315 lines
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315 lines
10 KiB
class Application_Model_StreamSetting {
public static function SetValue($key, $value, $type)
global $CC_CONFIG;
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$key = pg_escape_string($key);
$value = pg_escape_string($value);
// Check if key already exists
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cc_stream_setting"
." WHERE keyname = '$key'";
$result = $con->query($sql)->fetchColumn(0);
if ($result == 1) {
$sql = "UPDATE cc_stream_setting"
." SET value = '$value', type='$type'"
." WHERE keyname = '$key'";
} else {
$sql = "INSERT INTO cc_stream_setting (keyname, value, type)"
." VALUES ('$key', '$value', '$type')";
return $con->exec($sql);
public static function GetValue($key)
global $CC_CONFIG;
$con = Propel::getConnection();
//Check if key already exists
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cc_stream_setting"
." WHERE keyname = '$key'";
$result = $con->query($sql)->fetchColumn(0);
if ($result == 0)
return "";
else {
$sql = "SELECT value FROM cc_stream_setting"
." WHERE keyname = '$key'";
$result = $con->query($sql)->fetchColumn(0);
return ($result !== false) ? $result : NULL;
/* Returns the id's of all streams that are enabled in an array. An
* example of the array returned in JSON notation is ["s1", "s2", "s3"] */
public static function getEnabledStreamIds()
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$sql = "SELECT * "
."FROM cc_stream_setting "
."WHERE keyname LIKE '%_enable' "
."AND value='true'";
$rows = $con->query($sql)->fetchAll();
$ids = array();
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$ids[] = substr($row["keyname"], 0, strpos($row["keyname"], "_"));
//Logging::log(print_r($ids, true));
return $ids;
/* Returns only global data as array*/
public static function getGlobalData()
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$sql = "SELECT * "
."FROM cc_stream_setting "
."WHERE keyname IN ('output_sound_device', 'icecast_vorbis_metadata')";
$rows = $con->query($sql)->fetchAll();
$data = array();
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$data[$row["keyname"]] = $row["value"];
return $data;
/* Returns all information related to a specific stream. An example
* of a stream id is 's1' or 's2'. */
public static function getStreamData($p_streamId)
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$sql = "SELECT * "
."FROM cc_stream_setting "
."WHERE keyname LIKE '${p_streamId}_%'";
$rows = $con->query($sql)->fetchAll();
$data = array();
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$data[$row["keyname"]] = $row["value"];
return $data;
public static function getStreamSetting()
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$sql = "SELECT *"
." FROM cc_stream_setting"
." WHERE keyname not like '%_error'";
$rows = $con->query($sql)->fetchAll();
$exists = array();
foreach ($rows as $r) {
if ($r['keyname'] == 'master_live_stream_port') {
$exists['master_live_stream_port'] = true;
} elseif($r['keyname'] == 'master_live_stream_mp') {
$exists['master_live_stream_mp'] = true;
} elseif($r['keyname'] == 'dj_live_stream_port') {
$exists['dj_live_stream_port'] = true;
} elseif($r['keyname'] == 'dj_live_stream_mp') {
$exists['dj_live_stream_mp'] = true;
if (!isset($exists["master_live_stream_port"])) {
$rows[] = (array("keyname" =>"master_live_stream_port", "value"=>self::GetMasterLiveSteamPort(), "type"=>"integer"));
if (!isset($exists["master_live_stream_mp"])) {
$rows[] = (array("keyname" =>"master_live_stream_mp", "value"=>self::GetMasterLiveSteamMountPoint(), "type"=>"string"));
if (!isset($exists["dj_live_stream_port"])) {
$rows[] = (array("keyname" =>"dj_live_stream_port", "value"=>self::GetDJLiveSteamPort(), "type"=>"integer"));
if (!isset($exists["dj_live_stream_mp"])) {
$rows[] = (array("keyname" =>"dj_live_stream_mp", "value"=>self::GetDJLiveSteamMountPoint(), "type"=>"string"));
return $rows;
* function that take all the information of stream and sets them.
* This is used by stream setting via UI.
* @param $data - array that contains all the data. $data is [][] which
* contains multiple stream information
public static function setStreamSetting($data)
$con = Propel::getConnection();
foreach ($data as $key=>$d) {
if ($key == "output_sound_device" || $key == "icecast_vorbis_metadata") {
$v = $d == 1?"true":"false";
$sql = "UPDATE cc_stream_setting SET value='$v' WHERE keyname='$key'";
} else if ($key == "output_sound_device_type") {
$sql = "UPDATE cc_stream_setting SET value='$d' WHERE keyname='$key'";
} else if (is_array($d)) {
$temp = explode('_', $key);
$prefix = $temp[0];
foreach ($d as $k=>$v) {
$keyname = $prefix . "_" . $k;
if ($k == 'enable') {
$v = $d['enable'] == 1 ? 'true' : 'false';
$v = trim($v);
#escape double single quotes CC-3926
$v = str_replace("'", "''", $v);
$sql = "UPDATE cc_stream_setting SET value='$v' WHERE keyname='$keyname'";
* Sets indivisual stream setting.
* $data - data array. $data is [].
public static function setIndivisualStreamSetting($data)
$con = Propel::getConnection();
foreach ($data as $keyname => $v) {
$sql = "UPDATE cc_stream_setting SET value='$v' WHERE keyname='$keyname'";
* Stores liquidsoap status if $boot_time > save time.
* save time is the time that user clicked save on stream setting page
public static function setLiquidsoapError($stream_id, $msg, $boot_time=null)
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$update_time = Application_Model_Preference::GetStreamUpdateTimestemp();
if ($boot_time == null || $boot_time > $update_time) {
$keyname = "s".$stream_id."_liquidsoap_error";
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cc_stream_setting"
." WHERE keyname = '$keyname'";
$result = $con->query($sql)->fetchColumn(0);
if ($result == 1) {
$sql = "UPDATE cc_stream_setting"
." SET value = '$msg'"
." WHERE keyname = '$keyname'";
} else {
$sql = "INSERT INTO cc_stream_setting (keyname, value, type)"
." VALUES ('$keyname', '$msg', 'string')";
$res = $con->exec($sql);
public static function getLiquidsoapError($stream_id)
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$keyname = "s".$stream_id."_liquidsoap_error";
$sql = "SELECT value FROM cc_stream_setting"
." WHERE keyname = '$keyname'";
$result = $con->query($sql)->fetchColumn(0);
return ($result !== false) ? $result : NULL;
public static function getStreamEnabled($stream_id)
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$keyname = "s" . $stream_id . "_enable";
$sql = "SELECT value FROM cc_stream_setting"
." WHERE keyname = '$keyname'";
$result = $con->query($sql)->fetchColumn(0);
if ($result == 'false') {
$result = false;
} else {
$result = true;
return $result;
* Only returns info that is needed for data collection
* returns array('s1'=>array(keyname=>value))
public static function getStreamInfoForDataCollection()
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$out = array();
$enabled_stream = self::getEnabledStreamIds();
foreach ($enabled_stream as $stream) {
$keys = "'".$stream."_output', "."'".$stream."_type', "."'".$stream."_bitrate', "."'".$stream."_host'";
$sql = "SELECT keyname, value FROM cc_stream_setting"
." WHERE keyname IN ($keys)";
$rows = $con->query($sql)->fetchAll();
$info = array();
foreach ($rows as $r) {
$temp = explode("_", $r['keyname']);
$info[$temp[1]] = $r['value'];
$out[$stream] = $info;
return $out;
public static function SetMasterLiveSteamPort($value){
self::SetValue("master_live_stream_port", $value, "integer");
public static function GetMasterLiveSteamPort(){
return self::GetValue("master_live_stream_port");
public static function SetMasterLiveSteamMountPoint($value){
self::SetValue("master_live_stream_mp", $value, "string");
public static function GetMasterLiveSteamMountPoint(){
return self::GetValue("master_live_stream_mp");
public static function SetDJLiveSteamPort($value){
self::SetValue("dj_live_stream_port", $value, "integer");
public static function GetDJLiveSteamPort(){
return self::GetValue("dj_live_stream_port");
public static function SetDJLiveSteamMountPoint($value){
self::SetValue("dj_live_stream_mp", $value, "string");
public static function GetDJLiveSteamMountPoint(){
return self::GetValue("dj_live_stream_mp");