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3.2.0 (2023-10-16)
- legacy: move session store to database (#2523)
- api: add email configuration
- add mobile devices stream config field (#2744)
Bug Fixes
- playout: liquidsoap aac output syntax errors
- deps: update dependency friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer to <3.20.1 (stable) (#2602)
- deps: update dependency friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer to <3.21.2 (#2612)
- libretime process leaks and lsof high cpu usage (#2615)
- deps: update dependency friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer to <3.22.1 (#2633)
- libretime process leaks and lsof high cpu usage (#2615)
- deps: update dependency friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer to <3.23.1 (stable) (#2656)
- deps: update dependency friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer to <3.26.1 (stable) (#2678)
- deps: update dependency friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer to <3.26.1 (main) (#2677)
- deps: update dependency friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer to <3.26.2 (#2686)
- deps: update dependency friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer to <3.26.2 (#2687)
- deps: update dependency friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer to <3.27.1 (main) (#2714)
- deps: update dependency friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer to <3.27.1 (stable) (#2715)
- deps: update dependency friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer to <3.34.1 (#2723)
- deps: update dependency friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer to <3.35.2 (#2738)
- deps: update dependency friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer to <3.35.2 (#2722)
- playout: check unsupported liquidsoap aac output
3.1.0 (2023-05-26)
- drop Ubuntu Bionic support
- drop Python 3.6 support
- drop Debian Buster support
- drop Liquidsoap 1.1 support
- drop Liquidsoap 1.3 support
- drop Python 3.7 support
- drop cc_stream_setting table
- delete cc_pref stream preferences rows
- legacy: remove db allowed_cors_origins preference (#2095)
- configure cue points analysis per track type
- playout: use jinja2 env for template loading
- playout: add jinja2 quote filter for liquidsoap
- playout: use liquidsoap interactive variables
- playout: remove unused liquidsoap outputs connection status
- playout: remove unused liquidsoap restart function
- playout: remove unused liquidsoap output namespace
- replace loguru with logging
- playout: use jinja to configure liquidsoap outputs
- playout: enable vorbis metadata per icecast output
- playout: use shared app for cli commands
- installer: configure timezone using timedatectl (#2418)
- playout: don't serialize message twice
- add python packages version
- add sentry sdk
- use secret_key config field instead of api_key (#2444)
- api-client: remove unused api v1 calls
- api-client: rewrite api-client v1 using abstract client
- playout: move liquidsoap auth to notify cli
- playout: replace schedule event dicts with objects
- api: add cors headers middleware (#2479)
- playout: replace thread timeout with socket timeout
- remove dev files from tarball
- include tarball checksums in releases
- set icecast mount default charset to UTF-8
- playout: allow harbor ssl configuration
- api: install gunicorn/uvicorn from pip
- install inside a python3 venv
Bug Fixes
- deps: update dependency adbario/php-dot-notation to v3 (#2226)
- deps: update dependency league/uri to v6.7.2
- legacy: set platform requirements to php ^7.4
- playout: remove outdated liquidsoap code
- playout: add types
- api: allow single digit version for legacy schema
- deps: update dependency friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer to <3.12.1
- remove systemd ProtectHome feature (#2243)
- deps: update dependency friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer to <3.13.1 (#2249)
- worker: replace deprecated cgi.parse_header
- installer: install missing sudo
- installer: set home and login when running as postgres
- legacy: add log entry on task run (#2316)
- legacy: log errors on connect check failure (#2317)
- deps: update dependency friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer to <3.13.2
- deps: update dependency friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer to <3.13.3
- legacy: advanced search by track type id
- legacy: move forked deps to the libretime namespace
- deps: update dependency friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer to <3.14.4
- deps: update dependency friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer to <3.14.5
- legacy: ensure options is a dict during json encoding
- legacy: don't use dict assignment on object (#2384)
- playout: quote escape strings in liquidsoap entrypoint
- legacy: do not delete audio file when removing artwork (#2395)
- playout: use explicit ids for liquidsoap components
- playout: skip the identified queue instead of the current
- playout: use the same number of schedule queues
- legacy: on air light fails when no shows are scheduled
- playout: flush liquidsoap response before sending new
- playout: use package loader for liquidsoap templates
- playout: %else is not defined
- playout: when shows ends, next shows starts without fade-in/fade-out (#2412)
- playout: legacy pushes non validated data
- playout: explicit ogg vorbis icecast encoder
- playout: prevent unbound variables
- playout: use int for liquidsoap queues map
- shared: return type confusion
- deps: update dependency friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer to <3.15.2
- api: explicit FileImportStatusEnum in schema
- pin postgresql version in docker-compose
- pin rabbitmq version in docker-compose
- allow overriding docker-compose predefined environment
- move docker specific setup to dockerfile
- api: cast string value to int enum (#2461)
- playout: quote incompatible <py3.9 type hints
- installer: bump setuptools to ~=67.3 (#2387)
- playout: use new api-client v1
- playout: catch oserror in liquidsoap client
- deps: update dependency friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer to <3.16.1 (main) (#2490)
- api: require django >=4.2.0,<4.3
- api: upgrade psycopg to v3.1
- playout: remove unused ecasound package (#2496)
- installer: ignore whitespace during diff
- legacy: don't print track_type id in show builder table (#2510)
- legacy: remove composer superuser warning (#2515)
- legacy: keep datatable settings between views (#2519)
- api: upgrade django code (pre-commit)
- analyzer: remove unused python3 package
- deps: update dependency friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer to <3.17.1 (main) (#2556)
- playout: add simple inputs pipeline schema (#2240)
- add DOCKER_BUILDKIT env variable for docker-compose v1 (#2270)
- no need to update release note path
- adapt c4 to our workflows
- stop providing maintenance releases for old distributions
- add pulseaudio output in containers tutorial (#2166)
- remove warning about docker install (#2411)
- docker-compose env variables setup
- add instructions for the sentry setup (#2441)
- upgrade by migrating to a new server
- fix database backup and restore commands
- move contributing to docs/contribute
- split developer and contributor manual
- extract dev workflows from contributing docs
- add some history notes
- move release docs in the release section
- fix broken links
- ignore range format during docs linting
- only use microsoft styling guide
- move configuration documentation
- rename setup to install
- split install guide per install method
- docker config template install with envsubst (#2517)
- improve reverse proxy docs
- improve install guides
- add certbot setup guide
- ensure example values are replaced
- fix broken link (#2532)
- add note about unused packages
- improve airtime migration guide (#2564)
- split airtime migration into more steps (#2565)
- remove setup without reverse proxy
- fix icecast certificates bundle command
- install using a reverse proxy by default
- be consistent with example domain (#2568)
- add 3.1.x distribution releases support
- liquidsoap package from ppa is version 1.4.2 (#2223)
- playout: refresh snapshots after major upgrade
- re-enable pylint logging-fstring-interpolation
- playout: more entrypoint config test cases
- playout: generated liquidsoap script syntax
- playout: silence existing broad-exception-caught errors
- playout: allow pylint failure
- playout: check untyped defs with mypy
- api: fix linting errors
- shared: fix linting errors
- api: fix linting errors
- shared: fix linting errors
- playout: class creation
- api-client: allow linters failure
- playout: move liq_conn fixture to conftest
- playout: liquidsoap wait for version
- api: add django-upgrade pre-commit hook
- test project weekly
- enable renovate for 3.0.x (#2277)
- sync docs with libretime/website repository
- pin vale version to v2.21.3
- don't squash commits during docs sync
- always print diff when schema changes
- check if locale are up to date
- update locales weekly, not for every commit (#2403)
- use bake file for container build
- allow manual ci trigger
- use bot to update locales
- replace deprecated set-output (#2408)
- update docker hub containers description
- replace stale bot with stale action (#2421)
- allow Falso as a word in codespell
- allow Falso as a word in codespell
- run all tests on python tools changes
- don't run stale bot on feature requests (#2527)
- chore(api): install django-rest-framework from git (#2518)
3.0.2 (2023-02-21)
Bug Fixes
- legacy: advanced search by track type id
- legacy: refresh lock files
- legacy: move forked deps to the libretime namespace
- legacy: improve error messages and logs
- installer: allow different actions on template_file
- installer: print diff on file deployment
- installer: only setup nginx on first install
- installer: print unsupported distribution error (#2368)
- installer: create systemd dirs if missing (#2379)
- add DOCKER_BUILDKIT env variable for docker-compose v1 (#2270)
- check logs before checking services status
- add small faq for troubleshooting
- playout: refresh snapshots after major upgrade (#2381)
- don't squash commits during docs sync
- test project weekly
3.0.1 (2022-12-20)
Bug Fixes
- remove systemd ProtectHome feature (#2244)
- installer: install missing sudo
- installer: set home and login when running as postgres
- legacy: add log entry on task run (#2316)
- legacy: log errors on connect check failure (#2317)
- worker: replace deprecated cgi.parse_header
- no need to update release note path
- liquidsoap package from ppa is version 1.4.2 (#2233)
- run tests on 3.0.x
- enable renovate bot on 3.0.x
- sync docs with libretime/website repository
- pin vale version to v2.21.3
3.0.0 (2022-10-10)
Bug Fixes
- clean exit by catching keyboard interrupt (#2206)
- legacy: missing plupload uk_UA translation
- legacy: jquery i18n translations for plupload
- legacy: gracefully handle missing asset checksum
- disable some systemd security features on bionic (#2219)
- legacy: how to add a new language
- analyzer: fix wrong bit_rate values
3.0.0-beta.2 (2022-10-03)
Bug Fixes
- start playout service after liquidsoap (#2164)
- include version variable inside containers
- change version format
- legacy: add play button to stream player (#2190)
- legacy: correct log levels (#2196)
- remove breaking change warning (#2180)
- fix vale linting errors
- fix vale linting error
- allow failure when linting /docs/releases
- use github.ref_name to get tag
3.0.0-beta.1 (2022-09-23)
- legacy: disable services check when missing systemctl (#2160)
- legacy: invalidate cached assets using md5sum (#2161)
- use libretime/icecast container image (#2165)
Bug Fixes
- legacy: number of tracks displayed initially (#2168)
- legacy: rebuild favicon (#2167)
- worker: configure celery timezone (#2169)
- legacy: update or remove broken links
- legacy: prepend file id in tmp upload filename (#2173)
- legacy: fail when uploading wma files (#2172)
- remove UI timezone configuration suggestion (#2158)
- add default user credentials
- first blog post, v3 beta.0 (#1939)
- fix release commands
- ignore changelog for closed reference notifier
- don't check github.com/libretime/libretime/(issues|pulls) links
- run docs workflow on vale files changes
3.0.0-beta.0 (2022-09-16)
- playout: use liquidsoap version functions
- playout: replace pytz with zoneinfo (#1969)
- installer: remove allow-restart flag (#1970)
- rename AirtimeApiClient to ApiClient
- playout: use single clients instance (#1980)
- api: don't use trailing slashes (#1982)
- api: cast StreamSetting raw_value to value (#1991)
- worker: load callback details from config (#1994)
- analyzer: load callback details from config and file_id (#1993)
- api-client: rewrite api-client v2
- playout: integrate api-client v2 calls
- api: don't use hyperlinked serializers (#1984)
- shared: load env config using jsonschema
- installer: use ed for config update (#2013)
- move off_air_meta stream setting to pref table (#2023)
- move stream liquisoap status to pref table
- move stream stats status to pref table
- analyzer: override paths using env variables
- playout: rewrite stats collector (#2028)
- legacy: setup config schema validation
- legacy: add config dot notation access
- shared: pass config data via init (#2042)
- playout: create liquidsoap client
- playout: integrate new liquisoap client
- worker: rename service and package to libretime-worker (#2065)
- playout: improve generate_*_events (#2088)
- api: remove set passwords command
- remove cc_stream_setting models
- installer: deploy stream config
- legacy: read stream config from file
- api: add /info and /stream/* endpoints
- shared: create stream config models
- playout: build liquidsoap entrypoint with stream config
- playout: stats collector using stream config
- playout: allow updating message_offline value
- playout: remove stream_setting update handler
- playout: liquidsoap bootstrap using new api endpoints
- playout: allow liquidsoap listen address configuration
- api: move /api-auth to /api/browser (#2094)
- add container setup
- move timezone preference to config file (#2096)
- playout: move message handling to main thread
Bug Fixes
- api-client: get status_code from response
- analyzer: remove outdated urllib3 workaround
- api-client: fix base_url joining for client v2 (#1998)
- api: update set_icecast_passwords StreamSetting fields (#2001)
- legacy: get local logo file (#1999)
- installer: clean legacy files before copying (#2002)
- legacy: sanitize track_type_id when updating file (#2003)
- shared: validator value type can be wrong
- shared: remove unused field from rabbitmq config (#2012)
- playout: replace deprecated harbor.bind_addr (#2025)
- legacy: do not rely on undefined SERVER_NAME (#2031)
- api-client: remove unused v1 methods
- playout: use stream download when fetching files (#2048)
- playout: add thread names (#2056)
- legacy: args comma syntax error
- legacy: 404 on listeners stats
- deps: update dependency mdx-mermaid to v1.3.0 [security]
- playout: py36 compatibility broken typings
- playout: py39 compatibility zoneinfo import
- api: install gunicorn from pip for bionic
- installer: only upgrade pip packages if needed
- installer: fix compatibility with bionic
- legacy: look in /legacy for a VERSION file
- playout: missing live show events (#2087)
- legacy: config default values are not sanitized
- installer: add liquidsoap config section
- installer: move non reusable fields from default output
- legacy: consistent with docs in outputs public_url generation
- playout: also shutdown on SIGTERM (#2104)
- installer: simplify distro support notice (#2106)
- shared: install tzdata distribution package (#2105)
- installer: config dir should be read only
- installer: config should not be world readable
- legacy: track_type_id should cast to int not text (#2112)
- worker: rewrite podcast download task
- shared: load env from oneOf union schema
- deps: update dependency friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer to <3.11.1
- nginx depends on legacy in docker-compose (#2147)
- playout: remove shutdown_handler
- remove empty section in release note
- fix missing release date
- create development section
- add releases distributions support
- add release instructions (#1995)
- use dedicated backup procedure for airtime
- add out of date warning to custom auth setup
- edit timezone during setup
- check system time config before installing (#2019)
- add ubuntu bionic deprecation notice
- add debian buster deprecation notice
- add restore procedure (#2071)
- improve config comments
- add missing storage configuration
- use brackets to refer to another field in the config
- file based stream configuration
- single restart notice for config changes (#2098)
- add warning about icecast sources limit (#2133)
- missing fields from stream config (#2146)
- add docker-compose ps command (#2150)
- add tip to use yq for configuration upgrade
- api: ignore mypy missing imports
- api: always print logs while testing (#1988)
- api: create api_client pytest fixture (#1990)
- enable logs when running pytest (#2008)
- shared: move config tests
- api: conftest at top level for global fixture access (#2038)
- legacy: enable stdout logs
- analyzer: analyze large audio files (#2050)
- worker: setup testing
- playout: use snapshot testing tool (#2115)
- worker: allow pylint and bandit to fail
- website-preview use single comment (#1996)
- add custom user for dev containers
- add missing gid when running dev container
- legacy: catch syntax errors on older php versions
- add pre-commit python cache
- add check-shell python cache
- add check-shell tools cache
- add docs lint tools cache
- add housekeeping lychee cache
- build test images for debian bookworm (#2097)
- fix docusaurus monorepo config (#2101)
- add shared packages to dev container
- add containers build job
- don't run all workflows in unrelated workflows changes (#2142)
- enable containers concurrency group
- improve containers build caching
- add container tags
3.0.0-alpha.13 (2022-07-15)
- remove unused python3-venv package (#1728)
- api: split api into multiple apps (#1626)
- improve apache configuration (#1784)
- api: replace uwsgi with gunicorn (#1785)
- replace exploded base_* with public_url
- shared: compress logs with gz (#1827)
- shared: remove unused abstract app (#1828)
- replace click envar with auto_envvar_prefix (#1829)
- shared: allow to disable log rotate/retention
- legacy: change logrotate config deploy path
- rotate logs using libretime user
- legacy: improve rabbitmq check (#1839)
- worker: don't run with a dedicated user
- playout: remove unused liquidsoap_prepare_terminate.py (#1854)
- legacy: check services using systemctl (#1856)
- change config file format to yaml
- change config filename to config.yml
- change config dir path to /etc/libretime
- installer: rewrite install script
- replace php migration with django migration
- drop cc_locale table
- api: create set_icecast_passwords command
- installer: post install setup instructions
- add systemd libretime.target
- move allowed cors url to configuration file
- remove php web installer
- move storage path setting to configuration file
- installer: rename shared files path to /usr/share/libretime
- shared: add config trailing slash sanitizer (#1870)
- rename default stream mount point to main
- api: rename user model fields (#1902)
- remove unused cc_sess table (#1907)
- remove unused cc_perms table (#1909)
- api: rename podcasts models fields (#1910)
- analyzer: move compute_md5 to shared library
- api: create bulk_import command
- legacy: compute md5 during early upload
- api: rename track type to library
- legacy: add Ukrainian language
- legacy: don't guess cors url from server
- installer: load .env file to persistent install config
- use dedicated 'libretime' user
- replace apache2 with nginx + php-fpm
- api: listen on unix socket with gunicorn
- api: use uvicorn as asgi server with gunicorn
- set default locale to en_US
- remove unused cc_country table
Bug Fixes
- add gettext for legacy locale generation (#1720)
- installer: install software-properties-common when required
- installer: always install fresh packages
- api: prevent timing attacke on api key (#1771)
- legacy: load vendors during config init
- legacy: bypass config validation during django migration
- legacy: the ini config parser requires a .conf ext
- playout: disable playout-notify log rotation
- don't set log folder permissions recursively
- shared: allow list settings (#1837)
- legacy: station url always has a trailing slash (#1838)
- legacy: check if libretime-api is running (#1841)
- don't add track types only on migration
- correct cc_file.artwork column size
- legacy: remove not null constraint when using default
- api: missing build-essential to build psycopg2
- drop unused sequences
- api: allow updating default_icecast_password (#1872)
- deps: update dependency @cmfcmf/docusaurus-search-local to ^0.11.0 (#1873)
- legacy: remove file directory metadata (#1887)
- api: update model fields in set_icecast_passwords (#1903)
- api: cascade when dropping table (#1908)
- legacy: station-metadata api endpoint
- legacy: don't log 'could not obtain lock' exception (#1943)
- legacy: check empty before iteration on files
- use constrained foreign key for files track_type
- deps: update dependency mermaid to v9.1.2 [security] (#1948)
- installer: update version file unless tarball (#1950)
- prevent data loose on track_types_id migration (#1949)
- use track_type_id in smartblock criteria
- legacy: no invalid track type in smartblock criteria
- create 3.0.0-alpha.12 docs
- add version nav dropdown
- add urls redirects (#1581)
- fix broken links to celery project (#1744)
- draft architecture design document (#1736)
- start troubleshooting with syslog over libretime logs (#1783)
- update apache log filepath (#1811)
- explicitly mention lack of 22.04 support (#1858)
- add pre upgrade procedure warnings
- update install procedure
- add missing storage config upgrade procedure (#1871)
- remove packages based install (#1883)
- provide uninstall guidance (#1938)
- rename icecast to stream-configuration
- rename Libretime to LibreTime
- double 'the'
- rewrite reverse proxy guide
- uninstall /usr/lib systemd services
- troubleshoot webserver services (#1961)
- reorder upgrade steps
- add missing allowed_cors_origins config
- analyzer: recent liquidsoap version do not fail playability check
- legacy: use default rabbitmq settings (#1855)
- shared: remove bad disable no-self-use (#1862)
- api: use pytest to run api tests (#1645)
- api: allow f string format for logging
- api: disable too-few-public-methods lint error
- api: fix lint errors
- api: disable too-many-arguments lint error
- api: ignore tests file coverage
- add missing python3-venv package for testing (#1729)
- generate schema and push to api-client repo (#1740)
- update api-schema generation commit message
- don't run api-schema generation on forks
- build test images for ubuntu jammy (#1743)
- fix dev images creation script (#1745)
- simplify legacy test matrix (#1749)
- test on ubuntu jammy
- ignore versioned_docs with find_closed_references (#1753)
- move docs linting to docs workflow
- only run website workflow for main branch
- add website build cache
- add website-preview workflow
- use GH actions bot for schema generation committer (#1756)
- setup command dispatcher (#1759)
- update workflow dispatch input description (#1762)
- do not cache website preview build (#1763)
- fix website preview cleanup branch (#1793)
- reduce usage (#1804)
- rename api-client repo (#1805)
- add link to next version of the docs in preview comment (#1824)
- specify python version
- replace link checker report with failing job
- check and dispatch api schema changes
- fix python packages caching (#1893)
- fix schema update commit author (#1912)
- api: fail job on linting error
- report pytest coverage in PR via codecov
- add missing codecov flags
- add api coverage report using codecov
- setup carryforward for coverage
- disable codecov project status check
- disable codecov patch status check
3.0.0-alpha.12 (2022-03-29)
Bug Fixes
- playout: add locales to libretime-playout-notify calls (#1715)
- worker: enable logfile variable expansion in ExecStart (#1717)
- add missing data to release note
- fix and update links (#1714)
3.0.0-alpha.11 (2022-03-28)
- run API tests in CI (#1421)
- add support for Ubuntu Focal 20.04 (#1168)
- debian 11 support (#1292)
- create libretime_shared package (#1349)
- enhance libretime shared (#1491)
- shared: let user provide the log level (#1493)
- replace verbosity flag with log-level flag (#1496)
- playout: enhance playout logging (#1495)
- api: update env var settings loading
- api: allow to run without log file for dev
- analyzer: enhance analyzer cli and logging (#1507)
- playout: migrate notify cli to click (#1519)
- shared: allow loading from ini config file
- shared: allow cli parametrized decorators (#1527)
- shared: add suffix to shared config models
- analyzer: load config using shared helpers
- playout: change playout working directory
- playout: load config using shared helpers
- analyzer: analyze replaygain using ffmpeg
- analyzer: analyze cuepoint using ffmpeg
- playout: change liquidsoap working dir (#1547)
- legacy: rename log filepath (#1551)
- shared: add url/dsn property to config classes (#1553)
- remove locale generation from installer (#1560)
- legacy: consolidate constants (#1558)
- legacy: add db config defaults and allow custom port (#1559)
- remove unused ubuntu ppa (#1591)
- analyzer: do verify ssl certs on requests
- analyzer: rework analyze_metadata step
- api: improve uwsgi systemd integration (#1614)
- analyzer: rework organise_file using pathlib
- shared: load config from str filepath
- shared: create general config model
- shared: create time functions
- shared: return log level and filepath
- remove unused web_server_user config entry
- legacy: clean config parsing and add defaults
- api_client: load config using shared helpers
- worker: load config using shared helpers
- shared: do not exit on missing config file
- api: remove admin app and static files
- api: load config using shared helpers
- legacy: replace massivescale/celery-php with jooola/celery-php
- worker: set celery timezone to UTC
- api: include id in file/webstream serializers
- remove uninstall script (#1682)
- worker: add service log filepath (#1640)
Bug Fixes
- remove rogue buster reference
- correct vagrantfile function call
- declare pypo.notify module
- revert removal of eval for shell commands
- add missing dependencies to celery module
- assume api client is installed
- shared: fix tests
- change filepath options type to pathlib.Path (#1506)
- legacy: validate id param in show image controller (#1510)
- playout: optional log_file for liquidsoap
- shared: require click >=8.0.3
- legacy: correct linting issues
- make vagrant source.list update idempotent (#1520)
- api: duplicate exception raising and close file
- legacy: api migration config variable name (#1522)
- shared: prevent child override by empty dict
- shared: tmp_path fixture type mismatch
- analyzer: install missing steps package
- shared: type is required for default config submodel (#1536)
- legacy: default values when array is null
- legacy: do not catch too broad exceptions
- legacy: add more null check in api live info
- legacy: only render if img creation succeed (#1540)
- shared: pin loguru version
- legacy: clean sql migrations files (#1545)
- shared: set logger encoding and dont assume encoding
- playout: proper logger format string
- playout: only exclude ended file event
- api_client: use same date format as schedule key
- api_client: properly enclose events in media dict
- playout: properly populate scheduled_now_webstream
- legacy: revert default storage path (#1563)
- legacy: update setup with new db config schema (#1567)
- shared: do not strip vhost slash (#1594)
- analyzer: remove bad attributes in shutdown handler (#1605)
- analyzer: update docstring for organise_file
- shared: fix missing port in public_url
- change celery user in worker service file (#1638)
- api: model_bakery is a dev dependency
- api: static_url settings is required in dev mode (#1662)
- api_client: comply to legacy schedule events
- playout: remove stream_buffer_start in event dispatch
- add PPA for newer liquidsoap version on Ubuntu
- upgrade python packages during install (#1707)
- installer: test and create correct log path
- installer: remove rougue reference to /var/log/airtime (#1710)
- installer: remove /var/tmp/airtime reference
- worker: drop logfile reference until environment variable expansion works correctly
- recommend current LTS or stable distro (#1564)
- replace jekyll with docusaurus
- rename documentation files
- restructure and backup pictures
- rework docs into the new website
- fix broken links
- fix prose linting errors
- remove mention of self signed certificate
- update reverse-proxy example variables
- update structure and create links between pages (#1611)
- fix deploy to LibreTime website
- import releases notes
- update releases notes
- update configuration schema
- prevent user to clone wrong repo (#1657)
- clean cloned repo before upgrading (#1676)
- unsure we restart service after upgrade (#1677)
- adjust formatting
- reload systemd service on upgrade (#1685)
- add mermaid graph generation (#1686)
- always run django migration on upgrade (#1687)
- shared: assert key is from file
- shared: check config using optional sections
- analyzer: rename and remove unused imports
- analyzer: update fixtures
- shared: ignore pylint warning
- shared: fix linting
- allow to set python linters to fail per app
- tools: fix mypy linters
- require lint to succeed for shared/ and tools/
- api: add bandit linter check
- api_client: add bandit linter check
- playout: add bandit linter check
- shared: add missing format lint check
- shared: add bandit linter check
- worker: add bandit linter check
- analyzer: fix inconsistent return statement
- analyzer: set test logging level to trace
- analyzer: use pathlib for tmp paths
- shared: config with required submodel (#1616)
- add missing focal database test run
- add closed references notificier workflow (#1467)
- add semantic pull request linting (#1472)
- pin action-semantic-pull-request version
- add shared to allowed commit scopes (#1494)
- cancel duplicate test workflow (#1513)
- add website deploy workflow
- add dependabot check on website
- only cancel same worklow
- add link-checker workflow
- setup docs prose linting with vale
- lowercase org name (#1656)
- install git in libretime-dev testing image (#1706)
- run test container as root
- use ppa in all ubuntu distributions
- don't run linting in custom testing container
- use current release notes