf8text) {
// bytes bits representation
// 1 7 0bbbbbbb
// 2 11 110bbbbb 10bbbbbb
// 3 16 1110bbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb
// 4 21 11110bbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb
$utf8length = strlen($utf8text);
$decodedtext = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $utf8length; $i++) {
if ((ord($utf8text{$i}) & 0x80) == 0) {
$decodedtext .= $utf8text{$i};
} elseif ((ord($utf8text{$i}) & 0xF0) == 0xF0) {
$decodedtext .= '?';
$i += 3;
} elseif ((ord($utf8text{$i}) & 0xE0) == 0xE0) {
$decodedtext .= '?';
$i += 2;
} elseif ((ord($utf8text{$i}) & 0xC0) == 0xC0) {
// 2 11 110bbbbb 10bbbbbb
$decodedchar = Bin2Dec(substr(Dec2Bin(ord($utf8text{$i})), 3, 5).substr(Dec2Bin(ord($utf8text{($i + 1)})), 2, 6));
if ($decodedchar <= 255) {
$decodedtext .= chr($decodedchar);
} else {
$decodedtext .= '?';
$i += 1;
return $decodedtext;
if (!function_exists('DateMac2Unix')) {
function DateMac2Unix($macdate) {
// Macintosh timestamp: seconds since 00:00h January 1, 1904
// UNIX timestamp: seconds since 00:00h January 1, 1970
return CastAsInt($macdate - 2082844800);
if (!function_exists('FixedPoint8_8')) {
function FixedPoint8_8($rawdata) {
return BigEndian2Int(substr($rawdata, 0, 1)) + (float) (BigEndian2Int(substr($rawdata, 1, 1)) / pow(2, 8));
if (!function_exists('FixedPoint16_16')) {
function FixedPoint16_16($rawdata) {
return BigEndian2Int(substr($rawdata, 0, 2)) + (float) (BigEndian2Int(substr($rawdata, 2, 2)) / pow(2, 16));
if (!function_exists('FixedPoint2_30')) {
function FixedPoint2_30($rawdata) {
$binarystring = BigEndian2Bin($rawdata);
return Bin2Dec(substr($binarystring, 0, 2)) + (float) (Bin2Dec(substr($binarystring, 2, 30)) / pow(2, 30));
if (!function_exists('Pascal2String')) {
function Pascal2String($pascalstring) {
// Pascal strings have 1 byte at the beginning saying how many chars are in the string
return substr($pascalstring, 1);
if (!function_exists('NoNullString')) {
function NoNullString($nullterminatedstring) {
// remove the single null terminator on null terminated strings
if (substr($nullterminatedstring, strlen($nullterminatedstring) - 1, 1) === chr(0)) {
return substr($nullterminatedstring, 0, strlen($nullterminatedstring) - 1);
return $nullterminatedstring;
if (!function_exists('FileSizeNiceDisplay')) {
function FileSizeNiceDisplay($filesize, $precision=2) {
if ($filesize < 1000) {
$sizeunit = 'bytes';
$precision = 0;
} else {
$filesize /= 1024;
$sizeunit = 'kB';
if ($filesize >= 1000) {
$filesize /= 1024;
$sizeunit = 'MB';
if ($filesize >= 1000) {
$filesize /= 1024;
$sizeunit = 'GB';
return number_format($filesize, $precision).' '.$sizeunit;
if (!function_exists('DOStime2UNIXtime')) {
function DOStime2UNIXtime($DOSdate, $DOStime) {
// wFatDate
// Specifies the MS-DOS date. The date is a packed 16-bit value with the following format:
// Bits Contents
// 0-4 Day of the month (1-31)
// 5-8 Month (1 = January, 2 = February, and so on)
// 9-15 Year offset from 1980 (add 1980 to get actual year)
$UNIXday = ($DOSdate & 0x001F);
$UNIXmonth = (($DOSdate & 0x01E0) >> 5);
$UNIXyear = (($DOSdate & 0xFE00) >> 9) + 1980;
// wFatTime
// Specifies the MS-DOS time. The time is a packed 16-bit value with the following format:
// Bits Contents
// 0-4 Second divided by 2
// 5-10 Minute (0-59)
// 11-15 Hour (0-23 on a 24-hour clock)
$UNIXsecond = ($DOStime & 0x001F) * 2;
$UNIXminute = (($DOStime & 0x07E0) >> 5);
$UNIXhour = (($DOStime & 0xF800) >> 11);
return mktime($UNIXhour, $UNIXminute, $UNIXsecond, $UNIXmonth, $UNIXday, $UNIXyear);
if (!function_exists('CreateDeepArray')) {
function CreateDeepArray($ArrayPath, $Separator, $Value) {
// assigns $Value to a nested array path:
// $foo = CreateDeepArray('/path/to/my', '/', 'file.txt')
// is the same as:
// $foo = array('path'=>array('to'=>'array('my'=>array('file.txt'))));
// or
// $foo['path']['to']['my'] = 'file.txt';
if (($pos = strpos($ArrayPath, $Separator)) !== false) {
$array[substr($ArrayPath, 0, $pos)] = CreateDeepArray(substr($ArrayPath, $pos + 1), $Separator, $Value);
} else {
$array["$ArrayPath"] = $Value;
return $array;
if (!function_exists('md5_file')) {
// Allan Hansen <>
// md5_file() exists in PHP 4.2.0.
// The following works under UNIX only, but dies on windows
function md5_file($file) {
if (substr(php_uname(), 0, 7) == 'Windows') {
die('PHP 4.2.0 or newer required for md5_file()');
$file = str_replace('`', '\\`', $file);
if (ereg("^([0-9a-f]{32})[ \t\n\r]", `md5sum "$file"`, $r)) {
return $r[1];
return false;
if (!function_exists('md5_data')) {
// Allan Hansen <>
// md5_data() - returns md5sum for a file from startuing position to absolute end position
function md5_data($file, $offset, $end) {
// first try and create a temporary file in the same directory as the file being scanned
if (($dataMD5filename = tempnam('.', eregi_replace('[^[:alnum:]]', '', dirname($file)))) === false) {
// if that fails, create a temporary file in the system temp directory
$dataMD5filename = tempnam('/tmp', 'getID3');
// copy parts of file
if ($MD5fp = fopen($dataMD5filename, 'wb')) {
if ($fp = fopen($file, 'rb')) {
fseek($fp, $offset, SEEK_SET);
$byteslefttowrite = $end - $offset;
while (($byteslefttowrite > 0) && ($buffer = fread($fp, FREAD_BUFFER_SIZE))) {
$byteslefttowrite -= fwrite($MD5fp, $buffer, $byteslefttowrite);
} else {
return false;
$md5 = md5_file($dataMD5filename);
return $md5;
return false;
if (!function_exists('TwosCompliment2Decimal')) {
function TwosCompliment2Decimal($BinaryValue) {
// First check if the number is negative or positive by looking at the sign bit.
// If it is positive, simply convert it to decimal.
// If it is negative, make it positive by inverting the bits and adding one.
// Then, convert the result to decimal.
// The negative of this number is the value of the original binary.
if ($BinaryValue > 255) {
return false;
} else {
if ($BinaryValue & 0x80) {
// negative number
return (0 - ((~$BinaryValue & 0xFF) + 1));
} else {
// positive number
return $BinaryValue;
if (!function_exists('LastArrayElement')) {
function LastArrayElement($MyArray) {
if (!is_array($MyArray)) {
return false;
if (empty($MyArray)) {
return null;
foreach ($MyArray as $key => $value) {
return $value;
if (!function_exists('safe_inc')) {
function safe_inc(&$variable, $increment=1) {
if (isset($variable)) {
$variable += $increment;
} else {
$variable = $increment;
return true;