
1094 lines
31 KiB

define('DEBUG', FALSE);
//define('DEBUG', TRUE);
* File storage support class.
* Store metadata tree in relational database.<br>
* @author Tomas Hlava <>
* @author Paul Baranowski <>
* @version $Revision$
* @package Campcaster
* @subpackage StorageServer
* @copyright 2006 MDLF, Inc.
* @license
* @link
* @see StoredFile
* @see XmlParser
* @see DataEngine
class MetaData {
* @var string
public $gunid;
* For debugging purposes.
* @var string
public $gunidBigint;
* @var string
public $resDir;
* @var string
public $fname;
* @var boolean
public $exists;
* @var array
private $metadata;
* @param string $gunid
* global unique id
* @param string $resDir
* resource directory
public function __construct($gunid, $resDir)
$this->gunid = $gunid;
$this->resDir = $resDir;
$this->fname = $this->makeFileName();
$this->exists = null;
* Parse and store metadata from XML file or XML string
* @param string $mdata
* Local path to metadata XML file or XML string
* @param string $loc
* location: 'file'|'string'
* @param string $format
* Metadata format for validation
* ('audioclip' | 'playlist' | 'webstream' | NULL)
* (NULL = no validation)
* @return true|PEAR_Error
public function insert($mdata, $loc='file', $format=NULL)
if ($this->exists()) {
return FALSE;
$tree =& $this->parse($mdata, $loc);
if (PEAR::isError($tree)) {
return $tree;
$this->format = $format;
$res = $this->validate($tree);
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
$res = $this->storeDoc($tree);
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
$this->exists = TRUE;
$r = $this->regenerateXmlFile();
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
return TRUE;
* Call delete and insert
* @param string $mdata
* local path to metadata XML file or XML string
* @param string $loc
* 'file'|'string'
* @param string $format
* metadata format for validation
* ('audioclip' | 'playlist' | 'webstream' | NULL)
* (NULL = no validation)
* @return true or PEAR::error
public function replace($mdata, $loc='file', $format=NULL)
if ($this->exists()) {
$res = $this->delete();
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
return $this->insert($mdata, $loc, $format);
* Return true if metadata exists
* @return boolean
public function exists()
if (is_null($this->exists)) {
$this->exists = ($this->numElements($this->gunid) > 0)
&& is_file($this->fname)
&& is_readable($this->fname);
return $this->exists;
* Delete all file's metadata
* @return TRUE|PEAR_Error
public function delete()
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
if (file_exists($this->fname)) {
$sql = "DELETE FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['mdataTable']
." WHERE gunid=x'{$this->gunid}'::bigint";
$res = $CC_DBC->query($sql);
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
$this->exists = FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Return metadata XML string
* @return string
public function getMetadata()
if (file_exists($this->fname)) {
$res = file_get_contents($this->fname);
return $res;
} else {
return file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__).'/emptyMdata.xml');
* Return all metadata as an array.
* @return array
public function getAllMetadata()
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
if (!is_string($this->gunid)) {
return array();
$sql = "SELECT id, to_hex(gunid), subjns, subject, predns, predicate, predxml, objns, object
FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['mdataTable']."
WHERE gunid=x'{$this->gunid}'::bigint";
$rows = $CC_DBC->getAll($sql);
$this->metadata = array();
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$this->metadata[$row["predns"].":".$row["predicate"]] = $row;
return $this->metadata;
* Get metadata element value and record id
* @param string $p_category
* metadata element name
* @param int $parid
* metadata record id of parent element
* @return array
* int 'mid': record id
* string 'value': metadata value
public function getMetadataElement($p_category, $parid=NULL)
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
// Get cached value if it exists.
if (is_null($parid) && isset($this->metadata[$p_category])) {
// to be compatible with return values below - yuk
$retval = array();
$retval[0]['mid'] = $this->metadata[$p_category]["id"];
$retval[0]['value'] = $this->metadata[$p_category]["object"];
return $retval;
// handle predicate namespace shortcut
$a = XML_Util::splitQualifiedName($p_category);
if (PEAR::isError($a)) {
return $a;
$catNs = $a['namespace'];
$cat = $a['localPart'];
$cond = "gunid=x'{$this->gunid}'::bigint AND predicate='$cat'";
if (!is_null($catNs)) {
$cond .= " AND predns='$catNs'";
if (!is_null($parid)) {
$cond .= " AND subjns='_I' AND subject='$parid'";
$sql = "SELECT id as mid, object as value
FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['mdataTable']."
WHERE $cond
$all = $CC_DBC->getAll($sql);
foreach ($all as $i => $v) {
if (is_null($all[$i]['value'])) {
$all[$i]['value'] = '';
if (PEAR::isError($all)) {
return $all;
return $all;
* Set metadata value / delete metadata record
* @param int $p_id
* metadata record id
* @param string $p_value
* new metadata value (NULL for delete)
* @return boolean
public function setMetadataElement($p_id, $p_value=NULL)
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
$info = $CC_DBC->getRow("
SELECT parmd.predns as parns, parmd.predicate as parname,
md.predxml, md.predns as chns, md.predicate as chname
FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['mdataTable']." parmd
INNER JOIN ".$CC_CONFIG['mdataTable']." md
ON AND md.subjns='_I'
if (PEAR::isError($info)) {
return $info;
if (is_null($info)) {
return PEAR::raiseError(
"MetaData::setMetadataElement: parent container not found");
$parname = ($parns ? "$parns:" : '').$parname;
$category = ($chns ? "$chns:" : '').$chname;
$r = $this->validateOneValue($parname, $category, $predxml, $p_value);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
if (!is_null($p_value)) {
$escapedValue = pg_escape_string($p_value);
$sql = "UPDATE ".$CC_CONFIG['mdataTable']."
SET object='$escapedValue', objns='_L'
WHERE id={$p_id}";
$res = $CC_DBC->query($sql);
} else {
$res = $this->deleteRecord($p_id);
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
return TRUE;
* Insert new metadata element
* @param int $parid
* metadata record id of parent element
* @param string $p_category
* metadata element name
* @param string $p_value
* new metadata value (NULL for delete)
* @param string $predxml
* 'T' | 'A' | 'N' (tag, attr., namespace)
* @return int
* new metadata record id
public function insertMetadataElement($parid, $p_category, $p_value=NULL, $predxml='T')
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
//$p_category = strtolower($p_category);
$sql = "SELECT predns, predicate, predxml "
." FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['mdataTable']
." WHERE gunid=x'{$this->gunid}'::bigint AND id=$parid";
$parent = $CC_DBC->getRow($sql);
if (PEAR::isError($parent)) {
return $parent;
if (is_null($parent)) {
return PEAR::raiseError(
"MetaData::insertMetadataElement: container not found"
$parNs = ($parent['predns'] ? "{$parent['predns']}:" : '');
$parName = $parNs.$parent['predicate'];
$r = $this->validateOneValue($parName, $p_category, $predxml, $p_value);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
$a = XML_Util::splitQualifiedName($p_category);
if (PEAR::isError($a)) {
return $a;
$catNs = $a['namespace'];
$cat = $a['localPart'];
$objns = (is_null($p_value) ? '_blank' : '_L' );
$nid= $this->storeRecord('_I', $parid, $catNs, $cat, $predxml,
$objns, $p_value);
if (PEAR::isError($nid)) {
return $nid;
return $nid;
* Get metadata element value
* @param string $p_category
* metadata element name
* @param string $p_lang
* optional xml:lang value for select language version
* @param string $deflang
* optional xml:lang for default language
* @param string $objns
* object namespace prefix - for internal use only
* @return array
* array of matching records as an array with fields:
* <ul>
* <li>"mid" - int, local metadata record id</li>
* <li>"value" - string, element value</li>
* <li>"attrs" - hasharray of element's attributes indexed by
* qualified name (e.g. xml:lang)</li>
* </ul>
* @see BasicStor::bsGetMetadataValue
private function getMetadataValueWithAttrs($p_category, $p_lang=NULL, $deflang=NULL, $objns='_L')
$all = $this->getMetadataElement($p_category);
$res = array();
$exact = NULL;
$def = NULL;
$plain = NULL;
// add attributes to result
foreach ($all as $key => $rec) {
$subrows = $this->getSubrows($rec['mid']);
if (PEAR::isError($subrows)) {
return $subrows;
$all[$key]['attrs'] = $subrows['attrs'];
$atlang = (isset($subrows['attrs']['xml:lang']) ?
$subrows['attrs']['xml:lang'] : NULL);
// select only matching lang (en is default)
if (is_null($p_lang)) {
$res[] = $all[$key];
} else {
switch (strtolower($atlang)) {
case '':
$plain = array($all[$key]);
case strtolower($p_lang):
$exact = array($all[$key]);
case strtolower($deflang):
$def = array($all[$key]);
if ($exact) {
return $exact;
if ($def) {
return $def;
if ($plain) {
return $plain;
return $res;
* Get metadata element value.
* @param string $p_category
* metadata element name
* @return string
* If the value doesnt exist, return the empty string.
public function getMetadataValue($p_category)
$element = $this->getMetadataElement($p_category);
$value = (isset($element[0]['value']) ? $element[0]['value'] : '');
return $value;
* Set metadata element value
* @param string $p_category
* metadata element name (e.g. dc:title)
* @param string $p_value
* value to store, if NULL then delete record
* @param string $p_lang
* optional xml:lang value for select language version
* @param int $p_id
* metadata record id (OPTIONAL on unique elements)
* @param string $p_container
* container element name for insert
* @return boolean
public function setMetadataValue($p_category, $p_value, $p_lang=NULL,
$p_id=NULL, $p_container='metadata')
// resolve actual element:
$rows = $this->getMetadataValueWithAttrs($p_category, $p_lang);
$currentRow = NULL;
if (count($rows) > 1) {
if (is_null($p_id)) {
$currentRow = array_pop($rows);
} else {
return PEAR::raiseError(
" nonunique category, mid required");
} else {
foreach ($rows as $i => $row) {
if ($p_id == intval($row['mid'])) {
$currentRow = $row;
} else {
$currentRow = (isset($rows[0])? $rows[0] : NULL);
if (!is_null($currentRow)) {
$res = $this->setMetadataElement($currentRow['mid'], $p_value);
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
if (!is_null($p_lang)
&& isset($currentRow['attrs']['xml:lang'])
&& $currentRow['attrs']['xml:lang'] != $p_lang) {
$lg = $this->getMetadataElement('xml:lang', $currentRow['mid']);
if (PEAR::isError($lg)) {
return $lg;
if (isset($lg['mid'])) {
$res = $this->setMetadataElement($lg['mid'], $p_lang);
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
} else {
$res = $this->insertMetadataElement(
$currentRow['mid'], 'xml:lang', $p_lang, 'A');
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
} else {
// resolve container:
$contArr = $this->getMetadataValueWithAttrs($p_container, NULL, NULL, '_blank');
if (PEAR::isError($contArr)) {
return $contArr;
$parid = $contArr[0]['mid'];
if (is_null($parid)) {
return PEAR::raiseError(
"MetaData::setMetadataValue: container ($p_container) not found"
$nid = $this->insertMetadataElement($parid, $p_category, $p_value);
if (PEAR::isError($nid)) {
return $nid;
if (!is_null($p_lang)) {
$res = $this->insertMetadataElement($nid, 'xml:lang', $p_lang, 'A');
if (PEAR::isError($res) && $res->getCode()!=VAL_UNKNOWNA) {
return $res;
return TRUE;
* Regenerate XML metadata file after metadata value change
* @return boolean
public function regenerateXmlFile()
$atime = date('c');
// php4 fix:
if ($atime=='c') {
$tz = preg_replace("|00$|",":00",trim(`date +%z`));
$atime = trim(`date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S`).$tz;
$r = $this->setMetadataValue('ls:mtime', $atime);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
$fn = $this->fname;
$xml = $this->genXMLDoc();
if (PEAR::isError($xml)) {
return $xml;
if (!$fh = fopen($fn, 'w')) {
return PEAR::raiseError(
"MetaData::regenerateXmlFile: cannot open for write ($fn)"
if (fwrite($fh, $xml) === FALSE) {
return PEAR::raiseError(
"MetaData::regenerateXmlFile: write error ($fn)"
@chmod($fn, 0664);
return TRUE;
* Contruct filepath of metadata file
* @return string
private function makeFileName()
return "{$this->resDir}/{$this->gunid}.xml";
* Return filename
* @return string
public function getFileName()
return $this->fname;
* Set the metadata format to the object instance
* @return void
public function setFormat($format=NULL)
$this->format = $format;
* Check if there are any file's metadata in database
* @param string $gunid
* global unique id
* @return boolean
private function numElements($gunid)
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
$cnt = $CC_DBC->getOne("
SELECT count(*)as cnt
FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['mdataTable']."
WHERE gunid=x'$gunid'::bigint");
if (PEAR::isError($cnt)) {
return $cnt;
return intval($cnt);
/* ============================================= parse and store metadata */
* Parse XML metadata
* @param string $mdata
* local path to metadata XML file or XML string
* @param string $loc
* location: 'file'|'string'
* @return array|PEAR_Error
* reference, parse result tree
public function &parse($mdata='', $loc='file')
return XmlParser::parse($mdata, $loc);
* Validate parsed metadata
* @param array $tree
* parsed tree
* @return true|PEAR_Error
private function validate(&$tree)
global $CC_CONFIG;
if ($CC_CONFIG['validate'] && !is_null($this->format)) {
$val = new Validator($this->format, $this->gunid);
if (PEAR::isError($val)) {
return $val;
$res = $val->validate($tree);
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
return TRUE;
* Validate one metadata value (on insert/update)
* @param string $parName
* parent element name
* @param string $p_category
* qualif. category name
* @param string $predxml
* 'A' | 'T' (attr or tag)
* @param string $p_value
* validated element value
* @return true|PEAR_Error
private function validateOneValue($parName, $p_category, $predxml, $p_value)
global $CC_CONFIG;
if ($CC_CONFIG['validate'] && !is_null($this->format)) {
$val = new Validator($this->format, $this->gunid);
if (PEAR::isError($val)) {
return $val;
$r = $val->validateOneValue($parName, $p_category, $predxml, $p_value);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
return TRUE;
* Insert parsed metadata into database
* @param array $tree
* parsed tree
* @return true|PEAR_Error
private function storeDoc(&$tree)
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
$res = $this->storeNode($tree);
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
$res = $CC_DBC->query("COMMIT");
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
return TRUE;
* Process one node of metadata XML for insert or update.
* @param object $node
* node in tree returned by XmlParser
* @param int $parid
* parent id
* @param array $nSpaces
* array of name spaces definitions
* @return int
* local metadata record id
private function storeNode(&$node, $parid=NULL, $nSpaces=array())
//echo $node->node_name().", ".$node->node_type().", ".$node->prefix().", $parid.\n";
$nSpaces = array_merge($nSpaces, $node->nSpaces);
// null parid = root node of metadata tree
$subjns = (is_null($parid)? '_G' : '_I');
$subject = (is_null($parid)? $this->gunid : $parid);
$object = $node->content;
if (is_null($object) || $object == '') {
$objns = '_blank';
$object = NULL;
} else {
$objns = '_L';
$id = $this->storeRecord($subjns, $subject,
$node->ns, $node->name, 'T', $objns, $object);
// process attributes
foreach ($node->attrs as $atn => $ato) {
$this->storeRecord('_I', $id,
$ato->ns, $ato->name, 'A', '_L', $ato->val);
// process child nodes
foreach ($node->children as $ch) {
$this->storeNode($ch, $id, $nSpaces);
// process namespace definitions
foreach ($node->nSpaces as $ns => $uri) {
$this->storeRecord('_I', $id,
'xmlns', $ns, 'N', '_L', $uri);
return $id;
* Update object namespace and value of one metadata record
* identified by metadata record id
* @param int $mdid
* metadata record id
* @param string $object
* object value, e.g. title string
* @param string $objns
* object namespace prefix, have to be defined in file's metadata
* @return true|PEAR_Error
// function updateRecord($mdid, $object, $objns='_L')
// {
// $object_sql = is_null($object) ? "NULL" : "'".pg_escape_string($object)."'";
// $objns_sql = is_null($objns) ? "NULL" : "'".pg_escape_string($objns)."'";
// $res = $CC_DBC->query("UPDATE {$this->mdataTable}
// SET objns = $objns_sql, object = $object_sql
// WHERE gunid = x'{$this->gunid}'::bigint AND id='$mdid'
// ");
// if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
// return $res;
// }
// return TRUE;
// }
* Insert or update of one metadata record completely
* @param string $subjns
* subject namespace prefix, have to be defined
* in file's metadata (or reserved prefix)
* @param string $subject
* subject value, e.g. gunid
* @param string $predns
* predicate namespace prefix, have to be defined
* in file's metadata (or reserved prefix)
* @param string $predicate
* predicate value, e.g. name of DC element
* @param string $predxml
* 'T'|'A'|'N' - XML tag, attribute or NS def.
* @param string $objns
* object namespace prefix, have to be defined
* in file's metadata (or reserved prefix)
* @param string $object
* object value, e.g. title of song
* @return int
* new metadata record id
private function storeRecord($subjns, $subject, $predns, $predicate, $predxml='T',
$objns=NULL, $object=NULL)
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
//echo "$subjns, $subject, $predns, $predicate, $predxml, $objns, $object\n";
//$predns = strtolower($predns);
//$predicate = strtolower($predicate);
$subjns_sql = is_null($subjns) ? "NULL" : "'".pg_escape_string($subjns)."'";
$subject_sql = is_null($subject) ? "NULL" : "'".pg_escape_string($subject)."'";
$predns_sql = is_null($predns) ? "NULL" : "'".pg_escape_string($predns)."'";
$predicate_sql = is_null($predicate) ? "NULL" : "'".pg_escape_string($predicate)."'";
$objns_sql = is_null($objns) ? "NULL" : "'".pg_escape_string($objns)."'";
$object_sql = is_null($object) ? "NULL" : "'".pg_escape_string($object)."'";
$id = $CC_DBC->nextId($CC_CONFIG['mdataTable']."_id_seq");
if (PEAR::isError($id)) {
return $id;
$res = $CC_DBC->query("
INSERT INTO ".$CC_CONFIG['mdataTable']."
(id , gunid, subjns, subject,
predns, predicate, predxml,
objns, object)
($id, x'{$this->gunid}'::bigint, $subjns_sql, $subject_sql,
$predns_sql, $predicate_sql, '$predxml',
$objns_sql, $object_sql
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
return $id;
* Delete metadata record recursively
* @param int $p_id
* local metadata record id
* @return boolean
private function deleteRecord($p_id)
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
$sql = "SELECT id FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['mdataTable']."
WHERE subjns='_I' AND subject='{$p_id}' AND
$rh = $CC_DBC->query($sql);
if (PEAR::isError($rh)) {
return $rh;
while ($row = $rh->fetchRow()) {
$r = $this->deleteRecord($row['id']);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
$sql = "DELETE FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['mdataTable']."
WHERE id={$p_id} AND
$res = $CC_DBC->query($sql);
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
return TRUE;
/* =========================================== XML reconstruction from db */
* Generate PHP array from metadata database
* @return array
* array with metadata tree
public function genPhpArray()
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
$res = array();
$row = $CC_DBC->getRow("
SELECT * FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['mdataTable']."
WHERE gunid=x'{$this->gunid}'::bigint
AND subjns='_G' AND subject='{$this->gunid}'
if (PEAR::isError($row)) {
return $row;
if (!is_null($row)) {
$node = $this->genXMLNode($row, FALSE);
if (PEAR::isError($node)) {
return $node;
$res = $node;
return $res;
* Generate XML document from metadata database
* @return string
* string with XML document
public function genXMLDoc()
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
$res = XML_Util::getXMLDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8")."\n";
$row = $CC_DBC->getRow("
SELECT * FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['mdataTable']."
WHERE gunid=x'{$this->gunid}'::bigint
AND subjns='_G' AND subject='{$this->gunid}'
if (PEAR::isError($row)) {
return $row;
if (is_null($row)) {
$node = XML_Util::createTagFromArray(array(
} else {
$node = $this->genXMLNode($row);
if (PEAR::isError($node)) {
return $node;
$res .= $node;
$fmt = new XML_Beautifier();
return $res;
* Generate XML element from database
* @param array $row
* hash with metadata record fields
* @param boolean $genXML
* if TRUE generate XML else PHP array
* @return string
* XML serialization of node
private function genXMLNode($row, $genXML=TRUE)
if (DEBUG) {
echo "genXMLNode:\n";
if (DEBUG) {
$arr = $this->getSubrows($id, $genXML);
if (PEAR::isError($arr)) {
return $arr;
if (DEBUG) {
extract($arr); // attr, children, nSpaces
if ($genXML) {
$node = XML_Util::createTagFromArray(array(
'namespace' => $predns,
'localPart' => $predicate,
'attributes'=> $attrs,
'content' => (is_null($object) ? $children : htmlspecialchars($object)),
), FALSE);
// 'content' => (is_null($object) ? $children : htmlentities($object, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')),
} else {
$node = array_merge(
'elementname' => ($predns ? "$predns:" : '').$predicate,
'content' => $object,
'children'=> $children,
), $arr
return $node;
* Return values of attributes, child nodes and namespaces for
* one metadata record
* @param int $parid
* local id of parent metadata record
* @param boolean $genXML
* if TRUE generate XML else PHP array for children
* @return array|PEAR_Error
* hash with three fields:
* - attr hash, attributes
* - children array, child nodes
* - nSpaces hash, namespace definitions
private function getSubrows($parid, $genXML=TRUE)
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
$sql = "SELECT id, predxml, predns, predicate, objns, object"
." FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['mdataTable']
." WHERE subjns='_I' AND subject='$parid' "
." AND gunid=x'{$this->gunid}'::bigint"
." ORDER BY id";
$dbResult = $CC_DBC->query($sql);
if (PEAR::isError($dbResult)) {
return $dbResult;
$attrs = array();
$children = array();
$nSpaces = array();
while ($row = $dbResult->fetchRow()) {
switch ($row["predxml"]) {
case "N":
$nSpaces[$row["predicate"]] = $row["object"];
case "A":
$sep = ':';
if ($row["predns"] == '' || $row["predicate"] == '') {
$sep = '';
$key = $row["predns"].$sep.$row["predicate"];
$attrs[$key] = $row["object"];
case "T":
$children[] = $this->genXMLNode($row, $genXML);
return PEAR::raiseError(
"MetaData::getSubrows: unknown predxml (".$row["predxml"].")");
} // switch
if ($genXML) {
$children = join(" ", $children);
return compact('attrs', 'children', 'nSpaces');
/* ========================================================= test methods */
* Test method
* @return true|PEAR_Error
public function test()
$res = $this->replace(getcwd().'/mdata2.xml');
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
$res = $this->getMetadata();
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
return TRUE;
} // class MetaData