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How to Upload Tracks and Schedule Your Show
- YouTube video
- Step-by-step Text Based
Audience: DJ with permission to schedule a specific show
- Login to LibreTime with your DJ username and password at http://HOSTNAME/user Note: replace HOSTNAME with the web site address given to you by your station admin
- Click the blue Upload button in the top left of the screen.
- Click the background where it says Drop files here or click to browse your computer or drag on and drop your music files from your desktop.
- If you clicked then browse your file system to find the music files you want to play and click them and then click Open
- The tracks should start to upload and when they are completed show up on the right under Recent Uploads. Note: you will need to keep this window open while they are uploading
- You can also upload short segments to schedule between your tracks recorded, for instance, with Audacity.
- LibreTime in general supports mp3, ogg, flac, wav and m4a file types. If a track isn’t supported the import will be marked as failed under Import Status
- Once you have uploaded all of the tracks you plan on airing you click on Calendar
- Find your upcoming show in the Calendar and click on it and click Schedule Tracks from the pop-up menu.
- Now click the tracks you want to add and click + Add to show or click and drag the tracks to the right.
- You can also add station Smart Blocks, Playlists and Webstreams by clicking those sections at the top of the screen.
- When you are done you can re-order your tracks by clicking and dragging them.
- When your tracks are in order and there is no empty time remaning click Ok to finish.
- Your next show should now be scheduled to play during its scheduled time slot.