Commit Graph

18924 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Thomas Göttgens 9757b1b78c
feat(api): implement file deletion (#2960)
This implements the file delete to the Django API. Previously, the code was only manipulating the database while leaving the file in place.

Co-authored-by: jo <>
2024-05-05 22:44:30 +02:00
Thomas Göttgens 86da46ee3a
fix(legacy): allow deleting file with api token (#2995)
When calling DELETE "/rest/media/<id>" the call fails with 'unknown error'
if it's not within a GUI session. The StoredFile delete method checks
for user permissions regardless of if a user is even known.
2024-05-05 22:26:27 +02:00
renovate[bot] 201e85e537
chore(deps): update dependency django-stubs to v5 (#3006)

This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| [django-stubs](
([changelog]( |
`>=1.14.0,<5` -> `>=1.14.0,<6` |


### Release Notes

<summary>typeddjango/django-stubs (django-stubs)</summary>



#### Announcements

- `QuerySet` class no longer derives from `Collection`. If you run into
errors like `incompatible type "_QuerySet[User, User]"; expected
"Collection[User]"`, [please read this

#### Headline changes

- Remove incorrect `Collection` base class and `__contains__` method
from `QuerySet` by [@&#8203;fidoriel]( in
- Pyright joins the workflow in an advisory capacity by
[@&#8203;jorenham]( in
- feat: Allow setting django_settings_module from env by
[@&#8203;armanckeser]( in
- Add `ManyRelatedManager.through` attribute and generic type parameter
by [@&#8203;flaeppe]( in

#### What's Changed

- Make `StrPromise` not inherit from `Sequence[str]` by
[@&#8203;intgr]( in
- Update and prepare for Django 5.0 by
[@&#8203;intgr]( in
- Ensure mypy plugin processes inherited many to many fields by
[@&#8203;flaeppe]( in
- Include ModelBase subclasses in plugin base class hook condition by
[@&#8203;flaeppe]( in
- \[5.0] Added many new a-prefixed asynchronous methods by
[@&#8203;bigfootjon]( in
- Remove section regarding custom queryset methods from README by
[@&#8203;flaeppe]( in
- Fix type of `AppConfig.models_module` by
[@&#8203;Viicos]( in
- Allow `None` in settings `MIGRATION_MODULES` dict values by
[@&#8203;asottile]( in
- Add type hints for `JSONField.from_db_value` by
[@&#8203;flaeppe]( in
- Fix/pyright unknown by
[@&#8203;dephiros]( in
- Fix type hints of `converters` in `urls.resolvers` by
[@&#8203;Viicos]( in
- Update mypy to 1.8.0 by
[@&#8203;sobolevn]( in
- Add `@type_check_only` to all Protocols and known stubs-only classes
by [@&#8203;intgr]( in
- Fix types for UniqueConstraint instantiation by
[@&#8203;flaeppe]( in
- Add `ModuleType` as a possible type to `URLResolver.urlconf_name` by
[@&#8203;Viicos]( in
- Fix type hint of `URLPattern.default_args` by
[@&#8203;Viicos]( in
- Update ruff and silence `PYI046` by
[@&#8203;sobolevn]( in
- Use PEP 570 syntax by [@&#8203;Viicos]( in
- Fix readme settings example by
[@&#8203;Viicos]( in
- Fix type hint of `EmailBackend.ssl_keyfile` and
`EmailBackend.ssl_certfile` by
[@&#8203;Viicos]( in
- Add type of `django.VERSION` by
[@&#8203;Viicos]( in
- Added `CommandParser` to `commands.__init__` by
[@&#8203;jamesbraza]( in
- \[5.0] add `assume_scheme` to forms.URLField by
[@&#8203;asottile]( in
- Fix return type of `BaseModelAdmin.formfield_for_dbfield` by
[@&#8203;Viicos]( in
- Revert `pre-commit==3.6.1` by
[@&#8203;sobolevn]( in
- Fix type hint of `Response.set_cookie.max_age` by
[@&#8203;Viicos]( in
- 5.0: Add ChoicesType by [@&#8203;q0w]( in
- Add through_defaults for RelatedManager methods by
[@&#8203;mfosterw]( in
- Update type hints of `core.signing` by
[@&#8203;Viicos]( in
- \[5.0] Update `core.validators` by
[@&#8203;Viicos]( in
- \[5.0] Update `core.paginator` by
[@&#8203;Viicos]( in
- Generic `forms.ModelChoiceField` by
[@&#8203;UnknownPlatypus]( in
- Support processing of other relations and fields when one is broken by
[@&#8203;flaeppe]( in
- Allowing `set` in `model_to_dict`'s `exclude` by
[@&#8203;jamesbraza]( in
- \[5.0] Add django.db.models.GeneratedField by
[@&#8203;palfrey]( in
- Fix type hint of `BaseEngine.template_dirs` by
[@&#8203;Viicos]( in
- Update type hints of contrib.auth.hashers by
[@&#8203;yhay81]( in
- deps: Upgrade pre-commit for newer versions of python by
[@&#8203;delfick]( in
- 5.0: Add auth.middleware.auser by
[@&#8203;q0w]( in
- 5.0: Add ModelAdmin.show_facets by
[@&#8203;q0w]( in
- ruff: Fix config warnings by [@&#8203;q0w](
- 5.0: Add BaseConstraint.violation_error_code by
[@&#8203;q0w]( in
- 5.0: Add Signal.asend and Signal.asend_robust by
[@&#8203;q0w]( in
- 5.0: Add QuerySet.(a)update_or_create new create_defaults arg by
[@&#8203;q0w]( in
- 5.0: Add AdminSite.get_log_entries by
[@&#8203;q0w]( in
- 5.0: Add gis ClosestPoint by [@&#8203;q0w](
- 5.0: Rename save_existing arg instance to obj by
[@&#8203;q0w]( in
- 5.0: Remove admin.helpers.checkbox by
[@&#8203;q0w]( in
- 5.0: Change annotation_select_mask from set\[str] to list\[str] by
[@&#8203;q0w]( in
- fixup: Pass violation_error_code to init by
[@&#8203;q0w]( in
- Avoid returning None from get_field_related_model_cls by
[@&#8203;SingingTree]( in
- 5.0: Pass positional args name and violation_error_message to
BaseConstraint by [@&#8203;q0w]( in
- 5.0: Remove pytz support by [@&#8203;q0w]( in
- 5.0: Remove global setting USE_L10N by
[@&#8203;q0w]( in
- 5.0: Remove OSMGeoAdmin, GeoModelAdmin by
[@&#8203;q0w]( in
- 5.0: Remove extra_tests arg for DiscoverRunner.build_suite/run_tests
by [@&#8203;q0w]( in
- 5.0: Remove django.utils baseconv and datetime_safe modules by
[@&#8203;q0w]( in
- 5.0: Add request arg to ModelAdmin.lookup_allowed by
[@&#8203;q0w]( in
- Add URL converter protocol type by
[@&#8203;adamchainz]( in
- Fix type annotation for RegisterLookupMixin.class_lookups by
[@&#8203;avoronov-box]( in
- Update django to 5.0.3 by
[@&#8203;sobolevn]( in
- Remove some deprecated Django 3.x APIs by
[@&#8203;sobolevn]( in
- Fix BaseModelAdmin.view_on_site annotation by
[@&#8203;cuu508]( in
- Allow immutable `extra_context` on `TemplateView`s by
[@&#8203;samueljsb]( in
- Add BoundField.**html**() by
[@&#8203;pelme]( in
- Allow timedelta type for session.set_expiry() argument by
[@&#8203;mlazar-endear]( in
- Bump `pytest-mypy-plugins` to 3.1.1 by
[@&#8203;sobolevn]( in
- Update mypy, add a bit more metadata by
[@&#8203;sobolevn]( in
- 5.0: Update `django.contrib.auth` by
[@&#8203;ngnpope]( in
- 5.0: Update `django.conf` by
[@&#8203;ngnpope]( in
- 5.0: Update `django.views` by
[@&#8203;ngnpope]( in
- 5.0: Update `django.test` by
[@&#8203;ngnpope]( in
- 5.0: Update `django.utils` by
[@&#8203;ngnpope]( in
- Specify d.c.serializers.base.DeserializedObject.object type by
[@&#8203;j00bar]( in
- Clean the cache on each run of `stubtest` by
[@&#8203;sobolevn]( in
- Keep abstract Django models internally in the plugin by
[@&#8203;flaeppe]( in
- Add GitHub actions release workflow by
[@&#8203;flaeppe]( in
- Adding missing `Q` methods: `check()`, `flatten()` by
[@&#8203;Alexerson]( in
- Improve types in `utils.termcolors` by
[@&#8203;Viicos]( in
- Set the calculated metaclass when creating type info in the plugin by
[@&#8203;flaeppe]( in
- Do not annotate PRs with pyright by
[@&#8203;sobolevn]( in
- Use `PRI_MYPY` in `get_additional_deps` hook by
[@&#8203;sobolevn]( in
- Update `_default_manager` and `_base_manager` to be `Manager` by
[@&#8203;flaeppe]( in
- Determine the type of queryset methods on unions by
[@&#8203;delfick]( in
- Add first stub for get_model_admin by
[@&#8203;nebiyuelias1]( in
- 5.0: Update `django.contrib.admin` by
[@&#8203;ngnpope]( in
- \[5.0] Update `core.files` by
[@&#8203;Viicos]( in
- \[5.0] Update `core.cache.backends`, add `RedisCache` and related
classes by [@&#8203;Viicos]( in
- Fix `AsyncClient.defaults` attribute typing by
[@&#8203;flaeppe]( in
- Relax type for `fields` argument of `Model.refresh_from_db()` by
[@&#8203;mthuurne]( in
- \[5.0] Add missing stubs for geos by
[@&#8203;nebiyuelias1]( in
- Make `AdminSite.get_model_admin` generic by
[@&#8203;Viicos]( in
- \[5.0] Add `db_default=` parameter to models `Field` classes by
[@&#8203;Skorpyon]( in
- Remove `class Meta` from `Model` and `Form` class stubs by
[@&#8203;jorenham]( in
- Add datetime.timedelta as valid type for
HttpRequest.get_signed_cookie() max_age argument. by
[@&#8203;pelme]( in
- CI: Update Django 4.2 version used for test suite by
[@&#8203;intgr]( in
- Refine return type for `ManyToOneRel.get_accessor_name()` by
[@&#8203;mthuurne]( in
- Add `DeferredAttribute.__get__()` by
[@&#8203;mthuurne]( in
- Add missing methods and superclass to `FieldFile` by
[@&#8203;mthuurne]( in
- Add `db_comment=` parameter to Postgres and GIS model fields by
[@&#8203;saJaeHyukc]( in
- Correct type for `db.models.sql.query.Query.join()` argument by
[@&#8203;mthuurne]( in
- 5.0: Update `` by
[@&#8203;sudosubin]( in
- 5.0: Update `django.test.client` by
[@&#8203;sudosubin]( in
- 5.0: Update `django.test.html` by
[@&#8203;sudosubin]( in
- 5.0: Update `django.test.runner` by
[@&#8203;sudosubin]( in
- 5.0: Update `django.template`, `django.templatetags` by
[@&#8203;sudosubin]( in
- 5.0: Update `django.test.testcases` by
[@&#8203;sudosubin]( in
- 5.0: Update `django.http` by
[@&#8203;sudosubin]( in
- 5.0: Update `` by
[@&#8203;sudosubin]( in
- 5.0: Update `django.core.handlers` by
[@&#8203;sudosubin]( in
- 5.0: Update `django.contrib.sessions.serializers`,
`django.core.serializers` by
[@&#8203;sudosubin]( in
- Update django app related types by
[@&#8203;sudosubin]( in
- Add a `returncode` attribute to `CommandError` by
[@&#8203;flaeppe]( in
- Disable mypy `ignore_missing_imports` option by
[@&#8203;sudosubin]( in
- fix typing for URL validator.**call** by
[@&#8203;asottile]( in
- Use field generic types for descriptors by
[@&#8203;md384]( in
- 5.0: Update `django.core.servers.basehttp` by
[@&#8203;sudosubin]( in
- Update `django.template.base.Template.render()` argument type by
[@&#8203;Majsvaffla]( in
- 5.0: Add `django.utils.choices` by
[@&#8203;sudosubin]( in
- 5.0: Update `django.contrib.sitemaps`, `django.contrib.staticfiles` by
[@&#8203;sudosubin]( in
- Update pyright report options (`reportMissingTypeArgument`,
`reportPrivateUsage`) by
[@&#8203;sudosubin]( in
- 5.0: Update `django.contrib.postgres` by
[@&#8203;sudosubin]( in
- Add `path` signature for async views by
[@&#8203;jlost]( in
- Remove incorrect `Reversible` base class from `QuerySet` by
[@&#8203;intgr]( in
- Version 5.0.0 release (django-stubs, django-stubs-ext) by
[@&#8203;flaeppe]( in

#### New Contributors

- [@&#8203;Viicos]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;dephiros]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;jamesbraza]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;mfosterw]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;palfrey]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;yhay81]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;delfick]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;SingingTree]( made their
first contribution in
- [@&#8203;avoronov-box]( made their
first contribution in
- [@&#8203;cuu508]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;samueljsb]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;pelme]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;mlazar-endear]( made their
first contribution in
- [@&#8203;j00bar]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;jorenham]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;fidoriel]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;armanckeser]( made their
first contribution in
- [@&#8203;nebiyuelias1]( made their
first contribution in
- [@&#8203;Skorpyon]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;saJaeHyukc]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;sudosubin]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;md384]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;Majsvaffla]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;jlost]( made their first
contribution in

**Full Changelog**:



### Configuration

📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined),
Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you
are satisfied.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update


- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
this box


This PR has been generated by [Mend
Renovate]( View
repository job log


Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
2024-05-05 21:21:20 +02:00
Thomas Göttgens 064c435b09
refactor(legacy): remove unused waveform related code (#3003)
Co-authored-by: Thomas Göttgens <>
Co-authored-by: Kyle Robbertze <>
2024-05-05 21:15:11 +02:00
renovate[bot] a556b73d2a chore(deps): lock file maintenance (legacy/composer.json) 2024-04-30 09:09:41 +00:00
libretime-bot ad16a9b3f8 chore(legacy): update locales 2024-04-29 01:54:43 +00:00
Jonas L 40b4fc7f66
feat: build schedule events exclusively in playout (#2946)
### Description

Build and use the schedule events only in playout, the events generated
by legacy are not used anymore.

This ensure that we don't have to maintain 2 different implementation in
2 different languages. We still need the php function to run to make
sure the side effects of this function are executed (filling the
schedule in the DB).
2024-04-27 20:09:16 +02:00
renovate[bot] c02502ad9d chore(deps): update pre-commit hook psf/black-pre-commit-mirror to v24.4.2 2024-04-27 10:51:08 +00:00
renovate[bot] c5a9c75946 chore(deps): update lycheeverse/lychee-action action to v1.10.0 2024-04-27 07:25:29 +00:00
renovate[bot] 50e5767963 chore(deps): update amannn/action-semantic-pull-request action to v5.5.2 2024-04-26 00:50:54 +00:00
renovate[bot] 8615c85572
chore(deps): update dependency friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer to <3.54.1 (#2994)

This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| `<3.53.1` -> `<3.54.1` |


### Release Notes

<summary>PHP-CS-Fixer/PHP-CS-Fixer (friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer)</summary>



- feat: introduce `PhpUnitAttributesFixer`
- chore: Properly determine self-approval trigger commit
- chore: Revert ref for self-approval Git checkout
- CI: check if proper array key is declared
- DX: cleanup `FullyQualifiedStrictTypesFixerTest`
- DX: cleanup `PhpdocNoAccessFixerTest`
- DX: cleanup `PhpUnitMethodCasingFixerTest`
- DX: cleanup `PhpUnitStrictFixerTest`
- DX: Improve internal dist config for Fixer
- DX: Improve issue templates
- DX: there is no namespace if there is no PHP code
- DX: update .gitattributes
- fix: Remove Infection during Docker release
- fix: `FullyQualifiedStrictTypesFixer` - do not add imports before PHP
opening tag
- fix: `PhpUnitMethodCasingFixer` - do not double underscore
- fix: `PhpUnitTestClassRequiresCoversFixer` - do not add annotation
when there are attributes
- test: Ignore PHP version related mutations



### Configuration

📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined),
Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you
are satisfied.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update


- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
this box


This PR has been generated by [Mend
Renovate]( View
repository job log


Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
2024-04-23 18:54:41 +02:00
Weblate (bot) 7e92bc50cc
chore(legacy): translations update from Hosted Weblate (#2998)
Translations update from [Hosted Weblate](

Current translation status:

![Weblate translation

Co-authored-by: gallegonovato <>
2024-04-23 11:20:55 +01:00
libretime-bot 046aa724cc chore(legacy): update locales 2024-04-22 01:54:41 +00:00
Thomas Göttgens da02e74f21
feat(legacy): visual cue point editor (#2947)
A visual cue point editor in the track editor view. This view displays the track as a waveform and allows you to set where the in- and out-cue points are set. These cue points determine the start and end points of the track.


Co-authored-by: Thomas Göttgens <>
Co-authored-by: Kyle Robbertze <>
2024-04-21 10:13:43 +01:00
Thomas Göttgens 71b20ae3c9
fix(installer): setup the worker entrypoint (#2996)
Worker service fails after upgrade.

Related to #2988
2024-04-18 14:27:20 +02:00
renovate[bot] a2cf7697a9
fix(deps): update dependency gunicorn to v22 (security) (#2993)

This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| [gunicorn](
[changelog]( |
`>=20.1.0,<21.3` -> `>=22.0.0,<22.1` |

### GitHub Vulnerability Alerts

#### [CVE-2024-1135](

Gunicorn fails to properly validate Transfer-Encoding headers, leading
to HTTP Request Smuggling (HRS) vulnerabilities. By crafting requests
with conflicting Transfer-Encoding headers, attackers can bypass
security restrictions and access restricted endpoints. This issue is due
to Gunicorn's handling of Transfer-Encoding headers, where it
incorrectly processes requests with multiple, conflicting
Transfer-Encoding headers, treating them as chunked regardless of the
final encoding specified. This vulnerability has been shown to allow
access to endpoints restricted by gunicorn. This issue has been
addressed in version 22.0.0.

To be affected users must have a network path which does not filter out
invalid requests. These users are advised to block access to restricted
endpoints via a firewall or other mechanism if they are unable to


### Release Notes

<summary>benoitc/gunicorn (gunicorn)</summary>

Gunicorn 22.0 has been released


**Gunicorn 22.0.0 has been released.** This version fix the numerous
security vulnerabilities. You're invited to upgrade asap your own


    22.0.0 - 2024-04-17

    - use `utime` to notify workers liveness
    - migrate setup to pyproject.toml
- fix numerous security vulnerabilities in HTTP parser (closing some
request smuggling vectors)
- parsing additional requests is no longer attempted past unsupported
request framing
- on HTTP versions < 1.1 support for chunked transfer is refused (only
used in exploits)
- requests conflicting configured or passed SCRIPT_NAME now produce a
verbose error
- Trailer fields are no longer inspected for headers indicating secure
    - support Python 3.12

    ** Breaking changes **

    - minimum version is Python 3.7
- the limitations on valid characters in the HTTP method have been
bounded to Internet Standards
- requests specifying unsupported transfer coding (order) are refused by
default (rare)
- HTTP methods are no longer casefolded by default (IANA method registry
contains none affected)
- HTTP methods containing the number sign (#) are no longer accepted by
default (rare)
- HTTP versions < 1.0 or >= 2.0 are no longer accepted by default (rare,
only HTTP/1.1 is supported)
- HTTP versions consisting of multiple digits or containing a
prefix/suffix are no longer accepted
- HTTP header field names Gunicorn cannot safely map to variables are
silently dropped, as in other software
- HTTP headers with empty field name are refused by default (no
legitimate use cases, used in exploits)
- requests with both Transfer-Encoding and Content-Length are refused by
default (such a message might indicate an attempt to perform request
- empty transfer codings are no longer permitted (reportedly seen with
really old & broken proxies)

    ** SECURITY **

    - fix CVE-2024-1135

1. Documentation is available there:
2.  Packages:

Gunicorn 21.2.0 has been released


**Gunicorn 21.2.0 has been released.** This version fix the issue
introduced in the threaded worker.


    21.2.0 - 2023-07-19
    fix thread worker: revert change considering connection as idle .

    *** NOTE ***

    This is fixing the bad file description error.

1. Documentation is available there:
2.  Packages:

Gunicorn 21.1.0 has been released


gunicorn 21.1.0 has been released. This version fix the issue introduced
in the threaded worker.

# 21.1.0 - 2023-07-18

-   fix thread worker: fix socket removal from the queuet checkout 21.x

Gunicorn 21 has been released


Gunicorn 21 is out with miscellaneous changes.  Enjoy!

We made this release major to start our new release cycle. More info
will be provided on our discussion forum.

##### 21.0.1 - 2023-07-17

fix documentation build

##### 21.0.0 - 2023-07-17

support python 3.11
fix gevent and eventlet workers
fix threads support (gththread): improve performance and unblock
SSL: noaw use SSLContext object
HTTP parser: miscellaneous fixes
remove unecessary setuid calls
fix testing
improve logging
miscellaneous fixes to core engine

**Full Changelog**:





### Configuration

📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - "" (UTC), Automerge - At any time (no
schedule defined).

🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you
are satisfied.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update


- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
this box


This PR has been generated by [Mend
Renovate]( View
repository job log



Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
Co-authored-by: jo <>
2024-04-17 08:43:11 +02:00
libretime-bot a56edd9e98 chore(legacy): update locales 2024-04-15 03:48:57 +00:00
renovate[bot] b721dbecd1 chore(deps): lock file maintenance (legacy/composer.json) 2024-04-15 01:39:59 +00:00
renovate[bot] 7575b68472 chore(deps): update pre-commit hook psf/black-pre-commit-mirror to v24.4.0 2024-04-15 01:38:50 +00:00
Jonas L 9c548b365e
feat: start celery worker programmatically (#2988)
### Description

Allow us to be more flexible with the option passed the celery worker,
for example, to change the logging level.
2024-04-13 21:03:57 +02:00
Jonas L 7040d0e4bd
fix: trigger legacy tasks manager every 5m (#2987)
### Description

This ensures that when the LibreTime interface is not used for a long
time, we still have the task manager run essential tasks for the

Related to #2670
2024-04-13 19:12:45 +02:00
renovate[bot] bcaa77ff3c
chore(deps): update dependency djangorestframework to >=3.14.0,<3.16 (#2969)

This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| [djangorestframework](
| `>=3.14.0,<3.15` -> `>=3.14.0,<3.16` |


### Release Notes

<summary>encode/django-rest-framework (djangorestframework)</summary>







### Configuration

📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined),
Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you
are satisfied.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about these
updates again.


- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
this box


This PR has been generated by [Mend
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Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
2024-04-13 16:13:32 +02:00
Jonas L a63df8c989
chore: mark php-cs-fixer as dev dependency (#2986)
### Description

This should remove the update entries from the release-please changelog,
as renovate will now consider updates for this dep as `chore` and not
2024-04-13 16:08:45 +02:00
Jonas L 5ad69bf0b7
fix(legacy): ensure validation is performed on the track type form (#2985)
### Description

Fixes #2939

The zend form validation was not performed, only a custom method to
validate the code was used. This merge both validation, and leverage the
Zend form validation framework.

Also allow updating the track type code from the track type form.
Related to #2955
2024-04-13 15:54:47 +02:00
Jonas L f1c7dd89f1
docs: prevent reverse proxy from constraining the upload limits (#2984)
### Description

The upload limits settings are configured in the libretime nginx config,
but must also be part of the reverse proxy.
2024-04-13 15:12:07 +02:00
Jonas L fb0584b021
fix: remove obsolete docker compose version (#2982)
### Description

WARN[0000] /home/jo/code/ `version` is obsolete 
WARN[0000] /home/jo/code/ `version` is obsolete 
2024-04-13 14:37:04 +02:00
renovate[bot] 9192aaa2bb
fix(deps): update dependency friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer to <3.53.1 (#2972)

This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| `<3.51.1` -> `<3.53.1` |


### Release Notes

<summary>PHP-CS-Fixer/PHP-CS-Fixer (friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer)</summary>



- chore: Use `list` over `array` in more places
- CI: allow for self-approvals for maintainers
- CI: Improve Infection setup
- CI: no need to trigger enable auto-merge when self-approve
- DX: reduce `array_filter` function usages
- DX: remove duplicated character from `trim` call
- DX: update actions producing warnings
- DX: update actions producing warnings
- DX: update `phpstan/phpstan-strict-rules`
- feat: Add trailing comma in multiline to PER-CS 2.0
- feat: Introduce `AttributeAnalysis`
- feat: `@PHP84Migration` introduction
- fix: Constant invocation detected in typed constants
- fix: `PhpdocArrayTypeFixer` - JIT stack limit exhausted
- test: Introduce Infection for mutation tests



- fix: StatementIndentationFixer - do not crash on ternary operator in
class property
- fix: `PhpCsFixer\Tokenizer\Tokens::setSize` return type



- chore: fix PHP 8.4 deprecations
- chore: fix PHPStan 1.10.60 issues
- chore: list over array in more places
- chore: replace template with variable in Preg class
- chore: update PHPStan
- depr: `nullable_type_declaration_for_default_null_value` - deprecate
option that is against `@PHP84Migration`
- docs: Fix typo
- feat: Add support for callable template in PHPDoc parser
- feat: Add `array_indentation` to `PER-CS2.0` ruleset
- feat: `@Symfony:risky` - add `no_unreachable_default_argument_value`
- feat: `PhpCsFixer` ruleset - enable
- fix: Constant invocation detected in DNF types
- fix: Correctly indent multiline constants and properties
- fix: `no_useless_concat_operator` - do not break variable
- fix: `TokensAnalyzer` - handle unary operator in arrow functions
- fix: `TypeExpression` - fix "JIT stack limit exhausted" error



### Configuration

📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined),
Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you
are satisfied.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update


- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
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Renovate]( View
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Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
Co-authored-by: jo <>
2024-04-13 14:36:31 +02:00
renovate[bot] 0296446b70
chore(deps): update dependency pydantic to >=2.5.0,<2.8 (#2981)

This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| [pydantic](
([changelog]( |
`>=2.5.0,<2.7` -> `>=2.5.0,<2.8` |


### Release Notes

<summary>pydantic/pydantic (pydantic)</summary>




The code released in v2.7.0 is practically identical to that of

##### What's Changed

##### Packaging

- Reorganize `pyproject.toml` sections by
[@&#8203;Viicos]( in
- Bump `pydantic-core` to `v2.18.1` by
[@&#8203;sydney-runkle]( in
- Adopt `jiter` `v0.2.0` by
[@&#8203;samuelcolvin]( in

##### New Features

- Extract attribute docstrings from `FieldInfo.description` by
[@&#8203;Viicos]( in
- Add a `with_config` decorator to comply with typing spec by
[@&#8203;Viicos]( in
- Allow an optional separator splitting the value and unit of the result
of `ByteSize.human_readable` by
[@&#8203;jks15satoshi]( in
- Add generic `Secret` base type by
in [#&#8203;8519](
- Make use of `Sphinx` inventories for cross references in docs by
[@&#8203;Viicos]( in
- Add environment variable to disable plugins by
[@&#8203;geospackle]( in
- Add support for `deprecated` fields by
[@&#8203;Viicos]( in
- Allow `field_serializer('*')` by
[@&#8203;ornariece]( in
- Handle a case when `model_config` is defined as a model property by
[@&#8203;alexeyt101]( in
- Update `create_model()` to support `typing.Annotated` as input by
[@&#8203;wannieman98]( in
- Add `ClickhouseDsn` support by
[@&#8203;solidguy7]( in
- Add support for `re.Pattern[str]` to `pattern` field by
[@&#8203;jag-k]( in
- Support for `serialize_as_any` runtime setting by
[@&#8203;sydney-runkle]( in
- Add support for `typing.Self` by
[@&#8203;Youssefares]( in
- Ability to pass `context` to serialization by
[@&#8203;ornariece]( in
- Add feedback widget to docs with flarelytics integration by
[@&#8203;sydney-runkle]( in
- Support for parsing partial JSON strings in Python by
[@&#8203;samuelcolvin]( in

**Finalized in v2.7.0, rather than v2.7.0b1:**

- Add support for field level number to str coercion option by
[@&#8203;NeevCohen]( in
- Update `warnings` parameter for serialization utilities to allow
raising a warning by
[@&#8203;Lance-Drane]( in

##### Changes

- Correct docs, logic for `model_construct` behavior with `extra` by
[@&#8203;sydney-runkle]( in
- Improve error message for improper `RootModel` subclasses by
[@&#8203;sydney-runkle]( in
- Use `PEP570` syntax by [@&#8203;Viicos](
in [#&#8203;8940](
- Add `enum` and `type` to the JSON schema for single item literals by
[@&#8203;dmontagu]( in
- Deprecate `update_json_schema` internal function by
[@&#8203;sydney-runkle]( in
- Serialize duration to hour minute second, instead of just seconds by
[@&#8203;kakilangit]( in
- Trimming str before parsing to int and float by
[@&#8203;hungtsetse]( in

##### Performance

- `enum` validator improvements by
[@&#8203;samuelcolvin]( in
- Move `enum` validation and serialization to Rust by
[@&#8203;samuelcolvin]( in
- Improve schema generation for nested dataclasses by
[@&#8203;sydney-runkle]( in
- Fast path for ASCII python string creation in JSON by
[@&#8203;samuelcolvin]( in in
- SIMD integer and string JSON parsing on `aarch64`(**Note:** SIMD on
x86 will be implemented in a future release) by
[@&#8203;samuelcolvin]( in in
- Support JSON `Cow<str>` from `jiter` by
[@&#8203;davidhewitt]( in
- MAJOR performance improvement: update to PyO3 0.21 final by
[@&#8203;davidhewitt]( in
- cache Python strings by
[@&#8203;samuelcolvin]( in

##### Fixes

- Fix strict parsing for some `Sequence`s by
[@&#8203;sydney-runkle]( in
- Add a check on the existence of `__qualname__` by
[@&#8203;anci3ntr0ck]( in
- Handle `__pydantic_extra__` annotation being a string or inherited by
[@&#8203;alexmojaki]( in
- Fix json validation for `NameEmail` by
[@&#8203;Holi0317]( in
- Fix type-safety of attribute access in `BaseModel` by
[@&#8203;bluenote10]( in
- Fix bug with `mypy` plugin and `no_strict_optional = True` by
[@&#8203;dmontagu]( in
- Fix `ByteSize` error `type` change by
[@&#8203;sydney-runkle]( in
- Fix inheriting annotations in dataclasses by
[@&#8203;sydney-runkle]( in
- Fix regression in core schema generation for indirect definition
references by [@&#8203;dmontagu]( in
- Fix unsupported types bug with plain validator by
[@&#8203;sydney-runkle]( in
- Reverting problematic fix from 2.6 release, fixing schema building bug
by [@&#8203;sydney-runkle]( in
- fixes `__pydantic_config__` ignored for TypeDict by
[@&#8203;13sin]( in
- Fix test failures with `pytest v8.0.0` due to `pytest.warns()`
starting to work inside `pytest.raises()` by
[@&#8203;mgorny]( in
- Use `is_valid_field` from 1.x for `mypy` plugin by
[@&#8203;DanielNoord]( in
- Better-support `mypy` strict equality flag by
[@&#8203;dmontagu]( in
- model_json_schema export with Annotated types misses 'required'
parameters by [@&#8203;LouisGobert]( in
- Fix default inclusion in `FieldInfo.__repr_args__` by
[@&#8203;sydney-runkle]( in
- Fix resolution of forward refs in dataclass base classes that are not
present in the subclass module namespace by
[@&#8203;matsjoyce-refeyn]( in
- Fix `BaseModel` type annotations to be resolvable by
`typing.get_type_hints` by
[@&#8203;devmonkey22]( in
- Fix: allow empty string aliases with `AliasGenerator` by
[@&#8203;sydney-runkle]( in
- Fix test along with `date` -> `datetime` timezone assumption fix by
[@&#8203;sydney-runkle]( in
- Fix deprecation warning with usage of `ast.Str` by
[@&#8203;Viicos]( in
- Add missing `deprecated` decorators by
[@&#8203;Viicos]( in
- Fix serialization of `NameEmail` if name includes an email address by
[@&#8203;NeevCohen]( in
- Add information about class in error message of schema generation by
[@&#8203;Czaki]( in
- Make `TypeAdapter`'s typing compatible with special forms by
[@&#8203;adriangb]( in
- Fix issue with config behavior being baked into the ref schema for
`enum`s by [@&#8203;dmontagu]( in
- More helpful error re wrong `model_json_schema` usage by
[@&#8203;sydney-runkle]( in
- Fix nested discriminated union schema gen, pt 2 by
[@&#8203;sydney-runkle]( in
- Fix schema build for nested dataclasses / TypedDicts with
discriminators by
[@&#8203;sydney-runkle]( in
- Remove unnecessary logic for definitions schema gen with discriminated
unions by [@&#8203;sydney-runkle]( in
- Fix handling of optionals in `mypy` plugin by
[@&#8203;dmontagu]( in
- Fix `PlainSerializer` usage with std type constructor by
[@&#8203;sydney-runkle]( in
- Remove unnecessary warning for config in plugin by
[@&#8203;dmontagu]( in
- Fix default value serializing by
[@&#8203;NeevCohen]( in
- Fix extra fields check in `Model.__getattr__()` by
[@&#8203;NeevCohen]( in
- Fix `ClassVar` forward ref inherited from parent class by
[@&#8203;alexmojaki]( in
- fix sequence like validator with strict `True` by
[@&#8203;andresliszt]( in
- Improve warning message when a field name shadows a field in a parent
model by [@&#8203;chan-vince]( in
- Do not warn about shadowed fields if they are not redefined in a child
class by [@&#8203;chan-vince]( in
- Fix discriminated union bug with unsubstituted type var by
[@&#8203;sydney-runkle]( in
- Support serialization of `deque` when passed to `Sequence[blah blah
blah]` by [@&#8203;sydney-runkle]( in
- Init private attributes from super-types in `model_post_init` by
[@&#8203;Viicos]( in
- fix `model_construct` with `validation_alias` by
[@&#8203;ornariece]( in
- Ensure json-schema generator handles `Literal` `null` types by
[@&#8203;bruno-f-cruz]( in
- **Fixed in v2.7.0**: Fix allow extra generic by
[@&#8203;dmontagu]( in

##### New Contributors

- [@&#8203;hungtsetse]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;StrawHatDrag0n]( made
their first contribution in
- [@&#8203;anci3ntr0ck]( made their
first contribution in
- [@&#8203;Holi0317]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;bluenote10]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;ADSteele916]( made their
first contribution in
- [@&#8203;musicinmybrain]( made
their first contribution in
- [@&#8203;jks15satoshi]( made their
first contribution in
- [@&#8203;13sin]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;DanielNoord]( made their
first contribution in
made their first contribution in
- [@&#8203;chris-griffin]( made their
first contribution in
- [@&#8203;LouisGobert]( made their
first contribution in
- [@&#8203;matsjoyce-refeyn]( made
their first contribution in
- [@&#8203;devmonkey22]( made their
first contribution in
- [@&#8203;adamency]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;MamfTheKramf]( made their
first contribution in
- [@&#8203;ornariece]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;alexeyt101]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;wannieman98]( made their
first contribution in
- [@&#8203;solidguy7]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;kloczek]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;jag-k]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;priya-gitTest]( made their
first contribution in
- [@&#8203;Youssefares]( made their
first contribution in
- [@&#8203;chan-vince]( made their first
contribution in
- [@&#8203;bruno-f-cruz]( made their
first contribution in
- [@&#8203;Lance-Drane]( made their
first contribution in



### Configuration

📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined),
Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you
are satisfied.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about these
updates again.


- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
this box


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Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
Co-authored-by: jo <>
2024-04-13 14:29:58 +02:00
renovate[bot] 66436a7b9e chore(deps): update pre-commit hook pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks to v4.6.0 2024-04-08 03:37:17 +00:00
renovate[bot] a5949ee155
chore(deps): update dependency django-filter to >=2.4.0,<24.3 (#2978)

This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| [django-filter](
| `>=2.4.0,<24.2` -> `>=2.4.0,<24.3` |


### Release Notes

<summary>carltongibson/django-filter (django-filter)</summary>



- Fixed a regression in v23.4 where callable choices were incorrectly
    at filter instantiation, on Django versions prior to 5.0.

    Thanks to Craig de Stigter for the report and reproduce.



### Configuration

📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined),
Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you
are satisfied.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about these
updates again.


- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
this box


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repository job log


Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
2024-04-06 18:48:14 +02:00
renovate[bot] d31d4fc5bf
chore(deps): update dependency uvicorn to >=0.17.6,<0.30.0 (#2974)

This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| [uvicorn](
| `>=0.17.6,<0.29.0` -> `>=0.17.6,<0.30.0` |


### Release Notes

<summary>encode/uvicorn (uvicorn)</summary>



##### Added

- Cooperative signal handling



### Configuration

📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined),
Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you
are satisfied.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about these
updates again.


- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
this box


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repository job log


Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
2024-04-06 18:48:02 +02:00
renovate[bot] 78f4fcfec8
chore(deps): update dependency pytest-cov to v5 (#2976)

This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| [pytest-cov](
| `>=4.0.0,<5` -> `>=4.0.0,<6` |


### Release Notes

<summary>pytest-dev/pytest-cov (pytest-cov)</summary>



-   Removed support for xdist rsync (now deprecated).
Contributed by Matthias Reichenbach in `#&#8203;623
-   Switched docs theme to Furo.
-   Various legacy Python cleanup and CI improvements.
    Contributed by Christian Clauss and Hugo van Kemenade in
    `#&#8203;630 <>`*,
    `#&#8203;631 <>`*,
`#&#8203;632 <>`\_ and
    `#&#8203;633 <>`\_.
-   Added a `pyproject.toml` example in the docs.
Contributed by Dawn James in `#&#8203;626
- Modernized project's pre-commit hooks to use ruff. Initial POC
contributed by
Christian Clauss in `#&#8203;584



### Configuration

📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined),
Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you
are satisfied.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update


- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
this box


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repository job log


Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
2024-04-06 18:47:53 +02:00
renovate[bot] f6092e84d7 chore(deps): lock file maintenance (legacy/composer.json) 2024-03-27 15:29:40 +00:00
Keoni Mahelona 634e6e236d
fix: incorrect docker compose version (#2975)
### Description

There is no docker compose file version 3.9, see The
`init` command is used in the compose file and I wonder if we can set
this to 3.7. When I followed the docs here, I
was unable to get the docker compose to work because of a version issue.
So I upgraded docker (on Ubuntu focal) but realised that 3.9 isn't even
mentioned on the Docker website. 3.8 is, which I tried to use but it
failed. 3.7 worked for me.

**I have updated the documentation to reflect these changes**:

Docs are not affected.

### Testing Notes

**What I did:**

I was following the
but then rand into a docker compose file version error. I'm using docker
engine version 26,

Client: Docker Engine - Community
 Version:           26.0.0
 API version:       1.45
 Go version:        go1.21.8
 Git commit:        2ae903e
 Built:             Wed Mar 20 15:17:51 2024
 OS/Arch:           linux/amd64
 Context:           default

Server: Docker Engine - Community
  Version:          26.0.0
  API version:      1.45 (minimum version 1.24)
  Go version:       go1.21.8
  Git commit:       8b79278
  Built:            Wed Mar 20 15:17:51 2024
  OS/Arch:          linux/amd64
  Experimental:     false
  Version:          1.6.28
  GitCommit:        ae07eda36dd25f8a1b98dfbf587313b99c0190bb
  Version:          1.1.12
  GitCommit:        v1.1.12-0-g51d5e94
  Version:          0.19.0
  GitCommit:        de40ad0

Ubuntu Version
Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
Description:	Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
Release:	20.04
Codename:	focal

which is very recent. When I checked the docker compose version
it doesn't even list 3.9 as a version, only 3.8. For whatever reason 3.8
did not work for me, but 3.7 does.

**How you can replicate my testing:**

Follow the docs,
If docker compose fails to run, and says
ERROR: Version in "./docker-compose.yml" is unsupported. You might be seeing this error because you're using the wrong Compose file version. Either specify a supported version (e.g "2.2" or "3.3") and place your service definitions under the `services` key, or omit the `version` key and place your service definitions at the root of the file to use version 1.
then change the version to 3.7.

### **Links**

2024-03-26 10:29:16 +01:00
renovate[bot] c286774e99 chore(deps): update pre-commit hook asottile/pyupgrade to v3.15.2 2024-03-25 21:13:53 +00:00
renovate[bot] e8e88f7d46 chore(deps): lock file maintenance (legacy/composer.json) 2024-03-19 19:32:13 +00:00
renovate[bot] f44445ae21 chore(deps): update pre-commit hook psf/black-pre-commit-mirror to v24.3.0 2024-03-18 15:27:43 +00:00
Weblate (bot) d067d640dc
chore(legacy): translations update from Hosted Weblate (#2970)
Translations update from [Hosted Weblate](

Current translation status:

![Weblate translation

Co-authored-by: Mikachu <>
2024-03-17 08:49:52 +00:00
renovate[bot] 18a0eec000
chore(deps): update dependency django-filter to v24 (#2966)

This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| [django-filter](
| `>=2.4.0,<23.6` -> `>=2.4.0,<24.2` |


### Release Notes

<summary>carltongibson/django-filter (django-filter)</summary>



- Updated supported Python and Django versions, and resolved upcoming

    Required versions are now at least Python 3.8 and Django 4.2.

    Thanks to Michael Manganiello.

-   Allowed passing a FilterSet class to the filterset_factory().

    Thanks to Birger Schacht.

-   Set empty default value of filterset data to MultiValueDict.

    Thanks to Shlomo Gordon.

-   Preserve list values passed to the data dict in CSV widgets.

    Thanks to Bryan Brancotte.

-   Updates French and Ukrainian localisations.

    Thanks to Weblate.



### Configuration

📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined),
Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you
are satisfied.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about these
updates again.


- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
this box


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Renovate]( View
repository job log


Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
2024-03-10 11:46:52 +01:00
renovate[bot] 8ddd601b35
chore(deps): update dependency uvicorn to >=0.17.6,<0.29.0 (#2967)

This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| [uvicorn](
| `>=0.17.6,<0.28.0` -> `>=0.17.6,<0.29.0` |


### Release Notes

<summary>encode/uvicorn (uvicorn)</summary>



##### Added

- Raise `ClientDisconnected` on `send()` when client disconnected

##### Fixed

- Except `AttributeError` on `sys.stdin.fileno()` for Windows IIS10
- Use `X-Forwarded-Proto` for WebSockets scheme when the proxy provides
it ([#&#8203;2258](



### Configuration

📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined),
Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you
are satisfied.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about these
updates again.


- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
this box


This PR has been generated by [Mend
Renovate]( View
repository job log


Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
2024-03-10 11:46:05 +01:00
renovate[bot] d92168ac19 chore(deps): update softprops/action-gh-release action to v2 2024-03-10 06:20:07 +00:00
Jonas L cc28293150
chore: reenable vale rule after fix (#2965)
Fixes #2957
2024-03-02 14:15:50 +01:00
renovate[bot] 200dffef44
chore(deps): update dependency python-dateutil to >=2.8.1,<2.10 (#2964)

This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| [python-dateutil]( |
`>=2.8.1,<2.9` -> `>=2.8.1,<2.10` |


### Release Notes

<summary>dateutil/dateutil (python-dateutil)</summary>



### Version 2.9.0.post0 (2024-03-01)

#### Bugfixes

- Pinned `setuptools_scm` to `<8`, which should make the generated
`` file compatible with all supported versions of Python.



### Version 2.9.0 (2024-02-29)

#### Data updates

- Updated tzdata version to 2024a. (gh pr

#### Features

- Made all `dateutil` submodules lazily imported using [PEP
562]( On Python 3.7+, things
like `import dateutil;"America/New_York")` will now
work without explicitly importing ``, with the import
occurring behind the scenes on first use. The old behavior remains on
Python 3.6 and earlier. Fixed by Orson Adams. (gh issue
[#&#8203;771](, gh pr

#### Bugfixes

- Removed a call to `datetime.utcfromtimestamp`, which is deprecated as
of Python 3.12. Reported by Hugo van Kemenade (gh pr
fixed by Thomas Grainger (gh pr

#### Documentation changes

- Added note into docs and tests where relativedelta would return last
day of the month only if the same day on a different month resolves to a
date that doesn't exist. Reported by
[@&#8203;hawkEye-01]( (gh issue
Fixed by [@&#8203;Mifrill]( (gh pr



### Configuration

📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined),
Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you
are satisfied.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about these
updates again.


- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
this box


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repository job log


Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
2024-03-02 14:12:37 +01:00
Thomas Göttgens feca75b28b
docs: get libfdk-aac from non-free source for debian 11 (#2954)
Co-authored-by: Jonas L <>
2024-02-29 22:08:51 +01:00
renovate[bot] 22c303cfff
fix(deps): update dependency friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer to <3.51.1 (#2963)

This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| `<3.49.1` -> `<3.51.1` |


### Release Notes

<summary>PHP-CS-Fixer/PHP-CS-Fixer (friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer)</summary>



- chore: add missing tests for non-documentation classes
- chore: do not perform type analysis in tests
- chore: list over array in more places
- chore: tests documentation classes
- feat: `@Symfony` - add nullable_type_declaration
- test: fix wrong type in param annotation



- chore: add missing types
- chore: BlocksAnalyzer - raise exception on invalid index
- chore: DataProviderAnalysis - expect list over array
- chore: do not use `@large` on method level
- chore: do not use `@medium` on method level
- chore: Fix typos
- chore: rename variables
- chore: some improvements around array typehints
- CI: fix PHP 8.4 job
- DX: Include `symfony/var-dumper` in dev tools
- feat: Ability to remove unused imports from multi-use statements
- feat: allow PHPUnit 11
- feat: Allow shortening symbols from multi-use statements (only classes
for now)
- feat: introduce `PhpdocArrayTypeFixer`
- feat: PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer - cover PHPUnit v11
- feat: Support for multi-use statements in `NamespaceUsesAnalyzer`
- feat: `MbStrFunctionsFixer` - add support for `mb_trim`, `mb_ltrim`
and `mb_rtrim` functions
- feat: `NoEmptyPhpdocFixer` - do not leave empty line after removing
- feat: `no_superfluous_phpdoc_tags` - introduce `allow_future_params`
- fix: do not use wrongly named arguments in data providers
- fix: Ensure PCNTL extension is always installed in Docker
- fix: PhpdocListTypeFixer - support key types containing `<…>`
- fix: Proper build target for local Docker Compose
- fix: union PHPDoc support in `fully_qualified_strict_types` fixer
- fix: `ExecutorWithoutErrorHandler` - remove invalid PHP 7.4 type
- fix: `fully_qualified_strict_types` must honor template/local type
- fix: `MethodArgumentSpaceFixer` - do not break heredoc/nowdoc
- fix: `NumericLiteralSeparatorFixer` - do not change `float` to `int`
when there is nothing after the dot
- fix: `PhpUnitStrictFixer` - do not crash on property having the name
of method to fix
- fix: `SingleSpaceAroundConstructFixer` - correctly recognise multiple
- fix: `TypeExpression` - handle array shape key with dash



### Configuration

📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined),
Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you
are satisfied.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update


- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
this box


This PR has been generated by [Mend
Renovate]( View
repository job log


Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
2024-02-29 22:00:17 +01:00
renovate[bot] 9ef153fc6b
chore(deps): update rabbitmq docker tag to v3.13 (#2962)

This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Update | Change |
| rabbitmq | minor | `3.12-alpine` -> `3.13-alpine` |


### Configuration

📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined),
Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you
are satisfied.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update


- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
this box


This PR has been generated by [Mend
Renovate]( View
repository job log


Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
2024-02-25 05:39:10 +00:00
renovate[bot] 288a30d77b chore(deps): lock file maintenance (legacy/composer.json) 2024-02-21 17:12:41 +00:00
renovate[bot] 6acf2e3f5a
chore(deps): lock file maintenance (legacy/composer.json) (#2959)

This PR contains the following updates:

| Update | Change |
| lockFileMaintenance | All locks refreshed |

🔧 This Pull Request updates lock files to use the latest dependency


### Configuration

📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - "after 4am and before 5am on monday"
(UTC), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 **Automerge**: Enabled.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.

👻 **Immortal**: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get
[config help]( if
that's undesired.


- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
this box


This PR has been generated by [Mend
Renovate]( View
repository job log


Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
2024-02-20 10:37:45 +00:00
renovate[bot] 8deebb3f85
chore(deps): update pre-commit hook asottile/pyupgrade to v3.15.1 (#2958)

This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Type | Update | Change |
| [asottile/pyupgrade]( |
repository | patch | `v3.15.0` -> `v3.15.1` |

Note: The `pre-commit` manager in Renovate is not supported by the
`pre-commit` maintainers or community. Please do not report any problems
there, instead [create a Discussion in the Renovate
if you have any questions.


### Release Notes

<summary>asottile/pyupgrade (asottile/pyupgrade)</summary>





### Configuration

📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined),
Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 **Automerge**: Enabled.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update


- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
this box


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Renovate]( View
repository job log


Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
2024-02-20 10:37:26 +00:00
Kyle Robbertze bace9ed917 ci: disable overly-sensitive vale rule 2024-02-19 08:27:23 +00:00