
301 lines
9.4 KiB

require_once 'formatters/LengthFormatter.php';
require_once 'formatters/TimeFilledFormatter.php';
class Application_Model_ShowBuilder {
private $timezone;
//in UTC timezone
private $startDT;
//in UTC timezone
private $endDT;
private $user;
private $opts;
private $contentDT;
private $epoch_now;
private $hasCurrent;
private $defaultRowArray = array(
"header" => false,
"footer" => false,
"empty" => false,
"allowed" => false,
"id" => 0,
"instance" => "",
"starts" => "",
"ends" => "",
"runtime" => "",
"title" => "",
"creator" => "",
"album" => "",
"timestamp" => null,
"cuein" => "",
"cueout" => "",
"fadein" => "",
"fadeout" => "",
"current" => false,
* @param DateTime $p_startsDT
* @param DateTime $p_endsDT
public function __construct($p_startDT, $p_endDT, $p_opts) {
$this->startDT = $p_startDT;
$this->endDT = $p_endDT;
$this->timezone = date_default_timezone_get();
$this->user = Application_Model_User::GetCurrentUser();
$this->opts = $p_opts;
$this->epoch_now = time();
$this->hasCurrent = false;
//check to see if this row should be editable.
private function isAllowed($p_item, &$row) {
//cannot schedule in a recorded show.
if (intval($p_item["si_record"]) === 1) {
$showStartDT = new DateTime($p_item["si_starts"], new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$schedStartDT = new DateTime($p_item["sched_starts"], new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$showStartEpoch = intval($showStartDT->format('U'));
$schedStartEpoch = intval($schedStartDT->format('U'));
//can only schedule the show if item hasn't started and you are allowed.
if ($this->epoch_now < max($showStartEpoch, $schedStartEpoch)
&& $this->user->canSchedule($p_item["show_id"]) == true) {
$row["allowed"] = true;
//information about whether a track is inside|boundary|outside a show.
private function getItemStatus($p_item, &$row) {
$row["status"] = intval($p_item["playout_status"]);
private function getRowTimestamp($p_item, &$row) {
if (is_null($p_item["si_last_scheduled"])) {
$ts = 0;
else {
$dt = new DateTime($p_item["si_last_scheduled"], new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$ts = intval($dt->format("U"));
$row["timestamp"] = $ts;
private function isCurrent($p_epochItemStart, $p_epochItemEnd, &$row) {
if ($this->epoch_now >= $p_epochItemStart && $this->epoch_now < $p_epochItemEnd) {
$row["current"] = true;
//how many seconds the view should wait to redraw itself.
$row["refresh"] = $p_epochItemEnd - $this->epoch_now;
$this->hasCurrent = true;
private function makeHeaderRow($p_item) {
$row = $this->defaultRowArray;
$this->isAllowed($p_item, $row);
Logging::log("making header for show id ".$p_item["show_id"]);
$this->getRowTimestamp($p_item, $row);
$showStartDT = new DateTime($p_item["si_starts"], new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$showStartDT->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($this->timezone));
$showEndDT = new DateTime($p_item["si_ends"], new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$showEndDT->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($this->timezone));
$row["header"] = true;
$row["starts"] = $showStartDT->format("Y-m-d H:i");
$row["timeUntil"] = intval($showStartDT->format("U")) - $this->epoch_now;
$row["ends"] = $showEndDT->format("Y-m-d H:i");
$row["duration"] = $showEndDT->format("U") - $showStartDT->format("U");
$row["title"] = $p_item["show_name"];
$row["instance"] = intval($p_item["si_id"]);
$this->contentDT = $showStartDT;
return $row;
private function makeScheduledItemRow($p_item) {
$row = $this->defaultRowArray;
$this->getRowTimestamp($p_item, $row);
$this->isAllowed($p_item, $row);
if (isset($p_item["sched_starts"])) {
$schedStartDT = new DateTime($p_item["sched_starts"], new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$schedStartDT->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($this->timezone));
$schedEndDT = new DateTime($p_item["sched_ends"], new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$schedEndDT->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($this->timezone));
$showEndDT = new DateTime($p_item["si_ends"], new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$this->getItemStatus($p_item, $row);
$startsEpoch = intval($schedStartDT->format("U"));
$endsEpoch = intval($schedEndDT->format("U"));
$showEndEpoch = intval($showEndDT->format("U"));
//don't want an overbooked item to stay marked as current.
$this->isCurrent($startsEpoch, min($endsEpoch, $showEndEpoch), $row);
$row["id"] = intval($p_item["sched_id"]);
$row["instance"] = intval($p_item["si_id"]);
$row["starts"] = $schedStartDT->format("H:i:s");
$row["ends"] = $schedEndDT->format("H:i:s");
$formatter = new LengthFormatter($p_item['file_length']);
$row['runtime'] = $formatter->format();
$row["title"] = $p_item["file_track_title"];
$row["creator"] = $p_item["file_artist_name"];
$row["album"] = $p_item["file_album_title"];
$row["cuein"] = $p_item["cue_in"];
$row["cueout"] = $p_item["cue_out"];
$row["fadein"] = round(substr($p_item["fade_in"], 6), 6);
$row["fadeout"] = round(substr($p_item["fade_out"], 6), 6);
$this->contentDT = $schedEndDT;
//show is empty or is a special kind of show (recording etc)
else if (intval($p_item["si_record"]) === 1) {
$row["record"] = true;
else {
$row["empty"] = true;
$row["id"] = 0 ;
$row["instance"] = intval($p_item["si_id"]);
return $row;
private function makeFooterRow($p_item) {
$row = $this->defaultRowArray;
$row["footer"] = true;
$showEndDT = new DateTime($p_item["si_ends"], new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$contentDT = $this->contentDT;
$runtime = bcsub($contentDT->format("U.u"), $showEndDT->format("U.u"), 6);
$row["runtime"] = $runtime;
$timeFilled = new TimeFilledFormatter($runtime);
$row["fRuntime"] = $timeFilled->format();
return $row;
* @param int $timestamp Unix timestamp in seconds.
* @return boolean whether the schedule in the show builder's range has been updated.
public function hasBeenUpdatedSince($timestamp) {
$outdated = false;
Logging::log("checking if show builder has been updated since {$timestamp}");
$shows = Application_Model_Show::getShows($this->startDT, $this->endDT);
foreach ($shows as $show) {
if (isset($show["last_scheduled"])) {
$dt = new DateTime($show["last_scheduled"], new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
//check if any of the shows have a more recent timestamp.
if ($timestamp < intval($dt->format("U"))) {
$outdated = true;
if (count($shows) == 0) {
$outdated = true;
return $outdated;
public function GetItems() {
$current_id = -1;
$display_items = array();
$shows = array();
if ($this->opts["myShows"] === 1) {
$host_shows = CcShowHostsQuery::create()
foreach ($host_shows as $host_show) {
$shows[] = $host_show->getDbShow();
else if ($this->opts["showFilter"] !== 0) {
$shows[] = $this->opts["showFilter"];
$scheduled_items = Application_Model_Schedule::GetScheduleDetailItems($this->startDT->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $this->endDT->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $shows);
for ($i = 0, $rows = count($scheduled_items); $i < $rows; $i++) {
$item = $scheduled_items[$i];
//make a header row.
if ($current_id !== $item["si_id"]) {
//make a footer row.
if ($current_id !== -1) {
//pass in the previous row as it's the last row for the previous show.
$display_items[] = $this->makeFooterRow($scheduled_items[$i-1]);
$display_items[] = $this->makeHeaderRow($item);
$current_id = $item["si_id"];
//make a normal data row.
$row = $this->makeScheduledItemRow($item);
//don't display the empty rows.
if (isset($row)) {
$display_items[] = $row;
//make the last footer if there were any scheduled items.
if (count($scheduled_items) > 0) {
$display_items[] = $this->makeFooterRow($scheduled_items[count($scheduled_items)-1]);
if (!$this->hasCurrent) {
return $display_items;