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Development workflows

Git workflow

LibreTime uses Github pull requests to manage changes. The workflow looks like this:

  • Create a fork of the project.
  • Check out the main branch.
  • Create a new branch based on the checked out branch.
  • Work on your changes locally. Try to keep each commit small to make reviews easier.
  • Lint and test the codebase, for example using the make lint or make test commands inside the app folder you want to check.
  • Push your branch.
  • Create a pull request in Github.
  • We'll review your request and provide feed back.

Project layout

The LibreTime repository is split into multiple tools/services/apps at the root of the project. You will find Makefile in each of the component of the project. Those Makefile describe the different commands available to develop the project.

Here is a small description of the different components in the repository:

├── analyzer      # The LibreTime Analyzer service
├── api           # The LibreTime API service
├── api-client    # The API clients used internally by other services
├── docker        # The docker related files
├── docs          # The documentation
├── install       # The install script
├── installer     # The install script extra files
├── legacy        # The LibreTime Legacy service
├── playout       # The LibreTime Playout service
├── shared        # A shared library using by our python based services
├── tools         # Set of tools used to maintain the project
├── website       # Website repository that is cloned when developing the documentation
└── worker        # The LibreTime Worker service

For example, to lint and test the analyzer service, you can run the commands:

make -C analyzer lint test

# Or by changing into the analyzer directory
cd analyzer
make lint test


LibreTime uses pre-commit to ensure that the files you commit are properly formatted, follow best practice, and dont contain syntax or spelling errors.

You can install and setup pre-commit using the quick-start guide on the pre-commit documentation. Make sure to install pre-commit and setup the git pre-commit hook so pre-commit runs before you commit any changes to the repository.

The workflow looks like this:

  • Install pre-commit.

  • After cloning the repository, setup the pre-commit git hooks:

    pre-commit install
  • Make your changes and commit them.

  • If pre-commit fails to validate your changes, the commit process stops. Fix any reported errors and try again.


You can also run pre-commit anytime on all the files using:

pre-commit run --all-files
