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How to setup an Outro Playlist to fill empty space at the end of autoloading shows

This how to describes the steps involved in setting up an outro playlist that will schedule promos without interrupting any tracks followed by a ambient musical bridge for all autoloading playlists to avoid dead air.

Audience: Program Manager (and Admin to set Outro Playlist)

How to add Promo Fill smart block

Click Smart Blocks

Click the blue **+ New **button

Type in a name for the Smart Block (for instance Promo Fill)

Now we select **Genre **and the modifer of **is **and then type in **promo **in the 3^rd^ box.

Under Limit to: we select time remaining in show

To match on additional types of tracks based upon Genre

click **+ New Modifier **under Genre and select is and type the “name of genre” to match on.

Click **preview **to review and confirm tracks match your criteria below.

Click Save

How to add Ambient Fill that can be interrupted

Click Smart Blocks

Click the blue **+ New **button

Type in a name for the Smart Block (for instance Ambient Fill)

Now we select **Genre **and the modifer of **is **and then type in **ambient fill **in the 3^rd^ box.

Under Limit to: we select time remaining in show

Click **Advanced options **drop down

Check box next to Allow last track to exceed time limit

Click **preview **to review and confirm tracks match your criteria below.

Click Save

How to create the Outro Playlist to hold these

Click Playlists

Click + New

Type in the name “Outro Playlist

Click on **Smart Blocks **

Click box next to **Promo Fill **smart block and click **+ Add to current playlist **or drag it to the bottom of the Outro playlist

Click box next to **Ambient Fill **smart block and click **+ Add to current playlist **or drag it to the

bottom of the Outro playlist

Make sure the **Promo Fill **is above the Ambient Fill smart block in the playlist

Click **Save **

Setting the station-wide Outro playlist for all shows with auto loading playlists

Click **Settings **

Click **General **

Scroll down to Outro Playlist and with the drop down select the newly created **Outro Playlist **

Scroll down or up on the form and click Save.

And now every autoloading playlist show will have tracks scheduled to fill any potential dead air.