530 lines
17 KiB
530 lines
17 KiB
class uiBrowser extends uiBase {
var $alertMsg;
// --- class constructor ---
* uiBrowser
* Initialize a new Browser Class including:
* - database initialation
* - GreenBox initialation
* @param $config array, configurartion data
function uiBrowser($config)
$dbc = DB::connect($config['dsn'], TRUE);
if (DB::isError($dbc)) {
$this->gb =& new GreenBox(&$dbc, $config);
$this->sessid = $_REQUEST[$config['authCookieName']];
$this->userid = $this->gb->getSessUserId($this->sessid);
$this->login = $this->gb->getSessLogin($this->sessid);
$this->id = $_REQUEST['id'] ? $_REQUEST['id'] : $this->gb->getObjId($this->login, $this->gb->storId);
$this->InputTextStandardAttrib = array('size' =>UI_INPUT_STANDARD_SIZE,
// --- error handling ---
* alertMsg
* takes error message from session var
* @return string
function alertMsg()
if ($_SESSION['alertMsg']) {
$this->alertMsg = $_SESSION['alertMsg'];
return $this->alertMsg;
return false;
function getStationInfo(&$mask)
foreach ($mask as $key=>$val) {
if ($val['type']=='text')
$a[$val['element']] = is_string($this->gb->loadGroupPref($this->sessid, 'StationPrefs', $val['element'])) ? $this->gb->loadGroupPref($this->sessid, 'StationPrefs', $val['element']) : NULL;
return $a;
// --- template feed ---
* loginform
* create a login-form
* @param string $faillogin login name of failed login process
* @return string (html)
function loginform(&$Smarty, &$mask)
$form = new HTML_QuickForm('loginbox', UI_STANDARD_FORM_METHOD, UI_HANDLER);
$this->_parseArr2Form($form, $mask['loginform']);
$this->_parseArr2Form($form, $mask['languages']);
## using Static Smarty Renderer
$renderer =& new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ArraySmarty($Smarty, true);
return $renderer->toArray();
* getUserInfo
* get info about logged in user
* @return array uname=>user Name, uid=>user ID
function getUserInfo()
return array('uname'=>$this->gb->getSessLogin($this->sessid),
'uid' =>$this->gb->getSessUserId($this->sessid));
* getStructure
* get directory-structure
* @param int local ID of start-directory
* @param boolean $homedir TRUE: get homedir of current user
* @eturn array tree of directory with subs
function getStructure($id)
$data=array_merge($data, array(
'pathdata' => $this->gb->getPath($id, $this->sessid),
'listdata' => ($this->gb->getObjType($id)=='Folder'?
$this->gb->listFolder($id, $this->sessid):array()
'tree' => ($_REQUEST['tree']=='Y'),
'showPath' => true,
'showTree' => true,
$data['treedata'] = $this->gb->getSubTree($id, $this->sessid);
$data['msg'] = $data['listdata']->getMessage();
$data['listdata'] = array();
return $data;
* getNewFileForm
* create a form for file-upload
* @param int local $id of directory to store file in
* @eturn string (html)
function getNewFileForm($id, $mask)
$form = new HTML_QuickForm('newfile', UI_STANDARD_FORM_METHOD, UI_HANDLER);
$form->setMaxFileSize($this->gb->loadGroupPref($this->sessid, 'StationPrefs', 'maxfilesize'));
$form->setConstants(array('id' => $id));
$this->_parseArr2Form($form, $mask);
return $form->toHTML();
* getUploadFileForm
* create a form for file-upload
* @param int local $id of directory to store file in
* @eturn string (html)
function getUploadFileForm($id, $mask)
$form = new HTML_QuickForm('upload', UI_STANDARD_FORM_METHOD, UI_HANDLER);
$form->setMaxFileSize($this->gb->loadGroupPref($this->sessid, 'StationPrefs', 'maxfilesize'));
$form->setConstants(array('id' => $id));
$this->_parseArr2Form($form, $mask);
return $form->toHTML();
* getSubjects
* get all GreenBox subjects (users/groups)
* @return array subj=>unique id of subject, loggedAs=>corresponding login name
function getSubjects()
return array('subj' => $this->gb->getSubjectsWCnt(),
'loggedAs' => $this->login
* addSubjectForm
* create a form to add GreenBox subjects (users/groups)
* @return string (html)
function getAddSubjectForm($mask)
$form = new HTML_QuickForm('addSubject', UI_STANDARD_FORM_METHOD, UI_HANDLER);
$this->_parseArr2Form($form, $mask);
return $form->toHTML();
* getChangePasswdForm
* create a form to change user-passwords in GreenBox
* @return string (html)
function getChangePasswdForm($uid, &$mask)
$form = new HTML_QuickForm('changePasswd', UI_STANDARD_FORM_METHOD, UI_HANDLER);
$this->_parseArr2Form($form, $mask);
return $form->toHTML();
* getGroups
* get a list of groups where user is member of
* @parm $id int local user ID
* @return array
function getGroups($id)
return array(
'rows' => $this->gb->listGroup($id),
'id' => $id,
'loggedAs' => $this->login,
'gname' => $this->gb->getSubjName($id),
'subj' => $this->gb->getSubjects()
* getSubj2GroupForm
* creates a form to assign groups to a user
* @param $id int local user ID
* @return string (html)
function getSubj2GroupForm($id)
$g = $this->getGroups($id);
foreach($g['subj'] as $s) {
$form = new HTML_QuickForm('addSubj2Group', UI_STANDARD_FORM_METHOD, UI_HANDLER);
$form->addElement('hidden', 'act');
$form->addElement('hidden', 'reid');
$form->addElement('hidden', 'gname');
$s =& $form->createElement('select', 'login', 'Add Group: ');
$s->loadArray($this->logins, NULL);
$form->addElement('submit', NULL, $this->tra('Do'));
return $form->toHTML();
* getPermissions
* get permissions for local object ID
* @param $id int local ID (file/folder)
* @return array
function getPermissions($id)
return array('pathdata' => $this->gb->getPath($id),
'perms' => $this->gb->getObjPerms($id),
'actions' => $this->gb->getAllowedActions($this->gb->getObjType($id)),
'subjects' => $this->gb->getSubjects(),
'id' => $id,
'loggedAs' => $this->login
* getSearchForm
* create a form for searching in StorageServer
* @param int local ID of start-directory
* @return string (html)
function getSearchForm($id, &$formdata, &$mask)
$form = new HTML_QuickForm('search', UI_STANDARD_FORM_METHOD, UI_BROWSER);
$form->setConstants(array('id'=>$id, 'counter'=>($formdata['counter'] ? $formdata['counter'] : UI_SEARCH_MIN_ROWS)));
foreach ($mask['mData']['tabs']['group']['group'] as $k=>$v) {
foreach ($mask['mData']['pages'][$v] as $val){
$col1[$val['element']] = $val['element'];
if (isset($val['relation']))
$col2[$val['element']] = $mask['relations'][$val['relation']];
$col2[$val['element']] = $mask['relations']['standard'];
for($n=1; $n<=UI_SEARCH_MAX_ROWS; $n++) {
unset ($group);
$form->addElement('static', 's1', NULL, "<div id='searchRow_$n'>");
if ($n>($formdata['counter'] ? $formdata['counter'] : UI_SEARCH_MIN_ROWS)) $form->addElement('static', 's1_style', NULL, "<style type='text/css'>#searchRow_$n {visibility : hidden; height : 0px;}</style>");
$sel = &$form->createElement('hierselect', "row_$n", NULL);
$sel->setOptions(array($col1, $col2));
$group[] = &$sel;
$group[] = &$form->createElement('text', 'row_'.$n.'[2]', NULL);
$group[] = &$form->createElement('button', "dropRow_$n", 'Drop', array('onClick' => "dropRow('$n')"));
$form->addElement('static', 's2', NULL, "</div id='searchRow_$n'>");
$this->_parseArr2Form($form, $mask['searchform']);
$renderer =& new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Array(true, true);
$output['dynform'] = $renderer->toArray();
return $output;
* getSearchRes
* get Search Result
* @param $id int local ID (file/folder) to search in
* @param $serach string
* @return array
function getSearchRes($id, &$formdata)
foreach ($formdata as $key=>$val) {
if (is_array($val) && strlen($val[2])) {
$critArr[] = array('cat' => $val[0],
'op' => $val[1],
'val' => $val[2]
$searchCriteria = array('filetype' => 'audioclip',
'operator' => $formdata['operator'],
'conditions'=> $critArr
$results = $this->gb->localSearch($searchCriteria, $this->sessid);
foreach ($results['results'] as $rec) {
$res[] = array('gunid' => $rec,
'par_id' => $this->gb->_idFromGunid($rec));
return array('search' => $res,
'id' => $id
* getFile
* Call access method and show access path.
* Example only - not really useable.
* TODO: resource should be released by release method call
* @param id int, local id of accessed file
function getFile($id)
$r = $this->gb->access($id, $this->sessid);
if(PEAR::isError($r)) $_SESSION['alertMsg'] = $r->getMessage();
else print_r($r);
* getMdata
* Show file's metadata as XML
* @param id int, local id of stored file
* @return array
function getMdata($id)
return($this->gb->getMdata($id, $this->sessid));
* getMdataValue
* Get Files Metadata Record
* @param id int, local id of stored file
* @param cetagory string, metadata element name
* @return array
function _getMdataValue($id, $category)
return($this->gb->getMdataValue($id, $category, $this->sessid));
* getMetaDataForm
* create a form to edit Metadata
* @param id int
* @return string (html)
function getMetadataForm($id, &$mask, $get=FALSE, $data=NULL)
$form = new HTML_QuickForm('tabs', UI_STANDARD_FORM_METHOD, UI_BROWSER);
$this->_parseArr2Form($form, $mask['tabs']);
$output['tabs'] = $form->toHTML();
$form = new HTML_QuickForm('langswitch', UI_STANDARD_FORM_METHOD, UI_BROWSER);
$this->_parseArr2Form($form, $mask['langswitch']);
$output['langswitch'] = $form->toHTML();
## multiple forms
$parts = array ('Main', 'Music_Basic', 'Music_Advanced', 'Talk_Basic', 'Talk_Advanced');
foreach ($parts as $key) {
unset ($form);
$form = new HTML_QuickForm($key, UI_STANDARD_FORM_METHOD, UI_BROWSER);
$this->_parseArr2Form($form, $mask['pages'][$key]);
$this->_parseArr2Form($form, $mask['basics']);
$output['pages'][$key] = $form->toHTML();
} */
## single form
$form = new HTML_QuickForm('metadata', UI_STANDARD_FORM_METHOD, UI_HANDLER);
$this->_parseArr2Form($form, $mask['basics']);
$form->setConstants( array('id' => $id,
#!!!!!'langid' => array_pop($this->gb->getMDataValue($id, 'langid', $this->sessid))
'langid' => 'en'
## convert element names to be unique over different forms-parts, add javascript to spread values over parts, add existing values from database
foreach ($mask['tabs']['group']['group'] as $key) {
foreach ($mask['pages'][$key] as $k=>$v) {
$mask['pages'][$key][$k]['element'] = $key.'-'.$v['element'];
$mask['pages'][$key][$k]['attributes'] = array ('onChange' => "spread(this, '".$v['element']."')");
## recive data from GreenBox
if ($get) {
$mask['pages'][$key][$k]['default'] = array_pop($this->gb->getMDataValue($id, strtr($v['element'], '_', '.'), $this->sessid));
## get data from parameter
if (is_array($data)) {
$mask['pages'][$key][$k]['default'] = $data[strtr($v['element'], '_', '.')];
#$form->addElement('html', "<div id='div_$key'>");
$form->addElement('static', NULL, NULL, "<div id='div_$key'>");
$this->_parseArr2Form($form, $mask['pages'][$key]);
$this->_parseArr2Form($form, $mask['buttons']);
#$form->addElement('html', "</div id='div_$key'>");
$form->addElement('static', NULL, NULL, "</div id='div_$key'>");
$renderer = new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Default;
#$renderer->setElementTemplate("\n\t<div class='mdataelement'><div class='mdataelementtext'><!-- BEGIN required --><span style=\"color: #ff0000\">*</span><!-- END required --><b>{label}</b><!-- BEGIN error --><span style=\"color: #ff0000\">{error}</span><br /><!-- END error -->\t</div><div class='mdataelementelement'>{element}</div></div>\n\t");
$renderer->setElementTemplate("\n\t<div class='mdataelement'><!-- BEGIN required --><span style=\"color: #ff0000\">*</span><!-- END required --><b>{label}</b><!-- BEGIN error --><span style=\"color: #ff0000\">{error}</span><br /><!-- END error -->\t<br>{element}</div>\n\t");
$output['pages'][] = $renderer->toHTML();
## using Dynamic Smarty Renderer
$renderer =& new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Array(true, true);
$output['pages'][] = $renderer->toArray();
return $output;
function systemPrefs(&$mask)
$form = new HTML_QuickForm('systemPrefs', UI_STANDARD_FORM_METHOD, UI_HANDLER);
foreach($mask as $key=>$val) {
$p = $this->gb->loadGroupPref($this->sessid, 'StationPrefs', $val['element']);
if (is_string($p)) $mask[$key]['default'] = $p;
$this->_parseArr2Form($form, $mask);
## using Dynamic Smarty Renderer
$renderer =& new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Array(true, true);
return $renderer->toArray();