
296 lines
6.4 KiB

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// (c) Copyright, DTLink, LLC 1997-2005
// DragList - Drag and Drop Ordered Lists
// Javascript Support file for formVista <draglist> fvml tag.
// For more information please see:
// For questions or comments please contact us at:
// LICENSE: This file is governed by the new BSD license. For more information
// please see the LICENSE.txt file accompanying this package.
// 2004-11-12 YmL:
// . initial revision.
// 2005-05-28 YmL:
// . pulled out of formVista, relicensed and packaged as a standalone implementation.
// 2005-06-02 mtmosier:
// . added horizontal dragging support.
// ------------------------
* constructor for dragList class
function fv_dragList( name )
// name of this dragList. Must match the id of the root DIV tag.
this.dragListRootId = name;
// array of item offsets
this.offsetsX = new Array();
this.offsetsY = new Array();
// ----------------------------------------------
* setup the draglist prior to use
* @param string orientation defaults to vert. if set to "horz" renders horizontally.
* @param string itemTagName. if null defaults to "div". Can be "span".
fv_dragList.prototype.setup = function( orientation, itemTagName )
var horizontal;
if ( orientation == "horz" )
horizontal = true;
horizontal = false;
this.listRoot = document.getElementById( this.dragListRootId );
this.listItems = this.getListItems( itemTagName );
for (var i = 0; i < this.listItems.length; i++)
if ( this.listItems[i] == undefined )
if ( horizontal )
Drag.init(this.listItems[i], null, null, null, 0, 0);
Drag.init(this.listItems[i], null, 0, 0, null, null);
// ---------------------------------------------------
// on drag method
this.listItems[i].onDrag = function( x, y, thisElem )
x = thisElem.offsetLeft;
y = thisElem.offsetTop;
// this is a callback from the dom-drag code. From within this
// function "this" does not refer to the fv_draglist function.
draglist = getDragList( thisElem );
draglist.recalcOffsets( itemTagName );
var pos = draglist.getCurrentOffset( thisElem, itemTagName );
//var listItems = this.getListItems( itemTagName );
// if bottom edge is below top of lower item.
var testMoveUp;
var testMoveDown;
if ( horizontal )
testMoveUp = (x + draglist.getDivWidth(thisElem) > draglist.offsetsX[pos + 1] + draglist.getDivWidth( draglist.listItems[pos + 1] ));
testMoveDown = x < draglist.offsetsX[pos - 1];
testMoveUp = (y + draglist.getDivHeight(thisElem) > draglist.offsetsY[pos + 1] + draglist.getDivHeight( draglist.listItems[pos + 1] ));
testMoveDown = y < draglist.offsetsY[pos - 1];
if (( pos != draglist.listItems.length - 1) && testMoveUp )
if ( pos + 1 == draglist.listItems.length )
draglist.listRoot.appendChild( thisElem );
draglist.listRoot.insertBefore(thisElem, draglist.listItems[pos+1]);
}["top"] = "0px";["left"] = "0px";
else if ( pos != 0 && testMoveDown )
draglist.listRoot.insertBefore(thisElem, draglist.listItems[pos-1]);["top"] = "0px";["left"] = "0px";
this.listItems[i].onDragEnd = function(x,y,thisElem)
{["top"] = "0px";["left"] = "0px";
} // end of for loop.
this.recalcOffsets( itemTagName );
} // end of setup.
// ----------------------------------------------
* update the order value fields and submit the form.
fv_dragList.prototype.do_submit = function( formName, dragListRootId )
var listOrderItems = this.listRoot.getElementsByTagName("input");
for (var i = 0; i < listOrderItems.length; i++)
listOrderItems[i].value = i;
expr = "document." + formName + ".submit()";
eval( expr );
// ----------------------------------------------
// "Private" methods.
// ----------------------------------------------
fv_dragList.prototype.recalcOffsets = function( itemTagName )
var listItems = this.getListItems( itemTagName );
for (var i = 0; i < listItems.length; i++)
this.offsetsX[i] = listItems[i].offsetLeft;
this.offsetsY[i] = listItems[i].offsetTop;
fv_dragList.prototype.getCurrentOffset = function(elem, itemTagName)
var listItems = this.getListItems( itemTagName );
for (var i = 0; i < listItems.length; i++)
if (listItems[i] == elem)
return i;
fv_dragList.prototype.getDivWidth = function(elem)
if (( elem == undefined) || ( elem.offsetWidth == undefined ))
return( 0 );
value = elem.offsetWidth;
if (isNaN(value))
value = 0;
return( value );
fv_dragList.prototype.getDivHeight = function(elem)
if (( elem == undefined) || ( elem.offsetHeight == undefined ))
return( 0 );
value = elem.offsetHeight;
if (isNaN(value))
value = 25;
return( value );
* return list of draggable items
fv_dragList.prototype.getListItems = function( itemTagName )
if ( itemTagName == undefined )
itemTagName = "div";
var listItems = this.listRoot.getElementsByTagName( itemTagName );
return( listItems );
// end of draglist class definition.
// -------------------------------------
* add a new dragList to the list of draglists on this page
* This implementatoin supports multiple managed draglists on
* a single page. The index is contained in a global dragListIndex
* array that must be declared in the page.
function addDragList( draglist )
dragListIndex[ draglist.dragListRootId ] = draglist;
// -------------------------------------------------------
* given a draggable div element, return the draglist it belongs to
* @see fv_draglist.prototype.setup
* @todo this should probably be a method inside the draglist class.
function getDragList( elem )
// given a list item return the drag list it belongs to.
var draglistContainer = elem.parentNode;
var draglist = dragListIndex[ ];
return( draglist );
// END