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Upgrade 80

This guide walk you though the steps required to upgrade LibreTime.


You should always have proper backups and a rollback scenario in place before updating. If the update does not go smoothly, it may cause significant downtime, so you should always have a fallback system available during the update to ensure broadcast continuity.


Stop the services

Run the following commands to stop the services:

sudo systemctl stop
# Or
sudo systemctl stop libretime-analyzer.service
sudo systemctl stop libretime-api.service
sudo systemctl stop libretime-liquidsoap.service
sudo systemctl stop libretime-playout.service
sudo systemctl stop libretime-worker.service

Make a backup

Follow the backup guide to make an extra backup of your installation and prepare a rollback scenario in case of accidental data loss during the upgrade process.

Apply upgrade instructions

Be sure to carefully read all the releases notes, from your current version to the targeted version, to apply upgrade or breaking changes instructions to your installation.


You might need to run steps before and after the install procedure. Be sure to follow these steps thoroughly.


Install the new version

Follow the install guide to download and install the new version, and re-run the ./install script with the same arguments you used during the initial install.

Apply migrations

Run the following command to apply the database migrations:

sudo -u libretime libretime-api migrate

Restart the services

Restart all the services to make sure all the changes are applied.

sudo systemctl restart


Verify that all the services are still running after the install process:

sudo systemctl --all --plain | egrep 'libretime|nginx|php.*-fpm'

Verify for any error in the logs after the install process:

sudo tail -f -n 100 "/var/log/syslog" | grep "libretime-"

Log into the interface and verify for any error after the install process.

If you encounter issues with the new interface, you may need to clear your web browser's cache.