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article Backing Up Libretime admin

At the moment, there is not a way to automatically restore a Libretime backup. To restore a failed Libretime instance, install a fresh copy, go through the standard setup process, and reupload the backed-up media files. A Watched Folders feature is currently in development.

A backup script is supplied for your convenience in the utils/ folder of the Libretime repo. Run it using:

sudo bash  # backs up to user's home folder
# or
sudo bash /backupdir/

The backup process can be automated with Cron. Simply add the following to the root user's crontab with sudo crontab -e:

0 0 1 * * /locationoflibretimerepo/libretime/

For more information on how Cron works, check out this Redhat guide.

If you wish to deploy your own backup solution, the following files and folders need to be backed up.

      /imported - Successfully imported media
      /organize - A temporary holding place for uploaded media as the importer works
    airtime.conf - The main Libretime configuration
    icecast_pass - Holds the password for the Icecast server
    liquidsoap.cfg - The main configuration file for Liquidsoap

In addition, you should keep a copy of the database current to the backup. The below code can be used to export the Libretime database to a file.

sudo -u postgres pg_dumpall filename 
# or to a zipped archive
sudo -u postgres pg_dumpall | gzip -c > archivename.gz

It is recommended to use an incremental backup technique to synchronize the your LibreTime track library with a backup server regularly. (If the backup server also contains an LibreTime installation, it should be possible to switch playout to this second machine relatively quickly, in case of a hardware failure or other emergency on the production server.)

Two notible backup tools are rsync (without version control) and rdiff-backup (with version control). rsync comes preinstalled with Ubuntu Server.

Note: Standard rsync backups, which are used by the backup script, cannot restore files deleted in the backup itself