2047 lines
85 KiB
2047 lines
85 KiB
Copyright (c) 2004 Media Development Loan Fund
This file is part of the LiveSupport project.
To report bugs, send an e-mail to bugs@campware.org
LiveSupport is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
LiveSupport is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with LiveSupport; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Author : $Author: fgerlits $
Version : $Revision: 1.33 $
Location : $Source: /home/paul/cvs2svn-livesupport/newcvsrepo/livesupport/modules/storage/src/WebStorageClient.cxx,v $
/* ============================================================ include files */
#include "configure.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#error "Need unistd.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
#include <XmlRpcClient.h>
#include <XmlRpcValue.h>
#include <XmlRpcUtil.h>
#include <curl/curl.h>
#include <curl/easy.h>
#include "LiveSupport/Core/Md5.h"
#include "LiveSupport/Core/XmlRpcCommunicationException.h"
#include "LiveSupport/Core/XmlRpcMethodFaultException.h"
#include "LiveSupport/Core/XmlRpcMethodResponseException.h"
#include "LiveSupport/Core/XmlRpcInvalidArgumentException.h"
#include "LiveSupport/Core/XmlRpcIOException.h"
#include "WebStorageClient.h"
using namespace boost::posix_time;
using namespace XmlRpc;
using namespace LiveSupport::Core;
using namespace LiveSupport::Storage;
/* =================================================== local data structures */
/* ================================================ local constants & macros */
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ configuration file constants */
* The name of the config element for this class
const std::string WebStorageClient::configElementNameStr = "webStorage";
* The name of the config element attribute for the temp files
static const std::string localTempStorageAttrName = "tempFiles";
* The name of the config child element for the storage server location
static const std::string locationConfigElementName = "location";
* The name of the config element attribute for the storage server name
static const std::string locationServerAttrName = "server";
* The name of the config element attribute for the storage server port
static const std::string locationPortAttrName = "port";
* The name of the config element attribute for the storage server php page
static const std::string locationPathAttrName = "path";
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ constants for the SMIL file */
* The XML version used to create the SMIL file.
static const std::string xmlVersion = "1.0";
* The name of the SMIL root node.
static const std::string smilRootNodeName = "smil";
* The name of the SMIL language description attribute.
static const std::string smilLanguageAttrName = "xmlns";
* The value of the SMIL language description attribute.
static const std::string smilLanguageAttrValue
= "http://www.w3.org/2001/SMIL20/Language";
* The name of the SMIL real networks extension attribute.
static const std::string smilExtensionsAttrName = "xmlns:rn";
* The value of the SMIL real networks extension attribute.
static const std::string smilExtensionsAttrValue
= "http://features.real.com/2001/SMIL20/Extensions";
* The name of the body node in the SMIL file.
static const std::string smilBodyNodeName = "body";
* The name of the sequential audio clip list node in the SMIL file.
static const std::string smilSeqNodeName = "seq";
* The name of the audio clip element node in the SMIL file.
static const std::string smilAudioClipNodeName = "audio";
* The name of the attribute containing the URI of the audio clip element.
static const std::string smilAudioClipUriAttrName = "src";
* The name of the sub-playlist element node in the SMIL file.
static const std::string smilPlaylistNodeName = "audio";
* The name of the attribute containing the URI of the sub-playlist element.
static const std::string smilPlaylistUriAttrName = "src";
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ storage server constants: error reports */
* The name of the error code parameter in the returned struct
static const std::string errorCodeParamName = "faultCode";
* The name of the error message parameter in the returned struct
static const std::string errorMessageParamName = "faultString";
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ storage server constants: resetStorage */
* The name of the reset storage method on the storage server
static const std::string resetStorageMethodName
= "locstor.resetStorage";
* The name of the audio clips result parameter returned by the method
static const std::string resetStorageAudioClipResultParamName = "audioclips";
* The name of the playlists result parameter returned by the method
static const std::string resetStoragePlaylistResultParamName = "playlists";
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ storage server constants: search */
* The name of the search method on the storage server
static const std::string searchMethodName
= "locstor.searchMetadata";
* The name of the session ID parameter in the input structure
static const std::string searchSessionIdParamName = "sessid";
* The name of the search criteria parameter in the input structure
static const std::string searchCriteriaParamName = "criteria";
* The name of the audio clips result parameter returned by the method
static const std::string searchAudioClipResultParamName = "audioClipResults";
* The name of the playlists result parameter returned by the method
static const std::string searchPlaylistResultParamName = "playlistResults";
* The name of the audio clip count parameter returned by the method
static const std::string searchAudioClipCountParamName = "audioClipCnt";
* The name of the playlist count parameter returned by the method
static const std::string searchPlaylistCountParamName = "playlistCnt";
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ playlist methods */
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ storage server constants: createPlaylist */
* The name of the create playlist method on the storage server
static const std::string createPlaylistMethodName
= "locstor.createPlaylist";
* The name of the session ID parameter in the input structure
static const std::string createPlaylistSessionIdParamName = "sessid";
* The name of the playlist unique ID parameter in the input structure
static const std::string createPlaylistPlaylistIdParamName = "plid";
* The name of the result parameter returned by the method
static const std::string createPlaylistResultParamName = "plid";
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ storage server constants: existsPlaylist */
* The name of the exists playlist method on the storage server
static const std::string existsPlaylistMethodName
= "locstor.existsPlaylist";
* The name of the session ID parameter in the input structure
static const std::string existsPlaylistSessionIdParamName = "sessid";
* The name of the audio clip unique ID parameter in the input structure
static const std::string existsPlaylistPlaylistIdParamName = "plid";
* The name of the result parameter returned by the method
static const std::string existsPlaylistResultParamName = "exists";
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ storage server constants: getPlaylist */
* The name of the opening 'get playlist' method on the storage server
static const std::string getPlaylistOpenMethodName
= "locstor.accessPlaylist";
* The name of the closing 'get playlist' method on the storage server
static const std::string getPlaylistCloseMethodName
= "locstor.releasePlaylist";
* The name of the session ID parameter in the input structure
static const std::string getPlaylistSessionIdParamName = "sessid";
* The name of the playlist unique ID parameter in the input structure
static const std::string getPlaylistPlaylistIdParamName = "plid";
* The name of the result URL parameter returned by the method
static const std::string getPlaylistUrlParamName = "url";
* The name of the token parameter returned (for open) or input (for close)
static const std::string getPlaylistTokenParamName = "token";
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ storage server constants: editPlaylist */
* The name of the 'edit playlist' method on the storage server
static const std::string editPlaylistMethodName
= "locstor.editPlaylist";
* The name of the session ID parameter in the input structure
static const std::string editPlaylistSessionIdParamName = "sessid";
* The name of the playlist unique ID parameter in the input structure
static const std::string editPlaylistPlaylistIdParamName = "plid";
* The name of the result URL parameter returned by the method
static const std::string editPlaylistUrlParamName = "url";
* The name of the token parameter returned by the method
static const std::string editPlaylistTokenParamName = "token";
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ storage server constants: savePlaylist */
* XML header string
static const Glib::ustring xmlHeaderString
= "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>";
* The name of the 'save playlist' method on the storage server
static const std::string savePlaylistMethodName
= "locstor.savePlaylist";
* The name of the session ID parameter in the input structure
static const std::string savePlaylistSessionIdParamName = "sessid";
* The name of the token parameter in the input structure
static const std::string savePlaylistTokenParamName = "token";
* The name of the new playlist parameter in the input structure
static const std::string savePlaylistNewPlaylistParamName = "newPlaylist";
* The name of the result parameter returned by the method
static const std::string savePlaylistResultParamName = "plid";
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ storage server constants: deletePlaylist */
* The name of the delete playlist method on the storage server
static const std::string deletePlaylistMethodName
= "locstor.deletePlaylist";
* The name of the session ID parameter in the input structure
static const std::string deletePlaylistSessionIdParamName = "sessid";
* The name of the playlist unique ID parameter in the input structure
static const std::string deletePlaylistPlaylistIdParamName = "plid";
* The name of the result parameter returned by the method
static const std::string deletePlaylistResultParamName = "status";
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ audio clip methods */
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ storage server constants: existsAudioClip */
* The name of the exists audio clip method on the storage server
static const std::string existsAudioClipMethodName
= "locstor.existsAudioClip";
* The name of the session ID parameter in the input structure
static const std::string existsAudioClipSessionIdParamName = "sessid";
* The name of the audio clip unique ID parameter in the input structure
static const std::string existsAudioClipAudioClipIdParamName = "gunid";
* The name of the result parameter returned by the method
static const std::string existsAudioClipResultParamName = "exists";
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ storage server constants: getAudioClip */
* The name of the opening 'get audio clip' method on the storage server
static const std::string getAudioClipOpenMethodName
= "locstor.downloadMetadataOpen";
* The name of the closing 'get audio clip' method on the storage server
static const std::string getAudioClipCloseMethodName
= "locstor.downloadMetadataClose";
* The name of the session ID parameter in the input structure
static const std::string getAudioClipSessionIdParamName = "sessid";
* The name of the audio clip unique ID parameter in the input structure
static const std::string getAudioClipAudioClipIdParamName = "gunid";
* The name of the result URL parameter returned by the method
static const std::string getAudioClipUrlParamName = "url";
* The name of the token parameter returned (for open) or input (for close)
static const std::string getAudioClipTokenParamName = "token";
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ storage server constants: storeAudioClip */
* The name of the opening 'store audio clip' method on the storage server
static const std::string storeAudioClipOpenMethodName
= "locstor.storeAudioClipOpen";
* The name of the closing 'store audio clip' method on the storage server
static const std::string storeAudioClipCloseMethodName
= "locstor.storeAudioClipClose";
* The name of the session ID parameter in the input structure
static const std::string storeAudioClipSessionIdParamName = "sessid";
* The name of the audio clip unique ID parameter for both 'open' and 'close'
static const std::string storeAudioClipAudioClipIdParamName = "gunid";
* The name of the metadata file name parameter in the input structure
static const std::string storeAudioClipMetadataParamName = "metadata";
* The name of the binary file name parameter in the input structure
static const std::string storeAudioClipFileNameParamName = "fname";
* The name of the checksum of the binary file name in the input structure
static const std::string storeAudioClipChecksumParamName = "chsum";
* The name of the URL parameter returned by the 'open' method
static const std::string storeAudioClipUrlParamName = "url";
* The name of the token parameter for both 'open' and 'close' methods
static const std::string storeAudioClipTokenParamName = "token";
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ storage server constants: acquireAudioClip */
* The name of the acquire audio clip method on the storage server
static const std::string acquireAudioClipMethodName
= "locstor.accessRawAudioData";
* The name of the session ID parameter in the input structure
static const std::string acquireAudioClipSessionIdParamName = "sessid";
* The name of the audio clip unique ID parameter in the input structure
static const std::string acquireAudioClipAudioClipIdParamName = "gunid";
* The name of the result URL parameter returned by the method
static const std::string acquireAudioClipUrlParamName = "url";
* The name of the token parameter returned by the method
static const std::string acquireAudioClipTokenParamName = "token";
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ storage server constants: releaseAudioClip */
* The name of the release audio clip method on the storage server
static const std::string releaseAudioClipMethodName
= "locstor.releaseRawAudioData";
* The name of the session ID parameter in the input structure
static const std::string releaseAudioClipSessionIdParamName = "sessid";
* The name of the token parameter in the input structure
static const std::string releaseAudioClipTokenParamName = "token";
* The name of the result parameter returned by the method
static const std::string releaseAudioClipResultParamName = "status";
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ storage server constants: deleteAudioClip */
* The name of the delete audio clip method on the storage server
static const std::string deleteAudioClipMethodName
= "locstor.deleteAudioClip";
* The name of the session ID parameter in the input structure
static const std::string deleteAudioClipSessionIdParamName = "sessid";
* The name of the audio clip unique ID parameter in the input structure
static const std::string deleteAudioClipAudioClipIdParamName = "gunid";
* The name of the result parameter returned by the method
static const std::string deleteAudioClipResultParamName = "status";
/* =============================================== local function prototypes */
/* ============================================================= module code */
* Configure the web storage client.
WebStorageClient :: configure(const xmlpp::Element & element)
throw (std::invalid_argument)
if (element.get_name() != configElementNameStr) {
std::string eMsg = "Bad configuration element ";
eMsg += element.get_name();
throw std::invalid_argument(eMsg);
const xmlpp::Attribute * attribute;
if (!(attribute = element.get_attribute(localTempStorageAttrName))) {
std::string eMsg = "Missing attribute ";
eMsg += localTempStorageAttrName;
throw std::invalid_argument(eMsg);
localTempStorage = attribute->get_value();
// read the storage server location
xmlpp::Node::NodeList childNodes
= element.get_children(locationConfigElementName);
xmlpp::Node::NodeList::iterator it = childNodes.begin();
if (it == childNodes.end()) {
std::string eMsg = "missing ";
eMsg += locationConfigElementName;
eMsg += " XML element";
throw std::invalid_argument(eMsg);
const xmlpp::Element * locationConfigElement
= dynamic_cast<const xmlpp::Element*> (*it);
if (!(attribute = locationConfigElement
->get_attribute(locationServerAttrName))) {
std::string eMsg = "Missing attribute ";
eMsg += locationServerAttrName;
throw std::invalid_argument(eMsg);
storageServerName = attribute->get_value();
if (!(attribute = locationConfigElement
->get_attribute(locationPortAttrName))) {
std::string eMsg = "Missing attribute ";
eMsg += locationPortAttrName;
throw std::invalid_argument(eMsg);
std::stringstream storageServerPortValue(attribute->get_value());
storageServerPortValue >> storageServerPort;
if (!(attribute = locationConfigElement
->get_attribute(locationPathAttrName))) {
std::string eMsg = "Missing attribute ";
eMsg += locationPathAttrName;
throw std::invalid_argument(eMsg);
storageServerPath = attribute->get_value();
if (it != childNodes.end()) {
std::string eMsg = "more than one ";
eMsg += locationConfigElementName;
eMsg += " XML element";
throw std::invalid_argument(eMsg);
* Create a new playlist.
WebStorageClient :: createPlaylist(Ptr<SessionId>::Ref sessionId)
throw (Core::XmlRpcException)
XmlRpcValue parameters;
XmlRpcValue result;
XmlRpcClient xmlRpcClient(storageServerName.c_str(), storageServerPort,
storageServerPath.c_str(), false);
= sessionId->getId();
if (!xmlRpcClient.execute(createPlaylistMethodName.c_str(),
parameters, result)) {
std::string eMsg = "cannot execute XML-RPC method '";
eMsg += createPlaylistMethodName;
eMsg += "'";
throw XmlRpcCommunicationException(eMsg);
if (xmlRpcClient.isFault()) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< createPlaylistMethodName
<< "' returned error message:\n"
<< result;
throw Core::XmlRpcMethodFaultException(eMsg.str());
if (! result.hasMember(createPlaylistResultParamName)
|| result[createPlaylistResultParamName].getType()
!= XmlRpcValue::TypeString) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< createPlaylistMethodName
<< "' returned unexpected value:\n"
<< result;
throw XmlRpcMethodResponseException(eMsg.str());
Ptr<UniqueId>::Ref newId(new UniqueId(std::string(
result[createPlaylistResultParamName] )));
Ptr<const std::string>::Ref url, token;
editPlaylistGetUrl(sessionId, newId, url, token);
Ptr<time_duration>::Ref playlength(new time_duration(0,0,0,0));
Ptr<Playlist>::Ref playlist(new Playlist(newId, playlength));
editedPlaylists[newId->getId()] = std::make_pair(sessionId, playlist);
savePlaylist(sessionId, playlist);
return playlist->getId();
* Tell if a playlist exists.
const bool
WebStorageClient :: existsPlaylist(Ptr<SessionId>::Ref sessionId,
Ptr<UniqueId>::Ref id) const
throw (Core::XmlRpcException)
XmlRpcValue parameters;
XmlRpcValue result;
XmlRpcClient xmlRpcClient(storageServerName.c_str(), storageServerPort,
storageServerPath.c_str(), false);
= sessionId->getId();
= std::string(*id);
if (!xmlRpcClient.execute(existsPlaylistMethodName.c_str(),
parameters, result)) {
std::string eMsg = "cannot execute XML-RPC method '";
eMsg += existsPlaylistMethodName;
eMsg += "'";
throw XmlRpcCommunicationException(eMsg);
if (xmlRpcClient.isFault()) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< existsPlaylistMethodName
<< "' returned error message:\n"
<< result;
throw Core::XmlRpcMethodFaultException(eMsg.str());
if (! result.hasMember(existsPlaylistResultParamName)
|| result[existsPlaylistResultParamName].getType()
!= XmlRpcValue::TypeBoolean) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< existsPlaylistMethodName
<< "' returned unexpected value:\n"
<< result;
throw XmlRpcMethodResponseException(eMsg.str());
return bool(result[existsPlaylistResultParamName]);
* Return a playlist to be displayed.
WebStorageClient :: getPlaylist(Ptr<SessionId>::Ref sessionId,
Ptr<UniqueId>::Ref id) const
throw (Core::XmlRpcException)
editIt = editedPlaylists.find(id->getId());
if (editIt != editedPlaylists.end() // is being edited
&& (*editIt->second.first == *sessionId)) { // by us
return editIt->second.second;
XmlRpcValue parameters;
XmlRpcValue result;
XmlRpcClient xmlRpcClient(storageServerName.c_str(), storageServerPort,
storageServerPath.c_str(), false);
= sessionId->getId();
= std::string(*id);
if (!xmlRpcClient.execute(getPlaylistOpenMethodName.c_str(),
parameters, result)) {
std::string eMsg = "cannot execute XML-RPC method '";
eMsg += getPlaylistOpenMethodName;
eMsg += "'";
throw XmlRpcCommunicationException(eMsg);
if (xmlRpcClient.isFault()) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< getPlaylistOpenMethodName
<< "' returned error message:\n"
<< result;
throw Core::XmlRpcMethodFaultException(eMsg.str());
if (! result.hasMember(getPlaylistUrlParamName)
|| result[getPlaylistUrlParamName].getType()
!= XmlRpcValue::TypeString
|| ! result.hasMember(getPlaylistTokenParamName)
|| result[getPlaylistTokenParamName].getType()
!= XmlRpcValue::TypeString) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< getPlaylistOpenMethodName
<< "' returned unexpected value:\n"
<< result;
throw XmlRpcMethodResponseException(eMsg.str());
const std::string url = result[getPlaylistUrlParamName];
const std::string token = result[getPlaylistTokenParamName];
Ptr<Playlist>::Ref playlist(new Playlist(id));
try {
Ptr<xmlpp::DomParser>::Ref parser(new xmlpp::DomParser());
const xmlpp::Document * document = parser->get_document();
const xmlpp::Element * root = document->get_root_node();
} catch (std::invalid_argument &e) {
throw XmlRpcMethodResponseException(
"semantic error in playlist metafile");
} catch (xmlpp::exception &e) {
throw XmlRpcMethodResponseException(
"error parsing playlist metafile");
parameters[getPlaylistSessionIdParamName] = sessionId->getId();
parameters[getPlaylistTokenParamName] = token;
if (!xmlRpcClient.execute(getPlaylistCloseMethodName.c_str(),
parameters, result)) {
std::string eMsg = "cannot execute XML-RPC method '";
eMsg += getPlaylistCloseMethodName;
eMsg += "'";
throw XmlRpcCommunicationException(eMsg);
if (xmlRpcClient.isFault()) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< getPlaylistCloseMethodName
<< "' returned error message:\n"
<< result;
throw Core::XmlRpcMethodFaultException(eMsg.str());
if (! result.hasMember(getPlaylistPlaylistIdParamName)
|| result[getPlaylistPlaylistIdParamName].getType()
!= XmlRpcValue::TypeString
|| std::string(result[getPlaylistPlaylistIdParamName])
!= std::string(*id)) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< getPlaylistCloseMethodName
<< "' returned unexpected value:\n"
<< result;
throw XmlRpcMethodResponseException(eMsg.str());
return playlist;
* Return a playlist to be edited.
WebStorageClient :: editPlaylist(Ptr<SessionId>::Ref sessionId,
Ptr<UniqueId>::Ref id)
throw (Core::XmlRpcException)
if (editedPlaylists.find(id->getId()) != editedPlaylists.end()) {
throw XmlRpcInvalidArgumentException("playlist is already"
" being edited");
Ptr<const std::string>::Ref url, token;
editPlaylistGetUrl(sessionId, id, url, token);
Ptr<Playlist>::Ref playlist(new Playlist(id));
try {
Ptr<xmlpp::DomParser>::Ref parser(new xmlpp::DomParser());
const xmlpp::Document * document = parser->get_document();
const xmlpp::Element * root = document->get_root_node();
} catch (std::invalid_argument &e) {
throw XmlRpcMethodResponseException(
"semantic error in playlist metafile");
} catch (xmlpp::exception &e) {
throw XmlRpcMethodResponseException(
"error parsing playlist metafile");
editedPlaylists[id->getId()] = std::make_pair(sessionId, playlist);
return playlist;
WebStorageClient :: editPlaylistGetUrl(Ptr<SessionId>::Ref sessionId,
Ptr<UniqueId>::Ref id,
Ptr<const std::string>::Ref& url,
Ptr<const std::string>::Ref& token)
throw (Core::XmlRpcException)
XmlRpcValue parameters;
XmlRpcValue result;
XmlRpcClient xmlRpcClient(storageServerName.c_str(), storageServerPort,
storageServerPath.c_str(), false);
= sessionId->getId();
= std::string(*id);
if (!xmlRpcClient.execute(editPlaylistMethodName.c_str(),
parameters, result)) {
std::string eMsg = "cannot execute XML-RPC method '";
eMsg += editPlaylistMethodName;
eMsg += "'";
throw XmlRpcCommunicationException(eMsg);
if (xmlRpcClient.isFault()) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< editPlaylistMethodName
<< "' returned error message:\n"
<< result;
throw Core::XmlRpcMethodFaultException(eMsg.str());
if (! result.hasMember(editPlaylistUrlParamName)
|| result[editPlaylistUrlParamName].getType()
!= XmlRpcValue::TypeString
|| ! result.hasMember(editPlaylistTokenParamName)
|| result[editPlaylistTokenParamName].getType()
!= XmlRpcValue::TypeString) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< editPlaylistMethodName
<< "' returned unexpected value:\n"
<< result;
throw XmlRpcMethodResponseException(eMsg.str());
url.reset(new const std::string(result[getPlaylistUrlParamName]));
token.reset(new const std::string(result[getPlaylistTokenParamName]));
* Save a playlist after editing.
WebStorageClient :: savePlaylist(Ptr<SessionId>::Ref sessionId,
Ptr<Playlist>::Ref playlist)
throw (Core::XmlRpcException)
if (!playlist || !playlist->getToken()) {
throw XmlRpcInvalidArgumentException("playlist has no token field");
editIt = editedPlaylists.find(playlist->getId()->getId());
if ((editIt == editedPlaylists.end())
|| *editIt->second.first != *sessionId) {
throw XmlRpcInvalidArgumentException("savePlaylist() called without "
XmlRpcValue parameters;
XmlRpcValue result;
XmlRpcClient xmlRpcClient(storageServerName.c_str(), storageServerPort,
storageServerPath.c_str(), false);
= sessionId->getId();
= *playlist->getToken();
= std::string(xmlHeaderString + *playlist->getXmlString());
if (!xmlRpcClient.execute(savePlaylistMethodName.c_str(),
parameters, result)) {
std::string eMsg = "cannot execute XML-RPC method '";
eMsg += savePlaylistMethodName;
eMsg += "'";
throw XmlRpcCommunicationException(eMsg);
if (xmlRpcClient.isFault()) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< savePlaylistMethodName
<< "' returned error message:\n"
<< result;
throw Core::XmlRpcMethodFaultException(eMsg.str());
if (! result.hasMember(savePlaylistResultParamName)
|| result[savePlaylistResultParamName].getType()
!= XmlRpcValue::TypeString
|| std::string(result[savePlaylistResultParamName])
!= std::string(*playlist->getId())) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< savePlaylistMethodName
<< "' returned unexpected value:\n"
<< result;
throw XmlRpcMethodResponseException(eMsg.str());
Ptr<const std::string>::Ref nullpointer;
* Acquire resources for a playlist.
WebStorageClient :: acquirePlaylist(Ptr<SessionId>::Ref sessionId,
Ptr<UniqueId>::Ref id) const
throw (Core::XmlRpcException)
Ptr<Playlist>::Ref oldPlaylist = getPlaylist(sessionId, id);
Ptr<time_duration>::Ref playlength = oldPlaylist->getPlaylength();
Ptr<Playlist>::Ref newPlaylist(new Playlist(UniqueId::generateId(),
smilDocument(new xmlpp::Document(xmlVersion));
xmlpp::Element * smilRootNode
= smilDocument->create_root_node(smilRootNodeName);
xmlpp::Element * smilBodyNode
= smilRootNode->add_child(smilBodyNodeName);
xmlpp::Element * smilSeqNode
= smilBodyNode->add_child(smilSeqNodeName);
Playlist::const_iterator it = oldPlaylist->begin();
while (it != oldPlaylist->end()) {
Ptr<PlaylistElement>::Ref plElement = it->second;
Ptr<FadeInfo>::Ref fadeInfo = plElement->getFadeInfo();
if (plElement->getType() == PlaylistElement::AudioClipType) {
Ptr<AudioClip>::Ref audioClip
= acquireAudioClip(sessionId, plElement
Ptr<time_duration>::Ref relativeOffset
= plElement->getRelativeOffset();
newPlaylist->addAudioClip(audioClip, relativeOffset, fadeInfo);
xmlpp::Element* smilAudioClipNode
= smilSeqNode->add_child(smilAudioClipNodeName);
*(audioClip->getUri()) );
} else if (plElement->getType() == PlaylistElement::PlaylistType) {
Ptr<Playlist>::Ref playlist
= acquirePlaylist(sessionId, plElement
Ptr<time_duration>::Ref relativeOffset
= plElement->getRelativeOffset();
newPlaylist->addPlaylist(playlist, relativeOffset, fadeInfo);
xmlpp::Element* smilPlaylistNode
= smilSeqNode->add_child(smilPlaylistNodeName);
*(playlist->getUri()) );
} else { // this should never happen
throw XmlRpcInvalidArgumentException(
"unexpected playlist element type "
"(neither audio clip nor playlist)");
std::stringstream fileName;
fileName << localTempStorage << std::string(*newPlaylist->getId())
<< "-" << std::rand() << ".smil";
smilDocument->write_to_file(fileName.str(), "UTF-8");
Ptr<std::string>::Ref playlistUri(new std::string(fileName.str()));
return newPlaylist;
* Release a playlist.
WebStorageClient :: releasePlaylist(Ptr<SessionId>::Ref sessionId,
Ptr<Playlist>::Ref playlist) const
throw (Core::XmlRpcException)
if (! playlist->getUri()) {
throw XmlRpcInvalidArgumentException("playlist URI not found");
std::ifstream ifs(playlist->getUri()->substr(7).c_str());
if (!ifs) { // cut of "file://"
throw XmlRpcIOException("playlist temp file not found");
std::string eMsg = "";
Playlist::const_iterator it = playlist->begin();
while (it != playlist->end()) {
Ptr<PlaylistElement>::Ref plElement = it->second;
if (plElement->getType() == PlaylistElement::AudioClipType) {
try {
releaseAudioClip(sessionId, it->second->getAudioClip());
catch (XmlRpcException &e) {
eMsg += e.what();
eMsg += "\n";
} else if (plElement->getType() == PlaylistElement::PlaylistType) {
try {
releasePlaylist(sessionId, it->second->getPlaylist());
catch (XmlRpcException &e) {
eMsg += e.what();
eMsg += "\n";
} else { // this should never happen
eMsg += "unexpected playlist element type\n";
Ptr<std::string>::Ref nullPointer;
if (eMsg != "") {
eMsg.insert(0, "some playlist elements could not be released:\n");
throw XmlRpcInvalidArgumentException(eMsg);
* Delete a playlist.
WebStorageClient :: deletePlaylist(Ptr<SessionId>::Ref sessionId,
Ptr<UniqueId>::Ref id)
throw (Core::XmlRpcException)
XmlRpcValue parameters;
XmlRpcValue result;
XmlRpcClient xmlRpcClient(storageServerName.c_str(), storageServerPort,
storageServerPath.c_str(), false);
= sessionId->getId();
= std::string(*id);
if (!xmlRpcClient.execute(deletePlaylistMethodName.c_str(),
parameters, result)) {
std::string eMsg = "cannot execute XML-RPC method '";
eMsg += deletePlaylistMethodName;
eMsg += "'";
throw XmlRpcCommunicationException(eMsg);
if (xmlRpcClient.isFault()) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< deletePlaylistMethodName
<< "' returned error message:\n"
<< result;
throw Core::XmlRpcMethodFaultException(eMsg.str());
if (! result.hasMember(deletePlaylistResultParamName)
|| result[deletePlaylistResultParamName].getType()
!= XmlRpcValue::TypeBoolean) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< deletePlaylistMethodName
<< "' returned unexpected value:\n"
<< result;
throw XmlRpcMethodResponseException(eMsg.str());
if (! bool(result[deletePlaylistResultParamName])) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< deletePlaylistMethodName
<< "' returned 'false'";
throw XmlRpcMethodResponseException(eMsg.str());
* Return a listing of all the playlists in the playlist store.
Ptr<std::vector<Ptr<Playlist>::Ref> >::Ref
WebStorageClient :: getAllPlaylists(Ptr<SessionId>::Ref sessionId) const
throw (Core::XmlRpcException)
Ptr<std::vector<Ptr<Playlist>::Ref> >::Ref playlistVector(
new std::vector<Ptr<Playlist>::Ref>);
return playlistVector;
* Tell if an audio clip exists.
const bool
WebStorageClient :: existsAudioClip(Ptr<SessionId>::Ref sessionId,
Ptr<UniqueId>::Ref id) const
throw (Core::XmlRpcException)
XmlRpcValue parameters;
XmlRpcValue result;
XmlRpcClient xmlRpcClient(storageServerName.c_str(), storageServerPort,
storageServerPath.c_str(), false);
= sessionId->getId();
= std::string(*id);
if (!xmlRpcClient.execute(existsAudioClipMethodName.c_str(),
parameters, result)) {
std::string eMsg = "cannot execute XML-RPC method '";
eMsg += existsAudioClipMethodName;
eMsg += "'";
throw XmlRpcCommunicationException(eMsg);
if (xmlRpcClient.isFault()) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< existsAudioClipMethodName
<< "' returned error message:\n"
<< result;
throw Core::XmlRpcMethodFaultException(eMsg.str());
if (! result.hasMember(existsAudioClipResultParamName)
|| result[existsAudioClipResultParamName].getType()
!= XmlRpcValue::TypeBoolean) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< existsAudioClipMethodName
<< "' returned unexpected value:\n"
<< result;
throw XmlRpcMethodResponseException(eMsg.str());
return bool(result[existsAudioClipResultParamName]);
* Retrieve an audio clip from the storage.
WebStorageClient :: getAudioClip(Ptr<SessionId>::Ref sessionId,
Ptr<UniqueId>::Ref id) const
throw (Core::XmlRpcException)
XmlRpcValue parameters;
XmlRpcValue result;
XmlRpcClient xmlRpcClient(storageServerName.c_str(), storageServerPort,
storageServerPath.c_str(), false);
= sessionId->getId();
= std::string(*id);
if (!xmlRpcClient.execute(getAudioClipOpenMethodName.c_str(),
parameters, result)) {
std::string eMsg = "cannot execute XML-RPC method '";
eMsg += getAudioClipOpenMethodName;
eMsg += "'";
throw XmlRpcCommunicationException(eMsg);
if (xmlRpcClient.isFault()) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< getAudioClipOpenMethodName
<< "' returned error message:\n"
<< result;
throw Core::XmlRpcMethodFaultException(eMsg.str());
if (! result.hasMember(getAudioClipUrlParamName)
|| result[getAudioClipUrlParamName].getType()
!= XmlRpcValue::TypeString
|| ! result.hasMember(getAudioClipTokenParamName)
|| result[getAudioClipTokenParamName].getType()
!= XmlRpcValue::TypeString) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< getAudioClipOpenMethodName
<< "' returned unexpected value:\n"
<< result;
throw XmlRpcMethodResponseException(eMsg.str());
const std::string url = result[getAudioClipUrlParamName];
const std::string token = result[getAudioClipTokenParamName];
Ptr<AudioClip>::Ref audioClip(new AudioClip(id));
try {
Ptr<xmlpp::DomParser>::Ref parser(new xmlpp::DomParser());
const xmlpp::Document * document = parser->get_document();
const xmlpp::Element * root = document->get_root_node();
} catch (std::invalid_argument &e) {
std::string eMsg = "semantic error in audio clip metafile:\n";
eMsg += e.what();
throw XmlRpcMethodResponseException(eMsg);
} catch (xmlpp::exception &e) {
std::string eMsg = "error parsing audio clip metafile";
eMsg += e.what();
throw XmlRpcMethodResponseException(eMsg);
parameters[getAudioClipSessionIdParamName] = sessionId->getId();
parameters[getAudioClipTokenParamName] = token;
if (!xmlRpcClient.execute(getAudioClipCloseMethodName.c_str(),
parameters, result)) {
std::string eMsg = "cannot execute XML-RPC method '";
eMsg += getAudioClipCloseMethodName;
eMsg += "'";
throw XmlRpcCommunicationException(eMsg);
if (xmlRpcClient.isFault()) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< getAudioClipCloseMethodName
<< "' returned error message:\n"
<< result;
throw Core::XmlRpcMethodFaultException(eMsg.str());
if (! result.hasMember(getAudioClipAudioClipIdParamName)
|| result[getAudioClipAudioClipIdParamName].getType()
!= XmlRpcValue::TypeString
|| std::string(result[getAudioClipAudioClipIdParamName])
!= std::string(*id)) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< getAudioClipCloseMethodName
<< "' returned unexpected value:\n"
<< result;
throw XmlRpcMethodResponseException(eMsg.str());
return audioClip;
* Upload an audio clip to the local storage.
WebStorageClient :: storeAudioClip(Ptr<SessionId>::Ref sessionId,
Ptr<AudioClip>::Ref audioClip)
throw (Core::XmlRpcException)
if (!audioClip || !audioClip->getUri()) {
throw XmlRpcInvalidArgumentException(
"binary audio clip file not found");
// temporary hack; we will expect an absolute file name from getUri()
// in the final version
std::string binaryFileName = audioClip->getUri()->substr(5);
std::ifstream ifs(binaryFileName.c_str());
if (!ifs) {
throw XmlRpcIOException("could not read audio clip");
std::string md5string = Md5(ifs);
XmlRpcValue parameters;
XmlRpcValue result;
XmlRpcClient xmlRpcClient(storageServerName.c_str(), storageServerPort,
storageServerPath.c_str(), false);
= sessionId->getId();
if (audioClip->getId()) {
= std::string(*audioClip->getId());
= std::string(*audioClip->getMetadataString());
= std::string(*audioClip->getUri());
= md5string;
if (!xmlRpcClient.execute(storeAudioClipOpenMethodName.c_str(),
parameters, result)) {
std::string eMsg = "cannot execute XML-RPC method '";
eMsg += storeAudioClipOpenMethodName;
eMsg += "'";
throw XmlRpcCommunicationException(eMsg);
if (xmlRpcClient.isFault()) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< storeAudioClipOpenMethodName
<< "' returned error message:\n"
<< result;
throw Core::XmlRpcMethodFaultException(eMsg.str());
if (! result.hasMember(storeAudioClipUrlParamName)
|| result[storeAudioClipUrlParamName].getType()
!= XmlRpcValue::TypeString
|| ! result.hasMember(storeAudioClipTokenParamName)
|| result[storeAudioClipTokenParamName].getType()
!= XmlRpcValue::TypeString) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< storeAudioClipOpenMethodName
<< "' returned unexpected value:\n"
<< result;
throw XmlRpcMethodResponseException(eMsg.str());
std::string url = std::string(result[storeAudioClipUrlParamName]);
std::string token = std::string(result[storeAudioClipTokenParamName]);
FILE* binaryFile = fopen(binaryFileName.c_str(), "rb");
if (!binaryFile) {
throw XmlRpcIOException("Binary audio clip file not found.");
fseek(binaryFile, 0, SEEK_END);
long binaryFileSize = ftell(binaryFile);
CURL* handle = curl_easy_init();
if (!handle) {
throw XmlRpcCommunicationException("Could not obtain curl handle.");
int status = curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_READDATA, binaryFile);
status |= curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, binaryFileSize);
// works for files of size up to 2 GB
status |= curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_PUT, 1);
status |= curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_URL, url.c_str());
// status |= curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
// status |= curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_ENCODING, "deflate");
if (status) {
throw XmlRpcCommunicationException("Could not set curl options.");
status = curl_easy_perform(handle);
if (status) {
throw XmlRpcCommunicationException("Error uploading file.");
= sessionId->getId();
= token;
if (!xmlRpcClient.execute(storeAudioClipCloseMethodName.c_str(),
parameters, result)) {
std::string eMsg = "cannot execute XML-RPC method '";
eMsg += storeAudioClipCloseMethodName;
eMsg += "'";
throw XmlRpcCommunicationException(eMsg);
if (xmlRpcClient.isFault()) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< storeAudioClipCloseMethodName
<< "' returned error message:\n"
<< result;
throw Core::XmlRpcMethodFaultException(eMsg.str());
if (! result.hasMember(storeAudioClipAudioClipIdParamName)
|| result[storeAudioClipAudioClipIdParamName].getType()
!= XmlRpcValue::TypeString
|| (audioClip->getId()
!= std::string(*audioClip->getId()))) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< storeAudioClipCloseMethodName
<< "' returned unexpected value:\n"
<< result;
throw XmlRpcMethodResponseException(eMsg.str());
if (!audioClip->getId()) {
Ptr<UniqueId>::Ref newId(new UniqueId(std::string(
result[storeAudioClipAudioClipIdParamName] )));
* Acquire resources for an audio clip.
WebStorageClient :: acquireAudioClip(Ptr<SessionId>::Ref sessionId,
Ptr<UniqueId>::Ref id) const
throw (Core::XmlRpcException)
Ptr<AudioClip>::Ref audioClip = getAudioClip(sessionId, id);
XmlRpcValue parameters;
XmlRpcValue result;
XmlRpcClient xmlRpcClient(storageServerName.c_str(), storageServerPort,
storageServerPath.c_str(), false);
= sessionId->getId();
= std::string(*id);
if (!xmlRpcClient.execute(acquireAudioClipMethodName.c_str(),
parameters, result)) {
std::string eMsg = "cannot execute XML-RPC method '";
eMsg += acquireAudioClipMethodName;
eMsg += "'";
throw XmlRpcCommunicationException(eMsg);
if (xmlRpcClient.isFault()) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< acquireAudioClipMethodName
<< "' returned error message:\n"
<< result;
throw Core::XmlRpcMethodFaultException(eMsg.str());
if (! result.hasMember(acquireAudioClipUrlParamName)
|| result[acquireAudioClipUrlParamName].getType()
!= XmlRpcValue::TypeString
|| ! result.hasMember(acquireAudioClipTokenParamName)
|| result[acquireAudioClipTokenParamName].getType()
!= XmlRpcValue::TypeString) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< acquireAudioClipMethodName
<< "' returned unexpected value:\n"
<< result;
throw XmlRpcMethodResponseException(eMsg.str());
Ptr<const std::string>::Ref uri(new const std::string(
result[acquireAudioClipUrlParamName] ));
Ptr<const std::string>::Ref token(new const std::string(
result[acquireAudioClipTokenParamName] ));
return audioClip;
* Release an audio clip.
WebStorageClient :: releaseAudioClip(Ptr<SessionId>::Ref sessionId,
Ptr<AudioClip>::Ref audioClip) const
throw (Core::XmlRpcException)
XmlRpcValue parameters;
XmlRpcValue result;
XmlRpcClient xmlRpcClient(storageServerName.c_str(), storageServerPort,
storageServerPath.c_str(), false);
= sessionId->getId();
= *audioClip->getToken();
if (!xmlRpcClient.execute(releaseAudioClipMethodName.c_str(),
parameters, result)) {
std::string eMsg = "cannot execute XML-RPC method '";
eMsg += releaseAudioClipMethodName;
eMsg += "'";
throw XmlRpcCommunicationException(eMsg);
if (xmlRpcClient.isFault()) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< releaseAudioClipMethodName
<< "' returned error message:\n"
<< result;
throw Core::XmlRpcMethodFaultException(eMsg.str());
if (! result.hasMember(releaseAudioClipResultParamName)
|| result[releaseAudioClipResultParamName].getType()
!= XmlRpcValue::TypeBoolean) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< releaseAudioClipMethodName
<< "' returned unexpected value:\n"
<< result;
throw XmlRpcMethodResponseException(eMsg.str());
if (! bool(result[releaseAudioClipResultParamName])) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< releaseAudioClipMethodName
<< "' returned 'false'";
throw XmlRpcMethodResponseException(eMsg.str());
Ptr<const std::string>::Ref nullpointer;
* Delete an audio clip.
WebStorageClient :: deleteAudioClip(Ptr<SessionId>::Ref sessionId,
Ptr<UniqueId>::Ref id)
throw (Core::XmlRpcException)
XmlRpcValue parameters;
XmlRpcValue result;
XmlRpcClient xmlRpcClient(storageServerName.c_str(), storageServerPort,
storageServerPath.c_str(), false);
= sessionId->getId();
= std::string(*id);
if (!xmlRpcClient.execute(deleteAudioClipMethodName.c_str(),
parameters, result)) {
std::string eMsg = "cannot execute XML-RPC method '";
eMsg += deleteAudioClipMethodName;
eMsg += "'";
throw XmlRpcCommunicationException(eMsg);
if (xmlRpcClient.isFault()) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< deleteAudioClipMethodName
<< "' returned error message:\n"
<< result;
throw Core::XmlRpcMethodFaultException(eMsg.str());
if (! result.hasMember(deleteAudioClipResultParamName)
|| result[deleteAudioClipResultParamName].getType()
!= XmlRpcValue::TypeBoolean) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< deleteAudioClipMethodName
<< "' returned unexpected value:\n"
<< result;
throw XmlRpcMethodResponseException(eMsg.str());
if (! bool(result[deleteAudioClipResultParamName])) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< deleteAudioClipMethodName
<< "' returned 'false'";
throw XmlRpcMethodResponseException(eMsg.str());
* Return a listing of all the audio clips in the audio clip store.
Ptr<std::vector<Ptr<AudioClip>::Ref> >::Ref
WebStorageClient :: getAllAudioClips(Ptr<SessionId>::Ref sessionId)
throw (Core::XmlRpcException)
Ptr<std::vector<Ptr<AudioClip>::Ref> >::Ref audioClipVector(
new std::vector<Ptr<AudioClip>::Ref>);
return audioClipVector;
* Reset the storage to its initial state.
WebStorageClient :: reset(void)
throw (Core::XmlRpcException)
XmlRpcValue parameters;
XmlRpcValue result;
XmlRpcClient xmlRpcClient(storageServerName.c_str(), storageServerPort,
storageServerPath.c_str(), false);
parameters["dummy_param"] = "dummy_value";
if (!xmlRpcClient.execute(resetStorageMethodName.c_str(),
parameters, result)) {
std::string eMsg = "cannot execute XML-RPC method '";
eMsg += resetStorageMethodName;
eMsg += "'";
throw XmlRpcCommunicationException(eMsg);
if (xmlRpcClient.isFault()) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< resetStorageMethodName
<< "' returned error message:\n"
<< result;
throw Core::XmlRpcMethodFaultException(eMsg.str());
if (! result.hasMember(resetStorageAudioClipResultParamName)
|| result[resetStorageAudioClipResultParamName].getType()
!= XmlRpcValue::TypeArray
|| ! result.hasMember(resetStoragePlaylistResultParamName)
|| result[resetStoragePlaylistResultParamName].getType()
!= XmlRpcValue::TypeArray) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< resetStorageMethodName
<< "' returned unexpected value:\n"
<< result;
throw XmlRpcMethodResponseException(eMsg.str());
XmlRpcValue audioClipArray = result[resetStorageAudioClipResultParamName];
audioClipIds.reset(new std::vector<Ptr<UniqueId>::Ref>);
for (int i=0; i < audioClipArray.size(); i++) {
if (audioClipArray[i].getType() != XmlRpcValue::TypeString) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "Non-string audio clip gunid returned by XML-RPC method '"
<< resetStorageMethodName
<< "':\n"
<< result;
throw XmlRpcMethodResponseException(eMsg.str());
Ptr<UniqueId>::Ref uniqueId(new UniqueId(std::string(
XmlRpcValue playlistArray = result[resetStoragePlaylistResultParamName];
playlistIds.reset(new std::vector<Ptr<UniqueId>::Ref>);
for (int i=0; i < playlistArray.size(); i++) {
if (playlistArray[i].getType() != XmlRpcValue::TypeString) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "Non-string playlist gunid returned by XML-RPC method '"
<< resetStorageMethodName
<< "':\n"
<< result;
throw XmlRpcMethodResponseException(eMsg.str());
Ptr<UniqueId>::Ref uniqueId(new UniqueId(std::string(
* Search for audio clips or playlists.
WebStorageClient :: search(Ptr<SessionId>::Ref sessionId,
Ptr<SearchCriteria>::Ref searchCriteria)
throw (XmlRpcException)
XmlRpcValue parameters;
XmlRpcValue result;
XmlRpcClient xmlRpcClient(storageServerName.c_str(), storageServerPort,
storageServerPath.c_str(), false);
= sessionId->getId();
= *searchCriteria;
if (!xmlRpcClient.execute(searchMethodName.c_str(),
parameters, result)) {
std::string eMsg = "cannot execute XML-RPC method '";
eMsg += searchMethodName;
eMsg += "'";
throw XmlRpcCommunicationException(eMsg);
if (xmlRpcClient.isFault()) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< searchMethodName
<< "' returned error message:\n"
<< result;
throw Core::XmlRpcMethodFaultException(eMsg.str());
if (! result.hasMember(searchAudioClipResultParamName)
|| result[searchAudioClipResultParamName].getType()
!= XmlRpcValue::TypeArray
|| ! result.hasMember(searchPlaylistResultParamName)
|| result[searchPlaylistResultParamName].getType()
!= XmlRpcValue::TypeArray) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "XML-RPC method '"
<< searchMethodName
<< "' returned unexpected value:\n"
<< result;
throw XmlRpcMethodResponseException(eMsg.str());
XmlRpcValue audioClipArray = result[searchAudioClipResultParamName];
audioClipIds.reset(new std::vector<Ptr<UniqueId>::Ref>);
for (int i=0; i < audioClipArray.size(); i++) {
if (audioClipArray[i].getType() != XmlRpcValue::TypeString) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "Non-string audio clip gunid returned by XML-RPC method '"
<< searchMethodName
<< "':\n"
<< result;
throw XmlRpcMethodResponseException(eMsg.str());
Ptr<UniqueId>::Ref uniqueId(new UniqueId(std::string(
XmlRpcValue playlistArray = result[searchPlaylistResultParamName];
playlistIds.reset(new std::vector<Ptr<UniqueId>::Ref>);
for (int i=0; i < playlistArray.size(); i++) {
if (playlistArray[i].getType() != XmlRpcValue::TypeString) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "Non-string playlist gunid returned by XML-RPC method '"
<< searchMethodName
<< "':\n"
<< result;
throw XmlRpcMethodResponseException(eMsg.str());
Ptr<UniqueId>::Ref uniqueId(new UniqueId(std::string(
if (! result.hasMember(searchAudioClipCountParamName)
|| result[searchAudioClipCountParamName].getType()
!= XmlRpcValue::TypeInt
|| ! result.hasMember(searchPlaylistCountParamName)
|| result[searchPlaylistCountParamName].getType()
!= XmlRpcValue::TypeInt) {
std::stringstream eMsg;
eMsg << "Missing or bad count returned by XML-RPC method '"
<< searchMethodName
<< "':\n"
<< result;
throw XmlRpcMethodResponseException(eMsg.str());
return int(result[searchAudioClipCountParamName])
+ int(result[searchPlaylistCountParamName]);