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article Libretime for Terrestrial Broadcasters manager

How to

1. Prepare your studio

The server or desktop you plan to run Libretime on should have a built-in soundcard and ethernet port. A wired approach is strongly recommended over a wireless one.

2. Install Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS

Download Ubuntu Server here (look under Option 3). A standard install is recommended, on a RAID 1 array if possible (not required, but recommended).

Installation checklist:

  • Set correct timezone
  • Sync system with national time servers
  • Open firewall ports 80 and 8000
  • Enable the SSH server for easier remote access (optional)

3. Install Libretime

See the install page.

4. Configure soundcard

5. Set up SSH tunneling (optional)

SSH tunneling is similar to using a VPN but with the need to manually connect to individual computers and ports instead of gaining access to the entire network.