460 lines
18 KiB
460 lines
18 KiB
/// getID3() by James Heinrich <getid3@users.sourceforge.net> //
// available at http://getid3.sourceforge.net ///
This code is released under the GNU GPL:
| If you do use this code somewhere, send me |
| an email and tell me how/where you used it. |
| |
| If you really like it, send me a postcard: |
| James Heinrich |
| 17 Scott Street |
| Kingston, Ontario |
| K7L 1L3 |
| Canada |
What does getID3() do?
Reads & parses (to varying degrees):
* APE tags: v1 and v2
* ASF: ASF, Windows Media Audio (WMA), Windows Media Video (WMV)
* BMP (Windows & OS/2, uncompressed / RLE4 / RLE8)
* CD-audio (*.cda)
* ISO-9660 CD-ROM image (directory structure)
* LA (Lossless Audio)
* Lyrics 3: v1 and v2
* Monkey's Audio
* MPC / Musepack
* ID3v1 & ID3v1.1
* ID3v2.2, ID3v2.3, ID3v2.4
* MP3: MPEG-audio information (bitrate, sampling frequency, etc)
* Lyrics3 v1 & v2
* MPEG-1 video frame size, bitrate, aspect ratio, etc
* NSV (Nullsoft Streaming Video)
* Ogg Vorbis: stream information, comment tags
* Quicktime
* RealAudio, RealVideo
* RIFF: AVI audio/video information (codecs, bitrates, frame sizes, etc)
* RIFF: WAV audio information (bitrate, sampling frequency, etc)
* Speex
* ZIP (directory structure)
* ID3v1 & ID3v1.1
* ID3v2.3 & ID3v2.4
* Ogg Vorbis comment tags
* PHP 4.1.0 (or higher)
* GD <1.6 for GIF and JPEG functions
* GD >=1.6 for PNG and JPEG functions
If the format parser encounters a problem, it will return something
in $fileinfo['error'], describing the encountered error. If nothing is
returned in that array element, you can assume the entire file parsed OK.
Conforms to ID3v2.2, ID3v2.3 and ID3v2.4 specs as published at www.id3.org
Known Bugs/Issues
See the end of getid3.changelog.txt for notes on known issues with getID3(),
encoders, players, etc.
getID3() has been tested on many systems, on many types of files, under many
operating systems, and is generally believe to be stable and safe.
That being said, there is still the chance there is an undiscovered and/or
unfixed bug that may potentially corrupt your file, especially within the
writing functions. By using getID3() you agree that it's not my fault if
any of your files are corrupted. In fact, I'm not liable for anything :)
For detailed examples of implementation, see getid3.check.php
$mp3info = GetAllMP3info(<filename>);
$mp3info = GetAllMP3info('/home/mp3s/song.mp3');
$mp3info = GetAllMP3info('c:\\mp3s\\song.mp3');
$mp3info = GetAllMP3info('http://www.example.com/song.mp3');
// Sample recursive scanning code that scans every file starting in the
// current directory (or whatever $DirectoryToStartScanningFrom is set
// to).
$DirectoryToStartScanningFrom = '.';
$DirectoriesToScan = array(realpath($DirectoryToStartScanningFrom));
$DirectoriesScanned = array();
while (count($DirectoriesToScan) > 0) {
foreach ($DirectoriesToScan as $DirectoryKey => $startingdir) {
if ($dir = @opendir($startingdir)) {
while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) {
if (($file != '.') && ($file != '..')) {
$RealPathName = realpath($startingdir.'/'.$file);
if (is_dir($RealPathName)) {
if (!in_array($RealPathName, $DirectoriesScanned) && !in_array($RealPathName, $DirectoriesToScan)) {
$DirectoriesToScan[] = $RealPathName;
} else if (is_file($RealPathName)) {
$FilesInDir[] = $RealPathName;
$DirectoriesScanned[] = $startingdir;
$FilesInDir = array_unique($FilesInDir);
foreach ($FilesInDir as $filename) {
$fileinfo = GetAllFileInfo($filename);
// do something with $fileinfo here...
What does the returned data structure look like?
array() {
['exist']=>bool() // does this file actually exist?
['filename']=>string() // filename including extension, not including path
['filesize']=>int() // in bytes
['getID3version']=>string() // ex: '1.4.0'
['error']=>string() // if present, what error occured
['fileformat']=>string() // 'mp3', 'mp2', 'zip', 'ogg', 'id3', 'mpg', 'riff', 'wav', 'midi', 'asf', 'mac', 'ape', 'gif', 'jpg', 'png', 'bmp', 'mpc', 'real'
['dataformat']=>string() //
['bitrate_audio']=>float() // total bitrate for audio stream (if present) in bits per second
['bitrate_video']=>float() // total bitrate for video stream (if present) in bits per second
['bitrate']=>float() // total bitrate (audio + video) in bits per second
['bitrate_mode']=>string() // 'cbr' or 'vbr' or 'abr'
['resolution_x']=>int() // horizontal resolution of video stream, if present
['resolution_y']=>int() // vertical resolution of video stream, if present
['playtime_seconds']=>float() // playtime in floating-point seconds
['playtime_string']=>string() // playtime in minutes:seconds format
['audiobytes']=>int() // bytes of MPEG audio, with ID3v2 headers stripped
['audiodataoffset']=>int() // byte offset where start of data is (not counting prepended / appended tags)
['audiodataend']=>int() // byte offset where end of data is (not counting prepended / appended tags)
['mime_type']=>string() //
array(8) {
['id3v2']=>array(8) { // ID3v2.x data
['headerlength']=>int() // in bytes, including the 6/10-byte ID3v2 header
['padding']=>array() {
['start']=>int() // start of padding, byte offset from beginning of file
['length']=>int() // amount of padding, in bytes
['valid']=>bool() // TRUE if padding consists entirely of null bytes
['errorpos']=>int() // position of non-null byte, byte offset from beginning of file
[<3- or 4-char frame name>]=> // see http://www.id3.org/id3v2.4.0-structure.txt
array { // for details on which 4-character name represents which data
['flags']=>string() // NOTE: the actual structure varies depending on the FrameID
['datalength']=>int() // length of frame data (in bytes) not including 6/10-byte frame header
['dataoffset']=>int() // offset of beginning of frame from beginning of file, in *de-unsynchronized* bytes
['asciidata']=>string() // approximate translation from text-encodings other than ISO-8859-1 (ie UTF-16, UTF-16BE and UTF-8)
['lyrics3']=>array() { // for MP3 files with Lyrics3 tag only
['ogg']=>array() { // for Ogg Vorbis files only
['comments']=>array() {
[n]=>array() {
['key']=>string // 'TITLE', 'ARTIST', etc [http://www.xiph.org/ogg/vorbis/doc/v-comment.html]
['value']=>string // 'Yellow Submarine', 'The Beatles', etc
['riff']=>array() { // for RIFF/WAV files only
['raw']=>array() { // data as read in, unprocessed
['riff']=>array() {
['size']=>int() // in bytes
['WAVE']=>array() {
['size']=>int() // in bytes
['fmt ']=>array() { // note the trailing space
['size']=>int() // in bytes
['wFormatTag']=>int() // waveform format code
['nChannels']=>int() // 1 (mono) or 2 (stereo)
['nSamplesPerSec']=>int() // samples per second (aka frequency)
['nAvgBytesPerSec']=>int() // byterate, bytes per second
['nBlockAlign']=> // The block alignment (in bytes) of the waveform data
['rgad']=>array() {
['size']=>int() // in bytes
['fPeakAmplitude']=>float() // 1 means the .wav file peaks at digital full scale (equivalent to -32768 for 16-bit wav)
['nRadioRgAdjust']=>int() // meaningless by itself, see below array
['nAudiophileRgAdjust']=>int() // meaningless by itself, see below array
['radio']=>array() { // settings for Radio Gain Adjustment
['name']=>int() // represents 'Radio' or 'not set'
['originator']=>int() // how/by whom the RGAD was set/calculated
['signbit']=>int() // 1->negative, 0->positive
['adjustment']=>int() // absolute value of adjustment, multiplied by 10
['audiophile']=>array() { //
['name']=>int() // represents 'Audiophile' or 'not set'
['originator']=>int() // how/by whom the RGAD was set/calculated
['signbit']=>int() // 1->negative, 0->positive
['adjustment']=>int() // absolute value of adjustment, multiplied by 10
['data']=>array() {
['size']=>int() // in bytes
['rgad']=>array() {
['peakamplitude']=>float() // 1 means the .wav file peaks at digital full scale (equivalent to -32768 for 16-bit wav)
['radio']=>array() {
['name']=>string() // 'Radio Gain Adjustment'
['originator']=>string() // how/by whom the RGAD was set/calculated
['adjustment']=>float() // adjustment in dB
['audiophile']=>array() {
['name']=>string() // 'Audiophile Gain Adjustment'
['originator']=>string() // how/by whom the RGAD was set/calculated
['adjustment']=>float() // adjustment in dB
['audio']=>array() {
[n]=>array() {
['codec']=>string() // MS-PCM, IBM mu-law, IBM a-law, IBM ADPCM
['channels']=>int() // 1 (mono) or 2 (stereo)
['channelmode']=>string() // 'mono' or 'stereo'
['frequency']=>int() // sampling frequency in Hz
['bitrate']=>int() // in bits per second
['mpeg']=>array() {
['audio']=>array() { // MPEG audio data
['version']=>string() // MPEG audio version - 1, 2, or 2.5
['layer']=>string() // MPEG audio layer - I, II or III
['bitrate']=>int() // in kbps, ex: 128 (CBR files only)
['frequency']=>int() // in Hz, ex: 44100
['channelmode']=>string() // mono, stereo, joint stereo or dual channel
['channels']=>int() // 1 or 2
['modeextension']=>string() // IS, MS, IS+MS for Layer III; 4-31, 8-31, 12-31, 16-31 for Layer I or Layer II
['emphasis']=>string() // none, 50/15 ms or CCIT J.17
['raw']=>array() {
// same as above, but unparsed integer values
['VBR_bitrate']=>double() // exact average bitrate in kbps (VBR files only)
['bitratemode']=>string() // 'VBR' or 'CBR'
['VBR_method']=>string() // 'Xing' or 'Fraunhofer' (VBR files only)
['VBR_frames']=>int() // NOT including the Xing / Fraunhofer (VBRI) header frame (VBR files only)
['VBR_bytes']=>int() // should be the same as ['audiobytes'] (VBR files only)
['VBR_quality']=>int() // 0-100 (VBR, Fraunhofer only)
['VBR_seek_offsets']=>int() // number of seek offsets
['VBR_seek_offsets_stride']=>int() // offset "stride" (number of frames between offsets)
['VBR_offsets_relative']=>array() // array of seek offsets (from previous offset)
['VBR_offsets_absolute']=>array() // array of seek offsets (from beginning of file)
['video']=>array() { // MPEG video data
['framesize_horizontal']=>int() // frame width in pixels (ex: 352)
['framesize_vertical']=>int() // frame height in pixels (ex: 240)
['pixel_aspect_ratio']=>float() // pixel aspect ratio (ex: 1.095)
['pixel_aspect_ratio_text']=>string() // pixel aspect ratio (ex: '4:3, 525 line, NTSC, CCIR601')
['frame_rate']=>int() // frames per second (ex: 25)
['bitrate_type']=>int() // 'constant' or 'variable'
['bitrate_bps']=>int() // bits per second (ex: 1150000)
['raw']=>array() {
// same as above, but unparsed integer values
['replay_gain']=>array() {
['radio']=>array() {
['peak']=>double() // peak level - 1.0 = 100%
['originator']=>string() // who set the replay gain
['adjustment']=>double() // adjustment in dB
['audiophile']=>array() {
['peak']=>double() // peak level - 1.0 = 100%
['originator']=>string() // who set the replay gain
['adjustment']=>double() // adjustment in dB
['asf']=>array() {
['mpc']=>array() {
['real']=>array() {
['jpg']=>array() {
['gif']=>array() {
['png']=>array() {
['bmp']=>array() {
['type_os']=>string() // 'OS/2' or 'Windows'
['type_version']=>int() // 1 or
['header']=>array() {
['palette']=>array() {
['data']=>array() {
['flac']=>array() {
['vqf']=>array() {
['aac']=>array() {
['quicktime']=>array() {
['zip']=>array() {
['iso']=>array() {
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to:
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place - Suite 330
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Reference material:
[www.id3.org material now mirrored at http://id3lib.sourceforge.net/id3/]
* http://www.id3.org/id3v2.4.0-structure.txt
* http://www.id3.org/id3v2.4.0-frames.txt
* http://www.id3.org/id3v2.4.0-changes.txt
* http://www.id3.org/id3v2.3.0.txt
* http://www.id3.org/id3v2-00.txt
* http://www.id3.org/mp3frame.html
* http://minnie.tuhs.org/pipermail/mp3encoder/2001-January/001800.html <mathewhendry@hotmail.com>
* http://www.dv.co.yu/mpgscript/mpeghdr.htm
* http://www.mp3-tech.org/programmer/frame_header.html
* http://users.belgacom.net/gc247244/extra/tag.html
* http://www.id3.org/iso4217.html
* http://www.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/ISO8859/8859-1.TXT
* http://www.xiph.org/ogg/vorbis/doc/framing.html
* http://www.xiph.org/ogg/vorbis/doc/v-comment.html
* http://leknor.com/code/php/class.ogg.php.txt
* http://www.id3.org/iso639-2.html
* http://www.psc.edu/general/software/packages/ieee/ieee.html
* http://www.scri.fsu.edu/~jac/MAD3401/Backgrnd/ieee-expl.html
* http://www.scri.fsu.edu/~jac/MAD3401/Backgrnd/binary.html
* http://www.jmcgowan.com/avi.html
* http://www.wotsit.org/
* http://www.herdsoft.com/ti/davincie/davp3xo2.htm
* http://www.mathdogs.com/vorbis-illuminated/bitstream-appendix.html
* "Standard MIDI File Format" by Dustin Caldwell (from www.wotsit.org)
* http://midistudio.com/Help/GMSpecs_Patches.htm
* http://www.xiph.org/archives/vorbis/200109/0459.html
* http://www.replaygain.org/
* http://www.lossless-audio.com/
* http://download.microsoft.com/download/winmediatech40/Doc/1.0/WIN98MeXP/EN-US/ASF_Specification_v.1.0.exe
* http://mediaxw.sourceforge.net/files/doc/Active%20Streaming%20Format%20(ASF)%201.0%20Specification.pdf
* http://www.uni-jena.de/~pfk/mpp/sv8/
* http://jfaul.de/atl/
* http://www.uni-jena.de/~pfk/mpp/
* http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/spec/png-1.2-pdg.html
* http://www.real.com/devzone/library/creating/rmsdk/doc/rmff.htm
* http://www.fastgraph.com/help/bmp_os2_header_format.html
* http://netghost.narod.ru/gff/graphics/summary/os2bmp.htm
* http://flac.sourceforge.net/format.html
* http://www.research.att.com/projects/mpegaudio/mpeg2.html
* http://www.audiocoding.com/wiki/index.php?page=AAC
* http://libmpeg.org/mpeg4/doc/w2203tfs.pdf
* http://www.geocities.com/xhelmboyx/quicktime/formats/qtm-layout.txt
* http://developer.apple.com/techpubs/quicktime/qtdevdocs/RM/frameset.htm
* http://www.nullsoft.com/nsv/
* http://www.wotsit.org/download.asp?f=iso9660
* http://sandbox.mc.edu/~bennet/cs110/tc/tctod.html
* http://www.cdroller.com/htm/readdata.html
* http://www.speex.org/manual/node10.html
* http://www.harmony-central.com/Computer/Programming/aiff-file-format.doc
* http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2361.html