267 lines
9.2 KiB
Executable File
267 lines
9.2 KiB
Executable File
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# D E F A U L T P R O P E R T I E S
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# This file sets default properties. You can override any of these
# by specifying your new value in the build.properties file for your
# project or a top-level build.properties file. Either way, you
# should not need to edit this file.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# B A S I C P R O P E R T I E S
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
propel.version = 1.5.2
propel.home = .
propel.project =
propel.database =
propel.targetPackage = ${propel.project}
propel.runOnlyOnSchemaChange = false
# Default behavior settings
propel.targetPlatform = php5
propel.packageObjectModel = false
propel.useDateTimeClass = true
propel.dateTimeClass = DateTime
propel.schema.validate = true
propel.schema.transform = false
# controls what type of joins will be used in the doSelectJoin*() peer methods,
# if set to true, LEFT JOINS will be used, INNER JOINS otherwise
# see ticket #491, #588
propel.useLeftJoinsInDoJoinMethods = true
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# D A T A B A S E S E T T I N G S
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
propel.database.url =
propel.database.buildUrl = ${propel.database.url}
propel.database.createUrl = ${propel.database.buildUrl}
propel.database.driver =
propel.database.schema =
propel.database.encoding =
propel.database.manualCreation = false
# if these arent blank then when we try to connect with insert-sql to a database
# that doesnt require them and it isnt in the build.properties it sends
# the ${blah} for the username and password
propel.database.user =
propel.database.password =
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# D A T A B A S E T O X M L S E T T I N G S
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
propel.samePhpName = false
propel.addVendorInfo = false
propel.addValidators = none
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# T E M P L A T E V A R I A B L E S
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
propel.addGenericAccessors = true
propel.addGenericMutators = true
propel.addSaveMethod = true
propel.addTimeStamp = false
propel.addValidateMethod = true
propel.addIncludes = false
propel.addHooks = true
propel.basePrefix = Base
propel.saveException = PropelException
propel.emulateForeignKeyConstraints = false
# Identifier quoting is only implemented at the DDL layer at this point.
# Since this may result in undesired behavior (especially in Postgres),
# it can be disabled by setting this property to true in your build.properties file.
propel.disableIdentifierQuoting = false
# These are the default formats that will be used when fetching values
# from temporal columns in Propel. You can always specify these when
# calling the methods directly, but for methods like getByName()
# it is nice to change the defaults.
propel.defaultTimeStampFormat = Y-m-d H:i:s
propel.defaultTimeFormat = %X
propel.defaultDateFormat = %x
propel.namespace.om = om
propel.namespace.map = map
propel.namespace.autoPackage = false
propel.omtar.src.base = false
propel.omtar.src.extension = false
propel.omtar.bin.base = false
propel.omtar.bin.extension = false
propel.omtar.deleteFiles = false
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# D I R E C T O R I E S
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
propel.project.dir = ${propel.home}/projects/${propel.project}
propel.output.dir = ${propel.project.dir}/build
propel.schema.dir = ${propel.project.dir}
propel.templatePath = ${propel.home}/templates
propel.conf.dir = ${propel.project.dir}
propel.doc.dir = ${propel.output.dir}/doc
propel.php.dir = ${propel.output.dir}/classes
propel.phpconf.dir = ${propel.output.dir}/conf
propel.phpdoc.dir = ${propel.output.dir}/phpdoc
propel.sql.dir = ${propel.output.dir}/sql
propel.graph.dir = ${propel.output.dir}/graph
propel.omtar.dir = ${propel.output.dir}
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# D E F A U L T F I L E N A M ES
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# propel.sqlfile
propel.runtime.conf.file = runtime-conf.xml
propel.runtime.phpconf.file = ${propel.project}-conf.php
propel.runtime.phpconf-classmap.file = ${propel.project}-classmap.php
propel.default.schema.basename = schema
# Can't use because of inconsistencies in where the files
# are named (some from build-propel.xml, but some from within templates)
# propel.default.data.basename = ${propel.project}-data
propel.schema.xsd.file = ${propel.home}/resources/xsd/database.xsd
propel.schema.xsl.file = ${propel.home}/resources/xsl/database.xsl
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# I N C L U D E A N D E X C L U D E S E T T I N G S
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
propel.schema.sql.includes = *schema.xml
propel.schema.sql.excludes =
propel.schema.doc.includes = *schema.xml
propel.schema.doc.excludes =
propel.schema.create-db.includes = *schema.xml
propel.schema.create-db.excludes =
propel.schema.init-sql.includes = *schema.xml
propel.schema.init-sql.excludes = id-table-schema.xml
propel.schema.om.includes = *schema.xml
propel.schema.om.excludes = id-table-schema.xml
propel.schema.datadtd.includes = *schema.xml
propel.schema.datadtd.excludes = id-table-schema.xml
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# M A P P E R S E T T I N G S
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# (note: data xml files are selected based on datadbmap file)
propel.datasql.mapper.from = *.xml
propel.datasql.mapper.to = *.sql
propel.datadump.mapper.from = *schema.xml
propel.datadump.mapper.to = *data.xml
propel.datadtd.mapper.from = *.xml
propel.datadtd.mapper.to = *.dtd
propel.sql.mapper.from = *.xml
propel.sql.mapper.to = *.sql
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# B U I L D E R S E T T I N G S
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Object Model builders
propel.builder.peer.class = builder.om.PHP5PeerBuilder
propel.builder.object.class = builder.om.PHP5ObjectBuilder
propel.builder.objectstub.class = builder.om.PHP5ExtensionObjectBuilder
propel.builder.peerstub.class = builder.om.PHP5ExtensionPeerBuilder
propel.builder.objectmultiextend.class = builder.om.PHP5MultiExtendObjectBuilder
propel.builder.tablemap.class = builder.om.PHP5TableMapBuilder
propel.builder.query.class = builder.om.QueryBuilder
propel.builder.querystub.class = builder.om.ExtensionQueryBuilder
propel.builder.queryinheritance.class = builder.om.QueryInheritanceBuilder
propel.builder.queryinheritancestub.class = builder.om.ExtensionQueryInheritanceBuilder
propel.builder.interface.class = builder.om.PHP5InterfaceBuilder
propel.builder.node.class = builder.om.PHP5NodeBuilder
propel.builder.nodepeer.class = builder.om.PHP5NodePeerBuilder
propel.builder.nodestub.class = builder.om.PHP5ExtensionNodeBuilder
propel.builder.nodepeerstub.class = builder.om.PHP5ExtensionNodePeerBuilder
propel.builder.nestedset.class = builder.om.PHP5NestedSetBuilder
propel.builder.nestedsetpeer.class = builder.om.PHP5NestedSetPeerBuilder
propel.builder.pluralizer.class = builder.util.DefaultEnglishPluralizer
# SQL builders
propel.builder.ddl.class = builder.sql.${propel.database}.${propel.database}DDLBuilder
propel.builder.datasql.class = builder.sql.${propel.database}.${propel.database}DataSQLBuilder
# Platform classes
propel.platform.class = platform.${propel.database}Platform
# Schema Parser (reverse-engineering) classes
propel.reverse.parser.class = reverse.${propel.database}.${propel.database}SchemaParser
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# M Y S Q L S P E C I F I C S E T T I N G S
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Default table type
propel.mysqlTableType = MyISAM
# Keyword used to specify table type. MYSQL < 5 should use TYPE instead
propel.mysqlTableEngineKeyword = ENGINE
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# B E H A V I O R S E T T I N G S
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
propel.behavior.timestampable.class = behavior.TimestampableBehavior
propel.behavior.alternative_coding_standards.class = behavior.AlternativeCodingStandardsBehavior
propel.behavior.soft_delete.class = behavior.SoftDeleteBehavior
propel.behavior.auto_add_pk.class = behavior.AutoAddPkBehavior
propel.behavior.nested_set.class = behavior.nestedset.NestedSetBehavior
propel.behavior.sortable.class = behavior.sortable.SortableBehavior
propel.behavior.sluggable.class = behavior.sluggable.SluggableBehavior
propel.behavior.concrete_inheritance.class = behavior.concrete_inheritance.ConcreteInheritanceBehavior
propel.behavior.query_cache.class = behavior.query_cache.QueryCacheBehavior
propel.behavior.aggregate_column.class = behavior.aggregate_column.AggregateColumnBehavior |